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Gunslinger/Snipers calling Orbital Strike AoE on themselves.


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What is this madness? When you see this in the movies, it is a heroic act calling artillery on your own location, because it means you were being a martyr.


Orbital Strike should also damage the Gunslinger/Sniper that called it.


I know there is tons of "But no other aoe hurts the caster". Look dude, Sith sorcerers can totally channel Force Lighting. I'm A-ok with them calling lightning storm on themselves. And when I played around on a Commando, you could not use Mortar Volley close enough to be in the AoE of it.


Calling a Orbital Ion Cannon from space to fire down directly on you head is cheesy. It should totally harm the caller if they are in the AoE of it.


Its a casual game.

If you not clever anough to wait till aoe ends (9 sec) - go play travian.

Allow friendly fire in this game.

Oh no - its not hardcore, so ****.

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What is this madness? When you see this in the movies, it is a heroic act calling artillery on your own location, because it means you were being a martyr.


Orbital Strike should also damage the Gunslinger/Sniper that called it.


No it shouldn't. No other friendly aoe damages you so why would your own attack do so? If Orbital strike were to damage the one calling it then all friendly aoe attacks should damage everyone on your team caught in the radius. I don't think you would like that and I am pretty sure almost everyone else would not like it either.

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Its a casual game.

If you not clever anough to wait till aoe ends (9 sec) - go play travian.

Allow friendly fire in this game.

Oh no - its not hardcore, so ****.


9 seconds is far too long to just leave a Gunslinger 'alone'


Just add a minimum range to Orbiatal strike, so the caller can't fire on themselves.

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No it shouldn't. No other friendly aoe damages you so why would your own attack do so? If Orbital strike were to damage the one calling it then all friendly aoe attacks should damage everyone on your team caught in the radius. I don't think you would like that and I am pretty sure almost everyone else would not like it either.


I'd like it, that griefing would be hilarious

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if your melee and are fighting an op/sniper, why not interrupt OS when its being casted? it takes 4 seconds i believe? and if he/she gets it off, why not back off for 6 seconds until it expires? Edited by mulzii
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if your melee and are fighting an op/sniper, why not interrupt OS when its being casted? it takes 4 seconds i believe? and if he/she gets it off, why not back off for 6 seconds until it expires?


While in cover we are immune to all basic Interrupt abilities :p (not to knockbacks unless we have Hunker Down active)


People havent said the one reason XS has no minimum range... it isnt US, the slinger thats doing the attack its our Ship that is dropping the bomb we simply supply a location for it to hit. For the Trooper and Bounty Hunter its them that are doing the attack and as such they'd have to fire straight up or straight down to hit the area around them which would look a little odd (more for the trooper than bounty hunter).


Personally I have no issue with removing their minimum range. As to XS having a minimum range, the question still remains 'why?'.


Also we have a wookie, a wookie that could drop a nuke on a pile of Imps laying over a pile of Orphans and hes so skilled he'd kill all the imps with out even so much as scratch on the kids... and the crater would look like a big old smiley face.


XS is also a 3sec cast with talents we get it down to 2.


Also lets see Smash/Sweep also effect there own side along with Pulse Cannon/Flamethrower... hey dont forget Kolto Bombs! they'd effect the enemy also logically... dense fights would become complete nightmares. Also lets make it so that gun/ranged attacks can effect everything between us and the target with attacks like lightning or railshot, Aimshot, Charged Bursts etc... that change I wouldnt mind so much.

Edited by BigfootNZ
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Calling a Orbital Ion Cannon from space to fire down directly on you head is cheesy. It should totally harm the caller if they are in the AoE of it.


Lightsabers should easily hack off limbs,and heads,cut bodies in half,...but they don't

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The only thing I have to say about force camo is just make damage take them out of it such as aoe's/knockbacks. Aside from that it's only 4s (6s if watchmen) and it doesn't drop combat so I really don't see it as an issue. It's already been nerfed in 1.2 by removing the 100% damage reduction from it which I miss oh so dearly but it was overkill on the ability and needed to be changed.


As far as needing goes. In PvE yes they 100% need it because it is a threat drop. In pvp I'd say no not really, I could live without it. I actually really don't use mine for escapes unless I'm just straight up out numbered though. I mostly use mine to get near snipers or use it during their knock back root so I don't get spammed by 4k snipes while I'm rooted(actually thats pretty much what I always use it for as gap closers after knock backs). Those situations really really suck with force camo is on CD.


They do however need their other CD's. Without them they would just be cannon fodder just like a vengeance jugg currently is.


There'd be nothing wrong keeping the threat drop aspect of the ability for PVE (I agree, you definitely need it there), and just removing it's stealth/movement speed properties.


Or better yet, just make everyone's threat drop be that good so threat drop abilities are all equally useful in PVP. Some classes don't really have one, but they should.


And you don't have to tell me what it feels like to be cannon fodder >=(


I'll trade all my defensive cooldowns AND leap for a 30m range like commandos have, if you want to compare mandos to guards.


Guess the grass is always greener, but honest question have you rolled a commando? That 30m range is pretty sexy in certain PVE situations but the inability to really do anything substantial when any melee gets up in your face, especially when you know your burst won't chew through their HP quick enough makes it not nearly as useful in PVP. That's all specs btw.


Sorry but you have nothing to complain about, the worst a commando DPS can complain about is gunnery spec, and the lack of instant casts..


After initial burst Assault Commando is pretty much in shutdown city too unless people actually leave us alone.


Your shadow has larger range, AND a better cooldown than any of mine, as well as a speed burst (with built-in CC/root/snare resistance) and stealth to close gaps which I don't have, which is why I have leap


No shadow is kiting you to keep you at 10m so their "range" isn't really worth talking about, and you really think Resiliance is better than any of yours? >.> In PVE yes. In PVP, no.

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9 seconds is far too long to just leave a Gunslinger 'alone'


Just add a minimum range to Orbiatal strike, so the caller can't fire on themselves.


Your argument of "just do it" is very compelling.

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It is far easier to play ranged than it is to play melee. You simply don't know how good you have it until you play the other side of the coin.


Did someone hold a gun to your head and force you to play a melee class? There's benefits and drawbacks to every single class. Get over it.

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Guess the grass is always greener, but honest question have you rolled a commando? That 30m range is pretty sexy in certain PVE situations but the inability to really do anything substantial when any melee gets up in your face, especially when you know your burst won't chew through their HP quick enough makes it not nearly as useful in PVP. That's all specs btw.


Yep, got one, know how to deal with melee classes since my main is a melee class.. I already know what works because I've had it done to me. Oh by the way, my spec is the crappy gunnery spec, they aren't half bad, just high maintenance. The classes that give me issues are the ranged ones with roots. Sure I can shoot them back but the reason they are rooting me is for those melee people to come rip me a new one. But hey, getting focused down by multiple people isn't anything new in this game. If it's me versus a melee 1v1, I'll win every time but that's not what PVP in this game is about.

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I love how people are coming in here saying marauders / sents have it hard :rolleyes:. If played intelligently marauder is a very forgiving class, especially in maps like huttball where you have z axis mobility.


It's very easy to position yourself to get knocked back into a pole or a box, so stop complaining.


Also, as for force camo for sents and maras, they can be stealth scanned literally right out of it. I'm running a tactics vanguard as my next 50 and I just hit 41, I do it to them all the time. They get so confused....


Oh and as for the OP, no! A couple specs have AOE dmg reduction, and this move is mostly used as an OH **** tactic when being focus fired.


Slingers / snipers are the only true glass cannon in the game (sorcs lacking the cannon IMO), and when classes get on us (vanguards + maras mostly) they have the tools (invis, stun, pull) to take us out of cover and destroy us.


This tactic along with the bubble shield is great for avoiding focus fire a few more seconds to chug out some DPS. If a team wants you dead on your slinger, you are going to die.


I know, I play one in ranked PVP.

Edited by Invictusthetaru
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