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Digital Deluxe Players Should Get Heroes' Banner as well


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The Banner for CE account owners (myself included) should read "I bought the CE and all I got was this lousy banner...well thats not exactly true but you know what I mean, it feels like I got nothing, granted there were some digital items but quite frankly I am disappointed with them and to be honest I havent even read the book or opened the statue that came with the CE...AND DONT GET ME STARTED ON THE FOOKIN' VENDORS!!"


The DDE Owners Banner should read " This is a banner, although not as awesome as the CE banner, it is a banner none the less, I would also like to make it clear on this banner, that I am not upset about how awesome the CE banner is, I am just happy I have my own banner"


On a more serious note, they should make the banners craftable, but to acheive the schematic you need to buy the CE edition again, entering the 2nd code will allow you access to a very rare drop of said schematic, once this schematic is obtained you will then need to buy another copy of the CE to allow you access to the materials needed to craft the schematic.


Ah what do I care??? BANNERS FOR ALL!!!!

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if you really want to get technical.


collectors edition owners were promised monthly new content added to the collectors edition vender, which we never received. i see the 1000 coins as a way to give us the option to buy the "virtual items" we were promised that would be released from the vender each month

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You are all getting riled up for no reason. Past practice dictates cartel coins or not, there will be nothing to spend them on.


The only joy I get from having my flare gun is when I use it....every so often a new guy will ask how I got it. Then I get to send him on a "A Better Bard" type of quest.


I'll get my moneys worth, EA be damned. :jawa_cool:


And if you don't know what the better bard is, do a search. One of the most epic videogame trolls of all time.

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Glad to see that we CE holders are finally getting something good added for us. We've been shafted a bit on that promised additional stuff added to our vendor for months.


Cannot wait for our goodies however late they are.



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if you really want to get technical.


collectors edition owners were promised monthly new content added to the collectors edition vender, which we never received. i see the 1000 coins as a way to give us the option to buy the "virtual items" we were promised that would be released from the vender each month


Never monthly, not that I recall, though we were promised updates to the shop. We got Taunta in patch 1.2, so... That obligation is fulfilled, technically.

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I repeat, you paid the bonus $70 or whatever for physical items. The statue alone was worth alot.


Why should the DDE not get ANYTHING at all for the f2p conversion?


I've yet to see someone post a valid reason other than "Herpderp CE paid more so you dont get the same as us"


I can do that too, "Herpderp we DDE people paid more, so why dont we get more than the SE people?"


Again I repeat I didnt pay $70 for a statue. I paid $150 for the CE edition. Stop complaining. In life there will be times where someone will get something you will not. You can easily go grab the CE (and for less than $150 too) and get all the perks that go along with it. You are not entitled to anything.

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I got the Digital Deluxe edition and I simply wonder why you bother. This game will be dust and ashes in time; with every fart and emote nickled and dimed. Just let go of it. I'm already happy that I went half way on this trip with the DDE; they can keep their cartel points and be happy with it.


Now and then I think of when I was a happy customer

Like when you made Knights of the Old Republic

Told myself that you were right for me

But felt so lonely when EA came around

But that's business and it's an ache I still remember


You can get addicted to a certain kind of sadness

Like resignation to the end

Always the end

So when we found that we could not make sense

Well you said that we would still be friends

But I'll admit that I was glad that it was over


But you didn't have to cut me off

Make out like it never happened

And that we were nothing

And I don't even need catering to my every whim.

But you treat me like an entitled whiner

And that feels so rough

No, you didn't have to stoop so low

Have EA collect your records

And then lower the game quality

I guess that I don't need that though

Now you're just some company that I used to know

Now you're just some company that I used to know

Now you're just some company that I used to know

Edited by Aerevan
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I see a lot of threads saying that the DDE peeps should have bought the CE. Well, in my case the only CE available was the one on Amazon for $700 (I hope nobody really paid that). I looked everywhere and couldn't find one available for early acces so I got the next best thing, DDE and purchased the security key. I couldn't justify spending another $150 after I paid $80.


Do I think that DDE peeps should get something extra? Yes, but only like 200 - 300. However, if we don't get it, it won't kill me. I'll still enjoy the game.

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I never said we should get the same thing...maybe we should. CE paid more for the psychical items but we (DDE owners) got damn near the same in-game items as the CE people. DDE buyers should get the exact same thing in game as well in this situation or close to it.


They want to knock off a few coins, fine. BW shouldn't just completely ignore us though.


I think this can be explained better by BW, but I think there is an assumption that the three tiers (Standard, Deluxe, Collectors) would be into perpetuity. I just want to challenge that assumption and throw in the thought that maybe the three tiers were only for launch. Moving forward BW only really wanted 2 tiers and 2 groups of users. The two groups being those who are subbing and those who are not.


As far as the tiers, I have never seen anything from Bioware that said that Deluxe Edition users would be separate from Standard edition users. It was obvious that there was going to be a difference between CE users and SE user through the VIP store. Maybe it has nothing to do with how much you paid, but instead whether you are CE or not. Unfortunately, Deluxe are not CE, therefore sharing the rewards, or lack thereof, as SE.


The reason this make sense to me is because of how the rewards for transfers & some of the other rewards that have been based. Despite mumblings there was no bonus on transfers to CE, DE, or SE. None of them got any particular priority. Therefore the tiering most not be the biggest priority for BW. When game time was awarded, it was either given seperately to those who were subbed and those who had played then were coming back. Through most of the rewards, including the F2P reward, there is definitely a push to reward those who are subbed and then those who come back/newly sub. I think these are the 2 priority groups, so to those CE, DE, and SE users the real priority is just whether you are subbing or not.


Since that is the real priority, every one of us is getting the main perks, therefore CE, DE, and SE perks are just a bonus. I have never seen anywhere that said the DE users would get perks throughout the life of the game. DE got the digital items when they purchased therefore they got what they paid for. As for CE users, it was built into the game that there was going to be a difference between CE and SE users. Therefore DE users were always going to be shunted in with SE users. There was nothing in-game that every differentiated DE users from SE users. DE users got CE perks, but weren't CE users. The writing was on the wall. While it may have never been made explicit, there was nothing that ever said there was going to be tiered rewards for different SE, DE, or CE users. However, from the start the game was BUILT with additional content for CE users.


I think the biggest thing is for BW to come out clear about this, but I don't see an explanation that is going to be much different then this one. The DE bonus was a one-shot deal, where as CE bonuses were always going to be in perpetuity because an element of the game was going to be built around them. All BW has done is continue in the SAME EXACT reward model they have since they issued rewards since live. Separate rewards for current users and new/lapsed user, anything else is gravy. I think that SE and DE users need to understand that your edition counts for less to BW then your subscription.

Edited by Sirious_Nora
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Just to point out CE guys.


Over 50% of your CE stuff was physical additions. You already got that. Its gone, it can't be added to the value of your pack anymore in terms of receiving stuff from Bioware in compensation for possible loss of CE additions. So take that away. Take away the DD digital stuff to. So that leaves you with a mount and a useless familiar thing, also a shop of your own with goods. You are getting 1000 coins, plus some flag thing. The flag thing you can keep, its a sign your a CE player, and thats great, what ever. But the coinage? Take away the flag thing, you are getting paid out for the digital + stuff, as well as the CE shop. 500 coins covers the CE shop, and 500 covers the digital deluxe stuff. So generally the digital deluxe members should recieve half of the 1000, thats 500 coins. Thats fair.


Admittingly most of that stuff is crap anyway, except the STAP, which is damned useful.


(My emphasis added to above)


I have only seen a few people mention that the CE isn't just about the physical items. I don't remember the promises about monthly updates, but what I do remember and do see is that there is a separate part of the game for CE people. CE was built into the structure of the game, the same can't be said for DE therefore it shouldn't be a surprise that its not being catered to now. As the above poster mentioned, both CE and DE got their special in game items, however CE content through the VIP lounge was built into the game. Was anything built into the game for DE users? Not that I can tell, they only were given the same perks as CE users but didn't pay for CE edition. There was nothing in game that indicated DE would remain a constant strand throughout the life of the game whereas the VIP lounge represented some especially for CE users.


For example, if I buy a standard airline ticket and get bumped up to business class, do I enjoy all the benefit of business class? Yes I do. I drink the wine, get the nice bed, etc. If my plane has a problem and we have to take a detour and I go up for payment for accomodation they are going to ask what kind of ticket I have. I have a standard ticket, therefore I don't get the same accomodation as business class flyers even though I enjoyed the perks for a while. CE was built as a difference in the game, DE never got a distinguishable different set of perks, they just got the same things the CE got. Move on down the line, BW is asking are you CE or not, if your not CE don't be surprised if you didn't get CE perks. While you did pay more the SE, you also received more then SE at launch. Therefore you go what you paid for. I paid for CE and CE was built as a different tier in the game, DE was not. Period.

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Should we get the same/more as CE owners? No

Should we get SOMETHING? Yes!


Did CE users get something at launch? Yes

Did DDE get something at launch? Yes

Should we all get something? If your a subscriber, Yes; If your lapsed/new, Yes?


So what's the real problem?


All DDE are getting the same perks as everyone who subbed, same as CE users. CE are just getting additional perks since they are a recognised tier above SE.

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Well, you got digital items they did not and you were all thrilled about it at the time. So you made a choice. As did those who put down a good extra chunk of change for the CE edition.


Now, it's possible that they are giving the CE folks the tokens in lieu of additional content on the CE vendor. We won't know for a while on that. You know.. the vendor that only CE owners have access to and have often whined themselves about a lack of love for the vendor content.


You mean like the VIP vendor that has 1 (one) item, which used to be a decent vehicle but is now replaced with a ****** common story mode drop for 2 million credits?

Edited by dcgregorya
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For all of us that purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition, I don't see why we don't get the Heroes' Banner as wel?l (It is a digital/virtual item) We paid extra for exclusive in-game items,

You paid 20$ for all the same items CE had at launch without the physical items that apparently cost 70$. You got everything you paid for and as someone else mentioned in this thread you DE owners were calling us CE owners idiots for buying our editions, since there was basically no difference in the editions.

why are the CE players the only ones getting this exclusive in-game item when they paid extra for the physical items?

There's plenty of reasons why we get it and you don't.

1) We still payed more than you

2) We were promised additional things in the CE store (that never got updated and probably will never get updated)

3) You pay more you get more. (as mentioned above the price difference between SE and DE is about 20$ now compare SE to CE and you have huge difference which in my opinion doesnt make up for it in the "physical items" you guys ranting about)



I realize that CE players paid a lot for their copies of the game for the extra items that came in the box, but those of us who purchased the Digital Deluxe Edition for the items are usually those die-hard item collectors (who are after every last special in-game item). If you support this let me know below.

So as a CE owner I am not one of these die hard item collectors? I got these worthless physical items that I have no interest in and just collecting dust. Now its just a symbol of why I should never go CE because its never worth it. I bought the CE because I supported this game and was following it for two years previously. I cared nothing for the items and I saw it as a badge of my full support for bioware. The fact that this game goes F2P in less than a year shows that even your "collector items" are worthless. The game itself is going to be purchasable for the low sum of 15$ (which included one month subscription so new players are paying exactly what I am)


For a game that goes F2P in less than a year and players can have the same experience I had for the one charge 15$ (except they dont get the founder title, digital items, the physical items)


So in the end bioware actually recognizes the few CE and gives us a banner (which for some reason you think is worth something) an 1000 cartel coins.


We have no idea whats in the cartel shop yet and for you to complain before we know exactly whats in there is hilarious to me. Its confirmed its for stuff free players are lacking plus vanity items and cosmetic items.

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You paid 20$ for all the same items CE had at launch without the physical items that apparently cost 70$. You got everything you paid for and as someone else mentioned in this thread you DE owners were calling us CE owners idiots for buying our editions, since there was basically no difference in the editions.


There's plenty of reasons why we get it and you don't.

1) We still payed more than you

2) We were promised additional things in the CE store (that never got updated and probably will never get updated)

3) You pay more you get more. (as mentioned above the price difference between SE and DE is about 20$ now compare SE to CE and you have huge difference which in my opinion doesnt make up for it in the "physical items" you guys ranting about)




So as a CE owner I am not one of these die hard item collectors? I got these worthless physical items that I have no interest in and just collecting dust. Now its just a symbol of why I should never go CE because its never worth it. I bought the CE because I supported this game and was following it for two years previously. I cared nothing for the items and I saw it as a badge of my full support for bioware. The fact that this game goes F2P in less than a year shows that even your "collector items" are worthless. The game itself is going to be purchasable for the low sum of 15$ (which included one month subscription so new players are paying exactly what I am)


For a game that goes F2P in less than a year and players can have the same experience I had for the one charge 15$ (except they dont get the founder title, digital items, the physical items)


So in the end bioware actually recognizes the few CE and gives us a banner (which for some reason you think is worth something) an 1000 cartel coins.


We have no idea whats in the cartel shop yet and for you to complain before we know exactly whats in there is hilarious to me. Its confirmed its for stuff free players are lacking plus vanity items and cosmetic items.


Once again, whoever said I was complaining and to put it simply I do know what the item is going to be, a simple fluff item. DDE was the edition available for the players who wanted the digital items only and not the physical items, and you sure are making a lot of generalizations that "All DDE players think CE players are idiots". When did I ever say this? DDE players paid extra for digital content, why are we not recognized at all but CE players are? And CE players weren't promised anymore future digital items (Besides the CE shop) then DDE players when they were being sold so don't pull that bullcrap.

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You mean like the VIP vendor that has 1 (one) item, which used to be a decent vehicle but is now replaced with a ****** common story mode drop for 2 million credits?


NO.. not the VIP Vendor. Anyone can pay 1M credits and get access to that.


The CE Vendor, on the same VIP lounge level, but only accessible to CE owners. Vendor is great for buying early level orange gear for companions (now that armor is adaptive) but has never been updated with a single item since release. The 1000 coins sends us to the Cartel Shop I think, in lieu of vendor updates, as a peace offering to the CE owner IMO.

Edited by Andryah
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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


That's great news for DDE Players. If they do get some item I believe it should be something different than the heroes banner that we CE purchasers get. Something unique that only DDE can get, I think that would be fair. Great job on looking at feedback BioWare.

Edited by dosadnik
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Hi folks, I just wanted to drop in to let you know that, thanks to all of your feedback, we are currently working on something for Digital Deluxe players. We're not quite ready to say what exactly, but know that this is definitely happening. Thanks again!


Thank you.

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That's great news for DDE Players. If they do get some item I believe it should be something different than the heroes banner that we CE purchasers get. Something unique that only DDE can get, I think that would be fair. Great job on looking at feedback BioWare.


They'll probably get the same banner and 500 coins.


Can't waste dev time on something they give away for free after all.


But I bet there'll be an extra banner on the cash shop.


Only 500 coins ;)

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They'll probably get the same banner and 500 coins.


Can't waste dev time on something they give away for free after all.


But I bet there'll be an extra banner on the cash shop.


Only 500 coins ;)


How much time does it take to make it from red to blue and add a different picture, for example? :D Still, you are right. What you are suggesting makes the most sense.

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