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Devs/Mods please let us know if the secret space project is still in development


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IF that was the case then wouldnt the new information be


We have put a hold on this so that we could push out new operations faster for you?


There is nothing to put on hold, space is working as intended.


Never have I read they were creating an enitre revamp to space. (only in player posts)


Illium is a bust, Open world pvp is non existent, still cant sit in chairs, there are no chat bubbles, no hide companion helmet options, We just got a LFG button, no paid character tranfers yet, heck it took months to implement the free transfers.


It is silly to think they have resources on some "super secret space project", if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck its a duck. We already have space, sorry if you dont like it but its what we have.


Space did not save SWG, it wont save SWTOR, F2P store will bring enough money in that revamping space would be a waste of resources.

Edited by kirorx
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There is nothing to put on hold, space is working as intended.


Never have I read they were creating an enitre revamp to space. (only in player posts)

Try doing a seach for it and you will find it.


Illium is a bust, Open world pvp is non existent, still cant sit in chairs, there are no chat bubbles, no hide companion helmet options, We just got a LFG button, no paid character tranfers yet, heck it took months to implement the free transfers.

It is silly to think they have resources on some "super secret space project", if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck its a duck. We already have space, sorry if you dont like it but its what we have.


Space did not save SWG, it wont save SWTOR, F2P store will bring enough money in that revamping space would be a waste of resources.


Space inproved SWG. Nothing could save SWG after the CU and NGE so what exactly was your point?


You then say F2P will make them money so they dont need to waste money on anything after that. Your 1/2 right they wont waste money on anything thats not part of F2P but wrong in that F2P will be making them more money.

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There is nothing to put on hold, space is working as intended.


Never have I read they were creating an enitre revamp to space. (only in player posts)


Illium is a bust, Open world pvp is non existent, still cant sit in chairs, there are no chat bubbles, no hide companion helmet options, We just got a LFG button, no paid character tranfers yet, heck it took months to implement the free transfers.


It is silly to think they have resources on some "super secret space project", if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck its a duck. We already have space, sorry if you dont like it but its what we have.


Space did not save SWG, it wont save SWTOR, F2P store will bring enough money in that revamping space would be a waste of resources.


Why dont you try searching before you talk about how "silly" it is? The reason people refer to it as the "Super Secret Space Project" is because that's the exact terminology Bioware used.

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Space inproved SWG. Nothing could save SWG after the CU and NGE so what exactly was your point?



The point, that is wont help retain or increase subs even if there was a mass space game added. At this point it not about what is fun its about what will make money.


Dont get me wrong, i personally would love to see space implemented but this is just a rumor.


i read the article from December where they mentioned space but they also mentioned guild ships and Dec was not really a time of real promises.


Here a misleading video about the jedi knight, "i dont remember knocking one person in the sarlacc pit and certainly never got this armor



Point is this is August, if you have not heard anything its because the are not doing it.


I mentioned chat bubbles, they said that would be implemented shortly, but here we are in reality...no chat bubbles.

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AFAIK every single MMO that went freemium saw an increase in revenue.


An increase in revenue does not always mean a profit.


If that was the case no MMO would have ever shut down they would instead still be going as freemiums

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An increase in revenue does not always mean a profit.


If that was the case no MMO would have ever shut down they would instead still be going as freemiums


They will make money, mosty because of foolish people, like myself.


I pay now maybe 15 bucks a month. Great.


Now lets say server transfers are 20 dollars, well thats like 100 bucks the first day the store is open.


Lets say i have to buy HK, another 20 bucks, now throw in some legacy unlock like species options or something and all of a sudden I have paid for more than 2 subscriptions for a year.


I am guilty of buying those booster packs when SWG had those, i probally spent hundreds of dollars on those.


I did get to enjoy a cloud city house for like a month. :o


There are alot of people that will buy a few items a month and if we all spend more than 15 bucks then its like they doubled the sub numbers with out having to do much of anything.

Edited by kirorx
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The point, that is wont help retain or increase subs even if there was a mass space game added. At this point it not about what is fun its about what will make money.

You saying that giving people something fun in the game wont make them money? They are going to make money by people playing the game and peolple will not play the game if they are no longer having fun. Even the fanboys(not using this as a negative) say they would no longer play if they were not having fun


Dont get me wrong, i personally would love to see space implemented but this is just a rumor.

A rumor started by Bioware, thats why people want to know about it


i read the article from December where they mentioned space but they also mentioned guild ships and Dec was not really a time of real promises.

Dec wasnt the time for real promise? Do you mean they gave false promises so that you would continue to play without any intention of doing the things they mentioned?


Here a misleading video about the jedi knight, "i dont remember knocking one person in the sarlacc pit and certainly never got this armor



Point is this is August, if you have not heard anything its because the are not doing it.

So no new info on HK-51 means they are not doing it

No new info on Makeb so they are not doing it

No new info on 1.4 so they are not doing it

The only thing they mention now is F2P :eek::eek:


I mentioned chat bubbles, they said that would be implemented shortly, but here we are in reality...no chat bubbles.


Right. Thats why people are asking because they promise the world about everything but never do it.


Basically what your trying to say that its OK for Bioware to say they are working on something and have no new information and then after a certain amount of time passes without them saying anything that they dont have to do it, and in that time we cant ask about it? In other words they can say something they have no intentions to do just to shut everyone up? That to me is called Lying.

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They will make money, mosty because of foolish people, like myself.


I pay now maybe 15 bucks a month. Great.


Now lets say server transfers are 20 dollars, well thats like 100 bucks the first day the store is open.


Lets say i have to buy HK, another 20 bucks, now throw in some legacy unlock like species options or something and all of a sudden I have paid for more than 2 subscriptions for a year.


I am guilty of buying those booster packs when SWG had those, i probally spent hundreds of dollars on those.


I did get to enjoy a cloud city house for like a month. :o


There are alot of people that will buy a few items a month and if we all spend more than 15 bucks then its like they doubled the sub numbers with out having to do much of anything.


I dont think there are as many people as foolish as you in this game, that will pay Bioware extra for something that they would have gotten for free(with their sub costs).


I hope you plan on spending thousands of dollars to make up for all the subs that quit because they have to pay for a new species or companion or content, oops.:rolleyes:

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I dont think there are as many people as foolish as you in this game, that will pay Bioware extra for something that they would have gotten for free(with their sub costs).


I hope you plan on spending thousands of dollars to make up for all the subs that quit because they have to pay for a new species or companion or content, oops.:rolleyes:


Well being that people bought the CE edition for hundreds of dollars (even i knew not to do that) I would say, yes they are that foolish.


Now lets not get too far off topic because this is supposed to be about space, but i understand where you are coming from with more fun could mean more subs, but i dont think that is the thought process of this company. It may HAVE been, but its just not anymore.


Its about repetitive content, gear grinds and an ingame store. All designed to create that addiciton feel and seperate us from our money. I am sure you have seen that youtube video about "EAs view on microtransctions, really tells the whole story".


I would love to just think they are working to make things more fun, but i think that ship has sailed.


I still have fun playing, but I am not going to expect much more than fluff items and maybe some more legacy stuff.


If i am wrong, Awesome. If I am right, I wont be dissapointed.

Edited by kirorx
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AFAIK every single MMO that went freemium saw an increase in revenue.


An increase from what ? What was their revenue prior to freemium ? What was their revenue at launch ? Currently ( and this is the funny part IMO ) If TOR gets 1 million free players, they will need to spend 15.00/ month to equal the revenue TOR had at launch. So we're right back to where we started as apparently people did not want to spend 15.00 a month to play to begin with, so now you'll need 2 or 3 million paying 7.50 or 3.25/ month, all plausable, sure, but realistic ? . Personally i'm Ok with the F2P or freemium or whatever you wanna call it model , it HONESTLY makes perfect sense, Let the people who wanna play MMORPG endgame pay a sub and allow the free people to play it as a SPRPG, cause for the majority of the game, thats what it is, a single player online game.

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I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


So you can't even confirm that it's still on the table. I guess it's dead, then. :(

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They will make money, mosty because of foolish people, like myself.


I pay now maybe 15 bucks a month. Great.


Now lets say server transfers are 20 dollars, well thats like 100 bucks the first day the store is open.


Lets say i have to buy HK, another 20 bucks, now throw in some legacy unlock like species options or something and all of a sudden I have paid for more than 2 subscriptions for a year.


I am guilty of buying those booster packs when SWG had those, i probally spent hundreds of dollars on those.


I did get to enjoy a cloud city house for like a month. :o


There are alot of people that will buy a few items a month and if we all spend more than 15 bucks then its like they doubled the sub numbers with out having to do much of anything.


Its a wonder MMOs are in the state they are in?

Edited by Tic-
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There is no secret space project. That is the actual answer.




I'm sorry to disappoint, but we don't have any new information or updates regarding Space right now. We've definitely heard your requests for news or info, though, and will keep passing up your interest!


They know it's a request and know they have people interested in it though, but they have no update planned and no news on if they will.

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There was another thread up here where someone cited a dev talking about a "revolutionary" and "totally new" space project. It sounds like anything that big, if it wasn't cancelled, wouldn't come out until a full expansion. Until then we will only have re-booted Rebel Assault missions that no one 50+ plays more than once anyway.
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There is nothing to put on hold, space is working as intended.


Never have I read they were creating an enitre revamp to space. (only in player posts)


Illium is a bust, Open world pvp is non existent, still cant sit in chairs, there are no chat bubbles, no hide companion helmet options, We just got a LFG button, no paid character tranfers yet, heck it took months to implement the free transfers.


It is silly to think they have resources on some "super secret space project", if it looks like a duck and walks like a duck its a duck. We already have space, sorry if you dont like it but its what we have.


Space did not save SWG, it wont save SWTOR, F2P store will bring enough money in that revamping space would be a waste of resources.


Yes they did say they are revamping or more specifically Daniel Erickson said the Space combat they are working on is "REVOLUTIONARY" and they said it's completely different to the current space combat system.


Source: (Interview with Daniel Erickson at E32012) http://www.darthhater.com/articles/swtor-news/20634-e3-2012-darth-hater-interview-with-daniel-erickson


In the future content trailer we saw the addition of a new space combat mission named “Space Station Assault.” Was this the secret space development you were talking about?


DE: No.


Something different?


DE: Yeah. It’s a very exciting space mission; it really feels different from the other ones. The flavor of the feel is very different when you’re trying to race through the middle of a space station and all that stuff. But it is at the core an evolution above the space game as it is.


What we’re talking about in the future is revolutionary. We’re talking about a completely different pixel space.

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I'm sorry to disappoint


That should be on BioWare's memo letterhead tbh.


Unless they're trying to buy SWG's space engine, including crafting, from SOE it's still going to suck. As I predicted over a year ago, space content in this game is rail shooting arcade game crap. Someone called it "Starfox 2" the other day, and that pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Pollish a terd all you want, at the end of the day it's still just a shiny terd.


PS- BW should ask SOE to sell SWG:JTL to them, Sony'd probably sell after seeing how their company's been doing lately.

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That should be on BioWare's memo letterhead tbh.


Unless they're trying to buy SWG's space engine, including crafting, from SOE it's still going to suck. As I predicted over a year ago, space content in this game is rail shooting arcade game crap. Someone called it "Starfox 2" the other day, and that pretty much hit the nail on the head.


Pollish a terd all you want, at the end of the day it's still just a shiny terd.


PS- BW should ask SOE to sell SWG:JTL to them, Sony'd probably sell after seeing how their company's been doing lately.

That's not possible. JTL was developed for another engine that has nothing to do with Hero enghine, JTL code is completely useless. Besides, the only thing that can work is build the space up from scratch, but that means heavily tweak the engine to handle a JTL-like space expansion.. I don't think that will happen beacuse it means put tons of money again in the game and at this point EA is trying to cut loses. They won't invest more than what is abosolutely necessary to keep the game running and set up the F2P store.


So the only possible path to make space more starswarsy is keep the same space instances/missions but without rails with some limited PVP if they see it feasible.

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That's not possible. JTL was developed for another engine that has nothing to do with Hero enghine, JTL code is completely useless. Besides, the only thing that can work is build the space up from scratch, but that means heavily tweak the engine to handle a JTL-like space expansion.. I don't think that will happen beacuse it means put tons of money again in the game and at this point EA is trying to cut loses. They won't invest more than what is abosolutely necessary to keep the game running and set up the F2P store.


So the only possible path to make space more starswarsy is keep the same space instances/missions but without rails with some limited PVP if they see it feasible.




People have said SWG and JTL used seperate engines, I dunno how true that is.


However the newest versions of the Hero Engine do support "space"....... and frankly upgrading the whole game to that might solve a lot of other problems too.


If all they do is mildly take space off the rails then it's never going to be what most people want.

Edited by Goretzu
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LOL what project this ****** game is done. No more content for anyone just like Warhammer


^This. Right now we keep getting empty promises backed by, "We will pass up your interest!" They know we're interested. I would assume they work in the same building, how hard is it to get some information? Could you imagine how much excitement they could possibly generate if they just took 5 screenshots and posted it on the front page? But we dont even get that.


To me that says they might have scrapped it, and keep repeating that it is currently in the works, or promises of Soon™. This is just to keep you wondering in hopes to keep you subbed based off of empty promises. People already lost interest, and more continue to lose interest and unsub each day. As far as I'm concerned, this game is probably already done in. :(

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