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BioWare, I Feel Robbed and Betrayed!


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So the game is headed with this F2P hybrid. Sigh. I don't even know where to start.


trailer for SWTOR got me immensely hooked into wanting the game! I really wanted to play the Consular class, and I just remembered being so stoked! I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition, becoming a CE VIP, being able to participate in beta and played on the first day of Early Game Access. Now, enough reminiscing.


BioWare, you haven't listened to your customers and their questions nor their suggestions. You think we want this F2P model crap? No. Could SWTOR survive with the P2P model? Most definitely.


I don't know if I should be excited and happy what CE VIPs get with this or feel extremely bitter and robbed about all of this.


I'm sick and tired of the fluff you guys add to this game. I don't want little pets that will follow me around. I want CONTENT. Specifically, content that you can play and group up with your friends whether the content be social where you can hangout in the cantinas and play mini-games or have tons of PvE content that feels heroic (NOT

!). We asked for tons of innovative PvP, PvE and social content! And all we got after weeks of you guys being silent is this F2P hybrid CRAP.


95% of me feels like unsubbing and leaving this game, but I have made great friends and lead a great guild on The Fatman, and I'd be extremely stupid if I left all of that just because of this new F2P model.


It's pretty obvious you guys think a lot of fluff is still content to enjoy, but I want LESS of that and MORE of heroic PvE, and PvP that means something!


I just feel like it's not the end of the road for you guys, but switching to F2P proves this game has been losing many subs, will be losing more and just shows this game won't be getting anywhere with just fluff.


I'm so disappointed that I do feel somewhat robbed (about being an abandoned CE customer), lied to (about monthly content always rolling it) and cheated on (from all the promises you made that never came true). :(


Can someone also please explain the true definition of P2W (Pay-to-Win)? I remember looking over tons of the threads yesterday and seeing that many said this is just the first step towards P2W.


Edited by HomicidalWhales
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Oh don't be so melodramatic. It's only a videogame.





There are more important things in the grand scheme of life.


Yeah, but you could say this to anything. It's all relative-perspective.


I hear you OP, sort of. But look at the perks you have gotten so far from this game, and if you continue to Sub like you have, then nothing changes. Content comes out more frequently ( or so they say) on a F2P Model.

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You think we want this F2P model crap? No.


Didn't I read this post yesterday but the exact oposite of the OPs whinings? :rolleyes:


Another "comminity" representative speaks his mind. :D

Edited by Urael
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Dont patronize the OP. Some people invest time in the game like its a sport. People demeaning this are exactly the people who wanted it F2P in the first place. I liked the game and competition of raceing for server first that PVE provided enough to pay my sub and KEEP doing so even when the game experience was sub par. In my opinion, mmo's are better then sports. We can include everyone regardless of location and physical prowess.


That aside, i agree with you OP. I feel betrayed and used.


Its weird, i bought a game card less then a week ago and here they are announceing this. I feel like the timing is on purpose. The rest of this games like if going to be a "smash and grab" robbery of my time and wallet. I'm not sure how much farther down the road of "Swtor" im willing to go. Even MoP and GW2 seem MUCH more attractive now..


I am disappoint.

Edited by Spatology
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show us on the doll where the bad dev touched you.


but seriously, if you don't understand how attached to the Star Wars franchise it's fans are then I would call you out of touch with popular culture over the past 30ish years. I personally am not this fanatic about it, but I understand that a lot of people are.


this failure is about a lot more than a video game. if you have netflix I urge you to watch "The People vs. George Lucas" to get a better understanding of why people are so bitter about this.

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You know, could it have been possible for them to adopt a B2P model instead? Probably if it was designed from the start, but I fear that this hybrid was the only available option considering the sheer amount of money that was pushed into the development cycle.


To me it seems that they need their 500k+ subscribers in order to try and get their investment back. If they already had it and were in the 'green', I feel that a B2P conversion similar to GW2 could have worked. Everyone retaining access to everything and getting some coins for the months of subscription and then have Legacy, XP-boosters, Outfits and future content as unlocks from the shop.


Yet now it seems that the wedge will only be driven in further... Not that it matters to me as I've already given up hope for the way EA treats their existing and returning customers. The same word-games and empty promises are still in effect. CE owners? Yeah, they get 1000 bonus coins; but only when they have an active subscription at the time the game adopts the hybrid model. So if CE owners want the 1000 bonus coins, they first need to pay $15 for them.

Edited by Danakar
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Actually, no.

A videogame is as serious and important as sports are


Actually, yes.


It's only a videogame. If you enjoy it then stay and play it but if you don't then move on. There's hundreds of other games for him to play. The title of this thread makes it sound like he was violated in game by BioWare.

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I think its reasonable for people, especially those that bought the VIP CE version of the game, to feel betrayed and/or let down by the F2P developments.


The game is now going to be $15. Its one thing for BW to do that after releasing an expansion so they don't burden new players with the added cost but to do it this early into the life of a game feels like a bit of a slap in the face to the people that have been playing since beta and pre-purchased the game. You would think that at the very least BW could pay some lip service to the fact.....

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Actually, no.

A videogame is as serious and important as sports are

If participation in either pays the rent then I would have to agree.
I think its reasonable for people, especially those that bought the VIP CE version of the game, to feel betrayed and/or let down by the F2P developments.
Oh I don't know. I'm a 1st day pre-order (7/21/11) CE player myself and I don't feel betrayed or let down. Edited by GalacticKegger
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HomiWhale is right, BioWare robbed and betrayed us, and is now giving us a slap in the face and flipping us off.

You give us some scam coins, really BioWare?


As to the ones going 'It's only a videogame.' You people are hilarious, before F2P was announced you called us haters and doomsayers, and mocked us with your 'ahuheuhe the sky is falling' jokes, and now that our fears have come true, you patronize us and completely distance yourself from your previous pro-SWTOR perspective, now it's just a game huh? You guys know no bounds and will always rationalize BioWare as being righteous, even now, when they flatly ROB us.

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HomiWhale is right, BioWare robbed and betrayed us, and is now giving us a slap in the face and flipping us off.

You give us some scam coins, really BioWare?


As to the ones going 'It's only a videogame.' You people are hilarious, before F2P was announced you called us haters and doomsayers, and mocked us with your 'ahuheuhe the sky is falling' jokes, and now that our fears have come true, you patronize us and completely distance yourself from your previous pro-SWTOR perspective, now it's just a game huh? You guys know no bounds and will always rationalize BioWare as being righteous, even now, when they flatly ROB us.

Maybe your fears. The rest of us non-doomsayers have no fears because (a) it is only a videogame and therefore (b) we have nothing to prove. We're here for the beer. When the keg runs dry we'll tap another one. Edited by GalacticKegger
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HomiWhale is right, BioWare robbed and betrayed us, and is now giving us a slap in the face and flipping us off.

You give us some scam coins, really BioWare?


As to the ones going 'It's only a videogame.' You people are hilarious, before F2P was announced you called us haters and doomsayers, and mocked us with your 'ahuheuhe the sky is falling' jokes, and now that our fears have come true, you patronize us and completely distance yourself from your previous pro-SWTOR perspective, now it's just a game huh? You guys know no bounds and will always rationalize BioWare as being righteous, even now, when they flatly ROB us.


I know i defended Bioware in the past, even to you Sithveritas. I was wrong. They have betrayed me and proved me wrong at every turn. Taugrim isnt playing Swtor anymore really, he does seem to be enjoying GW2 though.

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Maybe your fears. The rest of us non-doomsayers have no fears because (a) it is only a videogame and therefore (b) we have nothing to prove. We're here for the beer. When the keg runs dry we'll tap another one.




I like the way you think sir. *raises a mug* ;)

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Maybe your fears. The rest of us non-doomsayers have no fears because (a) it is only a videogame and therefore (b) we have nothing to prove. We're here for the beer. When the keg runs dry we'll tap another one.


QFT. Nail and head one swoop. This is just further rantings of a drama queen.

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