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Your Top 10 Favourite Star Wars Characters.


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Yesterday I was thinking about some of my favourite characters in Star Wars, and I was wondering what others peoples picks would be.


This goes for all material, EU/Movies etc - all of it.


Mine is the following:


1. Luke Skywalker

2. Mara Jade (Yes the irony isn't lost on me).

3. Plagueis

4. Roan Fel

5. HK-47

6. Cade Skywalker

7. Naga Sadow

8. K'krukh

9. Exar Kun

10. Marr

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1. Gilad Pelleaon

2. Boba Fett

3. Mace Windu

4. Zuckuss

5. HK-47

6. Darth Vader

7. Wes Janson

8. R2-D2

9. Darth Bane

10. Wynn Dorvan


Honorable mention: Greivious (but then SWTCW ruined him :mad:)

Edited by TheBentOne
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Nice to see I'm not the only who likes Mara... she has got to be my favorite Female Character....


1. Mace Windu

2. Mara Jade Skywalker

3. Obi-Wan Kenobi

4. Vader(Post-Soaking in Lava)

5. Han Solo

6. Luke Skywalker

7. Lando Calrissian

8. Darth Sidious

9. Darth Bane

10. Leia(Sorry.. politics don't do much for me..)

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Its intriguing to see some of the picks. If you guys are anything like me, where you appreciate all Star Wars material its so hard to put a list together on your favourite characters, because there are just so many of them.


Looking at the lists, I've got such an urge to add some more charcaters like Wynn Dorvan, Bane, Pre Viszla, Gilad Palleon and Tyber Zhan, I thought those were awsome picks. I would love to see a Tallon Karrde or Komari Vosa pick or something along those lines.


Either way, loving the picks.

Edited by Brutanic
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1. Gilad Pelleaon

2. Boba Fett

3. Mace Windu

4. Zuckuss

5. HK-47

6. Darth Vader

7. Wes Janson

8. R2-D2

9. Darth Bane

10. Wynn Dorvan


Honorable mention: Greivious (but then SWTCW ruined him :mad:)


Right. yeh. TCW Ruined him. He got what, 5 mins in one movie? And i doubt youve read the comics, or they would have ruined him for you already..... If grevious is your fav character, you should be loving tcw giving him many an episode....


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1 - Meetra Surik

2 - Brianna the Handmaiden

3 - Darth Knox

4 - Darth Plageus

5 - Luminara Unduli

6 - Obi Wan Kenobi

7 - Darth Marr

8 - Satele Shan

9 - Bastilla Shan

10 - Revan Reborn. (reborn, not darth or jedi knight)


Also, a special mention to Darth Ruptus... From Darthipedia :p

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uhm... this is a hard question... in no particular order, easier if we could name 100 tbh


Exar Kun

Arca Jeth

Qui-Gon Jinn

Obi-Wan Kenobi

Han Solo

Darth Vader

Darth Sidious / Palpatine

Boba Fett



Edited by eclipce
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1. Boss (Delta Squad)

2. Anakin Solo

3. HK-47

4. Luke Skywalker

5. Han Solo

6. Sev (Delta Squad)

7. Chewy

8. Elara Dorne

9. Satele Shan

10. Canderous


Not putting the current republic player characters in TOR in, but i was going to the Trooper and Jedi Knight would be in there somewhere.

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Hard. :confused:


1. Darth Bane

2. Darth Nihilus

3. The Exile

4. Darth Traya

5. Darth Revan

6. Kyle Katarn

7. Tyber Zann

8. Darth Krayt

9. Dark Jaesa Willsaam (Just some bantha fodder that serves as a decoy, but still deserves top 10.)

10. Luke Skywalker (Yes I like his character and story but I only have 10 slots!)


It would've been easier to do top 50.

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