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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Erickson talks: New Planet Makeb, Free to 15, tutorials and... the Yuuzhan Vong?


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"They’re incredibly good about all of that and we’re probably the most diligent researchers and Star Wars experts of anyone in the EU creation system, because our fans are very particular and they will catch us,”


lulz, ugly armor design. gotcha!

Edited by Rikeryo
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An instant "No" to the idea of Yuuzhan Vong in the game makes me happy :)


They wouldn't be my choice either, one thing I would enjoy is a third faction though, that is a massive update they could do, say the Hutt Cartel/Mandalorians, I see that as one of the main things that could give the game a breath of fresh air.

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They wouldn't be my choice either, one thing I would enjoy is a third faction though, that is a massive update they could do, say the Hutt Cartel/Mandalorians, I see that as one of the main things that could give the game a breath of fresh air.


I don't think the Mandos would work because they're "allied" with the empire atm, but maybe something like the Consortium(Empire at War) would work., which is like the hutt cartel but different.

Edited by Seravie
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I don't think the Mandos would work because they're "allied" with the empire atm, but maybe something like the Consortium(Empire at War) would work., which is like the hutt cartel but different.


There are many ways in which war between the Empire and the Mandalorians could happen and if they were backed by the Hutt cartel, they'd be as powerful as either the Republic or the Empire.

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I don't think the Mandos would work because they're "allied" with the empire atm,


Actually that wouldn't be as big a problem as the bounty hunter becoming a mandalorian part way through the class story, i just wouldn't have the heart to gun down my fellow mandos even if the empire offered to pay me billions of credits, and on the flipside i'm also an officer in my imperial guild so i wouldn't be able to side against the empire either :(

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“We’re not experimental Star Wars people,” Erickson explained. “We must have sat down and watched Empire Strikes Back every other day for months when we were putting this game together. We’re not trying to [add] samurai or… time travel. We are saying ‘Let’s get the most incredibly core Star Wars feel that we were so excited about as kids.’ Which means we run into pretty much no issues with Lucasfilm.”


Is this why players at 50 look like predators and potato sacks and space samurais....

He says they wanted star wars feeling but as a hardcore star wars fan i dont have it....

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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“These were a model of droid that were created for the Great War and then they disappeared. So players are going to get to find a ship full of the HK droids and then go on a giant galactic quest to try to get one of them to respond. Basically, you need to repair one of them and then you need to get it to not shoot you when it wakes up.


Hmm? Perhaps this means, players are gonna have to actually pay attention to get what they want or lose the HK-51 in a fight? If so good, people will QQ sure but they were warned.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Hmm? Perhaps this means, players are gonna have to actually pay attention to get what they want or lose the HK-51 in a fight? If so good, people will QQ sure but they were warned.


Precisely, I like when the playerbase actually has to pay attention.

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Hmm? Perhaps this means, players are gonna have to actually pay attention to get what they want or lose the HK-51 in a fight? If so good, people will QQ sure but they were warned.


You read too much into it. you will click on the droid to get repaired, then you get to the known 3 choice conversations, the result is the same you get a new companion, doesnt matter what option you pick. ;)

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You read too much into it. you will click on the droid to get repaired, then you get to the known 3 choice conversations, the result is the same you get a new companion, doesnt matter what option you pick. ;)


You know this how? I'm just being open minded about it is all, it would be rather interesting and make him more rare. Better to be open minded about other options that could happen, then be close minded.

Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Meh ... once again "communitcating on 3rd party sites" instead of using the forums. With the vacation that the "community team" has been on since the layoffs ( do they even work at BW anymore? ) is this what we are going to see from the absent BW from now on?


Once again not impressed.


I fail to see why BW doesn't at least have a section on these sites that points to all the 3rd party interviews they give. But, that would make sense. :rolleyes:


GJ BW ... GJ ...:rolleyes:

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Them adding the Yuuzhan Vong would be one thing they could do to make me quit, so I'm glad that's out. I'd support a 3rd faction for some good DAoC style RvR, but I'd like to see maybe the Mandos breaking away from the Empire and aligning with the Hutts/crime syndicates. Of course, they'd need some new classes...or at the very least 50 levels of new stories for those classes. Unfortunately, with staff reductions, I don't see that happening.


The gear look thing is kinda lose-lose. People complain if the gear looks too much like the movies, and they complain if it doesn't look enough like the movies.


You know this how? I'm just being open minded about it is all, it would be rather interesting and make him more rare. Better to be open minded about other options that could happen, then be close minded.


Dark is right. Worse case scenario is you have to do the quest again and get it right this time. They're not going to allow people to permanently lose out on HK-51 when they removed the ability for you to perma kill other companions. The "make him more rare" part is requiring high level characters in both factions on the same server. Nothing is truly rare in MMOs anymore if you put in the time.

Edited by HarleysRule
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You know this how? I'm just being open minded about it is all, it would be rather interesting and make him more rare. Better to be open minded about other options that could happen, then be close minded.


I don't know, but you seriously think they will let players skip on HK-51 as a companion when they not letting you do with any other? :)

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Them adding the Yuuzhan Vong would be one thing they could do to make me quit, so I'm glad that's . I'd support a 3rd faction for some good DAoC style RvR, but I'd like to see maybe the Mandos breaking away from the Empire and aligning with the Hutts/crime syndicates. Of course, they'd need some new classes...or at the very least 50 levels of new stories for those classes. Unfortunately, with staff reductions, I don't see that happening.


The gear look thing is kinda lose-lose. People complain if the gear looks too much like the movies, and they complain if it doesn't look enough like the movies.


I would second that it's come up a few times in guild chat as well, insta third faction would be mandolorian / hutts. And would be the bounty hunters and smugglers.

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I don't know, but you seriously think they will let players skip on HK-51 as a companion when they not letting you do with any other? :)


Players won't skip on him if they have to pay attention, they pay attention they get rewarded if they don't thats their fault.

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Good interview! I can't wait for the new content to come out.


One thing I would love bioware to do is revisit the armor sets at 50+ Some of them leave a lot to be desired.. excited as I was to get new pieces in a HM FP.. when I did pick them up I was like...huh? I can see they tried to make them look epic but in their excitement they forgot what Star Wars really looks like.

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Another vague interview where nothing new is really said. What a surprise.

Also, did anyone else click on the video they had linked to that site? it was the old 1.2 patch update and I got a pretty good lol at the beginning when ohlen says we're not like other mmos we kept our original dev team so we can continue producing quality...LOL

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It is interesting that he spoke warmly about conversion rates and said nothing about retention rates.


The game has a lot to keep people playing to cap level and then turns into the much worn WOW raid or die (games over for most) model. A new planet will bring many back and offer much to those who stayed and are now leveling alts while their mains sit on fleet and are rarely played,


It is not my intention to start the also worn debate concerning raiding, but I would observe that the new non traditional MMO players being brought in will not be hard core raiders although some will end up being so. I would note that the people who left because, even though they liked the game, they hit cap and found nothing compelling to do will soon find themselves in the same place. WOW has started to look at the concept of retaining non raiding customers and SW should as well, Until then, the comments about brnging in new players and bringing back old ones just speaks to a band aide and not a cure.

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What would be more interesting question is, what gear you will need to have at Makeb?


is it just a continuation of Corellia (blue 45-50)? Or you will need rakata or even campaign gear to progress?


Because if you dont need ops gear, then it will be a laughable difficulty for most active players.


If you need ops gear then you are forcing people to do ops, or you need to hand over ops gear or equal to it for "free".

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