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Will you ever support anything EA again?


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If BioWare weren't named on the game, I probably wouldn't have bought it. I knew, of course, that EA owned BioWare but I guess I had some sort of silly hope that they hadn't permeated the organization yet.


I was wrong, of course. I'll never buy another game with the EA logo on the box.

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I will never again buy a game at full price from ea and that's just because ea is on it.

plus I will not buy DA3 for sure because I still feel betrayed about DA2 (took 100% money and gave 50% rpg).


I really hope EA's bad reputation will finally change something (either ea going down or something really drastically happening like the whole management fired or something).


they are constantly messing with their customers. Its time to show them they can't get away with it, the only vote that really counts is the vote with your wallet.

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It's a funny thing. EA was once considered one of the best dev/pubs out there. Then they misfired with a few franchises and the hatred began. It lasted for several years. Then EA came out with a few new franchises and went some incredible leaps forwards in their current franchises. Guess what? Everybody loved EA again (and found a new target in Activison). Now there's SWTOR and a remake of NFS: Most Wanted and everybody is ganging up on EA again.


I will support any good product out there, no matter if EA has developed, published or even glanced at it. EA is one of the biggest players on the market, so they wll hit and miss many times. Too bad the misses are a reason to bring out the torches and pitch forks.

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It's a funny thing. EA was once considered one of the best dev/pubs out there. Then they misfired with a few franchises and the hatred began. It lasted for several years. Then EA came out with a few new franchises and went some incredible leaps forwards in their current franchises. Guess what? Everybody loved EA again (and found a new target in Activison). Now there's SWTOR and a remake of NFS: Most Wanted and everybody is ganging up on EA again.


I will support any good product out there, no matter if EA has developed, published or even glanced at it. EA is one of the biggest players on the market, so they wll hit and miss many times. Too bad the misses are a reason to bring out the torches and pitch forks.


People hate EA because they buy up new IPs created by small companies which are popular, Then milk them into oblivion by cashing in on the IP instead of keeping the quality of what made the game popular to begin with.

Edited by Lt_Latency
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Yeah probably. I would probably check out the new Sim City because I have always liked that series. I didn't love DA2 but I would not sacrifice my first born to see it never happen so I'd cautiously check out DA3. Yes I hated the end of ME3 like everyone else but it didn't taint the whole game for me and unfortunately they make the only NHL Hockey game so what can ya do.
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Yeah probably. I would probably check out the new Sim City because I have always liked that series. I didn't love DA2 but I would not sacrifice my first born to see it never happen so I'd cautiously check out DA3. Yes I hated the end of ME3 like everyone else but it didn't taint the whole game for me and unfortunately they make the only NHL Hockey game so what can ya do.


Damn, I forgot about the new Sim City. Im going to have to start following that.

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Yes. SWTOR needed 200 million because it's a unique cookie. Unlike previous games, SWTOR is voiced by professional voice actors.


And if this was Activision or Atari publishing this game, you'd be hating on them instead of EA. It's the same pointless circle all over again.


You mean unique and unlike the wing commander series which used the voices and appearances of many actors

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People hate EA because they buy up new IPs created by small companies which are popular, Then milk them into oblivion by cashing in on the IP instead of keeping the quality of what made the game popular to begin with.

Isn't that what you would do if you were EA? And is it really EA's fault if the developers can't fulfill people's expectations, even with all the cash and resources EA has made available to them? Maybe sometimes creativity comes with a tighter budget, who knows.

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Isn't that what you would do if you were EA? And is it really EA's fault if the developers can't fulfill people's expectations, even with all the cash and resources EA has made available to them? Maybe sometimes creativity comes with a tighter budget, who knows.


People like to scape goat EA because they dont want to believe their beloved Bioware failed them.


While both companies are probably at fault. You cannot look to just EA.

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they are constantly messing with their customers. Its time to show them they can't get away with it, the only vote that really counts is the vote with your wallet.


This. Unfortunately it seems us gamers, or geeks in general actually, are among the biggest tools in consumer history. Very few of us would stand up for ourselves and say enough is enough when a company takes advantage like this. Theyll piss and moan all over the internet, but John Ricci-ahole will just shrug it off as the preorders stack up and he'll still fill the bank at release.


Companies like EA can continue to screw us with their DRM, their required Origin, overpriced DLC that was obviously excluded from release to milk us for more, and of course this latest "middle finger" with SWTOR ...... and continue to do so because it just doesnt matter.

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Nothing will change until this turns P2W. Even then, I will probably not preorder.


A game is to be judged by its own merits, be it EA / Activision or any other Dev / Publisher. And there is no reason to think any Developer under EA can`t deliver a game worth its cash.


They only lost me as a preorder customer.


[EDIT]I don`t like Origin and will not use it.

Edited by Styxx
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Isn't that what you would do if you were EA? And is it really EA's fault if the developers can't fulfill people's expectations, even with all the cash and resources EA has made available to them? Maybe sometimes creativity comes with a tighter budget, who knows.


If that is the what you want to do sure,



But if you are the big boy on the block buying up all the good dev companies and running them into ruins for profit. People are going to hate you.

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Yes. It usually takes them a few tries on something and then they get it right. After a couple of years of lousy Madden sales, they started to address some of the issues in the game.


I could get on a soapbox about Origin but I will leave it alone.

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People like to scape goat EA because they dont want to believe their beloved Bioware failed them.


While both companies are probably at fault. You cannot look to just EA.


It isnt a coincidense that BW's quality has gone down the drain since EA bought them out. Its not a scapegoat. They stick their noses in everything and screw it up. Theyve done it to other companies as well, Bioware isnt the first. They write the checks, they call the shots.


Look up what their own employees have said about them. There is a thread with a link somewhere in general. Say what you will about "oh theyre just mad because they got fired" everything said gives answers to many of SWTOR's problems. There is no more Bioware, and it IS EA's fault.

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I try to avoid EA at all costs these days.


To be honest, I've never really liked them. Before I even knew about their politics and their ability to destroy decent games companies there remained the fact that virtually every single EA game I ever played completely lacked any depth. They just weren't enjoyable past the first 5 or 6 hours.


However, EA has the money and they keep buying decent IPs. I am attracted to IPs much more than I am the mechanics so I'm sure if EA buy another decent IP then I'm likely to try the game. Its the same with SW:TOR. I love Warhammer IP, I played the tabletop as a child, still occasionally paint some 40k figures. So, when I saw a Warhammer MMO focused on PvP I jumped at it. But, EA screwed it up. They forced Mythic to push it out too early and forced too much copying of WoW.


So, coming in to SW:TOR I had my doubts, all of which have been realised, but the attraction of Star Wars was too great!


I think there are only a few great IPs which EA could buy which would make me buy their games again:


  • Final Fantasy (good luck on that one EA!)
  • Forgotten Realms
  • Warhammer 40k
  • The Eldar Scrolls


Fingers crossed they never get them!

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i have no loyalty to any games company. i do and will always buy a game if i like the game, i.e. i plan on buying sim city 5, and i don't really care that its made by EA,


internal politics within a games company is none of my business, all i care about is the product i buy

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They have not hit my mom, beat my dog, nor stolen my money.


I buy games they and any other game maker put out at my own risk. If I enjoy them, I keep playing, if I don't...I give them to a friend to try or trade them back in..


I have fun playing their games and suspect i will fun playing games they put out in the future.


Never have I chosen a game, nor left a game on the shelf simply because the company who puts it out.


So yes, if I see a game in the future I want to play...I will buy it whether it is put out by EA, or any other company.

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lol i love how all of you act like you were abused by EA.


gamers will never cease to amaze me.


EA is one of the largest gaming companies around. for you to say you won't buy an EA game or from any of their affiliates. you may as well just stop gaming. or focus your efforts on facebook games. because they have their hands into everything popular nowadays.


this is how liberty dies... under thunderous applause...

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Of course I will, EA and Activision control most of the gaming market and aren't going away anytime soon. Both companies are equally evil and money hungry. As a matter of fact, I plan on buying madden in afew weeks. That being said, EA isn't responsible for the mess SWTOR is in. Bioware has got to be more open in their plans and communication. Right now, we have post after post of unanswered questions since the f2p announcement that go unanswered and add to the uncertainty. I love SWTOR and hope it improves and lasts for many years, but there is no doubt their communication team needs to be much more transparent and talk to the community daily. Not just closing posts and redirecting, but really talk and give answers to questions.. even if they aren't the answers we want.
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Yeah, after this, I'm totally out.

After DA2, I quit the Dragon Age series.

After ME3, I quit the Mass Effect series.

After the way they've handled this, I can't believe they'd do well with a new game.

I buy MAYBE one new game a year. It's funny, because for the better part of a decade, those games have been almost exclusively BioWare titles. Now, it looks as if I'll never touch anything with a BW/EA label on it again. Funny how that works out.

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Most people who played the game have quit. Thats why they sold around 2.4 million boxes and the have around 500k subs left now. To say most people who play the game actually like it, is false.


People still post because they still have time remaining on a cancelled sub. You can buy more the 1 month at a time you know. If you buy a 6 month sub and quit after 3, you dont get a 3 month refund.


I didnt say PLAYED I said PLAY. Reading is fundamental. Also if you are leaving a game you dont continue to post in the forums past the date you said your sub is up. Some people just like to complain and throw a fit. Note there is not 1 million goodbye threads for example.

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