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This is why GW2 will take most of your subscribers away


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GW2 pvp is for people that long for the old days when Alterac Valley would last for 2 days. Last beta weekend i spent 2.5 hours attacking a gate that never came down. :(


Still more fun than getting violated by a mara/jug though. Dont know how long it will last. No monthly fee can always play both

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Still more fun than getting violated by a mara/jug though. Dont know how long it will last. No monthly fee can always play both


Yes that is the main positive part about it :)


Regarding class balance in your post... no MMO ever had perfect class balance, there will always be classes that are called fotm or are fotm.

GW 2 will make no exception there. It will probably be a good game for PvP players. But the hype of it being the holy grail... I fear those people are in for dissapointment. What I played there was fun though.

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its funny really,


obv people do like this game otherwise they would not feel the need to have a public rage about how its not 100%.......


but tell me an MMO what is 100%?

my bet is the OP just wanted some attention and that he was recently owned by a marauder....


but thanks for the giggle

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GW has always been skill based . We can't compare those 2 games it's just a mater of taste.

I found the game really dynamic compared to swtor.

Swtors did very well with class's stories that's why i played the game.But PvP on swtor is not competitive at all and since i m a more PvP than PvE i ll go for GW 2 instead of swtor .

I likehow they made quests on GW2 that also avoid conflict between players wich involve a better community ( indeed you can't KS ot ninja stuff)


For the one who said the beta test was buggy i had only 1 crash and 1 npc was missing i played all the w-e. for the rest it was fluid no problem with battles it was as i expected , maybe only one thing i don't like it's the inventory beside that i love everything.

Swtor was an 'ok' game but i won't hide it i expected more from this game maybe i've just been dissapointed maybe i ll try again later with more updates.

Edited by Lloydlrving
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Swtor pvp is only good for the chosen few classes that are op @ the moment but the nerf cycle will change the direction just like the wind does and that's why i have nearly 5 50,s as it will be my turn once again praying for

merc to get boosted on topic i will play both games :)


I have my Merc just sitting on the fleet, the only thing I use him for is to fund other toons wiht credits from doing dailies occasionally. As well as having 50 Jugg and 50 PT, currently leveling a Marauder. I still don't understand why they nerfed Arsenal so much with 1.2 and 1.3.

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I think those who like pvp will go to GW2. SWToR has 4 warzones. To me that is not pvp... it's just the single most repetitive boring excuse for pvp i have ever seen. Get gear - Check. Set up group with FoTM classes - check. Win.


Those who pvp simply sit on the IF waiting for wz to pop. It's an utter joke. I had to go to another planet the other and it's been so long since I left IF my droid didn't recognise me.


Add to that we all know BW loves "certain" classes. I am not saying GW2 is the holy grail or the answer to mmo's but what i am saying is a lot of people in SWToR will try GW2 purely because it is not SWToR.


No one in our guild is not trying GW2. oh hum.

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GW2 pvp is for people that long for the old days when Alterac Valley would last for 2 days. Last beta weekend i spent 2.5 hours attacking a gate that never came down. :(


Still more fun than getting violated by a mara/jug though. Dont know how long it will last. No monthly fee can always play both


2.5 hours on one door? didn't you use siege engines?

whole idea of getting the door/wall down is to use siege engines and peeps in your team will use the supply that they are spawned in with to help build them (team work).



I spent hours in world v world and omg it was so refreshing, i can see it getting boring after a while but for me and the 100 guild/server members playing it was such a blast.

I wish tor hero engine could handle something like world v world but that is just a dream.

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I've watched GW2 pvp videos and I wasn't that impressed. It looks like a bunch of people just spamming a few buttons. But then the other day I watched one of Taugrims pvp videos and he does a real good job of explaining what's going on in each fight. GW2 has a lot more depth than it looks. I actually started to get excited about the game after watching his vids.


Dont get me wrong. I enjoy TOR pvp too. I think I will give GW2 a try though, and with no monthly fees, why can't I play both.

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Having a skill based game, where the outcome of battle is based on your reflexes and abilities as player instead of arbitrary stats on your clothes..doesn't mean there isn't any levels or progression. The skills trees and ability customization is miles ahead of swtor in terms of depths.


Anyone saying GW2 will kill SWTOR is kidding themselves. But anyone thinking PvPers are going to stick around TOR for rated warzones are just as delusional. People playing MMOs for competitive pvp will be playing GW2. No one will be playing TOR for the PvP once GW2 is released.


Pretty much this. I've been on three servers and all of the top pvpers are looking towards GW2. Most of them have unsubbed already due to 1.2/1.3 and the unbalanced gameplay of swtor. Some still play because it's "something to do" but in the end, swtor's pvp community is pretty much dead and without a major overhaul of the classes, skills and pvp focus - will never rise again.

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Been playing the original gw since shortly after launch, and can't wait for 2, 1st was getting quite long in the tooth.


The lure for me was not having to have 15 toolbars up to watch 96 different semi useless but might need skills cooldown. Like me a few wzs, but seriously not gonna get no praise for 4 pvp mini games. Two completely different monsters though, but that's why there isn't just one game out, folks like different things.

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I don't know if GW2 will take a lot of SWTOR players and retain them. Nor do I care. As a gamer, I play games. All of them. So yes, I will be playing GW2 but will also be playing SWTOR.


However, if GW2 is a success in the PvP department, then SWTOR queues will start to become longer and longer. This isn't a good thing for people like me as I actually do enjoy SWTOR PvP in Warzones. If my queues go back to what they were in late 1.2, I will simply unsub.


Either way, GW2 is already on the ball with balancing classes. Something I haven't really seen since beta of SWTOR. At the end of the day I'm still a gamer. I hope both games succeed so that my gaming entertainment isn't limited to one game. In other words, the SWTOR development team needs to start becoming more vocal and start speeding things up as far as this game's future is concerned.

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Personally, I don't like PvP in GW2 from what I've played in the betas. Structured PvP is like TOR - except with no progression to speak of and an extremely limited arsenal to choose from. Skill-based? Indeed - but no more so than TOR. Gear not a factor? True - and if you don't like to gear up for a few weeks in TOR - then I can understand.


Then again, I like loot progression and intricate character mechanics. I just don't like grinding for it endlessly at the endgame - and TOR has improved a lot recently with recruit gear for entry level - and Battlemaster attainable in a few weeks of casual play. That's nothing.


So, no, I'm not going to play GW2 for WvW - as I'm not a fan of zerg fests - and we all know that's what most of the battles will be. Yeah, there WILL be coordinated battles - but they will be as rare as good communication in online games is always rare. That's just the way of the world.

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The OP might not have a get post butt in small way he's right, GW2 will be taking a large number of people away from swtor, what then?


I think GW2 will be the best thing to happen to SWToR. That game looks horrible, I think the shine will last under three weeks.

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Mention that this game has faults and the fanbois come out in force. Say this game has too much CC and terrible class balance and people get angry- they don't deny it, because even the most blind of fanbois knows full well it's true- but they get angry you said it.


GW2 isn't going to take most of SWTOR's subs away- SWTOR already did that with 1.2- before that patch most servers were getting non stop pvp queues, I know my server I could pvp even at 4am and have maybe a fifteen minute queue tops. Before mergers- at prime time you'd have 15 minute pops, otherwise you'd be waiting hours- Fleet went from having one full and another at about 100 for six hours every evening, to never breaking 100 at any time of the day.


It took merging several servers together to get back to what my server had by itself before the patch- most servers aren't getting rated queue pops even with the huge merges.


SWTOR did that without the help of any other game- they failed to capitalize on the disappointment of Diablo 3, they failed to capitalize on the success of pvp at launch which they admitted surprised them greatly and instead they turned around and made it almost universally hated and the joke of mmo pvp.


Obviously GW2 is going to take many pvpers away- anyone who wants a skill based game, anyone playing a nerfed class, all casuals who don't want to do the half year grind for WH gear and anyone who realizes this game is only going downhill from pvp- but frankly, any game could do that to SWTOR because BW didn't do anything smart with the unexpected success of the game. GW2 doesn't have to be good- it just has to not be bad and it'll be leaps and bounds above SWTOR.


The only people who'll stay in TOR are those with an OP class, and those who have the time to grind out WH sets and who prefer a game where they have a substantial gear advantage over one where they have the exact same level of gear- which is still a market.


Nobody who wants to have casual fun or real competition is staying in TOR though, because TOR doesn't do a single thing for either of those groups.

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I've watched GW2 pvp videos and I wasn't that impressed. It looks like a bunch of people just spamming a few buttons. But then the other day I watched one of Taugrims pvp videos and he does a real good job of explaining what's going on in each fight. GW2 has a lot more depth than it looks. I actually started to get excited about the game after watching his vids.


Dont get me wrong. I enjoy TOR pvp too. I think I will give GW2 a try though, and with no monthly fees, why can't I play both.


Thing about GW2 is there's no ability bloat- every ability you have has a purpose, and the way you use them is absolutely the difference between a good and bad player.


In this game- I meet a sorc healer and I know to interrupt dark infusion, I meet a jug and he has a very specific set up for smash, I know when I play a marauder that 99% of the time my goal is to get in the targets face and just spam damage. SWTOR is most known for things like 'those lightning spammers' or 'TM spam' because for the most part classes are that straight forward, and the most smarts is in knowing when to use your CC and what to use it against.


GW2 is reactionary, there's already for every class half a dozen or more builds that are very different, and have top pvpers from other games claiming is the best build- and if you watch their vids they really make you believe it.


And best of all- if your class or spec gets nerfed or doesn't feel great, you can have a brand new, max level character or spec of any class within minutes and have the same gear as the best players who've played for hundreds of hours.


Imagine how many subs TOR would have kept after 1.2 if when they nerfed sorcs and mercs through the ground, those players could just pick a different class and compete? Instead, those players either rerolled and dealt with another long grind... or simply left the game entirely.

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Thing about GW2 is there's no ability bloat- every ability you have has a purpose, and the way you use them is absolutely the difference between a good and bad player.


In this game- I meet a sorc healer and I know to interrupt dark infusion, I meet a jug and he has a very specific set up for smash, I know when I play a marauder that 99% of the time my goal is to get in the targets face and just spam damage. SWTOR is most known for things like 'those lightning spammers' or 'TM spam' because for the most part classes are that straight forward, and the most smarts is in knowing when to use your CC and what to use it against.


GW2 is reactionary, there's already for every class half a dozen or more builds that are very different, and have top pvpers from other games claiming is the best build- and if you watch their vids they really make you believe it.


And best of all- if your class or spec gets nerfed or doesn't feel great, you can have a brand new, max level character or spec of any class within minutes and have the same gear as the best players who've played for hundreds of hours.


Imagine how many subs TOR would have kept after 1.2 if when they nerfed sorcs and mercs through the ground, those players could just pick a different class and compete? Instead, those players either rerolled and dealt with another long grind... or simply left the game entirely.


I thought GW2 just have less abilities to begin with, though that's a pretty good philsophy because when you've a ton of abilities you either have a lot of useless ones or a lot of situational ones and people don't like to keep track of when to use an ability that does mega damage when the sun is to the west of you and the Force is in balance.


At any rate you're delusional if you think one game is somehow going to be more balanced than another. Balance is just a very hard problem though having good design makes things a bit easier. Generally speaking high damage + high number of abilities work exactly against balance.

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