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EA will close the doors on SWTOR


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EA will close the doors on SWTOR just like they did with Earth and Beyond....I give SWTOR about one more year if they are lucky......The free to play players will level to 50 then quit.....because there is no game for them after that.


Free to play means you get Jack diddly squat when it comes to the game after the level cap ....also they try to make you feel like a second class low life gamer if you don't have a subscription. It's like tying your hands up, and then asking you are you having fun yet.


Guild Wars 2 does not penalize the gamer with it's free to play model...that is how it should be done you get a full game experience. They give you options too, if you want to play it with single player, group , or guild without making you feel like you have to group to get the best loot in the game. The drop in war zones are huge , simple join your faction , and defend , or attack.


If you want the guild , group game play it is there .......but if you want to solo the game, they give you the full game experience, and do not penalize you for playing solo....Bioware it is called options......drop in drop out game play fun simple gaming.


I do believe MMO's can have both a rewarding single player rpg experience , and the Guild Grouping gameplay most MMO's have. Without penalizing solo game players either that ,or or make KOTOR 3 for the single player rpg gamers, that is what they want.

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EA wont "close the doors on TOR" as you put it, especially within a year from now. If you want it to be like GW2, or you don't like the direction don't play. But your speculation is most certainly false, and your thread doesn't really engage or provoke any new questions or insight... just stirs the pot.



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Free to Play has saved other games in the past. It does bring in more players and that is what they need right now. Some people will buy the extra bells and whistles Bioware sells us others will just pay a sub. What I'm saying is that Bioware will get their money and even if the game sits at 1 mil for a year or 2. That is still a lot of income to just give up.
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EA will close the doors on SWTOR just like they did with Earth and Beyond....I give SWTOR about one more year if they are lucky......The free to play players will level to 50 then quit.....because there is no game for them after that.


Free to play means you get Jack diddly squat when it comes to the game after the level cap ....also they try to make you feel like a second class low life gamer if you don't have a subscription. It's like tying your hands up, and then asking you are you having fun yet.


Guild Wars 2 does not penalize the gamer with it's free to play model...that is how it should be done you get a full game experience. They give you options too, if you want to play it with single player, group , or guild without making you feel like you have to group to get the best loot in the game. The drop in war zones are huge , simple join your faction , and defend , or attack.


If you want the guild , group game play it is there .......but if you want to solo the game, they give you the full game experience, and do not penalize you for playing solo....Bioware it is called options......drop in drop out game play fun simple gaming.


I do believe MMO's can have both a rewarding single player rpg experience , and the Guild Grouping gameplay most MMO's have. Without penalizing solo game players either that ,or or make KOTOR 3 for the single player rpg gamers, that is what they want.


should this not be on the drama page of facebook....unless you can please post your credentials in marketing, finance and game design that is. ;p

Edited by Blackardin
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I thought the same thing when I was playing Earth and Beyond ...no EA won't shut this game down ....live ,and learn EA don't care .

I liked SWTOR was it everything I hoped it would be no , and with the new F2P model, any money for all new content will be slim. We will see I have played a lot of MMO's , and have kept the subscription going a lot longer then most players hoping for the best in the game didn't happen.

I will be playing the F2P SWTOR to finish the storylines of the characters I have started. I do thank Bioware for trying to make the best Star Wars mmo ...I know that there was a lot of work that went into the game, just lacks the magic of KOTOR.

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I thought the same thing when I was playing Earth and Beyond ...no EA won't shut this game down ....live ,and learn EA don't care .

I liked SWTOR was it everything I hoped it would be no , and with the new F2P model, any money for all new content will be slim. We will see I have played a lot of MMO's , and have kept the subscription going a lot longer then most players hoping for the best in the game didn't happen.

I will be playing the F2P SWTOR to finish the storylines of the characters I have started. I do thank Bioware for trying to make the best Star Wars mmo ...I know that there was a lot of work that went into the game, just lacks the magic of KOTOR.


When EA shut down Earth and Beyond (yes, i was there), Larry Probst said the following: "We do not deal with online games being that these games do not generate any kind of sustainable profit." Earth and Beyond had a very niche, but loyal, following. And I was one of them. This thinking though by EA MAY, I stress may, have changed as the MMO has become popular in the past ten years. All I can say is "wait and see". Screaming doom and gloom won't help anything.

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If garbage like Star Trek Online can survive as F2P, then SWTOR has a decent chance of continuing for the foreseeable future.


To be fair, STO is much better than it was. It is still not "great", but it is enjoyable for a while.


COH and DDO are (to me) the prime examples of what a hybrid F2P model can do. COH is consistantly getting better and DDO just released their largest expansion. So the thought of "no new content with F2P" is assinine.


*COH has been good for a while, IMO, but despite being good, the developers seem focused on attaining "great", and the fact that few MMOs that have been around that long are still improving....

Edited by Tickdoff-Tank
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To be fair, STO is much better than it was. It is still not "great", but it is enjoyable for a while.


COH and DDO are (to me) the prime examples of what a hybrid F2P model can do. COH is consistantly getting better and DDO just released their largest expansion. So the thought of "no new content with F2P" is assinine.


Until i get the full Klingon faction i paid for, i'm not cutting Cryptic/Perfect World any slack.


But you are absolutely correct that F2P is by no means the end of new content, and in fact usually forces the opposite to occur and for new content to appear more frequently in order to keep their potential cash store customers around.

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EA wont "close the doors on TOR" as you put it, especially within a year from now. If you want it to be like GW2, or you don't like the direction don't play. But your speculation is most certainly false, and your thread doesn't really engage or provoke any new questions or insight... just stirs the pot.




Your a blind fool keep holding onto what little bit of hope you have its ok i did too until this announcement F2P ppl will play to 50 say hey great rpg wheres the mmo at hmm and sorry GW2 starts at F2P with 5 times the content HAHA sure sure this game will be fine *skips away drooling*:D

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I hope SWTOR does go on .....But EA loves to pull the plug on mmo's


Blackardin...My credentials in marketing , finance ,and game design ......is as follows I have played video games , computer games for 36 years , before that it was pinball arcades . I have payed full price for video game systems, games, computers , and software over those 36 years , I could have bought a house with the money I have invested in gaming...so I have support game designers , and publishers for 36 years...I have shared the wealth. In that 36 years I have watched gaming change , and go through it's ups, and downs. I do appreciate all the hard work game designers put into the games they create. We all could still be playing Pong without them.

My experience with gaming over the years has taught me that there is no perfect game , or publisher , and the industry is always changing . So we will see what happens , I hope Bioware can make the changes needed to keep SWTOR going ....I do believe we need a Star Wars mmo.

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EA will close the doors on SWTOR just like they did with Earth and Beyond....I give SWTOR about one more year if they are lucky......The free to play players will level to 50 then quit.....because there is no game for them after that.


Free to play means you get Jack diddly squat when it comes to the game after the level cap ....also they try to make you feel like a second class low life gamer if you don't have a subscription. It's like tying your hands up, and then asking you are you having fun yet.


Guild Wars 2 does not penalize the gamer with it's free to play model...that is how it should be done you get a full game experience. They give you options too, if you want to play it with single player, group , or guild without making you feel like you have to group to get the best loot in the game. The drop in war zones are huge , simple join your faction , and defend , or attack.


If you want the guild , group game play it is there .......but if you want to solo the game, they give you the full game experience, and do not penalize you for playing solo....Bioware it is called options......drop in drop out game play fun simple gaming.


I do believe MMO's can have both a rewarding single player rpg experience , and the Guild Grouping gameplay most MMO's have. Without penalizing solo game players either that ,or or make KOTOR 3 for the single player rpg gamers, that is what they want.

Is there an ad for Guild Wars 2 wrapped inside this post? Or am I just seeing things? :rolleyes:

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No they wont lol.

Listen, I'm sure as hell no fanboi, but predicting that they'll close this down next year is foolhardy. The 600+ devs they had working on this game have content planned for at least the next 3 years I bet.

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Is there an ad for Guild Wars 2 wrapped inside this post? Or am I just seeing things? :rolleyes:


No you're dead on.


It's like he's saying one cash shop is Ok but the same cash shop across the street is no good and yet he has never stepped foot in either one.

Edited by Quraswren
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Your a blind fool keep holding onto what little bit of hope you have its ok i did too until this announcement F2P ppl will play to 50 say hey great rpg wheres the mmo at hmm and sorry GW2 starts at F2P with 5 times the content HAHA sure sure this game will be fine *skips away drooling*:D


Holy hell, I have no idea what you just said little kid. I think maybe you like video games? That's about all I can decipher. :confused:

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EA will close the doors on SWTOR just like they did with Earth and Beyond....I give SWTOR about one more year if they are lucky......The free to play players will level to 50 then quit.....because there is no game for them after that.

Or they will subscribe for a month or two to complete the high level content. Or buy it. And then they will go back to F2P to do PVP or something.

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Your a blind fool keep holding onto what little bit of hope you have its ok i did too until this announcement F2P ppl will play to 50 say hey great rpg wheres the mmo at hmm and sorry GW2 starts at F2P with 5 times the content HAHA sure sure this game will be fine *skips away drooling*:D


Please - For the love of God ( or whatever hits your fancy) use some punctuation and try to type something legible.

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Your a blind fool keep holding onto what little bit of hope you have its ok i did too until this announcement F2P ppl will play to 50 say hey great rpg wheres the mmo at hmm and sorry GW2 starts at F2P with 5 times the content HAHA sure sure this game will be fine *skips away drooling*:D


Another noob who thinks GW2 is the mmo messiah....lol.

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Until i get the full Klingon faction i paid for, i'm not cutting Cryptic/Perfect World any slack.

But you are absolutely correct that F2P is by no means the end of new content, and in fact usually forces the opposite to occur and for new content to appear more frequently in order to keep their potential cash store customers around.


I agree with you there :) They really should do something about that. But the new fleet bases are pretty cool. But the community there is even worse than the community here, as hard as that is to believe.

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Your a blind fool keep holding onto what little bit of hope you have its ok i did too until this announcement F2P ppl will play to 50 say hey great rpg wheres the mmo at hmm and sorry GW2 starts at F2P with 5 times the content HAHA sure sure this game will be fine *skips away drooling*:D

Is English your first language? Been speaking it long??

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Reckoning had new content to , and a MMO planned .....Bioware has already layed off people.......I hope they do come out with the new content , and make it available for all players.....F2P players will probably have to buy it. We will have to see just what a subscription will get you in Nov.
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Free to Play has saved other games in the past. It does bring in more players and that is what they need right now. Some people will buy the extra bells and whistles Bioware sells us others will just pay a sub. What I'm saying is that Bioware will get their money and even if the game sits at 1 mil for a year or 2. That is still a lot of income to just give up.


The problem here, in gameplayer terms, is NOT one of subscription numbers (except in terms of longevity). Subscriber number problems are causing the suits to wobble, sure... profit is their prime concern... but players are leaving and have left this game for a number of reasons that are simply not being addressed. The model is being introduced in the hope of improving profitability, not making the game itself better for the players... and the poor state of the game IS the reason for players leaving.


In other words... 'saving' a crap game by shifting to F2P isn't saving anything of value, from a gamer's perspective. If other games offer a better experience, they'll continue to drop ToR in the future, as they evidently have in the past and present. What model this game has is NOT the reason for such subscriber losses, despite the PR statement to the contrary.

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I agree with you there :) They really should do something about that. But the new fleet bases are pretty cool. But the community there is even worse than the community here, as hard as that is to believe.


Oh believe me i remember it quite well. It was the community or rather the way Cryptic responded to it that made me give up my subscription before the first month ran out. Bioware have made some foul ups, but until they send in a Dev pretending to be a character from Star Wars to tell their customers to shut up and not complain about 8 hours of servers being offline with no reason given, they are better than Cryptic in my book.

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When EA shut down Earth and Beyond (yes, i was there), Larry Probst said the following: "We do not deal with online games being that these games do not generate any kind of sustainable profit." Earth and Beyond had a very niche, but loyal, following. And I was one of them. This thinking though by EA MAY, I stress may, have changed as the MMO has become popular in the past ten years. All I can say is "wait and see". Screaming doom and gloom won't help anything.


I was one of them too. But I managed to sell my account 2 weeks before they announced they were closing the servers. It was clear towards the end when EA took over that the game was in trouble. Every new content patch was a disaster followed by loads of rollbacks.


You can look up quite a few failed MMO's from that era that closed their servers. F2P models were not around or in place to make a last stand for them.

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