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Why this PVP player is not renewing!


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This post is not going to be a complain session trashing this game, although I will point out a couple of things in the game I dislike. I stuck around longer than all my friends, who bailed on this game in the first few months. I would like to explain the things I will miss and the reason I am not renewing. My sub runs out in the middle of August and I will be moving on to GW2.


Things I will miss:


Hutball- I believe this is the most innovative PVP zone I have come across in my 10+ years of MMO gaming. I wish the devs (as they stated they might) had made a variety of Hutball maps sooner!


Knockbacks/pulls, into the fire and the abyss- although these mechanics are not innovative, they work really well in SWTOR and add a buffer of defense for weaker geared players.


Healing B4 the nerf - pvp healing in this game was at least partially fun until they nerfed trooper/mercs and sorc/sage, while buffing sents/maras at the same time.


Illum after Spawnpoint/Graveyard change- I am one of the few people that really enjoyed Illum once they fixed the spawn point camping. I love world PVP, specifically the gratification of having 3 people jump you and you waste them all :rak_01:


The reasons I am not renewing:


No viable world PVP- World PVP gives max level pvp players something to do while waiting for warzone pops. It also helps PVP guilds create a sense of unity and provides PVP guilds with an activity they can accomplish as a group. Since, Illum was removed or abandoned by the devs, there has been no replacement or even hints at replacing it! I am going to see how fun the eternal battlegrounds are in GW2.


PVP healing is the least fun out of any MMO I have played- unless I am healing on my smuggler I hate pvp healing in this game. Healers SHOULD be able to dispel slow/root effects at least on themselves! Especially, since a well geared combat sentinel can 4 hit you. As a PVP healer, I should not have to rely on having a tank and a 2nd healer keep me alive! Resolve should also work against interupts for healers. Stun-Stun-interupt while resovled stun-stun dead! Sometimes, I can go 5 minutes in a match without getting a single cast heal off! Hence, the reason i will only heal as a smuggler.


Lack of any content news coming from BW- I am sorry BW but I could give 2 pieces of farmville muck about companions, legacy and social based game improvements! When will you add a World PVP zone? When will you add new warzones? When will you add any new endgame content? When will you have another world event? These are the types of things your players want to know, not that in 4 months they can get a new droid companion!


Goodbye my fellow Star Wars fans,

I wish all of you countless hours of fun playing!

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This has been said over and over and yet they still dont get it. Your not the only one leaving this game. The dutch boy just used his last finger to plug another hole. Anyway I dont think there are enough dutch kids out there to stop all the leaks
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This post is not going to be a complain session trashing this game, although I will point out a couple of things in the game I dislike. I stuck around longer than all my friends, who bailed on this game in the first few months. I would like to explain the things I will miss and the reason I am not renewing. My sub runs out in the middle of August and I will be moving on to GW2.


Things I will miss:


Hutball- I believe this is the most innovative PVP zone I have come across in my 10+ years of MMO gaming. I wish the devs (as they stated they might) had made a variety of Hutball maps sooner!


Knockbacks/pulls, into the fire and the abyss- although these mechanics are not innovative, they work really well in SWTOR and add a buffer of defense for weaker geared players.


Healing B4 the nerf - pvp healing in this game was at least partially fun until they nerfed trooper/mercs and sorc/sage, while buffing sents/maras at the same time.


Illum after Spawnpoint/Graveyard change- I am one of the few people that really enjoyed Illum once they fixed the spawn point camping. I love world PVP, specifically the gratification of having 3 people jump you and you waste them all :rak_01:


The reasons I am not renewing:


Whine, whine, whine, whine, whine.


Goodbye my fellow Star Wars fans,

I wish all of you countless hours of fun playing!


Edited for what I actually saw while reading.


I don't normally post on the forums, and really the only reasons I even come here is for the Q&A, and to get a good laugh at the doomsayers. Then I come to this post. If I were a betting man, I'd almost wager this person is a World of Warcraft player. And I say that, due to the want/need of instant gratification in the area where I changed his 'reasons' to the word whine. I came from Everquest. Where it took weeks to get quests finished, and months to hit level cap if you did all your quests and didn't spend your time getting power leveled. Take the OP for example. He's bored because....why? He rushed through the game, possibly on all eight stories, has a bunch of level 50s, and now blames it on Bioware.


It's not Bioware's fault you ran through everything, got your stories finished, and now have nothing to do. That's your fault for rushing through everything. Do you have all the Black Hole gear? Do you have the War Hero gear? On ALL your characters? If so, bravo, if not..there's something for you to do. "But it's repetitive Most Interesting Sith in the Galaxy!!!!!" I know it is. And I realize that World of Warcraft has spoiled you by giving you everything you've told Blizzard you want, and now that THAT game has been ruined...(and you can't say it hasn't, I was never a fan of it to begin with, but c'mon..PANDAS?! Seriously?! PANDAS?!) you're wanting to ruin this one. How about you step back, play your game, and stop whining. Bioware is doing their best, and when it's done, it'll be released (content and such) If you wanna go to GuildWars 2, by all means, I played the original GuildWars, there's a reason I didn't buy the expansions, and a lot of people think GW2 isn't going to do much either. If it does, great, if not..meh.


Anyway, if you don't wanna renew, good, great, bye, we don't need to know why. If you wanna improve the game, then for the love of the Force, tell the devs, despite general consensus, they DO still read these forums. Tell them what you wanna see improved.


(Disclaimer: I'm not singling out any one person, except where I quoted the OP, this is in no shape or form meant to be trolling, bashing, or flaming. Also, I do not own Star Wars, I simply play in Lucas' sandbox)

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Great points in the OP. These things are on the minds of a LOT of PvP players (and maybe even PvE ones). The lack of any type of new content or any news about something new is driving people away. Some will say that people will be back when new content is released, but that is not true. Fewer and fewer return when something new pops up and since it is so rare that new things are introduced to the game, a lot of ppl will never look back, me included.


In the beginning, I started on a server where the population started to die down fast (a closed server now), literally ALL the people that started this game with me (old MMO and IRL friends) quit in the beginning of the year 2012. I stuck it out till 2 weeks ago when I could do it no more. It is over for me as well and my new guild on the new populated server is dieing too. The OP stated all the reasons me and my entire guild are leaving: bottom line = boredom. RWZ's are such a fail without cross server queing it amazes me they got released in this state (not to mention exploits used even in top rated games, bugs and lag etc). Even on top PvP populated servers, some guilds are without much competition. Trust me when I say that winning a lot is boring after some point just like loosing a lot by others. Add to this the fact that everything is so repetitive and nothing new is coming soon and you have people abandoning ship.


Not sure about the state of PvE, I gave up on that after the bug fest that the early Operations were. Maybe thouse are better now but surely people are bored of that as well, there has been nothing new for months now.


At the moment, the big impression we players have (the people that I know at least) is that this game is being abandoned by everyone: developers first of all. Too bad, it could have been big, but the wrong people were on the job from day 1.

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Edited for what I actually saw while reading.


I don't normally post on the forums, and really the only reasons I even come here is for the Q&A, and to get a good laugh at the doomsayers. Then I come to this post. If I were a betting man, I'd almost wager this person is a World of Warcraft player. And I say that, due to the want/need of instant gratification in the area where I changed his 'reasons' to the word whine. I came from Everquest. Where it took weeks to get quests finished, and months to hit level cap if you did all your quests and didn't spend your time getting power leveled. Take the OP for example. He's bored because....why? He rushed through the game, possibly on all eight stories, has a bunch of level 50s, and now blames it on Bioware.


It's not Bioware's fault you ran through everything, got your stories finished, and now have nothing to do. That's your fault for rushing through everything. Do you have all the Black Hole gear? Do you have the War Hero gear? On ALL your characters? If so, bravo, if not..there's something for you to do. "But it's repetitive Most Interesting Sith in the Galaxy!!!!!" I know it is. And I realize that World of Warcraft has spoiled you by giving you everything you've told Blizzard you want, and now that THAT game has been ruined...(and you can't say it hasn't, I was never a fan of it to begin with, but c'mon..PANDAS?! Seriously?! PANDAS?!) you're wanting to ruin this one. How about you step back, play your game, and stop whining. Bioware is doing their best, and when it's done, it'll be released (content and such) If you wanna go to GuildWars 2, by all means, I played the original GuildWars, there's a reason I didn't buy the expansions, and a lot of people think GW2 isn't going to do much either. If it does, great, if not..meh.


Anyway, if you don't wanna renew, good, great, bye, we don't need to know why. If you wanna improve the game, then for the love of the Force, tell the devs, despite general consensus, they DO still read these forums. Tell them what you wanna see improved.


(Disclaimer: I'm not singling out any one person, except where I quoted the OP, this is in no shape or form meant to be trolling, bashing, or flaming. Also, I do not own Star Wars, I simply play in Lucas' sandbox)


Congrats for playing EQ, here's a cookie. I played EQ too and it was a steaming pile of s#$t of a game, the fact that things took so long in that game was basically a design to keep people chasing the pixel carrot.

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Edited for what I actually saw while reading.


I don't normally post on the forums, and really the only reasons I even come here is for the Q&A, and to get a good laugh at the doomsayers. Then I come to this post. If I were a betting man, I'd almost wager this person is a World of Warcraft player. And I say that, due to the want/need of instant gratification in the area where I changed his 'reasons' to the word whine. I came from Everquest. Where it took weeks to get quests finished, and months to hit level cap if you did all your quests and didn't spend your time getting power leveled. Take the OP for example. He's bored because....why? He rushed through the game, possibly on all eight stories, has a bunch of level 50s, and now blames it on Bioware.


It's not Bioware's fault you ran through everything, got your stories finished, and now have nothing to do. That's your fault for rushing through everything. Do you have all the Black Hole gear? Do you have the War Hero gear? On ALL your characters? If so, bravo, if not..there's something for you to do. "But it's repetitive Most Interesting Sith in the Galaxy!!!!!" I know it is. And I realize that World of Warcraft has spoiled you by giving you everything you've told Blizzard you want, and now that THAT game has been ruined...(and you can't say it hasn't, I was never a fan of it to begin with, but c'mon..PANDAS?! Seriously?! PANDAS?!) you're wanting to ruin this one. How about you step back, play your game, and stop whining. Bioware is doing their best, and when it's done, it'll be released (content and such) If you wanna go to GuildWars 2, by all means, I played the original GuildWars, there's a reason I didn't buy the expansions, and a lot of people think GW2 isn't going to do much either. If it does, great, if not..meh.


Anyway, if you don't wanna renew, good, great, bye, we don't need to know why. If you wanna improve the game, then for the love of the Force, tell the devs, despite general consensus, they DO still read these forums. Tell them what you wanna see improved.


(Disclaimer: I'm not singling out any one person, except where I quoted the OP, this is in no shape or form meant to be trolling, bashing, or flaming. Also, I do not own Star Wars, I simply play in Lucas' sandbox)


Err... so everything he dislikes about the game...is just whining?


Why suggest that he hop on the gear treadmill when he's a PVP player? I'm guessing he doesn't care much for what you are suggesting he do.


Who in the world wants to grind PVE gear on EVERY character? Play the same stuff hundreds of times? It's hard enough doing it on one character.

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Err... so everything he dislikes about the game...is just whining?


Why suggest that he hop on the gear treadmill when he's a PVP player? I'm guessing he doesn't care much for what you are suggesting he do.


Who in the world wants to grind PVE gear on EVERY character? Play the same stuff hundreds of times? It's hard enough doing it on one character.


Hard isn't the word, more like mind numbingly boring.

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In response to DarthDrachonus,


Why is it whenever someone posts a criticism of any MMO the trolls cry ," his points are not valid because he played World of Warcraft?" My MMO experience includes but is not limited to:


Everquest, Aion, Rift, WOW, Final Fantasy (multiple versions), LOTRO, World of Tanks, S4 League, Runes of Magic, Perfect World and many more!


As to your point, that I should be farming Black Hole daily coms, obviously you misunderstood that I am a PVP player and have no use for that PVE garbage! In fact, I have not been in a level 50 FP or OPS, despite having 4 level 50s.


As to my so called whining, it is truly a valid point, that when SWTOR released it had a viable World PVP element in the game. Regarding this point, I would be more sympathetic with the devs if they had not initially released the game with a World PVP element. To put an element in the game, then take it away is just bad policy! The broken version of Illum was far better than no Illum at all.


Finally, many other MMO's are able to release content on a regular basis and I am not just talking about WOW. For instance, Perfect World has many world events to keep its players engaged in the game. My suggestion to the devs is that they spend less time on gimmicks like new companions and more time on playable content. It would be fairly easy for the devs to create a world event like the Rakghoul plague!


Not all criticism is whining, take my opinions for what they are worth, but the intent of my post was to help the devs not to flame the game! Think of it as an exit interview.

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Hard isn't the word, more like mind numbingly boring.


Personally I can't even level a 3rd character on the game because it means going through any of the Imperial-Republic side quests again. The stories all great, but I'm not going to punish myself just to watch a decent-good story unfold. Rather just watch a movie or better yet, play a single player game devoted to that.

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In response to DarthDrachonus,


Why is it whenever someone posts a criticism of any MMO the trolls cry ," his points are not valid because he played World of Warcraft?" My MMO experience includes but is not limited to:


Everquest, Aion, Rift, WOW, Final Fantasy (multiple versions), LOTRO, World of Tanks, S4 League, Runes of Magic, Perfect World and many more!


As to your point, that I should be farming Black Hole daily coms, obviously you misunderstood that I am a PVP player and have no use for that PVE garbage! In fact, I have not been in a level 50 FP or OPS, despite having 4 level 50s.


As to my so called whining, it is truly a valid point, that when SWTOR released it had a viable World PVP element in the game. Regarding this point, I would be more sympathetic with the devs if they had not initially released the game with a World PVP element. To put an element in the game, then take it away is just bad policy! The broken version of Illum was far better than no Illum at all.


Finally, many other MMO's are able to release content on a regular basis and I am not just talking about WOW. For instance, Perfect World has many world events to keep its players engaged in the game. My suggestion to the devs is that they spend less time on gimmicks like new companions and more time on playable content. It would be fairly easy for the devs to create a world event like the Rakghoul plague!


Not all criticism is whining, take my opinions for what they are worth, but the intent of my post was to help the devs not to flame the game! Think of it as an exit interview.


Basically Darth, you just got put in your place.

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u dont see what they done with tanks,

u r useless unless u got a pocket healer,

a tank should be survive by 4 or 5 ppl attack u and u cant die without any healer,

but u not.

tank is sux at wz, but my healer is not, i always win when i play my healer in wz,

but i do not login my healer anymore,

play it cant release my day job stress.

play tank is even worse,

so BW u know what is the outcome....

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Another dressed up quit thread, whining about how the game doesn't play to 'how they' expect things. I really don't agree with anything the OP said, you don't speak for me "fellow Star Wars fan".


Happy trails.. and hope you find what your looking for in another game. :)

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Everquest, Aion, Rift, WOW, Final Fantasy (multiple versions), LOTRO, World of Tanks, S4 League, Runes of Magic, Perfect World and many more!


You say that healing is the least gratifying in this game and you've said you played Aion. I cannot for the life of me rhyme those two statements.


I played a Cleric in Aion and PvP was basically: Ranger comes out of stealth, stunlocks me, I die. That's all that game had to offer was bloody stunlock and waiting to die.


At least in SWTOR you can get off a couple of heals before you die. That wans't possible in Aion unless you had complete idiot opponent.

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I will continue to play the game, but I agree with all this post, especially as my main is a full War-Hero augmented Sage healer.


Putting Ilum out was a very bad policy. On my old server Lord Calypho we used to be 50 vs 100 every day in Ilum before the closure. It also created a community and something to look forward at around 1800 CET hours.

Ilum was not bad World PvP. SHAME to BW for stopping it.


As for the Sage/ Sorc nerfs now in ranked one can notice how bad the nerf really was.

How can the weakest healing class thanks to its Light Armor have no real burst heal to stay alive. BAD DECISION.

Dieing 10 times+ in RWZ is a bit stressing and not good team working policy.


IMO this game had among best class balance mechanics before 1.2. After that it all went downhill.


So far I think all Nerfing done, was made to increase a class popularity more then a question of balancing. I am pretty sure it was more made this way.


As for the updates coming, I am pretty sure 1.4 will be with us around September no need to panic there. But I agree that the lack of events in this game, only one so far; Raghoul Events which was very well made is disturbing.


So yes BW has high potential with this game, and I do believe it that is why I am still here!. But the bad decisions (see Ilum and nerfs), lack of communication again (was not bad from May till transfers from Mr.Gonzales lately is very quiet again), and only one event makes it become a bit boring sometimes.


BTW I am a 60% PvPer and 40% PvE so I enjoy both sides of the game. I am also leveling other Alts more to see there story so I really like the fourth pillar BW created, but some things do need HIGH ATTENTION from BW.

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You know what kills me in threads like these? They get drowned out by the haters vs. the fanbois, rolling there fight all over the room. I come to the forums and I see trolls on both sides of the spectrum drowning every thread into dems vs. repubs style arguments. Hyperbole and bad analogies abound!


The OP makes good, valid points, some I agree with, and some I don't. The point being is the fanboys jump on him for daring to suggest a way to make the game better in his opinion, god forbid, and the haters try to claim him as one of there own, which he clearly is not.


The OP was very gracious, stated what he liked and didn't like and offered suggestions on ways to improve the game. He didn't insult the devs or post stupid crap about how fail the game is. He simply stated it didn't meet his needs any longer and made suggestions that may help him return in the future. You know, he did what fanbois are always asking people who quit to do. And something most of the haters never do.


Yes I realize he could of put this in the "why are you quitting" thread, but because he posted with some dignity I say give him a pass on that.


OP, I myself am a pvper ( I suck, but I digress) and I hear your points loud and clear. And thank you so much for posting a mature and concise thread that actually offered way to improve the game instead of posting "hehe look swtor failing" or "it's so rosey colored in here!" thread.



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To Tsillah,


I fully agree with your post. I also played a cleric in Aion and I agree it was miserable. It was not my intention in my response to Darth to compare SWTOR to any other MMOS, other than suggesting like Perfect World, BW should try to add more world events.


To be honest, the funnest healer I have ever played in an MMO is the Chloromancer in Rift. It is a mage / healer class, which can heal by doing damage.

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Edited for what I actually saw while reading.


I don't normally post on the forums, and really the only reasons I even come here is for the Q&A, and to get a good laugh at the doomsayers. Then I come to this post. If I were a betting man, I'd almost wager this person is a World of Warcraft player. And I say that, due to the want/need of instant gratification in the area where I changed his 'reasons' to the word whine. I came from Everquest. Where it took weeks to get quests finished, and months to hit level cap if you did all your quests and didn't spend your time getting power leveled. Take the OP for example. He's bored because....why? He rushed through the game, possibly on all eight stories, has a bunch of level 50s, and now blames it on Bioware.


It's not Bioware's fault you ran through everything, got your stories finished, and now have nothing to do. That's your fault for rushing through everything. Do you have all the Black Hole gear? Do you have the War Hero gear? On ALL your characters? If so, bravo, if not..there's something for you to do. "But it's repetitive Most Interesting Sith in the Galaxy!!!!!" I know it is. And I realize that World of Warcraft has spoiled you by giving you everything you've told Blizzard you want, and now that THAT game has been ruined...(and you can't say it hasn't, I was never a fan of it to begin with, but c'mon..PANDAS?! Seriously?! PANDAS?!) you're wanting to ruin this one. How about you step back, play your game, and stop whining. Bioware is doing their best, and when it's done, it'll be released (content and such) If you wanna go to GuildWars 2, by all means, I played the original GuildWars, there's a reason I didn't buy the expansions, and a lot of people think GW2 isn't going to do much either. If it does, great, if not..meh.


Anyway, if you don't wanna renew, good, great, bye, we don't need to know why. If you wanna improve the game, then for the love of the Force, tell the devs, despite general consensus, they DO still read these forums. Tell them what you wanna see improved.


(Disclaimer: I'm not singling out any one person, except where I quoted the OP, this is in no shape or form meant to be trolling, bashing, or flaming. Also, I do not own Star Wars, I simply play in Lucas' sandbox)

You sir deserve this:


You based everything on assumptions and rambled on about absolutely nothing the poster mentioned.. congratulations, you taken fanboyism to new levels of stupidity. I hope for your sake you was at least drunk and misquoted the wrong post.

Edited by Senden
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It's not Bioware's fault you ran through everything, got your stories finished, and now have nothing to do. That's your fault for rushing through everything.


That line of reasoning worked up until about May.............. it simply doesn't work any more. The slowest players around have had time to get 1 or 2 toons to L50 by now.


The problem with PvP is largely stuns (and/or that resolve isn't fit for purpose) and that there is no RvR, neither of those things are the players fault, nor are they remotely to do with rushing.




Frankly I've just been levelling alts for the last 3 months, having given up on PvE end game and PvP, and that in itself becomes horribly boring by the 3rd or 4th time through the exact same content. :(


SWTOR needs serious development, and it needs it yesterday. :csw_yoda:

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