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Official F2P Announcement


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Not happy at all :mad:


Not saying that it won't up the interest or whatever, but I really dislike the model they've chosen here - I would have preferred it to stay sub based. This isn't really free 2 play, it's another microtransactions up the *** model by the looks of it.


And I just resubbed last night for another month :mad: If I held off for another 24hrs I don't think I would have bothered.


Not going to make a long goodbye/rage thread, nobody really cares, but I'm off :(

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Looking at the features, most people don't run a lot of Flashpoints or Space Missions, so I don't think limiting them for Free players is really going to matter much. So at the end of it all, people will be paying 15 bucks a month to run an Operation or three a week (depending on how hardcore they are), and to play in Warzones when they aren't raiding.


I really don't see this working out myself.

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Well, If they stay away from P2W crap it might work.

But the second they cross over to P2W this game instantly becomes the worst mmo on the market.




BW, please steer clear of purchasing advantages - keep purchases reserved for new content and vanity stuff and this game could flourish.

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I think many of us knew this was coming since the first time we opened up the cash shop... err, I mean legacy perks screen after 1.2 launched. I can only hope it means they'll be releasing content faster than their already "breakneck speed," now that they can nickel and dime their customers for it.
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So a runescape style model, works for me :p


That's what I was thinking! haha Brings back memories :rolleyes:


Didn't they hit 200m players or something I read? Seem to be doing good for being out as long as they are.

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A lot of people who haven't played TOR or who only leveled one character and quit will probably be happy to play class stories for free. I wonder if the travel restrictions will be crippling.


Probably not.


After my first character got to 50, I just stopped purchasing anything after 'Speeder Piloting 1." It wasn't worth the credit investment. It may be annoying if you are grouped with Tier 3 Speeders... But I doubt it will be anything close to crippling.

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In fairness to Trotsky he was far too busy supressing the Russian anarchists and other dissident left wing groups to really get round to persecuting his own party. But I'd agree there wasn't much to choose between Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin in the blood thirsty maniac stakes.


Nothing wrong with Lenin, i feel he truely believed in what he preached and genuinely cared about the welfare of the Russian Proleteriat.


He executed 150'000 people, in a time of war, (most of them he was unaware of, aparently, he simply put an "X" to say he'd seen the list of people imprisoned by the Cheka, but wanted no further action, however his head of the Cheka was a butcher, and thought X meant, kill all). Not a great start, but he also ushered in an era of economic and social development for the Russian people, I believe he was responsible for granting all of russia electricity, for example. He wasn't a "Nationalization or DIE!" person as is generally associated with Communism.


He also tried his best to end religious persecution in Russia, although he was against Religion ideologically, he saw no reason for religion to be outlawed completely (unlike Stalin). He was also highly disturbed to hear that his fellow bolshies harboured anti-sematic feelings, to which he wrote a paper about explaining why they shouldn't be anti-sematic, and how the jews were part of the proleteriat too. (odd situation, the communists hated the jews because they ran the banks, the jews hated the Tsar because of the pogroms, so they went to the communists....)


Unfortunatly the other Bolshies were...shall we say...Less like Lenin.


Now that was massively offtopic...




F2P wih sub model = not bad.

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This is an interesting development. I was considering dropping my 6 month renewal. But now I may renew another 6 months and see where this game goes. If they pull this off well, it could grow the demand for the game substantialy and bring in more long term subs in the process; as long as they keep refining and developing the game as they promise.

Now I will be able to talk more people into checking this game out who didn't want to try it originally because they were concerned about dropping their current beloved subs or trying to maintain more than one sub.

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Well this game just died. Everyone knew it was coming.


Tell that to all the other MMOs going to F2p and not only surviving but thriving.


truth is with all the competition in the MMO market this is smart, Planetside 2 is launching as a f2p, WoW is free to play to level 20~, Lotro has a similar model, STO is f2p now, APB Reloaded is F2p, AoC went f2p.


Like it or not Free to play is the future. As bandwith and servers become cheaper to run and maintain the costs to keep a game running are less allowing them to take risks for rewards. If anything this will bring people in who wanted to play but were driven away by the WoW propaganda squads amassing around the internet.

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This needs changing from: "Subscribers will always be in login queues ahead of free players."




"Subscribers will be always have access to the game, free players will be removed and placed back in the queue to make space where necessary"

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Hmm, interesting. The F2P option might make me stick around in months that I would otherwise cancel due to not being very active, as I'm not really into endgame and don't do a ton of FP's. Well, except on my brand new characters when they first hit the fleet, to get social points, but I doubt any of the cartel market gear will have a social rank requirement (not if they want to sell much, at least!).


I am very interested to know:

- What the travel restrictions are (no level 50 speeder and fleet pass, maybe?)

- How limited GTN access will be (can you sell, say, 5 items at once instead of 50, or not sell at all?)

- If you can still play "subscription only character creation" races you have created if you stop subscribing


Other random thoughts:

- Oh please let there be some actual good looking gear in the cartel market, there is so much icky armor in this game.

- We'd better be able to sit in that Sith Meditation Throne. xD

- I don't do Facebook so no vote for me. >.<

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Great...another really unintelligent choice by BW/EA. Rather than going through all of this you should have made content that was actually challenging instead of nerfing 2/3 of the healers into oblivion. 50+ members of our guild left when the healers stopped playing. I am sure this was common across the game. Then you turn tanks into a joke with the next class balance. Poor choice after poor choice. When the game goes free to play that will be the last time I pay to play for anything in this game...it may be the last time I play the game. I thought Warhammer made poor choices after launch but nothing like this game's designers made. This game should have been a no-brainer, new content, fun classes, and a great story has turned into daily quest areas, dumbed down classes, and no story...just randomly inserted planets.
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This is an interesting development. I was considering dropping my 6 month renewal. But now I may renew another 6 months and see where this game goes. If they pull this off well, it could grow the demand for the game substantialy and bring in more long term subs in the process; as long as they keep refining and developing the game as they promise.

Now I will be able to talk more people into checking this game out who didn't want to try it originally because they were concerned about dropping their current beloved subs or trying to maintain more than one sub.


Glad to see some people understand the potential :p


F2p doesn't mean P2win

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Looking at the features, most people don't run a lot of Flashpoints or Space Missions, so I don't think limiting them for Free players is really going to matter much. So at the end of it all, people will be paying 15 bucks a month to run an Operation or three a week (depending on how hardcore they are), and to play in Warzones when they aren't raiding.


I really don't see this working out myself.


This is the funniest part, they restricted the worst parts of their game to paying subscribers. Its like a double F...U to paying subscribers.

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Well I knew this was going to happen, they went silent just like DCUO did before announcing.


I am also a bit worried they are only focusing on group content. Where is the Bioware Story Content? Where is the level cap increase? Where is the new playable race? Where is the new planet Makeb? All of this was suppost.to come out this year, But is not even mentioned and it also sounds at least a month plus before new content is released. And let's also hope the just don't release rehashed content like DCUO does.

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Glad to see some people understand the potential :p


F2p doesn't mean P2win




As i recall, the item shop in Planetside is purely for cosmetics, like camo and such. Whereas everything else is bought with ingame currency and certs, which are come in based on your own individual performance, how well your team is doing, territoral control, squad play etc.


Sure, im sure you'll be able to buy ingame currency for a cash price, but thats a differnet matter....

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