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what is your stand on, ingame balance bioware


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Just to start, i spent 15 minuttes to try to find the general english tor forum. using various 'short cuts' i finally made it here. Are you too embarresed to give a direct link to your forum bioware?

Now that im here i want to discuss the topic of game balance.

Im a mmo vet, 7 years. (pushing 30's). Star wars the old republic was to be the next gen mmo for us more mature players.

I have a lvl 42 Sentinel in pvp gear that i sometimes do pvp with. Ive noticed my sentinel gets humiliated by lvl 10 (?) sith players. last match, green team lost, all 8 players had 0 kills, and red team had the 8 top spots.

So i thought to myself, let me try the red team, and see if its any different.

My god what a revelation. my lvl 10 sith warrior, no advanced class chosen yet, ripped through lvl 42 republic players, like a god dam lvl 50 pvp hero god. she got 17 kills, and only died 4 times.

Im not a dummy, nor am i an idiot. what you guys are doing here is preference ingame towards evil side.

Its so bad its almost a criminal offense.

There is zero ingame balace in tor pvp.

Im a 'good' guy and like to play a jedi, why i feel ***** paying and playing your product.

This will be my first and only post.

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The classes are mirrored so there's no bias towards Imperial or Republic side.

Plus in the lowbie pvp bracket the effect bolster is in play which balances everyone basic stats to more equal level.

Edited by Helistin
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I'm sorry, but there's balance, you just saw it in the lowbie bracket, a skilled lvl 10 players just pwnt you. Baddies who are lvl 40 think they should automatically roflstomp a lvl 10-20 in lowbie pvp. This is not the case, the lvl 10-20 who actually knows how to use his skills and counter you will easily kill you based on strategy. Also realize a lot of these players probably have lvl 50 toons and know the in and outs of most classes. I'm tired of people crying there is no balance I outdps FOTM Vanguards and Sents all day on my Sage, have more KB's at the end of the match, and more meaningful damage imo as I can get my dots off all day long ticking for 700-1k+ while they have to rely on subpar energy management. To prove the point of this thread I kill FOTM rerolling marauders and pyrotechs on my lowbie commando so easily it's not funny. Sorry to say most of them are terrible and if interrupted, stunned, or knocked back get rofl stomped easily because they don't know how to counter or even use their skills correctly. Also if you had 0 kills during the match, you were outplayed by the other team has nothing to do w/ balance. I had a match on my scoundrel last night healing where the other team had 0 kills and we had 0 deaths, was it a balancing issue? No they were baddies who didn't focus the healer, and the pyrotechs on their team were baddies that didn't know what to do once their dots were cleansed. The Mara's on their team were baddies that charged into a group of 5 of us to be stunned and killed in a matter of seconds. In other words baddies can easily be held to 0 kills and have a ton of deaths due to the fact they ignore objectives, don't focus the enemy healers, and go into tunnel vision dps mode thinking they should own everyone whether based on gear/level. Then once these people are roflstomped they come on the forums and QQ about how the game isn't balanced.


My guess OP and your team were bad and not noticing/focusing the enemy healer allowing him to heal up his teammates while they slaughtered you the whole match. That's what seems to be the case, so not only were you outmatched, your whole team likely didn't realize to do one simple objective in a warzone which is killing the enemy healer. I don't know what you've read on these forums but Pyrotechs/Marauders aren't God Mode, and can be easily countered and destroyed if a smart player knows what they are doing.

Edited by Yinata
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I'm sorry, but there's balance, you just saw it in the lowbie bracket, a skilled lvl 10 players just pwnt you. Baddies who are lvl 40 think they should automatically roflstomp a lvl 10-20 in lowbie pvp. This is not the case, the lvl 10-20 who actually knows how to use his skills and counter you will easily kill you based on strategy. Also realize a lot of these players probably have lvl 50 toons and know the in and outs of most classes. I'm tired of people crying there is no balance I outdps FOTM Vanguards and Sents all day on my Sage, have more KB's at the end of the match, and more meaningful damage imo as I can get my dots off all day long ticking for 700-1k+ while they have to rely on subpar energy management. To prove the point of this thread I kill FOTM rerolling marauders and pyrotechs on my lowbie commando so easily it's not funny. Sorry to say most of them are terrible and if interrupted, stunned, or knocked back get rofl stomped easily because they don't know how to counter or even use their skills correctly. Also if you had 0 kills during the match, you were outplayed by the other team has nothing to do w/ balance. I had a match on my scoundrel last night healing where the other team had 0 kills and we had 0 deaths, was it a balancing issue? No they were baddies who didn't focus the healer, and the pyrotechs on their team were baddies that didn't know what to do once their dots were cleansed. The Mara's on their team were baddies that charged into a group of 5 of us to be stunned and killed in a matter of seconds. In other words baddies can easily be held to 0 kills and have a ton of deaths due to the fact they ignore objectives, don't focus the enemy healers, and go into tunnel vision dps mode thinking they should own everyone whether based on gear/level. Then once these people are roflstomped they come on the forums and QQ about how the game isn't balanced.


My guess OP and your team were bad and not noticing/focusing the enemy healer allowing him to heal up his teammates while they slaughtered you the whole match. That's what seems to be the case, so not only were you outmatched, your whole team likely didn't realize to do one simple objective in a warzone which is killing the enemy healer. I don't know what you've read on these forums but Pyrotechs/Marauders aren't God Mode, and can be easily countered and destroyed if a smart player knows what they are doing.


Can you be more specific?

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Troll post. Classes are almost perfect mirrors, minus minor details, such as animation delays.


I don't think this one is a troll, just a baddie that thinks he should roflstomp lvl 10 players based on his class/gear/level, not actually understanding the other classes, playing objectively. His story of 0 kills and a ton of deaths points to him and his team likely not focusing a healer that easily outhealed their DPS on his teammates while his team easily annihilated the lvl 40 sent over and over. Fast forward he gets a Jug to lvl 10, does well in 1 warzone likely because being carried by his team and comes and cries that there is no balance and that sith AC's have some special advantage.


Let's not give this guy credit for being a troll and call him what he is a baddie.



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Just to start, i spent 15 minuttes to try to find the general english tor forum. using various 'short cuts' i finally made it here. Are you too embarresed to give a direct link to your forum bioware?


This was all I needed to read right here.... If your computer skills are lacking so hard that you can't find the forums. All comments further regarding anything that has to do with computers, games, internet, or technology in general becomes null and void.

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I don't think this one is a troll, just a baddie that thinks he should roflstomp lvl 10 players based on his class/gear/level, not actually understanding the other classes, playing objectively. His story of 0 kills and a ton of deaths points to him and his team likely not focusing a healer that easily outhealed their DPS on his teammates while his team easily annihilated the lvl 40 sent over and over. Fast forward he gets a Jug to lvl 10, does well in 1 warzone likely because being carried by his team and comes and cries that there is no balance and that sith AC's have some special advantage.


Let's not give this guy credit for being a troll and call him what he is a baddie.




if baddie is, evil, then i think your a sith. and you calling me one, is skitzo.

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if baddie is, evil, then i think your a sith. and you calling me one, is skitzo.


There's a great new Hello Kittie MMO I think it might actually be within your limited skill level...........Until it's released though go back to being a baddie and expecting to kill every level 10 you run into during lowbie warzones. Just ignore the healers on the opposing team so you can come back and whine how you had 0 kills and a ton of deaths.....Wait you already do that, baddies aren't evil, they are just the people that no one else wants to play with because they are well bad at the game and make it not fun for those on their team and group.

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Quote: Originally Posted by DardhVaiderr

Im not a dummy, nor am i an idiot. what you guys are doing here is preference ingame towards evil side.

Its so bad its almost a criminal offense.


The troll is strong with this one....


Ill do it again.

I feel offended.

play fair, bioware.

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your haiku is wrong,

its 5-7-5, troll.

try again, failer


eeh, failer. cmon guys give bw a break. it was star wars.


(i think you are a bit below me, to call me a failer QUOTEd)


the haters will hate. the truth. and facts. that. im actually. right.



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Your entire purpose of this thread is wrong.


First, balance is a matter of perspective that each person views differently.


Second, and in regards to my first point... I believe that balance in an MMO is impossible.


If you want a balanced game play MW3.


Oh wait... you haven't unlocked all the guns yet? Well then.... there is another dilemma.

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