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Secret Space Project


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EA isn't going to give BW the money to hire voice actors for new companions when they consider this game a "miss"

I don't know why it's so difficult for ppl to realize this, EA considers this a failure, they're gonna stop funding it.


I totally agree

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Usually all F2P games just add more content.


More Flashpoints

More Operations

More Warzones

More Species


These will be the things you get mostly. Planets will be a bit more rare.


With the new space missions I have a feeling that getting out a revamped space game is on the back burner unless the F2P model turns out to be a smashing success for them.


So no more class quests? That was the only reason I kept playing this game. That's it then.. I am leaving.

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I love all the speculation going on here. NOBODY knows what is going on, stop acting like you do! You can voice your opinion but stop trying to convince people it's fact. Unless you have absolute proof you are just speculating. Since none of us are in the offices talking with decision makers we don't know jack.


My opinion, we'll see a new space game at some point. Now please stop trying to push your opinion as fact.:rolleyes:

Edited by Kilikaa
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So no more class quests? That was the only reason I kept playing this game. That's it then.. I am leaving.


Hey I'm just assuming. Most F2P games don't just go out and revamp parts of their games. They just add more content for the players to consume.


Given that class quests take voice over work though, I'm not sure it is looking so bright for more class quests. I guess Makeb will have more story though and so will new planets...I guess new planets could mean more class stuff.


Who really knows? It's all speculation. The best thing about F2P is you can leave now and if something interests you then you come back pay the price for that content and enjoy.

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They've announced 10 new Space missions. That over doubles the amount of space content currently in the game. If you are seriously as blind as to believe there is some "secret space revamp" that is going to make the game like JTL then I have some beach front property in North Dakota I want to sell you real cheap...
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They've announced 10 new Space missions. That over doubles the amount of space content currently in the game. If you are seriously as blind as to believe there is some "secret space revamp" that is going to make the game like JTL then I have some beach front property in North Dakota I want to sell you real cheap...


Could you PM me the address please? I was looking to mov...hey...wait a minute.

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Please don't give me this. SSP was "secretly" in the works since launch, they stated we'd hear word Soon. It's 8 months and not a peep, instead they're touting F2P as if that's gonna turn this game around. SSP is canned along with SGRA and new companions


EA isn't going to give BW the money to hire voice actors for new companions when they consider this game a "miss"

I don't know why it's so difficult for ppl to realize this, EA considers this a failure, they're gonna stop funding it.


Again your spewing crap out your mouth.. They said just last week the SSSP will be released around the end of the year maybe a little later.

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Troll because you know nothing of the facts and are just spewing crap out your mouth.


You were the one yesterday who said they are making a JTL type expansion, an MMO within an MMO. I didn't see you present any evidence or facts for that.

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I think I have told you before and even gave you a link that they say the 10 missions are not the SSSP but yet here you are lying again about it.


No, the link you gave didn't back up your claim. Much like your claim earlier today that they have 200 employees still working on SWTOR. You make claims and provide NO PROOF! Links to videos that don't say what you claim.

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Going F2P has eliminated the possibility of any new ground-breaking gameplay being added into the game. Ilum is going to go completely forgotten. The engine that they use can't even handle open world pvp how do some expect it to handle large scale free roam?


And I doubt BW could afford a new engine for the space project, EA would say no and force them to only work on FP's and WZ's


WOW you just keep telling lies don't you after I have pointed out to you and the other people many times other wise..

Trolls be trolling don't they.



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They've announced 10 new Space missions. That over doubles the amount of space content currently in the game. If you are seriously as blind as to believe there is some "secret space revamp" that is going to make the game like JTL then I have some beach front property in North Dakota I want to sell you real cheap...


This was not recent....this was right after launch when they mentioned it. Just because you never saw them say it does not mean they did not say it. Now take a deep breath and calm down.

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The super secret space project was already disclosed: it's a free flying cash store.


Do you really think EA is going to throw a singe cent in an expensive revamp of space content when they've lost their faith (if they ever had any) on this game?


They've been working on the F2P project since first quarter subs drop. Do you really think they woke up yesterday and said "we're loosing subs, let's make it F2P"?.


Obviously no.


Turn a P2P into a F2P means change the servers code and that take no less than 6 months, and they said the game will go F2P in november: in 3 months; so they've been working on F2P code for the past 3 months minimum.


THE SSSP has been in development for about 2 years actually..



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Why would I need one? That's what they've announced. That's ALL they have announced. Considering they released this game with like 8 repeating missions, I think the odds of the new TEN being their "big secret" are pretty good.


READ my friend if you know how tooo.



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That's old and things have changed.


Also why believe them? Just like how the game wouldn't be about multiple players whacking on one boss or how after 1.2 it's going to be very exciting because of the monthly events/content they were going to roll out?


They said they have something exciting for space planned...that's it...knowing how EA likes to spin things (Going F2P is expanding! SWTOR is expanding!) it could just mean more space mission. I can see them making a leaderboard for these missions and then announcing it as the exciting new feature.

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I love all the speculation going on here. NOBODY knows what is going on, stop acting like you do! You can voice your opinion but stop trying to convince people it's fact. Unless you have absolute proof you are just speculating. Since none of us are in the offices talking with decision makers we don't know jack.


My opinion, we'll see a new space game at some point. Now please stop trying to push your opinion as fact.:rolleyes:


The sad thing is it's the same EMO people posting doom and gloom when actual info is out there.. OH the ten missions are the SSSP oh this oh that and they know nothing because they like to be EMO to feel good about themselves.

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That's old and things have changed.


Also why believe them? Just like how the game wouldn't be about multiple players whacking on one boss or how after 1.2 it's going to be very exciting because of the monthly events/content they were going to roll out?


They said they have something exciting for space planned...that's it...knowing how EA likes to spin things (Going F2P is expanding! SWTOR is expanding!) it could just mean more space mission. I can see them making a leaderboard for these missions and then announcing it as the exciting new feature.


Except for the fact they said IT WAS NOT part of the SSP. Holy sith read for once.

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That's old and things have changed.


Also why believe them? Just like how the game wouldn't be about multiple players whacking on one boss or how after 1.2 it's going to be very exciting because of the monthly events/content they were going to roll out?


They said they have something exciting for space planned...that's it...knowing how EA likes to spin things (Going F2P is expanding! SWTOR is expanding!) it could just mean more space mission. I can see them making a leaderboard for these missions and then announcing it as the exciting new feature.


There are other new interviews stating the same stuff. they knew way before june this was going FTP... I assure nothing has changed.. they have around 200 devs still and that size team is only second to WOW's team.

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