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Why hasn't this happened?


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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?


Animal Crossing rules!

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Darkfall online.


Free for all loot. so beware pixellovers :-)

player made cities.

no levels, skill up by using skill

and so on...


Im waitin for Darkfall 2 , they are working on that one and said they learned from their mistakes from darkfall 1

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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?


yeah. I can think of a game that has all of that, except graphics.


DartMUD. Look it up. Best game I have ever played. I swear, combine that game with WoW or ToR graphics, and you have the world's most amazing MMO.


Keep an eye on this game...probably still 6-12 months away, but looks very interesting if you want a pure sandbox feel.




Wow........I am already planning on buying that, just by looking at the homepage. See my above statement. =P

Edited by tiennen
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Marvel Heroes is coming out probably in the fall. Its got Diablos engine but in MMO form. It also doesnt have levels in the traditional format, its going to have leveling different powers. I dunno sounded like a cool idea, I'll give it a try
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FUN sandbox game


"Sandbox" is mostly a buzzword. Because for most people, a sandbox isn't fun. The latest generation of MMO players are more interested in increasing their online ego (gear-based progression) and having instant, antisocial gameplay at a click (group finders, PvP queues).

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You mean like Planetside 1/2? Or EVE?


Planetside 1 came out way before the internet could handle it.


I think Planetside 2 is going to be awesome. Constant compeitive warfare. Don't bother with that game if you're a PVEer though.


Never played PS1, but PS2 does look amazing...and I HATE SOE!

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"Sandbox" is mostly a buzzword. Because for most people, a sandbox isn't fun. The latest generation of MMO players are more interested in increasing their online ego (gear-based progression) and having instant, antisocial gameplay at a click (group finders, PvP queues).


This is pretty much it. The community doesn't want to admit this:



No mass marketed game is going to come out soon that is pure "sandbox" because sandbox games only appeal to a minority of people. By and large sandbox games are fun only to those who enjoy that type of environment.


This is the cold hard truth people. You're not going to see a sandbox game come from AAA publisher because sandbox games don't have mass appeal.


If you want a sandbox core game, you will have to look at the indie and minor publishers doing the work.


You want Star Wars? You get themepark.

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Hmm..maybe I just didn't play long enough. I just couldn't stand the running of characters in that game lol. I just couldn't...they ran like ducks or something. Was SWG really like that? I didn't play much. Just a little.


Sigh.......Emu is somewere load it up and have a blast. Also no company will take that risk they want easy quick cash.

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Hasnt happened because contrary to a vocal board presence saying otherwise


There is no money in such a design for the design studio!


There is a niche sandbox game coming out though called Arch Age.

Not a AAA MMORPG and doesnt have the budget of a TOR or ESO or even GW2

But it does advertise full sandbox design as a few have been asking for


If your looking for more then that though,

not going to happen any time soon as the style has proven unprofitable over all.

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What would seriously revolutionize the MMO industry is for someone to remake launch-day Everquest with a modern graphics engine and the "downtime" drastically reduced, but otherwise unchanged from the day it launched.


But... it will never happen because the accountants control the industry and they wouldn't know a good game from tax software.


Instead prepare for even more dumbed down EQ clones, or what the masses call "a WoW clone". Those are killing the industry and will one day kill it outright.

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Yea its called Ultima Online but that got ruined by EA after they bought out Origin. The game had no levels just skills and there was zero end game. All you did was live your life in the world of Brittania and there was NOTHING like it and never will be again.
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SWG had most of that, they also forgot the Star Wars part too though,

The game had some massive issues ( and people think TOR has problems, it was nothing compared to SWG)

Thankfully, the people in SWG made that game such a great experience.

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You want Star Wars? You get themepark.


I've taken more than my share of shots at Bioware for the mindlessness of TOR but really, Star Wars IS mindless, silly sci-fi.


Expecting deep thought to be required in a Star Wars product is like expecting a remake of Happy Days to be a gritty, R-rated examination of youth in the 50's.

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Yea its called Ultima Online but that got ruined by EA after they bought out Origin. The game had no levels just skills and there was zero end game. All you did was live your life in the world of Brittania and there was NOTHING like it and never will be again.


I still play Ultima Online (mostly on slow days at work) today. If there was ever a time to make an Ultima Online 2, now is it.


I can assure you, I'd cancel every single game account I have to play it. Ultima was and still is the most open game I've ever played. From PvE to PvP to Crafting to Player Housing ... nothing has ever come close in my eyes.


UO2, where are you?

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I still play Ultima Online (mostly on slow days at work) today. If there was ever a time to make an Ultima Online 2, now is it.


I can assure you, I'd cancel every single game account I have to play it. Ultima was and still is the most open game I've ever played. From PvE to PvP to Crafting to Player Housing ... nothing has ever come close in my eyes.


UO2, where are you?


From the game being unplayable at launch due to Origin severely over-selling copies compared to their infrastructure's ability to handle it, to having to hunt rabbits for days in order to take on challenging content like deer, to being ganked by some dood named xXTeRm1N4toRXx in a neon green wedding dress ... I swore to never, ever play another Origin product ever. I don't regret that decision.

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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?


You mean a game like this?

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Why hasn't a company come out with a FUN sandbox game where it's all about the player and there are no levels just skilling up forever on what you can do, no stupid raids, no flash points, no instances. Just come up with something epic and new where it would change the face of the mmo world. Is it really that hard to come up with a concept like that you guys think?


I'm talking...a good graphics game WITH very good optimization WITH good gameplay. Like player run cities, markets where you can ride your mount to go get whatever the heq you want, fort seiges, stuff like that. No...I'm not talking about WAR or anything like that. I'm talking just a brand new concept that people can do together to FEEL like they are working together more.


I am always wondering what a new concept would be in an mmorpg later on in the years. Just no restrictions, no stupid raids, no stupid leveling up crap, just skilling up everything you start with and it gets more powerful over the time you use them. Just like real life. The more you use something, the better it gets.


It's probably hard to come up with something like that. You guys think so?


a) it sounds pretty boring personally


b) isnt skilling up leveling up?


c) isnt fort seiges the same as a raid?


maybe you should re-evaluate your game genre of choice.

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you don't get it :/


Actually you dont get it......



You dont get that there arent enough folks with similar views to yours in MMOs to make it worthwhile for a company to make it.



You also dont get it as in......they arent making that type of game these days, thus you arent "getting it".




Someone mentioned EQ toned down.....that I can agree with, but EQ was never a sandbox. Thus it doesnt match the blather for one. Owen didnt rule loot in EQ, there was no focus on FFA PVP, and you sure didnt build homes/alter landscape in other ways, or design your own content.



Sandbox MMOs suck IMO, and according to folks voting with their wallets, I would say I am in the far majority.




Last thing....someone mentioned ArcheAge. I wouldnt call that a typical indy sandbox. It not only has a great focus on dev created content, but is having good money put into it. Fifty million is the number I have heard, and considering that money is buying Korean labor, I am sure the same effort would cost 100M or more in NA. Jake Song is getting a lot of production bang for his bucks.

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