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So whos actually unsubbing because of this?


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Quit as soon as I read about the announcement at about 4 PM, yesterday. All of the options I use will be Free, so they absolutely do not value me as a customer. I'm thinking MMOs really aren't for me. I'll come back to the old republic as Revan or the exile every once in a while. /sigh
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I'm staying and sustaining my sub. I want unlimited access, on demand, and retention of everything I've built up. I am still enjoying the game. Maintaining my subscription is a no-brainer.


Additionally, I'm happy to hear about a F2P option being put in place. A few of my friends still play regularly, under sustained subs, but a few of my friends unsubbed either because they didn't consider it worth the sub, or time constraints make a sub impractical.


This seems like the best of both worlds, to me.


And, it seems to favor the subbed. F2P is restricted and subscription is rewarded. I like this.

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I just re subbed because of the announcement. I used to have a 6 month sub but I cancelled it 2 months ago but continued playing hoping for improvements. I see this is an improvement so I went back to a 3 month sub. If they don't show me new content every 6 weeks once f2p starts then I will cancel again.
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Honestly, I feel like I have a right to be skeptical.


I was there when MxO died... Smaller dev teams almost ALWAYS = bye bye content. And like the last few months here, you see the signs WAY before hand. If, big IF, this game hadn't gone F2P so soon I would feel different, but I have been though this before and burned. MxO was my first MMO, I loved it, they didn't even give it a CHANCE to go F2P... they just shot in the back of the head. God I miss hyperjump... if you ever played you know what I'm talking about...


My second subbed MMO was EVE Online, it impressed for a few weeks then got real boring quick. I ws more into the background music that anything else after a while lol.


The last MMO I subbed to before SWTOR was DCUO. I had fun, loved being able to fly! Ain't gonna lie I got a serious superman addiction. But it went free to play and even superman couldn't save it from the ADD riddled kiddies that now have what they consider unlimited access, to the spammers, and the just miserable and fail at life individuals that game has seriously degenerated into IMHO. I went back a while later and good god had the quality of both community and content diminished. It was all spam and gear grind. Sorry if you don't agree that's just how I and my friends saw it.


And before anyone ask's yes I tried Wow, I tried WoW for 30 days three seperate times. Why three you ask? Friends and Family know I like gaming, saw all the advertisements and have brought me the game three times lol! I just couldn't do it. It's not that blizzard has a bad product, just I'm full up on fantasy after 30 years of it.


Thanks for reading


TLDR; In my experience when a game goes F2P this fast after already barely pumping out content, and having little to no communication, it's already just become a milk it scenario and is only a matter of time before it goes bye bye.


EDIT: I just wanted to say when I say bye bye content, I mean relevant content. They will give you what the money changer deem is content, for sure, not what Gamers deem as content. The only content you will get from launch of F2P is the kind of content they can make money off, so even if you are entitled to it for free it's quality and frequency will based on how much money EA's market analyst predict it will amke. At the very least get ready to have your star wars immersion go out the window.

Edited by Jaden
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I started following the game in October 2008. I was one of the first to register on the forums - definitely first day. (Different account, obv.)


I played in game test starting in about June 2011. I gave plenty of feedback, both positive and negative. I convinced friends to join the game.


I dragged my sorry carcass out of bed at 3:00am on July 21 (or whatever day it was) to pre-order the game.


I jumped right into the game within minutes of it opening. I signed up for a 6 month subscription.


One of the friends I convinced to join the game never made it beyond the free month. World of Tanks. The other was gone within 2 months. Just nothing compelling to log in for.


A couple months in, I cancelled my subscription citing difficulty / frustration getting flash point groups (the pitiful excuse for LFG was one of the biggest game test complaints from a whole lot of people).


I never renewed it after they implemented LFG but I planned to set it up month-to-month and keep going.


In the meantime, EA (BioWare is dead and gone) promised new content. Faster content releases. Fixes. All sorts of stuff.


Yesterday EA announced F2P, saying that 40% of the people who played the game but are no longer subscribed said they didn't like the monthly fee. 50 cents a day won't break anyone with a computer and internet connection capable of playing this game. 50 cents a day is not the real reason people don't play, and if you think it is and react to it, all you're going to do is have more people playing but still not paying which isn't good for the game. The real reason lies somewhere behind that mask.


EA also announced more, faster content updates. Again.


EA is incompetent. They have perhaps the most popular IP ever created. They could have innovated and blown the MMO market away. They could have kept their promises or at least told us that they couldn't and why they couldn't.


Instead they have what they call a "miss" and have gone F2P faster than any title ever that was designed to be subscription. And they keep making what history has shown to be ******** promises.


My subscription expires on 16 August. I won't renew it.

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2 unsubs here.


Sorry but after going from the Lotro experience for start I'm not doing that again. F2P doesn't increase content speed. You don't get anything in life for free so don't kid yourself that you will. And if you are a subsriber you gradually get less and less for your sub whilst all the time being innundated with "buy cartel points" now buttons even if you do sub.


Sorry big SW:ToR fan but there is no way F2P will improve the game experience for anyone.


I'm glad its not just me arguing that Lotro going F2P wasn't quite what a fair few Turbine fans on here make it out to be. For me and a lot of other players it destroyed a game I had played since SoA launched.

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I'll still be sticking with my monthly sub -- for now.


TBH, this P2P feels like a kick in the stomach. It's virtually an admission of failure, an act of desperation. That's too bad 'cause despite its many shortcomings I really do like this game.


I'm feeling sad...



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I love the game and have been playing from the beginning, I was ready to sub for next 6month.

I hate the idea of FreeToPlay and what it brings.


Dark Side won.

Subscription canceled.


P.S. I want to send EA big thank you for announcing it in time, 2 weeks later and I would be really pissed.

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This (without the "moron").


They gutted the development team. Had two rounds of layoffs! Lost subs, called the game a miss, and are going f2p which is always a last resort to make more money.


What in the hell is convincing anyone that there will actually be more content in the game?


New content every six weeks? Yeah sure ... new art to buy at the cash shop ... wooptidoo! It took them 5 months to make two FPs and a raid using their entire team! Yet we are to expect the same in lesst time? Can someone explain to me the logic behind that?


And you of course kmow about everything they have been working on, developing etc.... maybe they have already got other content in progress, maybe even finished just waiting for the word go.... layoffs happen for many reasons not just because the business is dropping off. Change is a difficult thing for humans to come to terms with and the only way they do it is to lash out and persicute without knowing anything.

That said you could be right, though F2P models I have seen implemented into other MMO's I play have definately mooted what you consider to be correct. Though I have never been a F2P player I have seen the definate upsides of having such a model implemented (yes there are potential downsides as well.. but so has a sub model and I think we have all seen that in SWTOR since launch)... so maybe show us all where F2P means less content in game and whilst your looking for something maybe share with us all your knowledge of who were laid off, what their roles were, were they contracted or permanant and what internal changes have to be implemeted to appease your disdain.

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Not me and anyone who does isn't to smart. They are setting this up like LOTRO did it and it worked great.


We get more content quicker.. everyone wins..


So far the quicker content is just words, I hope its true but we shall see.


OT, I am not unsubbing. I will keep my sub as long as I continue to play, and I will continue to play as long as the cash shop is cosmetic and convenience only. There is a tiny bit of leeway in that because of the fact that they are giving us cash shop currency every month with our subs, but not much.

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Anyone here unsubbing?


And GW2 was developed for a F2P model. TOR was not.


Its been 16 weeks since 1.2 was released. And they have the balls to tell us we will get "more frequent content patches" hhahahaha


Just bought GW2 last night, pay my $80 for the game and that is it, it is more pleasurable to play a game I know I am not constantly paying for, the only other things that I would have to pay for in addition to the game are cheap transfers which can be acquired by either using real money or converting in game money to the currency to do so. And finally expansion packs to the game which they did in the first one and hopefully continue that and make more in the future.


Basically I couldn't see myself paying a sub for a game anymore that has brought nothing to the table when it came to serious updates or major content added to the game in 8 months time, done giving bio-ware anymore money for this game:rod_tongue_p:


I checked out the un-sub page yesterday and they even have the option of which game you are leaving to play and Guild Wars 2 is on there....

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Yeah, I tried two beta weekends, GW2 was boooooooring... cancelled my preorder


GW2 is STARTING with 1/3 the content of SWTOR and as a f2p you "should" expect 0 content updates until the expac which you will have to pay for. I agree with you, I don't think people will be expecting this. After 6 months into gw2 with 0 raids and 1/2 the number of dungeons as swtor and a map 1/2 the size of swtor world people are going to be raging so much.


especially when they finally announce new content that will cost $20 to access

and the fact that the game has ALREADY announced there will be ACTUAL useful items for sale for real money... it's not a threat or possibility, they already have useful items that you can buy for real money announced, i'd hate to see what they have up their sleeves...

Yep, PokketProductions, from MMORPG, had a bit on how GW2 will basically have a P2W portion of the game (albeit in a round about fashion). Here is where she describes how you can purchase "gems" with real money which you can use to purchase in-game gold and then you can buy mats for crafting off the AH.

Anyway a person would like to spin it this is the sole reason F2Ps will never fully take over the market of AAA MMOs. There are enough of us who can see the writing on the wall before a game ever hits the shelf and I for one refuse to be a part of such a scam.

Edited by Evironrage
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Yep, PokketProductions, from MMORPG, had a bit on how GW2 will basically have a P2W portion of the game (albeit a round about fashion). Here is where she describes how you can purchase "gems" with real money which you can use to purchase in-game gold and then you can buy mats for crafting off the AH.

Anyway a person would like to spin it this is the sole reason F2Ps will never fully take over the market of AAA MMOs. There are enough of us who can see the writing on the wall before a game ever hits the shelf and I for one refuse to be a part of such a scam.


then she was playing the wrong game


PLAYERS set the value of gems bought with real cash .. u still cant buy better gear lol all max gear = same stats

just the looks change so paying to win were is that ?

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then she was playing the wrong game


PLAYERS set the value of gems bought with real cash .. u still cant buy better gear lol all max gear = same stats

just the looks change so paying to win were is that ?


You can't buy gear but you can craft it? That is what I was getting at. It is a way to basically not have to do much to lvl quicker than your average joe who just has time. Great, so ArenaNet has made the endgame gear all similarly statted, but those who can purchase it arrive at the end quicker than those who had to earn it. It is a nice idea to allow the player base to set the purchase price of the gems, at least there is some control left in the players' hands.

IMHO it is still a flawed system and proof positive for me that the F2P model has not evolved a great deal.

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What do you mean "Buy 2 play"? You didn't buy SWTOR? If you're that sensitive towards micro-transactions, you can just keep your sub


Except that microtransactions will also exist for Subs why else are subscribers getting Cartel Tokens...

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Just bought GW2 last night, pay my $80 for the game and that is it, it is more pleasurable to play a game I know I am not constantly paying for, the only other things that I would have to pay for in addition to the game are cheap transfers which can be acquired by either using real money or converting in game money to the currency to do so. And finally expansion packs to the game which they did in the first one and hopefully continue that and make more in the future.


Basically I couldn't see myself paying a sub for a game anymore that has brought nothing to the table when it came to serious updates or major content added to the game in 8 months time, done giving bio-ware anymore money for this game:rod_tongue_p:


I checked out the un-sub page yesterday and they even have the option of which game you are leaving to play and Guild Wars 2 is on there....


I preordered GW2, played two beta weekends, spent about 30 hours in game. Realized I hated it and cancelled my preorder.


GW2 is bland, boring, and has so little content it's laughable. Not to mention there is NO "skill" involved in pvp or in learning your toon. It's a simple game for children, that is all.

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