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Nerf heals in PVP


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"Healers are already starting to break warzones. Albeit not yet on the scale of pre 1.2 but mark my words. The next gear upgrade and it's healers of the old republic again."


So I need to elaborate then? Ok are you a trooper or a merc healer? Have you tried to DPS a guarded trooper merc healer?


*edit* NM just read your 2nd post. Merc/trooper healers are the hardest to kill because they are heavy armor and their bubble increases their healing capacity a lot. Operatives can be an issue because they can pickup +15% movement speed and run about insta healing.


I don't have any issues vs op healers tho because my sin also has that +15% movement speed. They run and insta cast heal while I maul them in the back.. I just lay into them until I line up 3 crit mauls and a crit assassinate. They are basically toast by then.

Edited by JackNader
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So I need to elaborate then? Ok are you a trooper or a merc healer? Have you tried to DPS a guarded trooper merc healer?


I don't see merc healers in warzones. Seriously, ever. As its told to me, although they are really tough to burn down they have their own tradeoffs/issues. All three classes played properly, the merc is by most indications the least effective of the three.


I do agree sorcs need armor buff though :)


edit: on the whole, I think healing is in a pretty good place right now. Most sorcerer 31 pointers are just not very good. Yes, you have to turret heal. Yes, it's hard. It's not undoable, even if you are running for your life half the time in a PUG. It needs a little help in survivability but that's it.


Sorcs also have the best ability to play the utility role, like I do, out of all the healing classes. The more healers in my group, the more I focus on DPSing.

Edited by islander
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Really, it's DPS who are terrible. It's not that hard to take down a healer if you aren't bad, and have at least 1200 expertise. Use your interrupts, be patient, or just do what happened to me last night, and zerg on site.


I was in a voidstar last night where I was the only heals. I died 16 times. Still had 12 medals and we got the win. Made it all worth it. Seriously though, they'd use one trooper to pull me to the pack, a smuggler stunned me and trooper set me on fire, it was so ridiculous all I could do was laugh and cc a couple of them, force them to use their release if they had it. Helped keep some of them from the door at least for a few seconds.


Winning warzones takes skill, gear, and situational awareness. Most people who participate really lack one of these. Me? I'm missing a good bit of all three, but at least it's a pretty equal distribution :rolleyes:


WOW. See my post earlier. You fell right into is. Its the bad DPS fault, right? Its always bad DPS, its never that healing is an extremely potent game changer that in some cases, leads to gross imbalances. NOPE, its just bad dps.


I really am laughing right now. You sound exactly like the rest of the healer crowd who blames bad DPS...lol.

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WOW. See my post earlier. You fell right into is. Its the bad DPS fault, right? Its always bad DPS, its never that healing is an extremely potent game changer that in some cases, leads to gross imbalances. NOPE, its just bad dps.


I really am laughing right now. You sound exactly like the rest of the healer crowd who blames bad DPS...lol.


Yes. 80% of the time, it's bad DPS either failing at damage, failing at damaging the correct target, or failing to play common sense objective based warzones.

I spend 2-4 hours a night in warzones, a lot of pugging solo or two man as my guild is relatively small.

I'd play my own DPS character (Mara) as well but the war hero grind is tough and I find playing my sorc more rewarding as it's harder to do (and I have yet to grow tired of seeing lightning shoot out of my hands!)

Edited by islander
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WOW. See my post earlier. You fell right into is. Its the bad DPS fault, right? Its always bad DPS, its never that healing is an extremely potent game changer that in some cases, leads to gross imbalances. NOPE, its just bad dps.


I really am laughing right now. You sound exactly like the rest of the healer crowd who blames bad DPS...lol.


healers have already been nerfed doing it again would cause many to quit which is counter productive, but it sounds like you want that to happen.................

Edited by ccoolmint
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healers have already been nerfed doing it again would cause many to quit which is counter productive, but it sounds like you want that to happen.................


Of course, he wants easier mode. Easy isn't enough for him it would seem.

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WOW. See my post earlier. You fell right into is. Its the bad DPS fault, right? Its always bad DPS, its never that healing is an extremely potent game changer that in some cases, leads to gross imbalances. NOPE, its just bad dps.


I really am laughing right now. You sound exactly like the rest of the healer crowd who blames bad DPS...lol.


1 DPS thinking he can burn through a healer in a Healer + Tank combo is a BAD DPS.


Healing is completely impotent in all 1v1 scenarios (assuming equal skill and gear).

Healing is capable as long as the healer has team support.


If you can't solo a healer it is because the healer is actually a healer +1 or it is because you are a backpedalling, keyboard turning, clicker scrub.

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1 DPS thinking he can burn through a healer in a Healer + Tank combo is a BAD DPS.


Healing is completely impotent in all 1v1 scenarios (assuming equal skill and gear).

Healing is capable as long as the healer has team support.


If you can't solo a healer it is because the healer is actually a healer +1 or it is because you are a backpedalling, keyboard turning, clicker scrub.


A tank guarding a healer is GOOD. Thats the point of teamwork.


Healing without guard SHOULD be a challenge for the healer but not impossible. As it stands now, some healers (depending on the WZ and gear imbalance) can heal themselves and at least one other player without concern. Healing isn't a free ticket to be easier and more effective to play in WZs. Healers want everything handed to them on a silver platter because they are "healers". I find it odd that they even threaten to quit, as if I am actually going to give a damn about some dude in a fake online world.


New flash: Its not BAD dps when you look near invincible. Its because healing by its nature gives you longevity that DPS doesn't have. In a perfect world, 1 DPS vs 1 healer would be a perfect match.

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A tank guarding a healer is GOOD. Thats the point of teamwork.


Healing without guard SHOULD be a challenge for the healer but not impossible. As it stands now, some healers (depending on the WZ and gear imbalance) can heal themselves and at least one other player without concern. Healing isn't a free ticket to be easier and more effective to play in WZs.


lol sorc and commando healers would like to have a word with you we could tank a dps pre 1.2 but now equal skill and gear dps>healer. that healer that you saw "tanking" was most likely getting cross healed by another healer because if it was a sorc or merc healer a single dps can interrupt almost all of their heals

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Pro tip for OP:


Go to your ability page.

Locate your interrupt.

Bind your interrupt.

Use your interrupt.



I believe this will help your predicament. If not, try rolling right to left. Sometimes that can help too.

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if anything since 1.2 my interrupts have got sloppier because of how much more dps there is compared to healing. before 1.2 if you messed an intterupt they'd be back to full health O.o


yeah pre 1.2 healing needed a nerf and gratz on rank 98 valor that is the highest I have heard of.

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I'm a sorc, and good DPS teams have no issues working through me, even guarded. Sure, it definitely takes longer, but I'm far from unkillable for the skilled team. Then again on Fatman it seems Republics are (overall) better PvPers then Imperials.


Then again, operative healers are, as I undestand it, the optimal pure healing archtype these days. I've sort of found my niche my being able to contribute 100-150k in DPS as well in zones as well as offhealing 200-300k


Well from my experience, if the sorc stays long enough in my line of sight as a sniper, i can kill him through guard. If he LoSes me, the. He survives. As a PT Pyro i only need time, i can down them quie reliable.


As for operaties, they are unkillable by snipers. One single LOS and he is back to full health.

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Pro tip for OP:


Go to your ability page.

Locate your interrupt.

Bind your interrupt.

Use your interrupt.



I believe this will help your predicament. If not, try rolling right to left. Sometimes that can help too.


Interrupting like an idiot abilities like diagnostic scan will get you nowhere. You really need to know all healer abilities, and even play them if you want to have a chance at killing ops.

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There's nothing more horrible than a Warzone without any healers. 6+ DPS on both sides, everyone dies 10+ times... that's not fun by any definition of the word.


Healers can be very powerful in well-coordinated groups. So can DPS. So can tanks. I don't see the issue.

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Interrupting like an idiot abilities like diagnostic scan will get you nowhere. You really need to know all healer abilities, and even play them if you want to have a chance at killing ops.


Of course. Not hard though. This guy sounds like he expect to just jam dps buttons until stuff falls over.


Tbh, healers with exception of Ops are a joke to kill 1v1 for most DPS classes and the only reason Ops get hard is their manouverability and emergency cast.


When I play my jugg I literally follow sorcs and mercs heals around as theyre so damn easy to kill. My basic hits hit then for 1k and I have 3/4 interupts with which to stop them doing anything of use except instants (which are weak). Theyre lucky to get 2/3 heals off before they die.


Anyone complaining about heals as a dps is either fighting a guarded healer (ie a 1v2) or an Op, in which case I sympathise (somewhat) however theyre still pretty easy to shut down (ie put into a self heal loop), just not easy to kill solo.

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Well from my experience, if the sorc stays long enough in my line of sight as a sniper, i can kill him through guard. If he LoSes me, the. He survives. As a PT Pyro i only need time, i can down them quie reliable.


As for operaties, they are unkillable by snipers. One single LOS and he is back to full health.


Yep, snipers get me in Alderaan sometimes, the good ones do their job well. I don't see them until my leg is shot and it's all but too late ;)

Edited by islander
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think they need to make it so no premades vs non premades then make cross server queus then make it so ea team has the same number of heals(by spec)....no need to nerf heals tho they seem to be in a good place even tho ops seem a lot better in pvp than any other heals
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Of course. Not hard though. This guy sounds like he expect to just jam dps buttons until stuff falls over.


Tbh, healers with exception of Ops are a joke to kill 1v1 for most DPS classes and the only reason Ops get hard is their manouverability and emergency cast.


When I play my jugg I literally follow sorcs and mercs heals around as theyre so damn easy to kill. My basic hits hit then for 1k and I have 3/4 interupts with which to stop them doing anything of use except instants (which are weak). Theyre lucky to get 2/3 heals off before they die.


Anyone complaining about heals as a dps is either fighting a guarded healer (ie a 1v2) or an Op, in which case I sympathise (somewhat) however theyre still pretty easy to shut down (ie put into a self heal loop), just not easy to kill solo.


That is what has me perplexed as well, healers are far from unkillable. The issue is when you have 3-4

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I have seen one operative healer take being focus by 6 team members in full ware hero with one tank being a stun machine and that healer living with no other healer in group on there side. there are some healing classes that are op not all healers just one class.
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I have seen one operative healer take being focus by 6 team members in full ware hero with one tank being a stun machine and that healer living with no other healer in group on there side. there are some healing classes that are op not all healers just one class.


exaggeration does not help your case

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having a healer on your side should not guarantee victory, ecspecially whne they're spamming the same 2s cast heal over and over again regardless of GCD


If someone is spamming the same heal over and over then it sounds like the enemy isn't using interrupting abilities against the healer.


For the record, I actually agree some tweaks could be used for certain classes/situations.

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