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Pro-skippers, politeness will get you further


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I had a PUG run today in Black Talon with a couple of what I'll describe as immature impatient obnoxious kids, screaming in chat for me (and the fourth guy) to skip the cutscenes. Even after a few seconds of video, we were generously showered with "skip, SKIP FFS" and "SPACE you *******", which always gives other people a nice fuzzy feeling inside.

Now, instead of perhaps trying with "Please, can we skip the cutscenes?", which I would have agreed to, the comments instead convinced me to make it a point to watch every single second of dialogue in the flashpoint, just to annoy those kids. And boy did it ever.


Sadly I've seen this impatient and obnoxious attitude become pretty common when doing flashpoints, as if skipping is viewed as must-do and expected. A lot of people don't expect people to want to watch this stuff, even though BioWare put it there for us to watch. I for one really enjoy this dialogue and watch it when I can, and will continue to do so in flashpoints far more times than just one. These (very well done) cutscenes do represent part of the default game that everyone has paid for. Some people have actually not seen this stuff yet and should be given every chance to. "But its just Black Talon!!! Skip FFS". Doesn't matter what it is, if someone enjoys it, let them watch. You can wait 3 more minutes to finish the flashpoint.


So you guys out there in a hurry for some reason, other people are far more inclined to skip the story stuff for you if you're not being a *ick about it :) And for those who act like those two kids and wind up in a group with me, bring plenty of popcorn. :p

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This is bad, especially with the new players that are showing up lately. I always make sure it is clear that folks can watch the scenes if they like. I usually begin watching the scenes if folks are rude about it.
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I don't really care about watching the cut-scenes, but I do agree with you about those people. I was in a Mandalorian Raiders PUG and the guy who was our tank, who was the lowest level by about 5 out of all of us, kept running ahead aggroing everything. I hadn't done it in awhile, so I wanted to take my time to learn it again. We kept telling him to slow down and everything, but ******* was hyped up on Speed or something. Anyways. We completed it with no problems. It was just frustrating as hell cause I always seem to run into that when I queue up on group finder.


The one thing that really pissed me off though, was that he was complaining about me not giving him any healing love. I was like, "Dude. You've been the ONLY one I was healing damn near 90% of the dern FP cause you kept aggroing everything and because of your low level. If you want, I can completely ignore your *** and let you die." I didn't hear anything more about it for the rest of the run.

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Kind of looks like the OP is trolling


Some people have actually not seen this stuff yet and should be given every chance to. "But its just Black Talon!!! Skip FFS". Doesn't matter what it is, if someone enjoys it, let them watch. You can wait 3 more minutes to finish the flashpoint.


Can't take seriously anyone who claims watching all the cutscenes takes only 3 minutes in BT.


In BT if you do things the slow way, it can easily take more than 90 minutes to complete the FP while it could be done in less than 15 minutes if you go for a fast run.

We are taking about huge amount of time wasted there.


And first of all, if you want to watch all the cutscenes in BT, you can GO SOLO THE STORYMODE, anyone level 17+ (and many people even lower than that) can just solo it, and then you can take all the time you want without bothering anyone else.


Just because you "enjoy" watching the cutscene does not give you the right to make the fp run unenjoyable for 3 other people. Stop being a selfish jerk. Why should your enjoyment take priority over the enjoyment of the 3 other people?


And do remember that this is just a game. That means some people may have real life jobs and families and so on. Making a FP run last more than an hour (not 3 minutes but an hour) longer than it would have to take, is a big deal and can cause real serious inconvenience to some people.


In most of the other flashpoints watching the cutscenes may be alright (if you aren't being a jerk about it and slowing it down just for the sake of slowing it) but if someone is not skipping in Black Talon, I would see vote to kick and ignore as perfectly good options.

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And while we are on the subject...


So you guys out there in a hurry for some reason, other people are far more inclined to skip the story stuff for you if you're not being a *ick about it :)


If you want people to "politely ask" for you to hit spacebar, then you should also remember that you also did not "politely ask" from them first if it is ok with them that you slow the fp run by making it more than an hour longer than it needs to be.

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I honestly don't mind if people don't spacebar through the cutscenes, especially if they haven't been to that fp before. Some of the cutscenes I do like to watch over again. Such as pistol whipping the captain in boarding party haha classic.
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And while we are on the subject...




If you want people to "politely ask" for you to hit spacebar, then you should also remember that you also did not "politely ask" from them first if it is ok with them that you slow the fp run by making it more than an hour longer than it needs to be.


Not spacebaring would be the normal, expected mode of operation. When they give a mode where you need to press spacebar to see the whole conversation, then we can start talking about asking permission to do that.

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I had a PUG run today in Black Talon with a couple of what I'll describe as immature impatient obnoxious kids, screaming in chat for me (and the fourth guy) to skip the cutscenes. Even after a few seconds of video, we were generously showered with "skip, SKIP FFS" and "SPACE you *******", which always gives other people a nice fuzzy feeling inside.

Now, instead of perhaps trying with "Please, can we skip the cutscenes?", which I would have agreed to, the comments instead convinced me to make it a point to watch every single second of dialogue in the flashpoint, just to annoy those kids. And boy did it ever.


Sadly I've seen this impatient and obnoxious attitude become pretty common when doing flashpoints, as if skipping is viewed as must-do and expected. A lot of people don't expect people to want to watch this stuff, even though BioWare put it there for us to watch. I for one really enjoy this dialogue and watch it when I can, and will continue to do so in flashpoints far more times than just one. These (very well done) cutscenes do represent part of the default game that everyone has paid for. Some people have actually not seen this stuff yet and should be given every chance to. "But its just Black Talon!!! Skip FFS". Doesn't matter what it is, if someone enjoys it, let them watch. You can wait 3 more minutes to finish the flashpoint.


So you guys out there in a hurry for some reason, other people are far more inclined to skip the story stuff for you if you're not being a *ick about it :) And for those who act like those two kids and wind up in a group with me, bring plenty of popcorn. :p




Cutscenes are part of the experience and only add 5 or 10 minutes... if someone want to do it let them.


Also OP, you want a new way to piss them off? Start screaming to skip as well. Its freakin hilarious when all 4 people are in full caps trying to figure out whats going on. Even had a guy convinced it must have bugged or something. Not much of a stretch considering Biowares track record. :D

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What bothers me isn't people wanting to watch the conversation (unless it's Black Talon), but that they don't tell you that before and you're stuck in the 'waiting for players' screen.


Coincedentially it's often the same players that don't know the encounters and don't tell you so, which is rather unpleasant as well, adding up to a fowl mood and politeness going out the window.

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What bothers me isn't people wanting to watch the conversation (unless it's Black Talon), but that they don't tell you that before and you're stuck in the 'waiting for players' screen.


Coincedentially it's often the same players that don't know the encounters and don't tell you so, which is rather unpleasant as well, adding up to a fowl mood and politeness going out the window.


so it's too much of a leap for you to assume that because they want to watch the cutscenes that they probably are a new player and rather than build the (dying)community you'ld defend rudeness?

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I get impatient during cut scenes ive seen a hundred times too, but ive never yealed at anyone about it, i dont think ive even ever told anyone to hit space bar.


I think they need a special check box for the group finder for people that want to weatch the cut scenes, if you really want to watch them that bad then you can take the extra time it will take to get the group. Ofcourse bw cant even make the GF figure out what spec someone is, x server or give you your rewards reliably, so it will probably just remain a good idea forever.

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The total amount of time for cut scenes in any and all FPs is small fraction of the overall time required to complete the FP. The self-induced, semi-hysterical state of impatience is the only thing that makes people perceive that it is longer,


Always assume and plan for 1 or more players wanting to enjoy the cut scenes and you can ONLY be pleasantly surprised and never disappointed.


There is zero excuse for being rude about it. :p

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I completely agree about a little politeness going a long way. I am pretty mellow about cutscenes, usually I can take 'em or leave 'em but I don't spacebar 'em unless someone asks as I figure there may be someone in the group that wants to see them. I am a reasonably patient person; it isn't a big deal to me.


But if someone was that rude about it, I would tell them they'd darn well better ask politely and that if they continued to be jerks about it I would drop the group (well, if the others didn't back me up at all). I can understand preferring to skip cutscenes in HM's when you've done them many times, but there is absolutely no reason not to be a reasonable and civil person about it.

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In BT if you do things the slow way, it can easily take more than 90 minutes to complete the FP while it could be done in less than 15 minutes if you go for a fast run.

Nonsense. Fast run usually takes about half an hour. Watching all cutscenes adds 5 minutes. Killing all bosses adds another 10 minutes. The only reason i see for people to become mad at someone watching cutscenes is that they think that all cool kids skip them :)

Edited by EternalChild
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this is why i like preparing well beforehand...like assembling my group carefully for instance



because i watch all of the cutscenes,everytime....and if other people want to be in my story mode,or group for that matter...they WILL have to watch the cutscenes,otherwise they will be removed,as there is no need for a non cutscene watching person in my groups


:) see it works out better that way...forcing the people who spacebar through everything to be far away from the kind that like cutscenes

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Kind of looks like the OP is trolling




Can't take seriously anyone who claims watching all the cutscenes takes only 3 minutes in BT.


In BT if you do things the slow way, it can easily take more than 90 minutes to complete the FP while it could be done in less than 15 minutes if you go for a fast run.

We are taking about huge amount of time wasted there.


And first of all, if you want to watch all the cutscenes in BT, you can GO SOLO THE STORYMODE, anyone level 17+ (and many people even lower than that) can just solo it, and then you can take all the time you want without bothering anyone else.


Just because you "enjoy" watching the cutscene does not give you the right to make the fp run unenjoyable for 3 other people. Stop being a selfish jerk. Why should your enjoyment take priority over the enjoyment of the 3 other people?


And do remember that this is just a game. That means some people may have real life jobs and families and so on. Making a FP run last more than an hour (not 3 minutes but an hour) longer than it would have to take, is a big deal and can cause real serious inconvenience to some people.


In most of the other flashpoints watching the cutscenes may be alright (if you aren't being a jerk about it and slowing it down just for the sake of slowing it) but if someone is not skipping in Black Talon, I would see vote to kick and ignore as perfectly good options.


if you want to skip tell so b4 begining skiping is not the normal way and you can't force your way of playing to other player or tell them to solo it it is fun to see the roll of who gets to talk hust becouse you want to skip doesn't mean you have to take away to fun of those who want to watch

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Usually I don't mind if people see the cut scenes. But if you are doing a hard mode, where you are 50...it is the normal operation to spacebar. If you haven't seen cut scenes for the majority of the instances besides maybe LE, LI or a couple of the high level flashpoints, that really is your fault, and the rest of the group should not be forced through it unless you are at least considerate enough to ask.
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I'll spacebar to skip if I've recently played, but I don't yell at people to do so.

A quick look at group composition will tell you if people are likely to have done the FP before. It's pretty certain that if a toon is below level 11 that they haven't done Black Talon (or Esseles for that matter) before.


I think it best for people to state at the beginning of the FP if they want to skip dialogue. Is it really that hard to pose the questions: "Are we skipping dialogue?" or "Are we rushing this FP?" or "Are we doing bonus sections?"


In the end I don't really mind what people do - I get my commendations anyway - unless they're rude about it in which case I never give into what they want.


Two good tenets to go by "Politeness costs little but goes far" and "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt."

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Well this is how I see it.


I would say that watching the cutscenes is the responsibility of the anxious viewer. If he/she wants to see it, it is his/her responsibility to tell the group way ahead of time that they want to view the story. From then on you will get two answers. yes or no. If the answer is no then you can simply leave and find another willing group who wants to see the cutscenes.


I say this because the group is at the mercy of the person who wants to watch it. While everyone skips the cutscene they are forced to wait till anyone who did'nt skip finishes. This is not fair to the group who may have already seen the story and just want to get through the FP.


I feel the OP is just butt hurt because he got flamed for not hitting spacebar. But the way I see it is if you seen the story you should be skipping it regardless and even if you have not, you should consider the group who is with you and value their time.


Two wrongs don't make a right. Treat others the way you want to be treated. This is a community oriented game.

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I'm one that love's to help people (hence why I play mmo's and not console games) and yes i've run into PUGs that want to skip.And I usaully do when asked politely.But I do understand that some new player's are watching this for the first time and it's an awesome experience for them so I don't mind waiting. If we should all learn this patience ,things would be so much better.

*sigh* Ea and it's 4th pillar thing.....

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State your intentions at the start of the grouping, and find a different group if your and the other players' beliefs differ. Problem solved.


Works for avoiding jerks in groups too for the most part.


I couldn't disagree more with some of the statements made in this thread, that somehow the OP is wrong to feel the way they do. However, there is no need to agree on the one true way or what is normal or etiquette or any crap like that.


Group with like-minded people. Ignore those that disagree, and if necessary block them. Might sound harsh, but I'm long past believing that people can all get together, group nicely, and sing kumbaya. MMO players can be jerks, ignorant, opinionated, unpleasant, and stupid. They can equally be great people that you'd want to spend quality time with. Kinda like life really.


Edit: All that said, the OP's point that politeness gets you further is spot on.

Edited by Grammarye
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