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I now have a new perspective on Recruit gear


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Hmm, healing 13k with 15% dam reduction or 20k with 0% damage reduction.


Kinda a moot point. It's not worth healing either player; they go down too fast. Rakata does have slightly better survivability, when healing is ignored--if you compare what would be 150,000 damage taken over the course of a match, the Rakata player will die 7 times and the Recruit player will die 9 times, if neither gets healed. If they do get healed, though, if for some reason the other team just doesn't focus them or whatever, I'd much rather heal the Recruit geared player just because my heals will go 15% farther. That's big.

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Ultimately all you are saying at the end of the day is "it's fine, I can be ineffective because there are other people that are even worse". Ultimately I personally prefer to try and get as much as I can out of any given character but hey, that's just me.



I know the drill, I know what it feels like when you have a main (fully augmented war hero sentinel) and face the steep climb all over again Sage just hit 50).


But instead of saying 'meh I will just slog through the beat-downs of being an early 50' I used my Sage to get a War Hero mainhand, have my sentinel buy him war hero gloves. Ship the BM and WH gloves down to my sage, use the BM mod and enhancement from the weapon and gloves and drop them in an orange boot and pants with daily comm armorings, then fill in the rest with recruit.


Guess what, my sage got to start his first warzone with 15400 health 900 expertise and as a hybrid spec knock out 240k healing and 100k damage. Yes under focus fire I still do quite the Hindenburg impression but the converse is that little bit of effort and outlay allowed my sage (i.e. a very squishy far from OP class) to be effective from his very first warzone on.

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The OP is actually correct is as much as " in his/her opinion it does not matter". That is in fact their opinion. The assumption that there will always be worse players, is just an assumption.


The people who say the OP is a total Dbag, are entitled to their opinion but for mine , people such as the op, intentionally losing their wr to BM do make warzones fun for some players. They are not usually on the OPs team but fun is fun and keeps the queue rolling.


Good luck, see you in the cross server PvP pool when it arrives.

Edited by Elkirin
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If you have a main in full wh gear you could have grinded 5 pieces of wh on your main for the new char then used bind on legacy to be 5/5 wh or even just bm (abliet without set bonus) before u even dinged 50 on said alt.. So many people i know that have full war hero mains do just that and are already near full war hero as soon as they reach 50... Edited by AngusFTW
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If you have a main in full wh gear you could have grinded 5 pieces of wh on your main for the new char then used bind on legacy to be 5/5 wh or even just bm (abliet without set bonus) before u even dinged 50 on said alt.. So many people i know that have full war hero mains do just that and are already near full war hero as soon as they reach 50...


Pretty much this. I did not go to that extreme but I did have 2 pieces of WH when I hit 50 on an alt with a third piece coming shortly.


With the Comms you can save before hitting 50 there really is no excuse to not be close to 1100 expertise the moment you hit 50 (filling in with recruit).


In short OP - you did it wrong.

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PvP gear is better for PvP than non-PvP gear. Unfortunately, you cannot convince folks who are bad at math otherwise.


PvP gear is better for PvP than non-PvP gear of the same tier.


Non-qualified statements can be proven to be false. I've qualified yours so you're good :cool:

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PvP gear is better for PvP than non-PvP gear of the same tier.


Non-qualified statements can be proven to be false. I've qualified yours so you're good :cool:


Fair enough.

I'd add, having leveled several characters to 50, and planned in advance with saving tokens, I've never really felt boned in recruit gear (which you replace rather quickly) on any of my characters even against WH geared characters. In fact, compared to the way it used to work (RNG for gear = dumb idea on any level), I find the free recruit gear to be a blessing.

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Ive said it before, you approach the pvp match based on your class and your gear. On various classes I have played with and without expertise. Sure with zero expertise and no gear I get owned, but when I am in that situation I do not charge into battle. I hang out in back and play a support role.


My fifth 50 is a sage. When I started him out in 50 pvp he was wearing some gear which was level 46. I've had good games and bad. On some wins, I've been the top healer.


On that guy I know I can pretty much be a dedicated healer to myself and one other guy. I look at the guys on my team and find the best geared and/or player and put a mark on them. Then I run around and heal him and myself. I will heal others when no threat is around and my dps pal is 80% or better in health. The way I see it. Even with great expertise gear, I will never be able to dps as well as he. So I don't need to dps. Mostly I just dot his opponents and mine with the slow ability. Also since his expertise is high, it helps mitigate my low expertise for pvp trauma reduction.


If no one on my team is particulary good, or they like to get to close to multiple sets of opponents. I will focus on keeping myself alive and try to heal and run.

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Just to play the devils advocate... on my op healer, I did do a few WZs with 0 expertise--in my raiding gear--and I was still able to do ~400k healing with 4ish deaths. I got stomped fast against any decent team, of course, so I had to be pretty strategic about where I did my healing.
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All d-baggery from the OP aside... to save myself some trouble with the math. Does anyone know... does that cash you get from the token add up to the exact amount of all the gear?


Since I'm gonna have coms maxed out on my next 50 and able to buy a few pieces of BM.... why take the set? They only sell for 1 credit each. Take the cash adn only buy the pieces I need after getting a couple BM pieces. Is there any reason NOT to do this? I can't see one...

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All d-baggery from the OP aside... to save myself some trouble with the math. Does anyone know... does that cash you get from the token add up to the exact amount of all the gear?


Since I'm gonna have coms maxed out on my next 50 and able to buy a few pieces of BM.... why take the set? They only sell for 1 credit each. Take the cash adn only buy the pieces I need after getting a couple BM pieces. Is there any reason NOT to do this? I can't see one...


Yes that is exactly how to do it. Also i find that getting the bm mainhand and 2 WH implants or earpiece are most efficient. You will really regret trading your ranked comms back to regular ones just to get more bm pieces

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Yes that is exactly how to do it. Also i find that getting the bm mainhand and 2 WH implants or earpiece are most efficient. You will really regret trading your ranked comms back to regular ones just to get more bm pieces


Yeah, I made that mistake the first time. Never really thought that one through the first time around. Was just wondering if I could make cash as I figured I could off the recruit thing. I'm a custom junkie so funds are usually low. But I have a cargo FULL of custom gear for different looks every few weeks. :D

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There was another case I was defending a node with another guy, that guy got attacked and died and I called for help relatively late, and we lose the node. Obviously it was my fault because the first guy who was attacked probably can't call for help while he was stunned. Incredibly, while I'm wearing literally random stuff I found on the ground on this character, and the other guy with me inspected me to repeatedly tell me my gear sucks, it never occurred to this guy that we're probably going to lose an obvious 2on2 so he should call for help.


wow. he should call for help? what server did you say you were on?

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Just to play the devils advocate... on my op healer, I did do a few WZs with 0 expertise--in my raiding gear--and I was still able to do ~400k healing with 4ish deaths. I got stomped fast against any decent team, of course, so I had to be pretty strategic about where I did my healing.


On my DPS guardian I carry my pvp and pve sets with me and often forget to swap them out, it really doesnt make that big a difference in my experience

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Fail PvP Stuff


This is beneath you Astarica, but then again, we are all bored as h*ll and don't have anything better to do in PvP than stupid in game social experiments like this.


Speeder Piloting III...lol. Ever since BW nixed Ilum and pretty much OPvP in this game, there is no reason to have anything more than SP I in PvP. What a waste of credits. Better to spend those credits on Recruit Gear for companions.


Only my Pub main has SPIII. None of my other toons have more than SPI. Each still use the freebie speeder I got from pre-order too. heh

Edited by DarthOvertone
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This is beneath you Astarica, but then again, we are all bored as h*ll and don't have anything better to do in PvP than stupid in game social experiments like this.


Speeder Piloting III...lol. Ever since BW nixed Ilum and pretty much OPvP in this game, there is no reason to have anything more than SP I in PvP. What a waste of credits. Better to spend those credits on Recruit Gear for companions.


Only my Pub main has SPIII. None of my other toons have more than SPI. Each still use the freebie speeder I got from pre-order too. heh


Referred a friend, purchase legacy perk... level 10 with a level 3 speeder. :D

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