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Group Finder Finding Jerks


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Oooook, so why do I keep running into trolls and players who keep harassing me? Seriously, it's discouraging me from even using the GF. Some of them will happen to vote to kick you when they're the ones that starting QQing and you'll get kicked near the end of the mission, or they happen to quit during the middle of the mission and take any of guildies with them.


I've had to report like... probably 4 or 5 players already.


One of the players was even getting butthurt over my Jedi Guardian DPS build. It was sad. He told me to go to the forums to read about better builds, but in the end, isn't it what we are comfortable with that makes us the best players with the builds we create? :o

Edited by HomicidalWhales
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Some of them will happen to vote to kick you when they're the ones that starting QQing and you'll get kicked near the end of the mission.


I would imagine that one player not listening to the rest of the team would warrent kicking. Especially if that player caused wipes.

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I would imagine that one player not listening to the rest of the team would warrent kicking. Especially if that player caused wipes.

Well they could get their guildie partner to boot me, or whisper someone on the team without me knowing to initiate the boot. In one group, one of the players who whispered me after I got booted told me she had nothing to do with it.

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Oooook, so why do I keep running into trolls and players who keep harassing you? Seriously, it's discouraging me from even using the GF. Some of them will happen to vote to kick you when they're the ones that starting QQing and you'll get kicked near the end of the mission, or they happen to quit during the middle of the mission and take any of guildies with them.


I've had to report like... probably 4 or 5 players.


One of the players was even getting butthurt over my Jedi Guardian DPS build. It was sad. He told me to go to the forums to read about better builds, but in the end, isn't it what we are comfortable with that makes us the best players with the builds we create? :o


Welcome to the new era of gaming. Well not so new to be honest. Previous games that will not be mentioned ushered in the current behavior that you see in today's MMO's. Often people complain because they don't have tanks or healers and they wonder why. Frankly people are more concerned about your gear or your build because they assume that if it is not their build then you must not know how to play the character. Ironically the whole purpose for the tree system is to create variety in game play styles. Sadly though people today are much more concerned with ripping through the content at lightning speed. Sure some people do not have time to log on for hours and hours so they rush. Often though it is the opposite. People just tend to be in a hurry, and in turn are rude as you do not follow the pace that they want.


In a game I played years ago we used to log in in the morning, and of course do the tedious things but all the while we would be chatting in OOC or RP while we were lfg for a grind fest. Now days it seems that folks do not have the time to exercise patience and understanding. The only recommendation I have for you is to close your chat tab or group with friends or meet people who share the same aspects of gaming as you. I wish you luck and hope you find better groups.

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I have yet to be booted of any group, although i was in a group that initiated booting twice. 1 was person rolling need on everything. The other was person making us wait for him for ages then rolling need for companions without asking if he can. Both fully justified in my opinion.

Maybe you are just unlucky, or really do something wrong...

Edited by Lucyfer_Infinity
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willingly left one group as it became appearant I didnt know the encounter (Lost Island) well enough at the time (1st time in it) to heal it with a pug.


Needed a more organized and verbal group telling me what to expect and possible tactics for it.


My fault tho and no one elses. Felt bad for group but it was pretty clear early on I was in over my head as a 1st timer.


But other wise GF been working fine for me.


I did notice the OP calls himself DSP but said guardian.

Not knowing anything about the issue and knowing how the GF works,


I bet he listed himself as a tank and then didnt have the abilities and gear to actually tank.


That is a problem with the GF, but its mostly on the player to change the settings themself.


Though if he listed as DPS his chances for a group go down signifigantly as all the republic characters Ive seen so far seems we are over loaded with "DPS" and short on real tanks and real healers.


Just a observation and guess on my part.

Edited by Kalfear
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willingly left one group as it became appearant I didnt know the encounter (Lost Island) well enough at the time (1st time in it) to heal it with a pug.


Needed a more organized and verbal group telling me what to expect and possible tactics for it.


My fault tho and no one elses. Felt bad for group but it was pretty clear early on I was in over my head as a 1st timer.


But other wise GF been working fine for me.


I did notice the OP calls himself DSP but said guardian.

Not knowing anything about the issue and knowing how the GF works,


I bet he listed himself as a tank and then didnt have the abilities and gear to actually tank.


That is a problem with the GF, but its mostly on the player to change the settings themself.


Though if he listed as DPS his chances for a group go down signifigantly as all the republic characters Ive seen so far seems we are over loaded with "DPS" and short on real tanks and real healers.


Just a observation and guess on my part.


Do you know why they are short of Tanks and healers?

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Do you know why they are short of Tanks and healers?


I would hazard a guess of 2 reasons:


1. People don't like to take the responsibility (read grief when something goes wrong).

2. Tanks and healers can form their own groups with people they know and don't use the group finder.

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I would hazard a guess of 2 reasons:


1. People don't like to take the responsibility (read grief when something goes wrong).

2. Tanks and healers can form their own groups with people they know and don't use the group finder.


I do the second one you listed.

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I do the second one you listed.


Another good reason is the tank specs on ToR are very lacking. I tank with both a guardian and a shadow.


Once you reach the higher lvls its not so bad for aggro control , But in the lower lvls its a pain in the arse. And alot of people dont like that. For a number of reasons .


Espeacily when you have large groups of mobs and no aoe taunt or large aoe attacks other than sweep. Dps is not focusing fire so aggro is jumping around making healers job harder. Next thing you know your getting QQd for being a bad tank when in reality its not the tanks fault.


Not to say there isnt bad tanks i myself believe the only thing worse than a bad healer is a stupid tank. But in lower lvls the tools and aggro holders we need are soarly lacking.


And it hurts the apeal of them for many people. just my 2 cents on it as a tank across many mmo's ,

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Oooook, so why do I keep running into trolls and players who keep harassing you? Seriously, it's discouraging me from even using the GF. Some of them will happen to vote to kick you when they're the ones that starting QQing and you'll get kicked near the end of the mission, or they happen to quit during the middle of the mission and take any of guildies with them.


I've had to report like... probably 4 or 5 players.


One of the players was even getting butthurt over my Jedi Guardian DPS build. It was sad. He told me to go to the forums to read about better builds, but in the end, isn't it what we are comfortable with that makes us the best players with the builds we create? :o


Sigh, can't pelase everyone man. This is one of the downfalls to groupfinder. You will get people you don't nomally group with, so they naturally don't care about you. They'll roll on anything they can get their greedy little hands on just to make a little extra cash. They'll votekick you in an instant for stupid reasons. Welcome to groupfinder.

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For the most part I've had pretty good luck as a tank and a DPS using the GF. As a tank if someone is pulling aggro, but the healer isn't complaining I usually don't even bother saying anything because most mobs don't hit hard enough to 1 shot a geared dps, and it is usually the geared dps doing their own thing out of sheer boredom.


There are some people out there who will go off and do their own thing, break CC's etc then yell at the tank or try and say that the tank can't hold aggro. Those people usually find their way out of the FP group either by being VK'ed or leaving because they think the tank lacks the skill. As a tank, even when I first hit level 50, I was never kicked from a group because I kept my mouth shut and didn't feed the trolls. I just apologized for losing aggro and went on to the next mob.


As DPS, I have been kicked a few times because the tank couldn't hold aggro. My DPS is in full rakata, and I have come to realize that a fresh level 50 isn't going to be able to do much to hold AOE threat on every single mob, so I burn the ones I can (usually the normals first, then work my way up to allow the tank to gain aggro on the strongs, elites and champs), while the tank struggles to hold it all. If they complain I usually just suggest they worry about holding the strongs+ and let the dps handle the normal mobs. Sometimes this works, sometimes they think I am calling them a bad tank and VK me in a fit of rage.


As far as someone telling you that you are using the wrong spec, if you plan on doing any end game raiding it is probably a good idea to listen. Most people who are telling you that you are doing it wrong try and do so in a respectful manner, and are telling you so that you can maximize your contribution to the group. Regardless of their intent though, there are some specs that are just better then others, which is why you are being told to go browse the forums. http://www.sithwarrior.com has a lot of good information on different specs for a multitude of AC's.


TL;DR - ignore the haters, some people can be DB's, while others are just trying to help. Don't instantly take corrective criticism as someone being a jerk, as the majority of people are just trying to help out.

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Ever noticed how the 'jerk' is always somebody else?


The FP-finder is everything we hoped and feared it to be.


The problem is that people in general and MMO-gamers in particular are, well, kinda stupid (from your own small, insignificant and personal point of view).


Deal with it....

Edited by ThrillInstructor
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I was initially skeptical to the group finder tool, but after about 50 random groups I have only experienced one guy that created problems, and that was because he wasn't high enough lvl to do the flashpoint. I guess I'm just lucky.
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As DPS, I have been kicked a few times because the tank couldn't hold aggro. My DPS is in full rakata, and I have come to realize that a fresh level 50 isn't going to be able to do much to hold AOE threat on every single mob, so I burn the ones I can (usually the normals first, then work my way up to allow the tank to gain aggro on the strongs, elites and champs), while the tank struggles to hold it all. If they complain I usually just suggest they worry about holding the strongs+ and let the dps handle the normal mobs. Sometimes this works, sometimes they think I am calling them a bad tank and VK me in a fit of rage.


You are doing it wrong and lending to what will eventually be a tank shortage as less and less tanks chose to deal with this type of behavior. Rationalizing it in a logical manner does not change that. If you are in a group, you are in a group, not individuals doing their own thing and expecting others to "deal with it".


What you see as just ok to do is ruining their good time, especially the tank that has to endure the frustration of your behavior. Join the group, follow protocols, work as a team. Not rocket science people.

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You are doing it wrong and lending to what will eventually be a tank shortage as less and less tanks chose to deal with this type of behavior. Rationalizing it in a logical manner does not change that. If you are in a group, you are in a group, not individuals doing their own thing and expecting others to "deal with it".


What you see as just ok to do is ruining their good time, especially the tank that has to endure the frustration of your behavior. Join the group, follow protocols, work as a team. Not rocket science people.


While I agree it is the dps responsibilty to be patence and make some good efforts to control thier aggro, it is also the fault of the large disparity gap between dps gear and tank holding threat with underpowered gear. This lies with the design fault of the developers and not solely on the player's shoulders. It gets old for a dps who feels like he is sitting on his hands a lot during a run. Buff the tank's threat and the gear difference would not be much of a factor at all and the group can do the run and not feel like they are holding back a lot. In my opinion it would make the run more fun.

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o.o now this i dont understand....why all the fighting?


whenever im in a group we pretty much abandon the so called trinity


and opt for a more flexible kamikaze commando style


basically someone marks the target...and everyone swarms on it like flys,not really caring about if someone is a tank or a healer


i mean in my groups the healer can heal if they want,thats just fine...but if they dont want to heal thats fine too,as long as they put in some damage


and yes we do use death stealth alot...but it works quite abit


sometimes we deploy cc like whirlwind or mindtrap to reduce able bodyed enemys for the time it takes us to tear one target to shreds,then we move on to the next one


tanks usually arent needed in this playstyle...and its alot more freindly...


and usually the loot isnt a problem...as i hardly make my money from group activitys,if i need extra cash,i do what i always do,find a nice planet,and go on a massacre rampage...selling everything i pick up


everyone in my guild does this :/ no tanks needed,thats the power of group kamikaze....no need for agrro control,maximum firepower...or semi-maximum firepower and the other guy throws whatever is in his pockets at the boss

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While I agree it is the dps responsibilty to be patence and make some good efforts to control thier aggro, it is also the fault of the large disparity gap between dps gear and tank holding threat with underpowered gear. This lies with the design fault of the developers and not solely on the player's shoulders. It gets old for a dps who feels like he is sitting on his hands a lot during a run. Buff the tank's threat and the gear difference would not be much of a factor at all and the group can do the run and not feel like they are holding back a lot. In my opinion it would make the run more fun.


Can't disagree with you here. It is the bane of all MMO's that employe group finder tools. It caused the same problems in Wow.


Not sure what the solution is. I'm not a game designer but it seems that when a game moves to providing raid gear from daily tokens they, in fact, create the situation by having higher geared players still dipping into low end content as a matter of necessity. This is why I've always been against dailies and the token grind for raid gear. It is why I've always been in favor of both high and low gear checks for group content.


Every item on the player's body should be gained through that particular raid that they are partaking in. Every set of gear from a previous dungeon should lend to the ability to move to the next dungeon. Wow perfected that early on and should have never left that model. It worked. Reinventing the wheel as a way or appeasing the cronic complainers was a mistake of epic proportions. You want raid gear, raid.

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There was a Super-Troll in my SM EV group the other day, he purposely caused two wipes on the third boss and simply trolled us the entire time, fortunately he got kicked the second attempt and we finished.


His #1 comment was "boo whoo 24 hour ban", well i think he should get a 15 day ban from group finder, and if he does it again keep doubling his sentence, account wide.

Edited by Daethorz
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Welcome to MMO's OP. All of the bad behavior that people are mentioning here, existed long before the group finder in "that other game." It also existed in this game before the tool came out. I guess I've been lucky, all of my groups via the tool so far have been good (just as the vast majority of my lfd groups in that other game were).
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Ever noticed how the 'jerk' is always somebody else?


The FP-finder is everything we hoped and feared it to be.


The problem is that people in general and MMO-gamers in particular are, well, kinda stupid (from your own small, insignificant and personal point of view).


Deal with it....

Good thing i'm stupid too! Thats why i was never kicked from GF groups. You brainiacs better stay away from it :)

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