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Is this fair?


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I'm not going to name anyone specific as I am not looking to make trouble for anyone but I would like to get public opinion on this issue:


I play on an RP server. I have taken the experience of this game and have applied to personalize my toons with other members on this server. RPing is like having an honor system, at least for those who embrace it. Currently I am being told that my toon isn't allowed to be somewhere, that some other toon 'owns' the Cantina on fleet. It had even gotten to the point where at least 10 other toons were demanding that my toon leave. I hadn't had any direct interaction with any of their toons, in character, other than being a member of guild that basically is a gang.


Now, I could respect if this was being done in a private location, say a ship or something. But the cantina at Fleet is public domain. No one has the authority to tell anyone they can or can't be there. And I doubt highly that they would be able to back up their demand I leave with automated gun turrets (yep they said they had installed automated gun turrets).


There players on this server apparently came to some kind of understanding that this was the deal and that everyone else has to accept it as law. So, I'm asking the community at large, is this fair? Can a mob of players under the guise of 'RP' force someone to leave a location? My opinion is that this is bullying. They don't like my toon's profession or the choices that she makes. They find a 'criminal' element offensive and want me to change or leave. Ultimately, I feel it's a question of choice. They don't like what I do, they can choose to ignore me. I'm not throwing my RP into their face. They 'overheard' some conversations and decided that they wanted me gone.


Like I said I'm not going to name anyone specifically because this isn't about getting anyone in trouble. I want Bioware to be aware of it though because no one has the right to dictate to anyone how they want to 'rp' so long as it doesn't affect them. And I have done nothing to affect any of these people except not accept their 'fantasy.'



Philbe63 aka Marinda aka M'rarr aka Kyrrel aka Nekota aka P'rynn

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That... May be the stupidest RP I've ever heard. Why would you pretend to "own" a cantina.

Then again, I am a little biased to RP in cantinas (spells BORING).

I would just put an (( OOC )) comment saying that's pretty stupid.

What server are you on anyways? I'll ruff 'em up.

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I, personally, have never put any stock into people "owning" a certain area. If, in certain cases, people are already RP'ing in an area to such an extent that my RP would be intrusive (e.g. an officer's or Sith Lord meeting on a bridge of either the White Nova or Ziost Shadow that revolves around the bridge itself) then I would choose to RP in another place or at another time if I need that area - that's a personal choice and not one I've ever had to make (don't RP much, not in an RP guild and am crap at the drop-in stuff).


I hate people who think they own a certain area. To me it's like running into a bunch of ten year olds sitting on a park bench thinking they own it. It just strikes of childishness. What happened to you is gang childishness. If I were in that situation my reaction would likely be a firm "make me" followed by /ignore if they want to press the issue to a ridiculous conclusion. I have no problem if between friends you pretend you own the Cantina or have magical defense turrets, but as soon as start disrupting others people's RP time with your magical defense turrets or your "no lap-dancing" policy, then we have a problem. I've heard about this before - it has a tendency to jump from in-character being offended to God Mode fairly quickly. It's an excellent way of turning people off RP.


Great, now I want to RP again :/


/le sigh

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I'm really not into RP but even to someone like me who very, very rarely RP's that sounds really stupid and seems like bullying, I would suggest maybe reporting it, though I have no idea if something like this is against ToS. Edited by Twickers
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Roleplaying is fun but there are limits. You can no way force a player to leave a "public" cantina as such . As stated before it is one thing to roleplay that between friends but that in no way means you have the right to do that on another player.


They can not make you leave and if they keep bothering you about this then it can constitute harrasement and they can be reported to bioware.


You are correct it sounds more like bullying than roleplaying.

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Sub-par quality roleplay in progress, pretty much.


There's an underlying issue with roleplays in mmo's. Not everyone plays in the same timeline / logistic and thus issues like this arise.


Let me give you an example. Character A has a plot in which he owns the Cantina at the imperial fleet.

A few days ago ,Character B also had a plot in which he owned the Cantina at the imperial fleet.


So who owns it now? (actually, don't answer that, it's a rhetorical example)


To avoid such conflicts it's always good to roll with a group of select roleplayers that all run an united 'RP-Continuity' ensuring that you do not run into such issues. Now, a few RP-etiquette things, regarding MMO's.


Number one: You can't claim territory for yourself. Why? because it's a MMO and it's shared space, and the only space you have full, personal control over are your ship, and that's it. Any other territory is neutral territory and thus free game. Anyone else trying to 'force' their perception onto you, well personally I would've just laughed at them and remained standing there out of protest, but that's me, and I'm a lil bit of a troll in those regards.


Number two: Keep IC (In-Character) Business In Character, and OOC business OOC. Which means. If they've tried to shoo you out ICly, playing it out, it means it was a direct reaction towards your character (being a gang member) Which however is considered metagame unless any of those figures knew you beforehand. If they've tried to get rid of you in OOC it's harrassment and probably a TOS violation, but since the nature of roleplaying is relatively illusive it's somewhat impossible to enforce the ToS as it's applied for the general population. (I.E swearing etc).


Though I personally find this entire situation a bit..hilarious cause I can't picture 10 people shouting 'out' at someone just for showing up in proximity. There must be more to it.




And if not, then you've really just met some inept, stupid kids who have absolutely no Idea how roleplaying functions or looks alike, and who do it for ego-stroking instead of story-writing.

Edited by DanteKardo
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Thankyou all. I really needed to hear some voices of reason because the situation was bothering me. Ultimately, I believe that the parties involved will just 'ignore' me and I them. Thank you all again for your comments and support.
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Currently I am being told that my toon isn't allowed to be somewhere, that some other toon 'owns' the Cantina on fleet.


Nope - not fair. Not even remotely fair. That's a public space and it's not at all fair, right, just, or good RP for *anyone* to say that a particular toon "owns" it. You are being bullied.


Put them *ALL* on ignore and go about your business.




Edited by Scorpienne
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Right click the players name and select ignore player would be my advice.


Role playing is all well and good but claiming to own a public space and threatening you to leave is silly. Plus since it is a non dueling area there isn't much they can do except jump up in down in front of you impotently, especially if you put them on your ignore list.

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I am curious as to what server you are on OP. I've seen some guilds try this with certain rooms in the Tatooine cantina. It's one thing to be polite and another to demand. In fleet, they've got to be out of their minds.
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Number one: You can't claim territory for yourself. Why? because it's a MMO and it's shared space, and the only space you have full, personal control over are your ship, and that's it. Any other territory is neutral territory and thus free game. Anyone else trying to 'force' their perception onto you, well personally I would've just laughed at them and remained standing there out of protest, but that's me, and I'm a lil bit of a troll in those regards.


This. 100%.


Its ok to ask for temporary "ownership" of a public location for say an evening session or three over a few nights. But it can not be anywhere central like Fleet.


If someone wants to "own" a cantina for a while make it a cantina in an outpost on one of the planets.


Stuff like this makes me want to roll a toon and make them the transport officer for interfleet transfer, everyone needs to get permission before using the shuttle while they I am on duty, Cantina owners and their gangs are a security risk so need not bother applying.

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Some roleplay group, lol. How can you roleplay, when they exclude you from a scene. Assuming you're not God-moding and trying to kill them all, your character has the right to be in a location. The whole gun turrets thing to keep you out is ridiculous.


What it sounds like to me, and I've seen enough of this happen in other games, is that you may not be 'in good with the popular kids' which means, that they're excluding you, treating you badly, all to elevate themselves.


Stop being their whipping boy/girl, and find a real group of roleplayers. That's the best thing you can do for yourself.

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I'm not going to name anyone specific as I am not looking to make trouble for anyone but I would like to get public opinion on this issue:


I play on an RP server. I have taken the experience of this game and have applied to personalize my toons with other members on this server. RPing is like having an honor system, at least for those who embrace it. Currently I am being told that my toon isn't allowed to be somewhere, that some other toon 'owns' the Cantina on fleet. It had even gotten to the point where at least 10 other toons were demanding that my toon leave. I hadn't had any direct interaction with any of their toons, in character, other than being a member of guild that basically is a gang.


Now, I could respect if this was being done in a private location, say a ship or something. But the cantina at Fleet is public domain. No one has the authority to tell anyone they can or can't be there. And I doubt highly that they would be able to back up their demand I leave with automated gun turrets (yep they said they had installed automated gun turrets).


There players on this server apparently came to some kind of understanding that this was the deal and that everyone else has to accept it as law. So, I'm asking the community at large, is this fair? Can a mob of players under the guise of 'RP' force someone to leave a location? My opinion is that this is bullying. They don't like my toon's profession or the choices that she makes. They find a 'criminal' element offensive and want me to change or leave. Ultimately, I feel it's a question of choice. They don't like what I do, they can choose to ignore me. I'm not throwing my RP into their face. They 'overheard' some conversations and decided that they wanted me gone.


Like I said I'm not going to name anyone specifically because this isn't about getting anyone in trouble. I want Bioware to be aware of it though because no one has the right to dictate to anyone how they want to 'rp' so long as it doesn't affect them. And I have done nothing to affect any of these people except not accept their 'fantasy.'



Philbe63 aka Marinda aka M'rarr aka Kyrrel aka Nekota aka P'rynn


This behaviour is unacceptable, and is in fact, griefing. They have no right to claim an area as their own, and when they started asking you to leave in numbers, it became griefing.

This happens from time-to-time on RP servers, in many other MMOs. Just report them all and add them to ignore list. RPers like that are not worth your time, anyway. They're just an in-game version of a high school clique. Why would ANYONE want to hang out with a group like that to begin with!?


Edited by CaptRavenous
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I've never seen anyone claim a public area before OP. You have every right to be there. And they can choose to ignore you if they want. I'd be there with bells on. :D


If they are calming this is part of RP, they are full of it.

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Not fair at all, no. Feel if I were in that situation I'd say, in out of character, that while I respect their RP story, I am not part of it and will do as I please. If they persist in being obnoxious I have to say I'd be tempted to pull a "Well, I just talked to Bob. You know Bob, right? Big Hutt? Yeah, I just talked to Bob and he said something about you being a wingnut that was on his hit list. Gave me the codes to those there turrets and the key to the bar. So. I guess you'd better skedaddle before I take these here 1 million credits in my pocket and offer them to anyone here who could make you leave like you are asking me too." thing on them. Probably open a trade window and show that I had the credits too.


Could also do the Godmod thing. They fire their lasers! You dodge. Why? Cos you're Neo. End of story. The "/e dodges cos she is Neo and since this is obviously ridiculous <instert name> must be role playing a Star Wars in the Matrix!" attack.


There is a line, sure, where we as role players should respect someone else's role play, when its all powerful like that I'd feel compelled to undo it with comedy. Just me though.

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On my server we have a similar idea, we have certain members of a Sith RP guild that technically ''own'' the bar/cantina in the promenade on Nar Shadda. While it is almost actively in use at later hours by the ''owners'', they dont however impose any sort of restrictions, i.e. republic characters or those not in their own guild are both free and encouraged to join in. Its sad to hear the kind of stuff they are doing on your server, and I agree in that its completely unfair.
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