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Everything posted by Praxeum

  1. Same with me on Belsavus. But, I stuck and went to a prison escape scene, and was able to complete. I killed the spawns that came out a little slower the second time.
  2. Yes, was it intentional? Please knock it back to Self-perpetuating. Looks like the original thread is gone. Here's the post from Dulfy.
  3. Had a great time! Thank you for being gracious hosts, being open with community and of course the swag and prizes. Wizards!!! I knew that question argh. Best part was just sitting around talking about the game with the original fan, and the story from the player that runs HM's with Treek tanking. Very cool seeing you all in person and hearing your passion -- everyone truly seems to care about the community. Glad to have shared drinks with you all. Please come back to Nar Shadd... er... Las Vegas.
  4. Will there be skills or power-ups like 'Roid Rage or 'Roid Flare-up?
  5. Last day of beta, server wide dance-off, here we were on Coruscant... moments before many jumped off the plaza: Finale Pics
  6. If they are so much better, why the need to 'borrow' key TOR features that set them apart: companions (and companion missions) and character story -- some of those same improvements Bioware made to the industry. They've been in business to build those numbers for a lot longer. They have 7 now but were probably closer to 12 just a few years ago... sounds like they are bleeding and called in some changes from Bioware's drawing board. According to your numbers (assumed from Blizzcon) sounds like they are bleeding pretty bad (losing 2 mill+ in about 8-9 months) and resorted to changes that were Bioware-like. http://leviathyn.com/games/news/2013/05/08/world-of-warcraft-subscription-numbers-down-to-8-3-million/m http://www.mmodata.net/ I left WoW because it was not the WoW of the glory days, pandas and dumb-down of the game killed it for me. Maybe it is a slow death.
  7. Well, Visions are never absolute, always changing, you get that from Yoda in ESB - and the Sith are not used to having visions in the first place (from Revan novel) - he may not know he is seeing one possibility. And yes, this is in the middle, we don't know the end of the story yet. So I don't see a flaw at all.
  8. Housing wasn't bad per se, but the endless sea of ghost towns was pretty bad. With creatures spawning inside stairs and such... but inside was cool I'll give you that. I agree with the rest, near the end of the development, there was a buzz about Guild Ships and it was named with the "wall of stickies" - stuff they had to put on the back-burner to hit the release date. I disagree that it'll never happen.
  9. Abe Lincoln Jedi - Ultimate goal was peace and unification, willing to fight for what he believed. Calm leader in the face of dire times. Fought for freedom and equality. Plus, could be one with the force in the Lincoln bedroom (reportedly). Genghis Khan Sith - Dominated, set on conquering world. Ruthless in pursuit of goals. Valued battle as a means to an end. Tore up Oshman's in San Dimas.
  10. Kinda' in the no too, though good ideas, seems like it would homogenize the classes. I like that there are some clear separations (one reason why not a huge fan of GW2). Soft landing, meh, don't see a huge need.
  11. No, it's a year... it was always stated Hoth was 3 aby and Endor was 4 aby... from wookiepedia "At the Rebel rendezvous point, Skywalker, Lando Calrissian, Chewbacca, Leia Organa, C-3PO and R2-D2 began their year-long quest to save Solo from being held frozen in carbonite by Jabba Desilijic Tiure in Jabba's Palace on Tatooine.[8]" http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/3_ABY To the OP... at ROTJ Yoda expressed that Luke did not need more training, while he indicated it was regretful that he left early, it seems he now feels his training was complete. In that year, from ESB, it would be assumed Luke had a fair amount of time to realize his innate abilities. The entire sub-plot of the Emperor and Vader chasing Skywalker indicated that he had an unusually strong connection, being the son of the chosen one. I don't think it's a stretch to think he would be able to strengthen his connection to the force during this time. He had apparently taught himself in ABY 3 to create his own lightsaber (wookiepedia and a ROTJ cut-scene) one of the final tasks in Jedi training. Besides, they'd have to know he was special, they wouldn't knowingly send Bob the Jedi to confront Vader without help, but they did Luke.
  12. Disagree about Revan, a little cliche and "easy" at times, but overall not too bad. More importantly, if you are a fan of the games, it ties in the games well. For the tie-in alone I would recommend it. I did like Deceived a lot, but haven't read FA nor Annihilation - I went back (forward) to the Han Solo trilogy and the Last of the Jedi.
  13. I feel that the number one focus ought to be Customer Support. I have read and experienced nearly non-existent Customer Support. It seems to have gotten worse too. At least in the early days, there would be an acknowledgment that a ticket was submitted (my latest bug report took about eight days even to receive a response). My game crashed after this last horrible patch and I had to go through a few re-installs -- with ZERO help from customer support, even after the four tickets I submitted (I think, I still have yet to receive an email response that I successfully submitted a ticket). And I feel fortunate, as a few indicated they canceled, not even being able to re-install, and never receiving a response from somebody. I am not complaining, and I look forward to the upcoming changes... but I truly hope there are major improvements in Customer Support... selfishly, at least a priority queue for subscribers (especially after broken patches). But any improvement would be nice; perhaps the game is healthy, but the Customer Support is d.o a. Oh, and I'd like to see the Guild Capital Ships, customizable ships, and the Sabbac tables that were on the wall...
  14. They did make improvements there for this patch, read the article regarding smoothing shadows, it also talks about better graphics... "In addition to these functional changes, there have been numerous optimizations made to the underlying core technology to reduce the load on the player’s computer. In most cases, players should notice an improvement to framerate compared to the previous system. Players with high-end AMD CrossFire or Nvidia SLI machines should notice a large improvement when running the game with the new shadow system."
  15. Were you here when they posted the video from E3 (I think it was '09) -- with the consular standing in the back healing? Flametastic days those were...
  16. Or, to take it a step further, it could have been the plan all along, maybe it was planned to come a short-time later to get a decent base under its belt first. I know there was a lot of speculation before the pricing was announced, and there seemed to be a buzz in the industry because LotRO had done pretty well. I have no doubt it would not have done well as a F2P from the beginning, the stigma is too great (whether accurate or not (look at how this board blew up).
  17. Ya, I saw you around the pre-boards quite a bit. Ahhh the good ol' days waiting for Fridays, not the releases - the flames when it was a Fan Friday, a late-post day, or a post-show weekend. The endless debates when Spring actually began and ended. June '09, and following before that. Still a good game that I enjoy...
  18. Same with Shadow Hand... and why in the first place? The fleet was on average 50-70 a day, so not too bad, PVP would be slow fill only at nights. Today, I was one of two or three all day (never saw a 50) and PVP queues are non-existent for either level group. For many, this was a poor service decision. I will be forced to move at some point as a result, so much for my choice.
  19. I was told by in-game support I can post my issue here regarding the poor choice of allowing Shadow Hand Transfers. This morning, as a result of the transfer from Shadow Hand to Shadowlands, I found that I was the only person on the Republic Fleet, my guildbank emptied (without solution), and a wasted day. The server population was just fine where it was at, and you guys chose that one to allow moves? It was Standard on its best day recently, and still you chose to allow it to be drained to nothing, forcing me to move (when my guild decides to move). I am sure you had numbers that were originally showing it to be a strong server, and I have no clue the ultimate goal,(I hope it wasn't just to populate Shadowland if it was, that was the dumbest decision you've made so far), but now it is barren. You may as well close the server now, allowing an influx from another server will only be playing a shell-game. Thank you for ruining a weekend.
  20. Thanks for killing Shadow Hand... I've queued in pvp most of the week, 50 and the lower levels... absolute nada. Good news is that I have the Republic space station all to myself! Thanks! And it is still having the Server Admin Messages every 15 mins. There are 2 players currently on Tatooine, mid-late afternoon on a weekend. C'mon rethink that server.
  21. Got it (I think that was the name) as a random drop early. No belt though, I am a Synthweaver so I am always hoping for the belt recipe, best I can get is the crit with the one slot.
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