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Digital Deluxe Players Should Get Heroes' Banner as well


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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


Thank you very much! You don't know how much it means to have an official post replying to the feedback! I appreciate it very much!

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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


How about if instead you reverse this horrible decision and instead do things that will make people willing to pay a whopping 50 cents a day to play your game? Like, you know, putting in features that catch it up to games produced by shops that didn't exist when you started developing this game... creating more endgame content that's less buggy than a tropical rainforest... innovating new features for an MMO that will make your players say, "This is awesome!"


That seems to be a better way to run a game than implement features that will eventually be morphed into Pay-to-Win...

Edited by DarthTHC
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How about if instead you reverse this horrible decision and instead do things that will make people willing to pay a whopping 50 cents a day to play your game? Like, you know, putting in features that catch it up to games produced by shops that didn't exist when you started this game... creating more endgame content that's less buggy than a tropical rainforest... innovating new features for an MMO that will make your players say, "This is awesome!"


That seems to be a better way to run a game than implement features that will eventually be morphed into Pay-to-Win...


Yeah, I'll bet they totally listen to that.

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Thank you very much! You don't know how much it means to have an official post replying to the feedback! I appreciate it very much!


Don't get too carried away...we're the customers here mate. Just because they reply, doesn't mean you should fawn over them.

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You did not get every ingame item access collectors edition got did you? I thought the mouse droid was one of those that was unique.


Oh. I bet it'll be on the cash shop soon enough.


Don't get too carried away...we're the customers here mate. Just because they reply, doesn't mean you should fawn over them.


It's probably the shock of getting any communication from BEAware

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You could start by making the $20 vehicle we paid for last for longer than 10 - 20 levels. I never use it, being the slowest type speeder.


Seriously...how in world did you overlook the fact that the Digital/Collectors vehicle only comes in the slowest vehicle speed?


Also, please change the duration on the holo dancer to match the cooldown.


Honestly, you guys dropped the ball big time on the extras provided to the Digital/Collector's items. Bioware Austin, you guys need to stop being so terrible.

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I'd bet real money whatever the eff the banner is will be useless and just take up a space in my vault. I'd give one to every complainer in this thread if it would shut them the hell up.


Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


Thousands of questions/complaints about how the transfers are being handled...crickets.


Thousands of feedback posts on PTS about 1.3 changes...crickets.


This thread gets a reply? As the great Slim Pickens once said "What in the wide, wide world of sports is going on here?!?"

Edited by HarleysRule
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As far as I'm concerned CE players should get the Heros' Banner as well as whatever item they decided to give you DDE players. I do NOT believe that CE players should have to lose out on something unique to being a CE player as we have in the past. As a CE player That was one of, if not THE main reasons I purchased the CE (hope/promise of an exclusive store that would be updated with various CE only items). However with the addition of f2p and the cartel shop, I highly doubt the CE vendor will ever get anymore love, other than the occasional tauntaun *Glares at Taunta*
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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


Good to know and thanks. I was hoping we would have a little bone thrown our way for the extra $20 we dropped on the game aside from the 5 virtual items (of which only the Speeder is really worth using).



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yeah, i wanna know the reason too :p


What about anyone who just pre-ordered the standard version. Maybe 250 cartel coins.


1000 cartel coins - Collectors Edition

500 cartel coins - DDE

250 for standard preordered version.

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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


Thanks for the reply, this issue was also brought up on the Q&A.


It's okay that the collector guys receive a compensation for the huge investment they made in the game, but the guys that bought DDE and Standard also deserve a little something!

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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!



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The Banner for CE account owners (myself included) should read "I bought the CE and all I got was this lousy banner...well thats not exactly true but you know what I mean, it feels like I got nothing, granted there were some digital items but quite frankly I am disappointed with them and to be honest I havent even read the book or opened the statue that came with the CE...AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE FOOKIN' VENDORS!!"


The DDE Owners Banner should read " This is a banner, although not as awesome as the CE banner, it is a banner none the less, I would also like to make it clear on this banner, that I am not upset about how awesome the CE banner is, I am just happy I have my own banner"


This made me LOL. +5 Sir.

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Because you did not pay the same amount the CE people did.




I fail to see why so many people don't understand the statement above.. CE players paid almost double what the DDE players did.. Orig. price for DDE was $80 dollars.. CE was $150.. That is a $70 dollar difference..


We had these discussions over the VIP area and the CE vendor.. Why should the DDE get everything the CE people get?? You spend $40k more on a car and you are going to get more than someone that paid $40k less.. That is how the economy works..


Maybe next time you will buy the CE instead.. :cool:

Edited by MajikMyst
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The sheer immaturity of this post astounds me. I haven't seen one person "crying" in this thread. Others and I were just curious as to why DDE players didn't get anything either, this has been responded to and addressed.

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The sheer immaturity of this post astounds me. I haven't seen one person "crying" in this thread. Others and I were just curious as to why DDE players didn't get anything either, this has been responded to and addressed.


Seriously?? It doesn't make sense that you didn't pay as much as the CE customers is why you don't get is much?? Really??


You didn't buy the CE.. You shouldn't get CE perks.. People cried about the CE vendor in the beta.. People cried about the VIP area in the beta.. This thread is no different.. Now it is about a banner..


Look.. I don't care if they give the DDE people something or not.. But frankly it is getting old that everytime a CE perk is announced.. People have to QQ about it.. They didn't pay is much as we did and shouldn't get as much as we do.. You want CE perks.. Get the CE next time.. What is there not to understand??

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Seriously?? It doesn't make sense that you didn't pay as much as the CE customers is why you don't get is much?? Really??


You didn't buy the CE.. You shouldn't get CE perks.. People cried about the CE vendor in the beta.. People cried about the VIP area in the beta.. This thread is no different.. Now it is about a banner..


Look.. I don't care if they give the DDE people something or not.. But frankly it is getting old that everytime a CE perk is announced.. People have to QQ about it.. They didn't pay is much as we did and shouldn't get as much as we do.. You want CE perks.. Get the CE next time.. What is there not to understand??


Simply put, why do DDE players get NO perks but CE players do? I'm not saying we have to have the same perks, but DDE players should get SOME perks.

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I'm going to go with NO!.


You did not buy the CE, so you don't get the perks of the CE. Next time buy the CE. I think they are still on sale some places.


Did you also notice you don't get he 1000 cartel coins either? :D



as a DDE owner, i completely agree with this post, because the CE title holders deserve to get what they paid for but also at the same time i think the DDE owners should at least get 500-750 coins at least, but i dont see that happening so im not gonna QQ about it. It doesnt make my life any better so im just gonna go on and play the game still.

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Anyone remember that Simpson episode where Lisa is trying to explain to Bart about why he only wants something because someone else has it. Then picks up a ball to show that Maggie only wants it because she's now holding it. Then Bart now wants the ball and says Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie.


That's what this thread reminds me of.

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