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Burst Class


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Carnage Marauder


15.5k or 16.5~17.5k with bloodthirst.

4.5 secs

Force Charge -> Gore -> Ravage -> Force Scream


Easiest burst to counter.


Force charge -> gore -> rava... (knockback/stun/mez/etc.) -> /facepalm -> force scream (if in range). = ~7k

Edited by SinnedWill
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Easiest burst to counter.


Force charge -> gore -> rava... (knockback/stun/mez/etc.) -> /facepalm -> force scream (if in range). = ~7k


That's actually why I save ravage, gore and leap until resolve is filled when I'm attacking classes that have a lot of cc or knockbacks. If you just walk up next to someone with knockbacks they'll, more often than not, see that you're a mara and do something that fills resolve most of the way, even if you're just rage/fury building.


Example on a hybrid sorcerer- Battering assault->assault->get stunned->stunbreak-> sorc bubbles->force speeds->deadly throw->assault->bubble breaks, filling resolve->wait two seconds->leap->gore->indefensible ravage->sorc overloads, doing nothing->force scream->dead target


But even if it goes down your way, ravage still usually ticks twice, which isn't nothing.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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Wait wouldn't the jugg be more like 20-30k burst in the set up of 5 seconds given there are 5 people crowded around him when he smashes and they all hit from 4-6k?




Actually it can be more :p


Leap>gore>ravage>scream with ataru procs in there I've killed people with 18k hp...


If there's enough rage and you get a retalliation proc you can do like 12-15k damage in a global.


Leap>ataru proc>gore>ravage hit 1 ataru proc> ravage hit 2> ravage hit 3, ataru proc, force scream, retaliation.


Gotta get lucky on that though with the retaliation.

retaliation<-------------- Can i ask sorry for going off topic do you use this wondering if i need to add to my rotation ? cheers :)

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retaliation<-------------- Can i ask sorry for going off topic do you use this wondering if i need to add to my rotation ? cheers :)


It can't be added to a rotation because there's nothing you can do, personally, to make it proc. But bind it, definitely, extra attack between global cooldowns. What's not to like?

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utter non sense. I can easily do around 10 to 12k damage in 4 gcd with my sage, Force Potency, Force In Balance (4 to 5k) , Instant cast Mind Crush (2.4 to 2.8k) TkT on a 2.65 second channel 1k to 1.4k a tic (4 ticks)
Thanks, Captain Obvious. Make sure you're getting extra paid for that overtime. Edited by MidichIorian
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That's actually why I save ravage, gore and leap until resolve is filled when I'm attacking classes that have a lot of cc or knockbacks. If you just walk up next to someone with knockbacks they'll, more often than not, see that you're a mara and do something that fills resolve most of the way, even if you're just rage/fury building.


Example on a hybrid sorcerer- Battering assault->assault->get stunned->stunbreak-> sorc bubbles->force speeds->deadly throw->assault->bubble breaks, filling resolve->wait two seconds->leap->gore->indefensible ravage->sorc overloads, doing nothing->force scream->dead target


But even if it goes down your way, ravage still usually ticks twice, which isn't nothing.


Wow, you don't use massacre... ever... it appears. Optimal carnage marauder cycles are:


(full resolve, or enemy's counters are on cooldown) bloodthirst -> charge -> battering assault -> massacre -> gore -> ravage -> force scream = closest thing to a guaranteed kill (add deadly saber early on if target is getting heals).




(close gap by running to target, using camo, etc, save charge) berserk -> battering assault -> gore -> massacre (x4) -> force scream -> massacre (x2) = ~ 15k damage over 10 seconds but is much more difficult to counter (charge, camo, and deadly saber are likely to be used to keep targets from kiting)


Naturally, carnage marauders use both of these burst cycles depending on the situation, and while the 2nd cycle is weaker overall, it's much more consistant (can't have full resolve all the time to always use the first cycle) - also making good use of retaliation can cause huge burst increases (retaliate crits with a gore proc and ataru form proc can deal ~3200 total damage) but retaliate is difficult to use well as carnage since we're rage-starved (also difficult to have every time you need it).


Also, depending on your overall spec (I opted for more diversity with my carny), you can do some very nice smash damage (gotta' put the 2 points in it from rage, however) if you use it with a gore proc. In ranked warzones (everyone full WH geared), I've gotten smash values as high as 4200; which isn't as much compared to that of a rage jugg/mara's empowered smashes, but it's certainly useful in situations involving enemy clustering.

Edited by SinnedWill
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You guys are all assuming all your attacks crit right?


The values everyone has stated are pretty much all "stars-aligned" (everything hits and crits) without getting LoS'd, CC'd, kited, interrupted (if possible) etc. The reported values are pretty accurate for end-game equally geared fights (full WH remodded/aug'd on both the attacker and their target).

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Wow, you don't use massacre... ever... it appears. Optimal carnage marauder cycles are:


(full resolve, or enemy's counters are on cooldown) bloodthirst -> charge -> battering assault -> massacre -> gore -> ravage -> force scream = closest thing to a guaranteed kill (add deadly saber early on if target is getting heals).




(close gap by running to target, using camo, etc, save charge) berserk -> battering assault -> gore -> massacre (x4) -> force scream -> massacre (x2) = ~ 15k damage over 10 seconds but is much more difficult to counter (charge, camo, and deadly saber are likely to be used to keep targets from kiting)


Naturally, carnage marauders use both of these burst cycles depending on the situation, and while the 2nd cycle is weaker overall, it's much more consistant (can't have full resolve all the time to always use the first cycle).


Also, depending on your overall spec (I opted for more diversity with my carny), you can do some very nice smash damage (gotta' put the 2 points in it from rage, however) if you use it with a gore proc. In ranked warzones (everyone full WH geared), I've gotten smash values as high as 4200; which isn't as much compared to that of a rage jugg/mara's empowered smashes, but it's certainly useful in situations involving enemy clustering.


You can replace any of the assaults in my example with massacre, depending on rage. Just trying to keep the example of how to trick hybrid sorcs into filling resolve so I can get a full gore-procced ravage as simple as possible, so I left out resource spending in the interests of not having to worry about it. Generally speaking, I use massacre a lot.


That smash idea's interesting though. Don't have points in that, might try it out.

Edited by Larry_Dallas
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You can replace any of the assaults in my example with massacre, depending on rage. Just trying to keep the example of how to trick hybrid sorcs into filling resolve so I can get a full gore-procced ravage as simple as possible, so I left out resource spending in the interests of not having to worry about it. Generally speaking, I use massacre a lot.


That smash idea's interesting though. Don't have points in that, might try it out.


I opted to only have one point in "Towering Rage" (increased force scream crit chance by 50% instead of 100% with blood frenzy procs) since I've failed to crit with force scream despite having the proc back when I still had 2 points in it - overall, the change isn't significant (still seem to crit with force scream ~99% of the time while I have the proc). I also sacrificed a point in the bettering assault cooldown reduction (1.5s instead of 3) - which is the most noticable change.

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GS sharpshooter, full aug wh. todays

7.5 seconds

illegal mods->thermal grenade->burstshot(with smuggler luck)->aim shot->trickshot->quick draw.


19.5k burst


Yes, that's realistic - I do routinely about the same as a MM sniper on zero expertise targets (hey PVE's, get some recruit gear!).


On a different note:

DPS Sorcs/Sage could have the highest burst of all, if they are geared, specced right, and know their rotation - quit whining!

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Since no one has added it yet.




Explosive probe (has cluster bombs) -> series of shots -> takedown = 14k-20k


Time, hmmm. One global for EP, channel for SoS (under 3sec), takedown instant


For me it's the highest burst in game, just the least used and on a 15sec cooldown. Still about balanced with my PT dps because of the multiple AEOs

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~4k + 6k + 4.5k + 4.5k + 5.2k = ~24.2k over 9s - unfortunately, it gets countered by dying quickly, roots, slows, knockbacks, etc.


I dont want to be the sourpuss here, but 9 secs is not burst.


Burst is when you can do it unexpected and go "BAM". At best I would agree to discharge -> maul procc combo beeing cosindered burst, otherwise ppl can actually react and counter it.


That goes for everyone in this thread, the "LOLOLOL 90k burst in 2 mins" no one cares because its not burst, outside 2 gcd's its irrelevant because your giving ppl time to react to it, and possible prevent it/heal through it.

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My Vanguard can't compare with the high burst classes.....until it comes to AOE. When I finish in the top two for damage, it is because of AOE.


Want to isolate and focus on a guy? I can do that but not as well as some other classes. Want to "soften up" their formation? I chew through multipe "absorbs" so the focus folks can take their pick for some "real" damage.


Everyone has a role.


Thank you for admitting that AOE damage "counts" and has a role in the outcome of fights.

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I dont want to be the sourpuss here, but 9 secs is not burst.


Burst is when you can do it unexpected and go "BAM". At best I would agree to discharge -> maul procc combo beeing cosindered burst, otherwise ppl can actually react and counter it.


That goes for everyone in this thread, the "LOLOLOL 90k burst in 2 mins" no one cares because its not burst, outside 2 gcd's its irrelevant because your giving ppl time to react to it, and possible prevent it/heal through it.


While I agree in part, anything under 6 seconds that does double-digit damage (10k and up) is decent burst to me since it's mostly within one stun/stunlock. Shrink it to 4.5 seconds if you really want.

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While I agree in part, anything under 6 seconds that does double-digit damage (10k and up) is decent burst to me since it's mostly within one stun/stunlock. Shrink it to 4.5 seconds if you really want.


if everything crits...


1 hit that does 1750 damage with 3 hits that do 3400 damage each and trigger another 3 hits that crit for 1k each with a 5k hit at the end?













That's if everything crits... *shrugs*

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Class: Madness Sorc

Estimated burst: 2K

Setup time: dot dot dot dot dot....wait for it.............dot dot dot dot................................

...............18 seconds aka two spawns later......SUCCESS.


Aw come one, I had to. I HAD TO!!!!!!!!!!!



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I dont want to be the sourpuss here, but 9 secs is not burst.

Burst is when you can do it unexpected and go "BAM". At best I would agree to discharge -> maul procc combo beeing cosindered burst, otherwise ppl can actually react and counter it.


While I agree in part, anything under 6 seconds that does double-digit damage (10k and up) is decent burst to me since it's mostly within one stun/stunlock. Shrink it to 4.5 seconds if you really want.


4.5 seconds - ok, by that definition snipers/gs have no burst at all.


It takes 1 GCD to cover/entrench, 1 GCD for a 1K shatter shot, 1 GCD for explosive probe (that does not explode until hit) and 2.5 secs for ambush - ooops, already too long to count as "burst".


At least that should end all the QQ about snipers having too much burst.

Really, it's Jugs with their saber throw that are the kings of burst! :D

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4.5 seconds - ok, by that definition snipers/gs have no burst at all.


It takes 1 GCD to cover/entrench, 1 GCD for a 1K shatter shot, 1 GCD for explosive probe (that does not explode until hit) and 2.5 secs for ambush - ooops, already too long to count as "burst".


At least that should end all the QQ about snipers having too much burst.

Really, it's Jugs with their saber throw that are the kings of burst! :D


You start counting when you hit the guy.. Stop being willfully dense.

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You start counting when you hit the guy.. Stop being willfully dense.


Willfully dense? Maybe you shouldn't be so vague then? ;)


Burst means damage over a "short time period".

However, there is no general definition of "short time period" that we can all agree upon.

Hence every burst number posted in this thread is very subjective:


You could limit it to the first, fastest hit

You could make it time specific - i.e. 1 GCD, 5 seconds, 10 seconds, etc.

You could include setup time or you could exclude it (as you suggested)

You could exclude GCD's altogether

You could measure it over one full rotation

(and of course, we are ignoring the target - heavy/medium/light armor, expertise difference, etc.)


Depending on which way you define it, results will vary greatly!

(That's why I said that snipers/gs wouldn't have any burst at all if you limit it to 4.5 seconds)

Edited by Totaltrash
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