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Mysterious, blue-skinned Chiss too recognizable to work covertly as Agents?


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I'm having a blast as a human Consular Shadow but want a taste of the Dark Side. I'm considering a Chiss Imperial Agent, since the consensus is that the story is fantastic.


The blue skin and mysterious backstory of the Chiss seem to fit the 007 vibe of the agent's character. However, doesn't an agent need to be fairly nondescript to assume different identities, operate without drawing attention, work from the shadows, etc.? People would tend to remember "the blue guy," right?

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I'm having a blast as a human Consular Shadow but want a taste of the Dark Side. I'm considering a Chiss Imperial Agent, since the consensus is that the story is fantastic.


The blue skin and mysterious backstory of the Chiss seem to fit the 007 vibe of the agent's character. However, doesn't an agent need to be fairly nondescript to assume different identities, operate without drawing attention, work from the shadows, etc.? People would tend to remember "the blue guy," right?


While the Chiss weren't, and still aren't widely known to the Galaxy at large, they've been spotted in quite a few professions from Jedi Knights to bartenders. Just because a character is Chiss doesn't mean he or she is in the Empire's pocket.

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I always found the idea of using chiss as agents to be rather lulzy as well. It feels like the Republic ought to catch on. (Then again, the SIS don't seem to be all that bright no matter which side you play on. I still love, how as a trooper, it felt like half the SIS were in the organization just so that the authorities would overlook their weapons trading and spice dealing. Oh, Republic, you're so amusingly chaotic!) But, you know, suspension of disbelief. And if it bothers you that much, there are a lot of other species you can play. (Human and twi'lek seem especially good to me, as they're found on both sides.)
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I'm having a blast as a human Consular Shadow but want a taste of the Dark Side. I'm considering a Chiss Imperial Agent, since the consensus is that the story is fantastic.


The blue skin and mysterious backstory of the Chiss seem to fit the 007 vibe of the agent's character. However, doesn't an agent need to be fairly nondescript to assume different identities, operate without drawing attention, work from the shadows, etc.? People would tend to remember "the blue guy," right?


Not really... since you get thousand times more distinct wookies, trandoshans, Ithorians...


Amount of nearhuman races in the galaxy is so big... and well Ascendancy is not exactly widely known in this era. (and those few Chiss in outer rim always went beyond notice, as majority of populace was always restricted to Ascendancy...)


You know when Grand Admiral Thrawn roled over New Republic noone really knew his race.


And well only after Thrawn made them famous... and Luke stumbled on the Empire of the Hand galaxy started to truly started to be wary of Chiss.

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While the Ascendancy is allied with the Empire, there are numerous Chiss colonies,enclaves and groups out there that are independent of the Ascendancy(most are in Hutt space);so one shouldn't assume that a random Chiss is an Imperial.


The Chiss have one of the smaller populations of known aliens in the universe but they still number in the trillions, pretty hard to say that each and every one of the species are Imperial or even covertly Pro-Imperial.

Edited by Temeluchus
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The Empire invaded ~40 years before the events of this game. There's a reasonable expectation that defections and simple diaspora, at least on a small scale, led to Chiss who were not assumed to be connected to the Empire.


Given that a Chiss biologically matured faster than humans (adulthood started about age 13 for Chiss, sexual maturity likely a little before then), it's possible a Chiss character in this game could be a third or fourth generation defector in the Republic. Probably not likely that there are a ton of them, but it can be reasonably assumed there are some.


It's also reasonable to think that the Chiss would not stand out. There are thousands upon thousands of species in the galaxy. A blue skinned, red eyed being with human features probably doesn't turn that many heads.

Edited by ebado
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  • 3 months later...
I'm having a blast as a human Consular Shadow but want a taste of the Dark Side. I'm considering a Chiss Imperial Agent, since the consensus is that the story is fantastic.


The blue skin and mysterious backstory of the Chiss seem to fit the 007 vibe of the agent's character. However, doesn't an agent need to be fairly nondescript to assume different identities, operate without drawing attention, work from the shadows, etc.? People would tend to remember "the blue guy," right?


My IA is a Chiss and I'm having a great time with it. I visualize the character as being able to blend in to any situation and because of her nondescript features - it is very difficult to describe distinguishable features on the Chiss - other than the blue skin... and skin color would be about the easiest thing to adjust/disguise in the Star Wars universe if needed for undercover work. I like to RP my Chiss as a chameleon-type of secret agent and find it a lot of fun to do so.

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You can be any race and have any face you want, if Imperial Intelligence wants to make you unrecognizable, you will be unrecognizable.


To the OP: don't click on the spoiler below if you have not played the IA story yet! I am using some examples in the story to support my statement.



in the IA story, there is a portable holodisguise technology that completely changes your appearance, or even total surgery makeover with genetic splicing.

- on Tatooine there is an entire organization using the holodisguise

- Hunter has been using the holodisguise for most of her life and even her employers never suspected

- on Voss an Imperial agent infiltrated the Voss society and replaced a genuine Voss for years (the story does not say whether his children are his or are from the guy he substituted for).



Edited by Oggthebase
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I don't know much about the chiss but if I remember correctly, I think a Codex entry states they pretty much go hand in hand with the empire since they were conquered by them, could be wrong of course as i'm going from memory here.


Anyhoo, I had the same thoughts as the OP although I'm not sure why but every time I think IA I see a Chiss, dunno if that's due to the models they used pre launch on the website and trailers but to me an IA is Chiss even though they scream empire.

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I don't know much about the chiss but if I remember correctly, I think a Codex entry states they pretty much go hand in hand with the empire since they were conquered by them, could be wrong of course as i'm going from memory here.


You are quite incorrect, it's actually the opposite. The Chiss are the only society that became official allies on equal terms from a civil meeting between leaders. Nobody was conquered. Chiss history lesson time!



The funny thing about all this is in the books previously written about the Chiss, they didn't even become known to anyone outside the Unknown Regions until the Clone Wars era. There was some discussion about this before but to have SWTOR fit in with the rest of the EU you have to believe that at the point where the current Empire fell apart, the Chiss would have disappeared into the Unknown Regions again and all knowledge of each other would have been wiped out and/or forgotten. :p People think of the Chiss as being Imperials because of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but he was a bit of a rebel to his own kind, the Chiss never sided with either the Empire or Republic during that time.

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You are quite incorrect, it's actually the opposite. The Chiss are the only society that became official allies on equal terms from a civil meeting between leaders. Nobody was conquered. Chiss history lesson time!



The funny thing about all this is in the books previously written about the Chiss, they didn't even become known to anyone outside the Unknown Regions until the Clone Wars era. There was some discussion about this before but to have SWTOR fit in with the rest of the EU you have to believe that at the point where the current Empire fell apart, the Chiss would have disappeared into the Unknown Regions again and all knowledge of each other would have been wiped out and/or forgotten. :p People think of the Chiss as being Imperials because of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but he was a bit of a rebel to his own kind, the Chiss never sided with either the Empire or Republic during that time.


well I was quite wrong to be sure..lol But still. you think chiss, you think empire, well I do at least..lol

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People think of the Chiss as being Imperials because of Grand Admiral Thrawn, but he was a bit of a rebel to his own kind, the Chiss never sided with either the Empire or Republic during that time.

Its the same scenario though, the Chiss are allies of the Empire, they are also a very reclusive and enclosed community, so Chiss outside that sphere/defectors are rare if not non existent. In this sense a Chiss is highly likely to be in partnership with the Empire, their leaders basically speak for the entire population.

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I admit I had reservations, but they were mostly about the chiss being incorporated at all (I am a chiss fan through and through however so I am still glad I can play one). Simply because it's hard to then erase all evidence of them to the point where not one Republic race in the later eras would know who they were until even after Thrawn's time (the only three humans outside Palpatine and certain others to ever meet them obviously kept quiet...)


For instance, notable Jedi often live well beyond their lifespans in holocrons, records, legend etc. so what about the chiss Jedi people play? Or Sith? The non-Force classes are easier to explain away. I'm assuming the Empire and the Republic are virtually dismantled between TOR and the movies and the chiss just retreat back to where they began. Which could fit, when you think about it. Mutual near-genocide would do wonders to bring a xenophbic attitude like the movie-era chiss have.


That said, even before Thrawn there were chiss in the galaxy - Nuru Kungurama for one, a young chiss Jedi.


As to whether they work as agents, well, the relationship between the Ascendency and the Empire seems strained. See the sidequest on Balmorra and Imperial chatter on Hoth. They are allies, but they aren't friends, so I can certainly see defections from the more desperate ones.

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Is that a Chiss with sunglasses?

For instance, notable Jedi often live well beyond their lifespans in holocrons, records, legend etc. so what about the chiss Jedi people play?

The fact that we can play as Chiss Jedi doesn't mean that there were actually canon Chiss Jedi in that period (saying that players can be Chiss is like saying that a Chiss has killed the Jedi class enemies; in other words that the canon Hero of Tython could be Chiss, which is highly unlikely in my opinion).

Anyway, I don't see a problem with some Jedi being Chiss (non-notable and not in great numbers): because of the war, many Jedi were to die prematurely and the updating of the archives probably wasn't the most important matter (except for the case of Master Gnost Dural's records, which information was direcly related to the War and to the Empire), especially since the archives themselves were probably disrupted, if not destroyed completely, with the Sacking of Coruscant.

Edited by Lurtzello
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If they were able to have Nagai Jedi in the Old Republic (and it's canon there was at least one) I'm fine with Chiss Jedi. No government controls *everyone* associated with it. There's always going to be people who go far afield and set up shop there. And I say that as an American who's lived in Japan and Korea.


Plus, as people have said, Chiss are pretty similar to Pantorans and Wroonians. So I doubt most people would pay them much attention.

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Yeah dude, Chiss just need to wear sunglasses and a hat and they're like, every other blue alien in Star Wars. :cool:


Like that one guy on Balmorra said in the IA storyline, "Nobody suspects an alien."



Exactly its the reason why my IA's are always aliens my current one is a red female twi'lek. :D

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