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F2P >Facts< here (Sources provided)


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A lot of people need to draw their


attention to the following pages.



http://www.swtor.com/free/features - What subbers get vs what F2P gets. (It doesn't get much clearer then this imo)

http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6449 - F2P FAQ's


http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6522 - Note where it mentions content, it says customize, NOT expand.


http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6476 - Helpful info


http://www.swtor.com/support/helpcenter/6546 - You won't lose your characters or anything ridiculous if you unsub.


The F2P Article

http://www.swtor.com/info/news/press-release/20120731 - "As the first step towards adding the new Free-to-Play option this fall, in August at retail Star Wars: The Old Republic will go on sale for $14.99 USD, including one-month of free subscription."


Other quotes for those of you who didn't bother to read it -


Starting this fall, there will be two different ways to play Star Wars: The Old Republic:


Subscription – A service designed for players who want unrestricted access to all the game features via ongoing subscription or by redeeming a Game Time Card. In addition to gaining access to all game content as our current subscribers do now, Subscribers will receive ongoing monthly grants of Cartel Coins*, the new virtual currency that will be introduced later this fall. Cartel Coins can be used to purchase valuable items including customizable gear and convenience features that will enhance the game play experience.

^^^^^ Please note the difference between the above and below. It's quite clearly stated that what subscribers will be spending their coins on include convinience features (so imagine more stuff like priority transports but cooler?, and visual customizations as it states. See how the below talks about buying access to various subscribed member features, but the subber part doesn't. Thats because subbers at this stage won't be paying for these features. :o Wow hard to figure out ay?


Free-to-Play –The first 50 levels will be free-to-play, with some restrictions on access to new content and advanced player features. Some restrictions can be “unlocked” with Cartel Coins.



"Current and former players will also find additional benefits as part of this program. BioWare will be increasing the frequency of game content updates, with the first of many new releases coming in August"




"Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option".


^^^ What you can take that last one to mean is, IF YOU STAY SUBBED, NOTHING CHANGES.


- So no buying OP's access for subbers

- No buying warzone access

- The type of content we've recieved thus far we will still be entitled to access when cash shop comes out.



The second reply brought this question from FAQ's page to my attention, so i figured i'd throw it in the first post :)

If I’m a current subscriber, what will happen to me?


The addition of a Free-to-Play option will not change your current subscription unless you choose to change your account. Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy. Subscribers also receive rewards in the form of monthly Cartel Coin grants, which can be spent at the Cartel Market on new gear styles, consumables, and specialty items.


The Free-to-Play option is designed with restrictions that will limit content for free players. For more information on these limitations please visit http://www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com/FREE/features. If you are a player that wants unrestricted access, it is unlikely the Free-to-Play option will be appealing.


So many of you out there need to start bothering to do your reading before you make audacious claims about the game of which you've read nothing about. It's very naive to just assume your opinion is correct. I'm not saying that the above isn't subject to change, but as these details were posted a week ago, that is what Bioware currently believes is possible. How about some optimism kids.


In an interview with a Dev that I found yesterday but currently cannot find the link to (I'll dig it up when i get out of bed in the morning) --


Here's a take on how they want the cash shop to work --


You subscribe -- Your cartel coins will only ever really be used for visual items, help items, other niceties, whatever they've stated the shop would have thus far in that regard.


But if your F2P -- You can still gain access to warzones, OP's, and HM FP's, however its based on what you WANT to play.

See, some free to play users, may just want to purchase the warzones, as they intend to focus on PVP, but ignore OPs and FP's entirely. Then you'd have the counter to this, being the typical 'PVE'er' who purchases access to specific OP's they wish to be able to access, as well as flashpoints.


This way you'd never have to spend money on access to things you have no intention of using. At no point has it been eluded to, or stated by bioware, that as a subscriber we will have to purchase access to future content -- this is a fallacy invented by overreacting forum users. I'll happily eat my words if I have to purchase access to an OP or Warzone as a subscriber in the coming months, but other then my subscription fee/any money i spend on cartel items, the next time I'd expect -- and most rational users expect to pay money for expanded content -- is when an actual expansion comes out. Until then quit filling the forums with a dramatized lie that at this stage is only speculative at best.


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Here's some more nice info found in the FTP FAQ:


If I’m a current subscriber, what will happen to me?



The addition of a Free-to-Play option will not change your current subscription unless you choose to change your account. Subscribers will continue to have unlimited access to The Old Republic, including new, more frequent content updates that Free-to-Play members will have to buy. Subscribers also receive rewards in the form of monthly Cartel Coin grants, which can be spent at the Cartel Market on new gear styles, consumables, and specialty items.


The Free-to-Play option is designed with restrictions that will limit content for free players. For more information on these limitations please visit http://www.StarWarsTheOldRepublic.com/FREE/features. If you are a player that wants unrestricted access, it is unlikely the Free-to-Play option will be appealing.

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Here's some more nice info found in the FTP FAQ:



Hopefully this can stay bumped and people start to get a better idea of what to expect in the months to come.


It'd be awesome if the negative tones the forum started to change, hopefully that ball can start rolling with subbers realising that the game experience they've been paying for isn't going to change dramatically, in any way except for the better over the long term.

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Nice post. People need to see that all spelled out for them.


Thanks, subbers seem to be over concerned about something thats not happening the way they're assuming/being told by misinformed people

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Flagging this to be stickied.


Is that even possible. pretty sure only Mod's/dev's get their posts stickied xD.


But in the meantime, if you appreciated the effort, then help me try keep it bumped so that people stop posting those pointless rant threads about things that aren't necessarily true.

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Thanks, subbers seem to be over concerned about something thats not happening the way they're assuming/being told by misinformed idiots.


What's the difference in that, and people jumping to conclusions before they actually see it implemented, on either side of the fence?

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Flagging this to be stickied.


So that it can be laughed at in six months, same as the, "We'll be rolling out month after month of content after launch," quote?


Honestly, read that with an eye for specifics and, specifically, an eye for binding language, and you'll have no problem seeing that they've left themselves the option to force subscribers to go to the cash shop for damn near anything they want. Including content.

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Is that even possible. pretty sure only Mod's/dev's get their posts stickied xD.


But in the meantime, if you appreciated the effort, then help me try keep it bumped so that people stop posting those pointless rant threads about things that aren't necessarily true.


It is very possible, you just need to have enough people asking for it to be stickied and given the quality of the thread, I see no reason why it shouldn't be.

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What's the difference in that, and people jumping to conclusions before they actually see it implemented, on either side of the fence?


I'm not sure what you mean, but this isn't so much a thread to argue the semantics of F2P whingers/vs the optimists. It's just to get the message out there that this is what Bioware has stated to be their plan at this stage. Again i conceded in the OP that this could be subject to change, we know how Bioware is - but this info was posted in the past 7 days. After weeks of silence from the dev's, at least this is something FROM swtor.com to sink your teeth in too.

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So that it can be laughed at in six months, same as the, "We'll be rolling out month after month of content after launch," quote?


Honestly, read that with an eye for specifics and, specifically, an eye for binding language, and you'll have no problem seeing that they've left themselves the option to force subscribers to go to the cash shop for damn near anything they want. Including content.


Ah another friendly neighbourhood doom sayer, I see you lot here in the QQ Discussion section of the 'TORchan' forums way too much for my liking.

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Ah another friendly neighbourhood doom sayer, I see you lot here in the QQ Discussion section of the 'TORchan' forums way too much for my liking.

Sorry to hear it.


Seriously, though, what makes all that any different than their promise to be rolling out month after month of content as soon as they launched?


What makes it any different than numerous other broken promises I could point to?


EA says a lot of things.

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Thanks, subbers seem to be over concerned about something thats not happening the way they're assuming/being told by misinformed idiots.


I don't see subbers concerned about what will happen to them anywhere on this board. I see subbers concerned with the type of crowd that being able to make free accounts willy nilly will bring in.


Otherwise the concern lies in the cash shop - what will be on it, how much will it cost, and will they be permanent unlocks?

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I'm not sure what you mean, but this isn't so much a thread to argue the semantics of F2P whingers/vs the optimists. It's just to get the message out there that this is what Bioware has stated to be their plan at this stage. Again i conceded in the OP that this could be subject to change, we know how Bioware is - but this info was posted in the past 7 days. After weeks of silence from the dev's, at least this is something FROM swtor.com to sink your teeth in too.


Well, it seems like maybe you are trying to push your agenda, more then just laying the info out there.

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By the sound of it, F2P people may never get full access to everything without subbing, no matter how much you're willing to spend, like in Age of Conan.


Well it is a trial account basicly. You get a small flavor of everything, but you need to pay cash (via sub) to get the enitre thing.

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Well, it seems like maybe you are trying to push your agenda, more then just laying the info out there.


Care to back that up with some sort of explanation? What's my agenda, besides trying to make people aware of links/source material available directly on swtor.com. Is your agenda here to simply undermine me?


If thats the case, I won't bother replying to you again, as all i was trying to do was be helpful :).

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Uhuh, care to back that up with some sort of explanation? What's my agenda, besides trying to make people aware of links/source material available directly on swtor.com. Is your agenda here to simply undermine me?


If thats the case, I won't bother replying to you again, as all i was trying to do was being helpful :).




"Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option".


^^^ What you can take that last one to mean is, IF YOU STAY SUBBED, NOTHING CHANGES.


- So no buying OP's access for subbers

- No buying warzone access

- The type of content we've recieved thus far we will still be entitled to access when cash shop comes out."


Nowhere have they defined "new higher-level game content" as OP's and Warzones. For all we know, they could give us 20 level 60 quests on a new planet, but still charge for OP's and warzones, for an example.


We don't know how it's going to work out, and this is all your assumption...which you have a right to. It seems to me that if you were just trying to lay the info out there, you would have left this part off and let people draw their own conclusions.

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"Unlimited game access, including new higher-level game content and new features will be made available through individual purchases or through a subscription option".


^^^ What you can take that last one to mean is, IF YOU STAY SUBBED, NOTHING CHANGES.


- So no buying OP's access for subbers

- No buying warzone access

- The type of content we've recieved thus far we will still be entitled to access when cash shop comes out."


Nowhere have they defined "new higher-level game content" as OP's and Warzones. For all we know, they could give us 20 level 60 quests on a new planet, but still charge for OP's and warzones, for example.


We don't know how it's going to work out, and this is all your assumption...which you have a right to. It seems to me that if you were just trying to lay the info out there, you would have left this part off and let people draw their own conclusions.

Uhhh mate. Direct your attention to the very first link in the thread. End of discussion. (Hint: Features Page)




(Try reading the entire post before replying to it (Including source material))

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just a question for the op...


how many games have you subbed to, that then went f2p?


how long did you play these games?


why did you stop?


answer me those 3 questions and maybe well take what you say more seriously...


otherwise, there are a thousand and one threads explaining why f2p is not the land of sunshine and rainbows you think its going to be...


can i come back here and necro this thread a few months down the line when EA shows their true colors and pay2win items and lvl 50 classes are on the cash store?

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I don't see subbers concerned about what will happen to them anywhere on this board. I see subbers concerned with the type of crowd that being able to make free accounts willy nilly will bring in.


Otherwise the concern lies in the cash shop - what will be on it, how much will it cost, and will they be permanent unlocks?


Same Crowd thats paying for the subscription.15 dollars will not determine a persons behavioure.


I pay for my subscription therefore I am a good person.

I go to church ,therefore I am a good person.


We all know both statements are false.

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