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Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything!!


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I'm not really sure how to start this, so here I go.


Let's face it: A lot of us have been expressing our feelings about SWTOR and they aren't really positive. Some of us have come back to game saying it's great and how this is how it should have been when the game released, but all of that seems overshadowed by all the negativity hitting SWTOR.


There's lack of endgame content; there's lack of innovation; there's lack of incentives; there's lack of social features; there's lack of variety. There's just not much to do really at endgame instead of doing the same dailies and weeklies over and over again, but also, I feel like leveling up can be extremely boring. In fact, maybe a tad bit more boring than endgame.


In some threads, I see some posters say to create new characters to experience the "full" game (because they're telling the OP that they really haven't completed the game), but here's the thing: that's not going to solve anything!! The reason I say that is because the only thing new you're going to experience is the class story missions. The rest, is well... doing the same boring side-quests that tell you to go kill X amount of enemies while capturing Y amount of objectives. This is why all I do with any alts I create is get through the first planet and then level up via the Warzones... a lot... and then go through the FPs and class story missions once I'm at the level I need to be. I'm not sure how it feels for those of you who only PvE, but it must feel awful going through all those repetitive and just plain old boring side-quests.


I also bet a lot of you just spacebar through all those cutscenes in which you and the NPC talk to each other when receiving and finishing the side-quest anyways. Nice job BioWare, putting so much work in all that voice acting, which is just *cough*spacebarred*cough*. :o


At endgame, at least you can possibly do a lot of Open World events for those communities and guilds that host them. You may end up burning through all the Operations in its different difficulties, but at least you can setup some events for the server to enjoy.


I don't know about you, but I'm glad I'm a PvP junkie that I can stand going through the lv. 10–49 WZs over and over again to level up instead of doing the same type of boring side-quests.


BioWare, I've been supporting this game for a long, long time—even before this account was created, actually. I pre-ordered the Collector's Edition in July, played during the beta and had loads of fun, accessed the game during the first day of EGA, and I defended your game from all the haters it got while the game was still new. Now—I'm extremely sorry to say this—but I find myself criticizing this game more than defending it. Not sure when my point of view of the game changed, but it was probably somewhere around Game Update 1.2.


This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. :(


Please BioWare, get your act together and add things not seen in other MMOs—especially WoW. It's 2012, and 2013 is approaching us. I'd expect less grind and more fun, more (or probably just better) incentives, and just more variety.

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.

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That's exactly what has been on my mind for the past few days. At some point I found myself actually acknowledging all the bugs etc as problems, at first I would just report them and act like it never happened just to preserve that awesome image I had of this game before it launched, but now it's just a dime a dozen for me.


There's nothing keeping me here except for that irrational little hope I have that BioWare will somehow save the game.


Sometimes I forget SWTOR was the game they promoted with those 3 trailers, that had me so excited last year lol.

Edited by SithVeritas
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In terms of innovation, I agree. There's none here. Can't believe they spent all those years making a WoW clone and not even a good one at that! :p


The made the mechanics too simple and too accessible that eventually it wouldn't appeal to anyone

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There are so many of these posts already. OP's thread is titled "Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything." Well, neither will complaining about things without offering possible solutions.
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"This game does has some things other MMOs don't have, but I'm trying my best to enjoy this game with my friends and guilds and still support it. Sadly, I'm also finding many of my friends and community-mates leaving for games like Guild Wars 2 and it's just sad. "


Out of curiosity I looked up the GW2 web site. I realize that the game is not yet out, but from what I've seen on their OFFICIAL site, GW2 art work looks awful. Where are the luscious graphics? Every image looks like sketches still in the conceptualization stage of development. If what I've seen so far is GW2's finished product, SWTOR has nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, to worry about.


And hell, I'm far from being a fanboi for SWTOR, but I've yet to see a better MMO. Not saying it'll never happen, but I'm just not seeing anything on the market (or in the pipeline) that compares to this game.

Yeah, it's not out yet, but some of my friends have already played the beta, and they're saying things on how GW2 has just stuff that's better than SWTOR. I don't know how to speak on their behalf since I've never played GW2, but I probably never will anyways.


It's just really sad to see the direction this MMO is headed. Not pretty. :(

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There are so many of these posts already. OP's thread is titled "Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything." Well, neither will complaining about things without offering possible solutions.


Here is a solution: Provide more content.

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I understand completely I have a legacy and I have about every class in it but I like putting people that I know in real life in it but since I have every class played but since I want to add people I'm going through all these classes I have played to about lvl 25 and so I know about every line except for some of my older classes but the thing I like is that I havent played as every type of class so I still can try to play as every species for the people I know in real life and I am sure that I will keep on playing because my goal is to get to lvl 50 all I need to do is get every advanced class thats what I also havent done but Im sure the game will only get better so dont stop playing:sy_republic:
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There are so many of these posts already. OP's thread is titled "Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything." Well, neither will complaining about things without offering possible solutions.


No our job, Bioware's job. It's our job to pay them and if we have problems with paying them we should be expected to let them know why we're having problems paying them before we just stop all together. :p

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That's exactly what has been on my mind for the past few days. At some point I found myself actually acknowledging all the bugs etc as problems, at first I would just report them and act like it never happened just to preserve that awesome image I had of this game before it launched, but now it's just a dime a dozen for me.


There's nothing keeping me here except for that irrational little hope I have that BioWare will somehow save the game.


Sometimes I forget SWTOR was the game they promoted with those 3 trailers, that had me so excited last year lol.

Honestly, two other things keeping me from leaving SWTOR:

  • I'm an avid Star Wars fan.
  • The friends that are still playing and the guilds I run.


There are times where I do feel, "Why am I still subscribed to this game? Why am I spilling money out for a game that seems like it's heading down the road for a true TORtanic? This game may only end up living on a slim player-base of fanboy supporters and/or for those who really love Star Wars. It'll be dead to everyone but those very few who are still playing this game by the time BioWare decides they need to be flexible and adapt to F2P (or probably really P2W).


Also, I just don't want to unsub because of all the friends and guilds I'm in on SWTOR. I just can't drop the hat on everyone and everything and say, "Hey, guys, I'm leaving! Good luck on the TORtanic!" Although, that's something I kinda wanna say.


There are times where I do enjoy the game; there are times where I try to enjoy the game; and there are times where I simply just want to quit for good. :(

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There are so many of these posts already. OP's thread is titled "Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything." Well, neither will complaining about things without offering possible solutions.

We're customers. We're supposed to let the developers know how we feel about the game—that's why you see so many posts like these. The thing that sets this post apart from others is that it's telling a specific player-base of SWTOR (particularly the fanbois) to stop telling others to create alternative characters to experience the full game and to stop complaining about how this game has an endless amount of content—because it does NOT.


If this game does have an endless amount of content, why are we seeing so many negative threads about a lack of this or a lack of that. These types of players need to see the truth of this.


I'm sorry to say but I'm slowly coming to realization that SWTOR may becoming a TORtanic. :(

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There are so many of these posts already. OP's thread is titled "Telling Others to Create New Characters Won't Solve Anything." Well, neither will complaining about things without offering possible solutions.

It's not as if BW will pay any attention to anything written here (they show no evidence of having done so up to now), plus if a multi-million dollar games company has to resort to reading it's own forums to figure out what's going wrong with their game, things are already beyond the point of no return.

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It aint perfect but nothing else interests me atm so I'm willing to continue being patient. I did actually like 1.2, so they continue bringing quality of 1.2 but at a somewhat faster rate (or higher quantity per patch) then Im happy.


Went back to WoW for a week using Scroll of Ressurection - cba subbing to that, it is dead atm. Maybe MoP would make it interesting but the general direction they're taking that game is more casual than Swtor ever was and just generally a bit dull.

Sure theyve got a lot of additional content, and their pokemon style pet battles may seem lame, but little mini-games like that do entertain some people.

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Here is a solution: Provide more content.


Unless it is something repeatable that does not get repetitive, like RvR, then for those people who claim the story is too repetitive, that is just delaying, for at maximum, a few weeks, before they complain again.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Unless it is something repeatable that does not get repetitive, like RvR, then for those people who claim the story is too repetitive, that is just delaying, for at maximum, a few weeks, before they complain again.

Something I feel like what's supposed to keep players delayed is the goddamn Legacy system. That feature is just nothing but a pure grind. I seriously hate it for it being such a grind, so I really just don't pay attention to it. The only features I do pay attention to is the unlockables that give you more XP for turning in Class Story quests and doing WZs.


I also think if BioWare keeps their mindset of how players want more of Story, then this game will truly be dead. We'll be burning through their stories so fast it'll just seem like they didn't add any quality and/or variety in any of their other content. :(

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Something I feel like what's supposed to keep players delayed is the gosh darn Legacy system. That feature is just nothing but a pure grind. I seriously hate it for it being such a grind, so I really just don't pay attention to it. The only features I do pay attention to is the unlockables that give you more XP for turning in Class Story quests and doing WZs.


I also think if BioWare keeps their mindset of how players want more of Story, then this game will truly be dead. We'll be burning through their stories so fast it'll just seem like they didn't add any quality and/or variety in any of their other content. :(


Thing is, there are two crowds basically split down the middle, those who play this game FOR the story (like me) and those who want all the general MMO features, like endgame raiding and RvR, so if they start giving one crowd something, they will lose the other.


Unfortunately, instead of sticking to story like they claimed they would, they are delivering to a crowd that won't stay anyway, I am sure some will, but when games like GW2 comes around, they will jump boat to that one for a couple of months, rinse and repeat.


This game just was not designed with the general MMO crowd in mind and now that they have switched priorities, despite the fact they will never draw a crowd that loves PvP, when GW2 comes about anyways, it is senseless, sticking with the story is the only way they will hold a viable population.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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The only thing I'm trying to "solve" is my enjoyment. Some of you make this far more complicated than it really should be.


I should point out I'm not normally an alt creating kind of guy. I usually like to invest (time and effort) in one character and move on. In this game, I only ended up with two characters by "accident". I played a commando to level 42 before realizing my server was dying (50 in fleet at max kind of thing).... So I ultimately re-rolled elsewhere, and started a sentinel. The repeated quests were boring, but i was stunned to find the gaming/pvp experienc was SO different in changing from ranged to melee. Really enjoyed it! And then I very luckily found my commando transferred to the same server.... And I'm getting a kick out of moving both up to WH.


And this experience convinced me to start another imp agent healer. I know the gameplay/mechanics will be different again, and I suspect I'll really enjoy it as well.


So, for me.... playing new characters is definitely solving my "problem": I'm having fun. The journey is the purpose. And those of you who have thoroughly beat this game to have tried all the classes.... seriously, you probably SHOULD move on.

Edited by heechJunzi
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Thing is, there are two crowds basically split down the middle, those who play this game FOR the story (like me) and those who want all the general MMO features, like endgame raiding and RvR, so if they start giving one crowd something, they will lose the other.


Unfortunately, instead of sticking to story like they claimed they would, they are delivering to a crowd that won't stay anyway, I am sure some will, but when games like GW2 comes around, they will jump boat to that one for a couple of months, rinse and repeat.


This game just was not designed with the general MMO crowd in mind and now that they have switched priorities, despite the fact they will never draw a crowd that loves PvP, when GW2 comes about anyways, it is senseless, sticking with the story is the only way they will hold a viable population.

Are you saying BW/EA made a huge budget game to loose money?

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Thing is, there are two crowds basically split down the middle, those who play this game FOR the story (like me) and those who want all the general MMO features, like endgame raiding and RvR, so if they start giving one crowd something, they will lose the other.


Unfortunately, instead of sticking to story like they claimed they would, they are delivering to a crowd that won't stay anyway, I am sure some will, but when games like GW2 comes around, they will jump boat to that one for a couple of months, rinse and repeat.


This game just was not designed with the general MMO crowd in mind and now that they have switched priorities, despite the fact they will never draw a crowd that loves PvP, when GW2 comes about anyways, it is senseless, sticking with the story is the only way they will hold a viable population.


I really appreciate storytelling in any game, but we have to be realistic and acknowledge that storytelling won't cut it for an MMO's levelling mechanic. The only unique story is the class stories, and everything else is essentially repeating the same quests over and over whenever someone starts an alt. In other words, this game gets boring.

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Are you saying BW/EA made a huge budget game to loose money?


No, I am saying they appealed to their own fanbase, used the Star Wars IP and wielded the publishing power of EA.


It was actually an amazing idea to make story the central point of the game, despite what many say, this was very innovative and it worked for awhile, but then they started focusing on crowds they could never win and keep


That is when BioWare went off track, if they can get back on track and pump out a ton of story over the next six months, they will be focusing on the crowd they CAN win and keep.

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I really appreciate storytelling in any game, but we have to be realistic and acknowledge that storytelling won't cut it for an MMO's levelling mechanic. The only unique story is the class stories, and everything else is essentially repeating the same quests over and over whenever someone starts an alt. In other words, this game gets boring.


That is where my ideas of inserting a new set of side quests for each planet comes in, which are used with new companions and quests that are alignment specific, etc... making as much variety as possible can make the grinding aspect of the game disappear entirely, if there are enough ways to level.

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