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Making credits generally


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Hi, I just wondered what anyone else's experience is of building up enough credits to buy things. Obviously there's the speeder at lv25 but also extra bag space, stims, companion cosmetic outfits etc.


I have a lv18 Jedi Guardian and have been synthweaving to keep up with my level, but I find I never have more than around 3-4,000 credits at any one time. I have never been further in the game so am just wondering if credits from missions on Taris and Nar Shadda increase a lot or if I need to do something else? Otherwise I just can't see how any of these things are affordable.


For example a few deaths in Hammer Station and some more stims from the vendor cost me about 1,500 credits which is a significant chunk of what I had!


Thanks for any guidance.

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I'd avoid purchasing Stims unless absolutely necessary. They're more a money sink than necessity, imo. Can they help? Sure. Are they needed? Not really.


As of right now, in the early stages, Crafting Skills are also more money sink than necessity. If you're looking for a highly profitable and credit-making machine in Crew Skills, look in to: Slicing.


Slicing is OP right now and a great way to raise funds.

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Nar Shaddaa missions give a lot more credits, so you will probably be fine if you watch your spending a little bit. If I remember correctly, the missions on Nar Shaddaa average about 1,000 credits each. I was broke because of crafting when I started Taris, but I had more than enough to buy my speeder and skill at level 25.


To save up, you might have to take a break from crafting for a few levels. If you can get by without stims, don't buy them. Also, don't repair until something breaks--at low levels, you are likely to replace something before it needs repaired.

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Leveling your crafting and companion mission/gathering skills takes quite a bit of money in a relatively painless and easy-to-miss way, so you may find that is part of the problem.


I thought my girlfriend was expensive in RL, but compared to the female companions in SWTOR, she is not that bad :p Although I made most of my mistakes there in beta, and my credit balance in-game is into 5 figures at level 13. Must be all the dancing in the cantina that I do with my Jedi Sage :)

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I'd avoid purchasing Stims unless absolutely necessary. They're more a money sink than necessity, imo. Can they help? Sure. Are they needed? Not really.


As of right now, in the early stages, Crafting Skills are also more money sink than necessity. If you're looking for a highly profitable and credit-making machine in Crew Skills, look in to: Slicing.


Slicing is OP right now and a great way to raise funds.


I concur will all this except for Slicing is OP. It's a great way to make money but that's the point. It's been GREATLY nerfed since beta though.

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I'm just about to leave Taris, about 1/2 way to 25. I have about 48k credits. Never buy anything, drops/rewards are fine. Loot everything and sell it, I also havent bought any expanded inventory yet.


I havent really leveled up my diplomacy that much, I really need to get that up into the level 17-25 range.


Im biochem/bioanalysis/diplomacy. I mainly focus on just leveling it, plus trying to get the reusable med pacts and aim stims each tier. But other than that, the only real credit sinks I've found are new abilities and crew skill training/missions. I havent really been focusing on keeping it up with my level though.


Slicing is also a good idea to make credits, it helps alot.

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Level 25 Commando here.


I generally try not to spend any money on armor, weapons or stims. I use commendations or whatever I loot for my needs.


Never repair before equipping your best stuff that you just looted. Otherwise, you'll end up repairing the armor and weapons you're about to get rid of to the vendor.


If you loot a blue or purple that you can't use and none of your friends can use it... put it up for sale on the galactic market.


Some people only upgrade abilities that they use each level to save credits for level 25, but I upgraded them all and learned each one.


I crafted some, but not a lot. (Up to about 90 in synthweaving) What materials I could harvest myself; I did rather than send my companions out. (cause that will eventually lead to lots of credit loss)


I did purchase extra space for my immediate inventory -5000.


I really can't think of anything else to conserve credits up to this point in my characters life.


Upon reaching 25 I was able to purchase training to ride my speeder (-40,000) and I still had almost 40k left. Now I have sent my companions out on missions and I'm down to 10k lol

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Im a lvl 23 and have finished Taris, and about to finish Nar shadaa.

Crafting lvl 80

Gathering lvl 190

Mission lvl 80

Credits 25,000.


I loot everything and reguarly send my companion to "sell junk".

I also either disassemble or sell everything I dont need.


How do you "sell junk"? Every time I click the sell junk items button on my companion she just stands there and nothing disappears from my inventory even though I have tons of items with the description "this item has no use but can be sold to a vendor for credits".


Is there are bug with the bounty hunter's Mako pet or something?

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While I agree that slicing does make a ton of credits at higher levels, it will take time (like all things) to start earning the big bucks. Another tip with slicing is when you're in a group where you don't need your companion, send them out to do slicing or other professions. It really helps, I'm level 20 and am sitting on about 38k credits.
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Hi, I just wondered what anyone else's experience is of building up enough credits to buy things.


I have a lv18 Jedi Guardian and have been synthweaving to keep up with my level, but I find I never have more than around 3-4,000 credits at any one time. I have never been further in the game so am just wondering if credits from missions on Taris and Nar Shadda increase a lot or if I need to do something else? Otherwise I just can't see how any of these things are affordable.


I actually had this same question and started a thread yesterday, but since this one got more hits, I'll just post the replies I got below:

this is my best tip it takes a little time..While on your way from point A to point B kill everything in your path, put on area and auto loot...fill your bags up...send your companion to get rid of greys...Once you get 5k by a bigger bag....repeat...I made 20k between level 20-21..not a lot but it will be enough to make sure you can send companions to do missions, and buy your abilities...hope this helps.


Unfortunately - the crafting is currently heavily skewed towards Slicing and it providing free money. It's thee money maker en mass.

Unless (or until if lucky) an economy gets going, which is doubtful with Slicing current influence I think - your crafting will mainly be to equip yourself and companions.


Therefore I wouldn't grind your crafting too much, but only keep it up to par with levelling and focus on a few items.


I beg to differ im making a nice little sum on crafting, not as much as I'm grinding but then you tend to expect to earn less until your 'mastered'. But I have no idea about slicing as im just scavenging/cybertech.


At least for me reverse engineering is the golden way to improve schematics and earn money, and RE's that dont yield a schematic are a cash drain.


However to improve cash I went back and redid the heroics solo on previous planets that needed a group once and now are solo. Or even more rewarding was to queue for PVP I got 2k in my first game and you get lots of PvP commendations, and its huge fun - definitely recommend it!


Let us know if you find any better method

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I was wondering if it's beneficial to solo and "re-do" the lower level Heroic missions since you are able to take them over and over? Or do you not get the credits for them? For instance being a commando, couldn't I go back to Ord Mantell and work the heroic alone and get the credits? Granted you'd get close to no XP, but this is about credit earning.


Just a thought.

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I have been slicing, as others have recommended.


But just wanted to give a word of caution to others, becareful previewing items with holding down control and left mouse button. I had a little over 12k and was previewing companion appearances. Suffice to say, I accidentally purchased appearance 8 for 12k, lol. I was pissed at myself but these things happen. Only had about 700 creds after purchase :(


Funny thing is I was being stingy with my purchases to save money. Oh well. Back up to 4k now.



But my twilec is looking really cute :rolleyes:

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I have been slicing, as others have recommended.

Unfortunately I've already chosen "Armstech" and it's two supporting crew skills. I'm new to the crafting system, but I don't think I can do slicing now. Unless I'm missing something.


I guess I can create and alt with slicing, then email my primary the funds.



Other than that I guess the idea of just sweeping the "works" or the "slums" over and over is the best idea.

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...I have a lv18 Jedi Guardian and have been synthweaving to keep up with my level, but I find I never have more than around 3-4,000 credits at any one time...


There lies your problem. Crafting eats all your credits. You are better off waiting until 25 to craft items. Save 40k, buy your speeder/training then worry about crafting.

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Unfortunately I've already chosen "Armstech" and it's two supporting crew skills. I'm new to the crafting system, but I don't think I can do slicing now. Unless I'm missing something.


I guess I can create and alt with slicing, then email my primary the funds.



Other than that I guess the idea of just sweeping the "works" or the "slums" over and over is the best idea.


press N to get to your crew skill window. there is a X under each skill progress bar. Press that to unlearn that crew skill and you can choose another one.

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Just an Update:


I'm an "armstech" so I originally had scavenging and investigation to support the craft, however I found I never used investigation. So I dropped investigation and went with slicing.


And it appears to be definitely a way to make credits. Not as much as people were making it sound (maybe at the higher levels) but if you get into an area heavy with lock boxes and safes, you can make a little coin. Also of course you can send your companions on slicing missions, but beware it is a gamble. I'm averaging about a 25% return on my money. Sometimes as high as %50.


Anyhow, for what it's worth, this is how I'm making credits:


I have "slicing" as one of my crew skills. I hit the "works" and run backward through the level scavenging resources (I'm a armstech), slicing all the terminals & lock boxes , while killing and looting everything. And during all that send my two companions on slicing missions over and over. I then periodically send my one companion to sell the junk items. When I get to the justicar area, I just take the taxi back to the "works" and rinse and repeat. In about 30 minutes (after I sold off some of the non junk items) I averaged about 3,000 credits. In addition to this, I also find some space missions can provide some good cash along with some good XP.


I'm sure as I level up I will find other ways to earn credits, but for now this is working. I do have to say even though I hate being broke in the game, it does add a certain level of "challenge" to it.

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I have over 40k credits at level 20 and am now leveling biochem and bioanalysis, and diplomacy. I keep sending my companions to mission to get light points. I also spent 5k on a purple legging for my companion so he wont die from tanking for me. I don't know how I made so much credits without slicing.


BTW, I am almost light II now, no dark points at all, and people I helped will constantly mail me credits! So being nice might be the secret. Honestly I have no clue why you have no money.

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have 200/200 already in Bioanalysis // Diplomacy, already have my speeder and im now with 20k credits more or less.


What I do:

- Pvp WZ gives decent amounts of money for 15-20mins of playing. Plus the lv20 pvp armor is awesome.

- Dailys space missions also gives decent money for 5mins of playing.

- Reusable consumables with Biochem sells like hot bread. Make 2 reusable stims and reusable med packs and sell them at the GM. You can also make implants way better than the ones you get as quest rewards.

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