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Would you pay 15 dollars in the game's Cash Shop for any of these?


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Before I start, I ask for everyone to please read my post with an open mind, if possible. Thanks, in advance. :)


I can see allowing max level cap characters only under ONE condition:


You have to already have a level 50 of that class on your personal account.


But, the new "level 50" would have the same starting equipment as a level 1. All the companions would have zero affection (like they have when you first get them in the game). Your crafting skills and collecting skills would still be started at zero. Your alignment is zero (neutral). Your social points are zero.


I would use this because I would like another Jedi Consular, but I would NOT want to play that awful storyline a second time. I'm sure there's others who would feel the same way. They've already leveled to 50 a [insert class here] and want another with a different spec, but don't want to do the entire story again.


Why not allow it this way when you can already use "nonplayable races" now that way through Legacy? If you have a 50th level Chiss, you can play one now as a Republic character.


I see no real difference.


And since I can already play the Jedi Consular (I learned my class as I played it), having another one with a different spec is not going to completely invalidate my ability to understand my character or play it.


Hence: 50th level in the class already REQUIRED to purchase a new level 50 of that same class.


As for credits for cash, PLENTY of online games already do this. Microtransactions occur constantly for Zynga games and such on Facebook, for instance, that allow you to buy in-game currency for real currency.


HOWEVER, Zynga games don't have an in-game economy to consider. As a crafter, this matters to me.


IF credits were exchanged for real cash, it should be a very small amount per time...for instance, 10,000 credits for 10 dollars, with a cap on it per month of like no more than 100 dollars per account/per month can be spent in this manner. This allows a person to buy something nice/expensive (100,000 credit cap per month) for 100 dollars ONCE per month only (which makes the player happy), but shouldn't destroy the in-game economy (which makes everyone who crafts and sales happier).


If nothing else, it may even help the in-game economy as people who do NOT want to credit farm can actually buy things on GTN or whatever now that people are selling.


However, I would (like I said) allow this sparingly and cap the hell out of it. Facebook did that with Zynga. I don't see why BW couldn't offer it with SWTOR.


ALSO: Nothing should be sold in the cash shop that will throw off game balance. This includes high level armors, weapons, and mods. I don't even think crystals should be sold that way. If a person wants to get a high level mod, they should go through the flashpoints, dailies or whatever to earn it....Or they should buy it from a crafter on the GTN. Everything else in the shop should (primarily) be cosmetic in nature.


Anyway, please don't flame me. Just my opinion on this.


Either way, I wouldn't care...cash shop or not, I'll play the game because I enjoy it.

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As the topic states, do you think these are likely to hit the cash shop within, say, 6 months of the F2P model launch? And do you feel they are worth up to 15 dollars to do so?


1) Automatically leveling your character to the max level

2) Switching your Character's Faction (swapping to opposing mirror class)

3) Advanced Class Respec

4) Companion Parties (up to 3 Companions out at a time)

5) Purchase of in-game credits (let's say 15 bucks gets you 10,000,000 credits).


1) Doable, but highly unlikely. I suppose you could get a 50 with no money or gear and none of the class missions done, but I just don't see it.


2) Possible but not likely. This would be a nightmare to code, especially considering how companions would have to be handled. In addition, see below:


3) Possible. But gear wouldn't change. For example, a sniper rifle wouldn't become a blaster rifle and vibroblade if you respecced from Sniper to Operative, and your armor wouldn't change from light to heavy if you respecced from Sentinel to Guardian. You'd have to re-acquire and re-equip the gear to replace the gear you couldn't use.


4) No. The coding involved would make this an incredible burden on BioWare staff. Besides, could you imagine trying to run any FP boss fights other than a tank and spank? How are you going to make sure your tank companion grabs aggro from the healer or that your ranged DPS companion avoids red circles on the ground? They're certainly not going to put this in just so people can solo 4-man heroics.


5) Not likely. This would completely break the game's economy.

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I can see allowing max level cap characters only under ONE condition:


You have to already have a level 50 of that class on your personal account.


I wouldn't have a problem with them allowing this. Though I think it would have to be fairly expensive.


IF credits were exchanged for real cash, it should be a very small amount per time...for instance, 10,000 credits for 10 dollars, with a cap on it per month of like no more than 100 dollars per account/per month can be spent in this manner. This allows a person to buy something nice/expensive (100,000 credit cap per month) for 100 dollars ONCE per month only (which makes the player happy), but shouldn't destroy the in-game economy (which makes everyone who crafts and sales happier).

There is no way in hell that anyone would ever pay $10 for 10 000 credits. You can get ~10 000 credits for 1 daily mission at level 50. If they introduced this, I would expect that it would be more like $1 = 10 000 credits.


I expect that we will likely see the following available in the Cartel Coin Shop:

  • Additional Character Slots - They have been saying something will come around this soon. Cartel Coins are it.
  • Race Unlocks - They have said F2P characters will be restricted in the races they can use. Cartel Coins will allow you to pick a new race.
  • Legacy Unlocks - I expect that anything you can currently unlock via Legacy Levels and in game credits will be available in the Cartel Coins store. This is good because you can trade cash for time if you choose.
  • Warzone Entrance Packs - They will either allow you unlimited Warzones for a period of time, or allow you a set number of warzone entries beyond the number you are limited to by F2P.
  • Rest XP Boosts - You will be able to buy rest XP with Cartel Coins. If not this, then some other kind of XP boost (I highly doubt you will be able to out right buy levels, but you will be able to speed up levelling).
  • Instant Travel Options - I expect Fleet Passes will be available for Cartel Coins.
  • Speeders - I wouldn't be surprised if the only speeders F2P can purchase are with Cartel Coins.
  • New Planets - Access to any new planets that are released will need to be purchased with Cartel Coins.
  • Character Model Modification - A one off to let you change your character model is likely to be available with Cartel Coins
  • Operations - They may allow you to purchase access to Operations using Cartel Coins. This might be an outright purchase (so you buy Eternity Vault and can now do all Ops in EV), or a time limited thing.
  • Social Items - Social Items will be available for Cartel Coins.


I don't have a problem with any of these items being sold in the Cartel Coin Shop. Most of them either give you more options, speed things up or unlock content for you.

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As the topic states, do you think these are likely to hit the cash shop within, say, 6 months of the F2P model launch? And do you feel they are worth up to 15 dollars to do so?


-Automatically leveling your character to the max level

-Switching your Character's Faction (swapping to opposing mirror class)

-Advanced Class Respec

-Companion Parties (up to 3 Companions out at a time)

-Purchase of in-game credits (let's say 15 bucks gets you 10,000,000 credits)



Feel free to add your own wildly speculative and outlandish possibilities for the Cash Shop as well. These are just a few off the top of my head that I think are not Pay to Win, but are just kind of ridiculous but I fully imagine people asking for.


And these options are being put up by BioWare for sale?


If not and I don't think they are, then why even waste time going over them? Speculation is a waste of time.

Edited by RikHar
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I think if you would pay to max your character out there's really no point in even wasting your time with the game, the story is the best part. Sad thing is there are people out there who would do it, so it wouldn't shock me. I don't think I would spend any real money on the cash stop, I can't think of anything I would buy on there, not even credits. I did do a faction change when I played WoW. A lot of that stuff you mentioned WoW has, not in the in-game format but they are available, faction change, race change, name change, they all do it, so I really don't have a problem with it. I can see them selling credits. Kinda think it would screw up the economy and force us to buy them.
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-Automatically leveling your character to the max level

-Switching your Character's Faction (swapping to opposing mirror class)

-Advanced Class Respec

-Companion Parties (up to 3 Companions out at a time)

-Purchase of in-game credits (let's say 15 bucks gets you 10,000,000 credits)


1)No. Exception: As others have said, if you already leveled one character of the same class.


2) No. Exception, and I think this should be free anyways...If you leveled in one faction, but mostly made opposite alignment choices. Then I think you should be able to complete the transformation.


3) IMO, this is almost guaranteed to cost coins when the game goes F2P. And my guess is that they will charge real money for coins. So....this will probably happen, in a round about way. <<<<Only speculation!! before anyone wants to call me out. :rolleyes:


4) As long as it doesn't cause any in game advantages I don't care.


5) No. Like I mentioned before, I think cartel coins will probably cost real money. I don't want to see ALL of the games currencies purchasable.

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More character slots please for the love of god.


Also being able to purchase a new level 50 of the SAME CLASS only if that class is already at 50 would be awesome, I managed to tolerate the trooper storyline once, I cant stomach leveling a second trooper with it.

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I think if you would pay to max your character out there's really no point in even wasting your time with the game, the story is the best part. Sad thing is there are people out there who would do it, so it wouldn't shock me. I don't think I would spend any real money on the cash stop, I can't think of anything I would buy on there, not even credits. I did do a faction change when I played WoW. A lot of that stuff you mentioned WoW has, not in the in-game format but they are available, faction change, race change, name change, they all do it, so I really don't have a problem with it. I can see them selling credits. Kinda think it would screw up the economy and force us to buy them.


Outside of the class story, once you played 1 character per faction, its the same story. It does not change. Its like reading the same book 5 times in a row.

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I'd pay $15 for instant 50, just so I could do all the class quests and be done with it.


Edit: Also, I'd pay $15 for a species-swap/re-customisation, assuming a new species that I wanted to play as came out.

Edited by Thaed
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IF credits were exchanged for real cash, it should be a very small amount per time...for instance, 10,000 credits for 10 dollars, with a cap on it per month of like no more than 100 dollars per account/per month can be spent in this manner. This allows a person to buy something nice/expensive (100,000 credit cap per month) for 100 dollars ONCE per month only (which makes the player happy), but shouldn't destroy the in-game economy (which makes everyone who crafts and sales happier).



10 bucks better buy me 1 million credits. I am not looking for cash shop items to be more then 25 cents.

This is after all just for novelty items. There should be 2 Cartel coin shops. Stuff for F2Prs and stuff for subbers no cross over.

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By the way, I would LOVE the additional character slots per server deal. I'd buy one or more for a few bucks. Maybe I'm in the minority on this, though.


I'd be down for this too.

As it stands i won't be touching most fo the cash shop items simply for the fact i dont have the spare money to do it.

The only things that will get me to do it is maybe different chest skins here and there as i find the consular chest pieces dull on a whole

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As the topic states, do you think these are likely to hit the cash shop within, say, 6 months of the F2P model launch? And do you feel they are worth up to 15 dollars to do so?


-Automatically leveling your character to the max level

-Switching your Character's Faction (swapping to opposing mirror class)

-Advanced Class Respec

-Companion Parties (up to 3 Companions out at a time)

-Purchase of in-game credits (let's say 15 bucks gets you 10,000,000 credits)


  • No, I do not think that will be added to the Cartel shop. BioWare has somewhat encouraged the idea that pay to win will not be included in the Cartel shop, so insta-50 characters shouldn't be included. Would I pay for it? Yes. I don't want to play the Inquisitor, the Warrior, the Bounty Hunter, or the Smuggler to max level. I just want the legacy unlocks.
  • I don't think switching factions will be included either. With a story-heavy focus in the game, it's just not very plausible. Would I pay for it? No, because I have to change classes. If I could be a Trooper on the Imperial side or an Imperial Agent on the Republic side, then I would do it.
  • AC change is probably something that could be added, but I don't think it's got a good chance. Would I pay for it? No, I wouldn't. I actually put thought into my characters before creating them, so I know what I'm getting into and what to expect. I suggest that others do the same.
  • This one I will just say no to. It will unbalance the game in a levelling sense as well as a PvE sense. This is pay to win. Would I buy it? Hypothetically, yes, I want to use more than one companion. I'd like to use at least two like other BioWare games. However, I'd probably stop playing at this point.
  • More pay to win that is not likely to be included. That's also something that would make subscribers unsubscribe and cause unbelievable inflation with those kinds of prices.


I think we're more likely to see species unlocks, character slot increases, transfers, ship customisations, lots of pets, and other vanity items. Hopefully that's the full extent of the damage.

Edited by flyersfan
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I don't think any of these will (or should be) be available for real-money.


Things that I think WILL be available:

* With Cartel Cash:

- ability to pay for Legacy Unlocks and Perks

- more companion customizations

- more sets of adaptive gear, probably without a Social level requirement

- vanity titles

- mounts and pets

- emotes

- new colour crystals


* Via the swtor.com website:

- Paid Character transfers, possibly including to other accounts.

- Paid character name changes

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Most cash shops are pretty mundane, I do remember some Russian f2p game that wanted 10,000 USD for some Tome in the game, everyone thought that was a joke until the dev's came out and said is was not but they were going to adjust the price...so what the heck lets offer a completely leveled and all the best gear in the game toon for 10 gran..


Wonder how may cartel coins you get for 15 dollars ?


As for any of those options the op listed no to all..


I do expect to see, name changes, server transfers, banks spaces, all the standard stuff in the store.

Edited by kevlarto
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-Companion Parties (up to 3 Companions out at a time)


I would pay for this, but it does seem a bit pay to win which i hate, i think it would definately have to be available as a legacy perk aswell (legacy wide) able to be earned for gaining legacy level 25, or for 2 million credits requiring legacy 10 to purchase, but can also be bought for a number of cartel coins.

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