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What is going on BioWare ??


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Just move on and keep playing the game. Try maxing your Legacy, reach lvl 50 on all 8 classes, reach 400 on every profession and maybe take a sight seeing tour on each world and marvel at the landscapes. 1.4 should be here soon which should bring all this "bad" news to a halt for a while.


Like 5 mins? :D


But, I agree. Lot's to do and what goes on here dosen't effect the game play much accept for tools that like to air forum laundry in General Chat ( Shadowlands the new whiner server ).

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I'm not going to claim that I know everything that goes on behind Bioware's closed doors like many people I see on the forums. But I'd guess that Bioware is less concerned about getting into lengthy discussions on the forums and more concerned about actually working on issues with the game itself. Perhaps they just don't have enough people to spare a few to spend all day in the forums shootin the **** with everybody who thinks that there are catastrophic problems with the game (I ensure you, there are no catastrophic problems with the game). We've seen that one or two Bioware employees take the little time they can to pop in the forums every once in a while to read and let us know that they are there. and that's awesome.


See, I can speculate too. It's a two way street, and I prefer the glass half full approach.

Edited by AllisonBerryman
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I agree with you.


What happend to the promised monthly updates the dev's talked about ?

What happened to 1.4, dev silence is never a good thing, I have played mmo's for a very long time and when the dev's stop talking, something is going on in house and it is not always a good thing for us the paying customer. They said they were going to be at comic con in a :Big way" were they ?

Hows' the new world pvp coming along is there still a team working on it ?

How's the new and improved space coming along or is it ?

I know Bioware does not to talk about things until they get ready to go in game, I don't want details, I would like to know what to look forward to in the future.

I will be the first to admit I am a fanboi of this game, but I am not a rabid or blind fanboi, I hope all these things happen, and more..:)


I completely agree with this.

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When people get angry with a game they want everyone else to be mad at it too and not play.


The whole I dont like it so no one should, baby mentality. So they say and spin negative things hoping the game will fail and they can say "If I dont like something it fails, my opinion is important" If the game goes on to be a huge success they feel dumb.




But yeah that said, there are serious problems with this game, Im having fun now, but things need to progress.

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I honestly don't see what all the gloom and doom is about. Is it a perfect game? No. Is it a fun game? Absolutely. There's lots of room for improvement but its not as bad as its being made out to be. No more so then most other MMOs. I've played some BAD MMOs before, and even worse Star Wars based games, SW:G comes to mind with its total lack of story and completely empty worlds, Bioware actually came up with a good one (read that Lucas Arts, please get out of gaming biz). Its got fun gameplay, interesting stories, nice varied terrain, good graphics. I really don't see why there's so much hate towards it.
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Except the fanboy part right?


Do you say that because I freely criticize the areas that need work, like PvP or the stupid restriction on Ops runs being on a 1980's lockout timer, or the lack of concern Bioware exhibits for the state of the game?


I think I'm a "fanboi". I'm here, I play the game as much as I can and I want nothing more than for this game to be a MASSIVE success, not just this year, but for the next 10. That doesn't mean I need to pretend the real issues the game has aren't there. I would love for nothing more than for 1.4 to hit the test server this week, and the new planet to be everything we could want want it to be (PvE, PvP, Space, crafting, 3rd faction, RP). I want people to flock back to SWTOR in droves! But being a fanboi, doesn't mean I need to lie to myself either Holden. I like this game...but it needs a crap ton of work and it needs it at a MUCH faster pace than Bioware is moving. The game that released, certainly didn't reflect $150 million and 600+ employees best efforts.

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Reports are comming in that you are firing a lot's of folks again.

Gamers are leaving left and right... not much positivity on either official forums or on different gaming sites.


ONE top guy left. He didn't get fired, he left on his own and they haven't fired a whole bunch of people as of yet. All there is, is just a bunch of BS going around and people whining like usual and once someone says something, of course everyone else believes.

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What is going on is that expectations and indignation about this game are unbelievable.


For example: "Month after month, we will continue updating the game"

Translation: "Where's the 1.4 content patch? We were promised monthly updates!!!!! Fail, BW, fail."


People are getting so worked up, and burning themselves out in this game. They are literally changing and advancing their expectations faster than BW can change the game. And ragequitting. And when people leave in droves out of hurt, angry spite and feelings of burned out lost chances and unfullfilled expectations, BW is pressured for change. And when Bioware is pressured for change, executives leave, the game loses money, and the cycle begins again.

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What is going on is that expectations and indignation about this game are unbelievable.


For example: "Month after month, we will continue updating the game"

Translation: "Where's the 1.4 content patch? We were promised monthly updates!!!!! Fail, BW, fail."


People are getting so worked up, and burning themselves out in this game. They are literally changing and advancing their expectations faster than BW can change the game. And ragequitting. And when people leave in droves out of hurt, angry spite and feelings of burned out lost chances and unfullfilled expectations, BW is pressured for change. And when Bioware is pressured for change, executives leave, the game loses money, and the cycle begins again.


No lol, here's the actual quote:

You're going to see so many changes and additions to the Star Wars Universe. It's going to be impressive. We have our Update 1.2 coming in the next week and then after that it's going to continue to roll out month after month. It's exciting..

He didn't say they'd simply UPDATE the game month after month lol. He implied content - 1.2 was a content patch (and a light one at that)...you roll out content, you release patches.

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Content patches have come to a halt. A little bit would go a long way to keep people engaged.


Or a huge bit at one time, either way.


But some indication that there will be more content "soonish", would be appreciated. The cgi "reveal" video (he was already revealed a ways back) for the HK droid is something, but was it necessary? How much money does a little cgi video cost, and why didn't they just use that cash for other productivity, ie bugfixing or additional content?

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ONE top guy left. He didn't get fired, he left on his own and they haven't fired a whole bunch of people as of yet. All there is, is just a bunch of BS going around and people whining like usual and once someone says something, of course everyone else believes.


Three top people have left since launch and there has been two rounds of layoffs. That does not indicate a healthy studio or game service. Not to mention their public release/development schedule looks pretty bare. There is literally nothing on the calender for TOR at this point...NOTHING. Not even a list of features they "hope" to include in patch 1.4, let alone a round about date. All we know is the stuff from the E3 video and that stuff doesn't even have a year pinned down as the release date.


Stephen Reid <- Fired in layoffs in May

Georg Zoeller <- Fired..maybe...I think yes.

Rich Vogel <- "left" Bioware

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Three top people have left since launch and there has been two rounds of layoffs. That does not indicate a healthy studio or game service. Not to mention their public release/development schedule looks pretty bare. There is literally nothing on the calender for TOR at this point...NOTHING. Not even a list of features they "hope" to include in patch 1.4, let alone a round about date. All we know is the stuff from the E3 video and that stuff doesn't even have a year pinned down as the release date.


Stephen Reid <- Fired in layoffs in May

Georg Zoeller <- Fired..maybe...I think yes.

Rich Vogel <- "left" Bioware

All unproven correlation. None of that means anything. 1.2 didn't have a date initially, and after that, 1.3 didn't have a specific date, either. Eventually they both got dates and were both released. As for the calendar, clearly HK-51 is part of what is on the calendar, so yes, there is something on it.

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Three top people have left since launch and there has been two rounds of layoffs. That does not indicate a healthy studio or game service. Not to mention their public release/development schedule looks pretty bare. There is literally nothing on the calender for TOR at this point...NOTHING. Not even a list of features they "hope" to include in patch 1.4, let alone a round about date. All we know is the stuff from the E3 video and that stuff doesn't even have a year pinned down as the release date.


Stephen Reid <- Fired in layoffs in May

Georg Zoeller <- Fired..maybe...I think yes.

Rich Vogel <- "left" Bioware


The cool thing is, I can't think of one positive thing those 3 did for the game. Perhaps you're reading it wrong (not saying you are, just suggesting you remain open minded) - maybe they were let go so that the game might improve a bit?! We've seen MASSIVE declines in subs...all 3 of those guys are responsible for what we have coming and have...maybe the changes are good things?

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Three top people have left since launch and there has been two rounds of layoffs. That does not indicate a healthy studio or game service. Not to mention their public release/development schedule looks pretty bare. There is literally nothing on the calender for TOR at this point...NOTHING. Not even a list of features they "hope" to include in patch 1.4, let alone a round about date. All we know is the stuff from the E3 video and that stuff doesn't even have a year pinned down as the release date.


Stephen Reid <- Fired in layoffs in May

Georg Zoeller <- Fired..maybe...I think yes.

Rich Vogel <- "left" Bioware


Seems kinda like a fail thread.

I could say my HS is/was better than yours: Churchill is always > than Franklin!.

Or that I am > than bioware.


But who cares.


it's results that matter. If certain people are not contributing in a positive way, they need to go.... period.

I don't care about their names, I want results. The game is bleeding players, if they need new people so be it.

Who cares about the past? not me, I look to the future and hope they fix the problems.

Edited by Dein_Cathair
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Seems kinda like a fail thread.

I could say my HS is/was better than yours: Churchill is always > than Franklin!.

Or that I am > than bioware.


But who cares.


it's results that matter. If certain people are not contributing in a positive way, they need to go.... period.

I don't care about their names, I want results. The game is bleeding players, if they need new people so be it.

Who cares about the past? not me, I look to the future and hope they fix the problems.


You started out strong and I liked where you were going until you said the game is bleeding players. Which it's not. Based on facts.

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You started out strong and I liked where you were going until you said the game is bleeding players. Which it's not. Based on facts.


Imo it is, we will see the #'s soon enuf.


I base it on how the population seems smaller since a few weeks have passed since the initial transfers took place.

It is harder once again to get groups and the pvp queues seem slower to me. I tend to play in off peak hours as I play elsewhere in peak times.


But neither of us can tell until the numbers are posted.


But hey, I do want to help so I'll throw them a bone today. post inc in suggestions :D

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How hard is it to go

"Hey guys, this is what we have planned for the year and the milestones were HOPING (no guarantees) to reach:

August - Here's whats planned

September - Were working on this

October - This is being released

November - Were planning on doing this

December - Were gonna try and shoot for this

2012 - A lot of cool things we have working on, such as........

Remember guys all of these are projections and estimations, but we don't wanna keep you guys in the dark because we love you!"


It's not hard and certainly reassures people like me that hey somethings being worked on instead of just getting the generic Soon™. Soon™ was 7 months ago!


And some CGI video of a character I don't give two ***** about isn't going to cut it anymore.

FFS SE issued an apology letter, detailed the internal changes that would happen and offered F2P. The new guy in charge sent out polls and listened to feedback, delivered monthly newsletters detailing what's ahead and what's being worked on and even a detailed development road map complete with concept art. I'm not saying Bioware should issue apologies and give out free time, but some openess about things would go a very long way!


And those Q&A's aren't cutting it! Did a question like this REALLY needed to be answered:

Sindorin: When you're discussing a new planet, what sort of criteria do you guys lay out for the design process? How do you determine what's in or out, and what sort of backstory or lore goes into it?


I just want real answers, time frames, road maps- I'm not asking for the moon, a simple blog post would do. Everyone else does it, why not you Bioware?

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EA doesn't do full F2P/freemium model like LotRO, AFAIK. When I see DAoC and UO go F2P, I'll believe it might happen for TOR.


You started out strong and I liked where you were going until you said the game is bleeding players. Which it's not. Based on facts.


So...you think they still have 1.3 million subs...actual subs, and not up to level 15 froobs? I don't. I bet 900k tops, which is still respectable, but still a pretty hefty drop.

Edited by HarleysRule
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How hard is it to go


I just want real answers, time frames, road maps- I'm not asking for the moon, a simple blog post would do. Everyone else does it, why not you Bioware?


Dude, the typical MMO "community" would QQ so hard if those milestones weren't met. Even, IF they put a caveat/disclaimer to manage expectations.


People would see the milestone as a certainty even if it was only a planned event.


So basically any game company is darned if they do and darned if they don't.


But it would be helpful if they communitcated more .... I mean what happend they WERE doing so well?


Did the community team get laid off this week?

Edited by Urael
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Dude, the typical MMO "community" would QQ so hard if those milestones weren't met. Even, IF they put a caveat/disclaimer to manage expectations.


People would see the milestone as a certainty even if it was only a planned event.


So basically any game company is darned if they do and darned if they don't.


But it would be helpful if they communitcated more .... I mean what happend they WERE doing so well?


Did the community team get laid off this week?


Who cares if there are people who would complain that some milestones weren't met? How is that any worse than now, when you have a great deal of people who are uncertain about the future of the game and are wondering if it's worth their while to continue pumping money into this game but the devs refuse to talk to us? Can you not see how it's far more damaging to the longevity of the game to keep all of your customers in the dark about the future direction the game is hopefully going to go than it is to maybe anger some people who irrationally think a desire for a feature at some unspecified date is somehow a promise for a specific patch?


If you can't, then I submit that it's not us who are the problem with this game. This pathological need for secrecy on the part of the devs is what is going to kill this game if they don't get their act together. This is a game, not issues of national security. If they won't tell us what they hope to implement in the very near, near, and somewhat distant futures, they have no one but themselves to blame when their customers and gaming sites begin to question if there even is anything to implement, or even if they can. And they definitely have no one but themselves to blame when they can't seem to attract new customers in sufficient numbers to offset the ones who are leaving.

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This Thread + Baghdad Bob meme generator = More fun than TOR.


And to whomever wonders why people care about what the future holds it is because MMOs are a investment in time, people like to know it won't be a waste in a few months. Only have so much time ya know. TOR maybe fun now...but what about a week or three from now? It also generates hype and keeps people excited and makes new people feel like they are missing out and need to go play.


Look at STO, like every five minutes they are putting some bit of info out.

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