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Any 2008'ers still loyal to the game?


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Yup still here registered in 08, but didn't actually post till 09.


Still having fun with the game and up until yesterday I had great expectations for it's long range development so I had been commited to supporting the game with my subscription.


However, I simply wont support the game with this f2p nonsense.


To all the old schoolers still hangin in there though good luck to you I hope it works out.

Edited by Hardwear
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Yes I'm still here and didn't start to play Swtor actually until a few weeks ago, even when I have a CE, as I was traveling for a year.


I do like the game, although it is not what was hyped by the devs. Still I consider it an ok game, not super good, but ok.


Unfortunately the game seems too linear, like running in a lab rat tube. Also the planets are completely dead, like after a nuclear blast. And the space combat....argh....


I will probably stick around for a year or two, as it takes about that time to completely ruin a game with F2P. At least that's what it took with Lotro, to which I have a lifetime subscription, but I don't play it anymore, as it seems everything is in the cash shop and you need that in order to be a competitive in instances etc.


Just sad that this game turned out like this, as I guess it will take 10 to 20 years to have even a remote chance of a good Star Wars MMO.

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Many of us have been following this game since 2006...any 2008'ers still out there?


I was, joined since the first day this game got announced


leaving now because bioware and EA decided to screw me. A loyal fan, who bought their CE.

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Good to see you StillOne

Coming up to 4 years soon! o.O


Ya, I saw you around the pre-boards quite a bit. Ahhh the good ol' days waiting for Fridays, not the releases - the flames when it was a Fan Friday, a late-post day, or a post-show weekend. The endless debates when Spring actually began and ended. June '09, and following before that. Still a good game that I enjoy...

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Still here too since 2008.


I still like the game as I still have fun playing it. I don't plan to leave soon as I have things I want to do, probably for 6 more months.


That said, this is probably the last BW game I buy. I bought all their games between 1998 and 2011 but I started to see too many things I don't like in ME2, in DA2 and in TOR. BW changed as a company and their games changed too and not for the better so I didn't bought ME3 even if I would have liked an ending.


But really, instead of firing people that are no more "needed" to the game, there's a bunch of people involved in the decision making part of TOR's development that should never let be involved in development of games.

It's kinda sad that nobody in BW/EA can stand up and tell thoses guys to shut up, I guess too many people need their jobs even if it's to produce a big disappointment that don't make that much money when they had all the cards needed to make a great game.

Edited by Nyla
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  • 4 weeks later...
I wonder if they did that because sometimes people were slightly elitst about their join date.


Slightly? :eek:


I created an account the day these forums opened in October 2008 and followed the game very closely since then.


I'm a much bigger fan of what this game could have been than what it is. :(

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I was like the 1500th person or so to sign up on these forums, 2 sec after they came up in october '08. Still enjoying the game a lot. Might be because I treat it as entertainment, and never get too worked up over video games.


We had way more fun on the forums pre-launch though...

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I wish I could be. Remember all the good times we had on these forums and the off topic sections. This place was a paradise.


And then it took EA to the knee.


It was always good for a laugh. I miss those forums:(



WTB posts from Cleverbot again, lol

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The only other game I'd be interested in playing is about to expand to suck. I mean, I literally just read the patch notes and was like "Wow, this game is for kids now", and it reminded me that this game actually makes me think about stuff sometimes... But not so much that it's annoying.

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