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What is going on BioWare ??


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If Bioware communicated (canned answers doesn't count) then I don't think people would be so mad. They dodge the big questions during Q&A, they tend to remain silent when concerns are raised, and they cannot commit to a timeframe. Bioware needs to get serious, sit down and attempt to meet this community's expectation however unrealistic they might be.
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I was in another big MMO (DCUO), where the devlopers went silent. The game went f2p and the content is nothing but rehashed. It is one reason I haven't played it in months even though I have a lifetime account.


I really hope this isn't happening with this game.


But the lack of communication. The continue down times for maintenance. The issue with the launcher - Oceanic/Asia not being able to get past the loading screen is even starting to be much for me and I having a blast with my guild and the raids.

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This forum has always been full of negativity and there isnt a whole lot BW can do about it at this point.

They answer questions every week and you can't expect them to elaborate why they fire people, that would be bad practice. Plus they simply do not know exactly what they will be implementing when. I do not know whether this is common or not though, I am not that experienced with p2p mmo's.


They are firing people for not catching all those bugs and fixing those bugs, and having no clue to how to make game better.... :)

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For me, game is just boring. I got level 50, all professions to 400, and 4 other toons in mid-40s, (2 more in 30s), and it is just dull.


The plot-lines are very linear, some intriguing, but ultimately not very engaging or exciting, sometimes even lame. I think I get more enjoyment out of single player like Force Unleashed II or Star Wars 1313 and other games as well as pen 'n paper SW games.


Also, the worlds are very limited, just a box. There's no exploring regions, continents, so it doesn't feel like a real world. The game is just limited to boxed worlds and space station mostly, with some instances and operations, oh, and a space pilot game.

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No worries, it is GW2 beta weekend again. With any luck all the Bioware staff will try it to see how an engine should work and get some tips for PVP. Their beta > SWTOR 6 months after launch.


Ive played GW2 beta and honestly did not like it at all. Despite all the hype, i really dont think its all that great of a game. Sadly i am quite sure that it will provide a deathblow to SWTOR atleast where competitive PvPers are concerned.


Bioware simply takes way to long to deliver any content and it makes you wonder why you are paying a subscription fee at all. We were promised regular updates and meanwhile it takes them 3-4 months to release a basic feature patch.

Edited by Gidoru
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This forum has always been full of negativity and there isnt a whole lot BW can do about it at this point.

They answer questions every week and you can't expect them to elaborate why they fire people, that would be bad practice. Plus they simply do not know exactly what they will be implementing when. I do not know whether this is common or not though, I am not that experienced with p2p mmo's.


they pick 4 or 5 joke questions each week. every single week one of the questions is about their creative process etc. one is a 1 or 2 word answer, one is about one class, and then you get one or MAYBE 2 questions of any merit at all.


other mmos have reps answering questions via the forums all the time. 24 hours a day. they announce full information about upcoming content and new pets / addons / companions. BW are drip feeding tiny bits of information to the users because they have so very little to talk about.

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the guy who said it is fail, is just a troll pay no attention to trolls, that is the worst thing you can do to them, there just like bully's, if you can ignore them you should, and it will just anger them, and they will loose there fuel, as for this game, sad state that it is in, the ea louse said it correctly, I played warhammer online, and I have collector's edition of this game, it was said for instance they would be adding more to the collector's edition vendors, they haven't added anything at all....but let's go back to warhammer online, or even further, daoc had awesome pvp, hundreds of people, I have memories from that , which WoW can never match, but, warhammer online, had some awesome pvp, in the opening months, then as if they didn't care they began sabotage against the game, they changed the game so that certain addons would not work, this has been done elsewhere, but many of the things they did, made no sense at all, and when lich king came out, as if that wasn't enough they just made bad decision after bad decision, look at the game now, this was run by mythic, 3 servers last I checked, maybe less now....all you have to do is go in game and see that they are loosing people left and right, I blame greatly EA, just look at what EA, and Activision have done to there subsidiaries, before EA took control of bioware and mythic, things ran a lot smoother, but it is quite clear that with DICE, bioware, mythic, they now run the show, and the show is about bringing in profits , and nothing else, look at VALVE, they are lik e the hippy in the room, of course they want and need to make money, but there philosophy is drasticly different, they obviously feel that if you treat your customer with respect, and care, they will come back, so even though yes they want to make money, and they need too, they believe correctly so that you will have more customers, and more loyal customers in the long run, if you treat them fairly and rightly. Also in the long run you make more money. Call of duty, has been turned into a yearly franchise, and few would argue that is with the same game, just new content, they do this so they do not have to spend more money to develope a new game engine, and so they can get a new one out every year. Now ea wants a piece of that pie, so they have DICE, making a new battlefield every other year, and medal of honor will take the place of black ops, so that one year you have battlefield, and the next medal of honor, anyone who has played online on pc will note that with all of these games cheating is rampant. if you bought the premium package you are paying over 100 dollars for battlefield, and the same for call of duty, if you look back, you will see that you used to pay one price, lower of course for all the same amount of content not to mention, you have player made content which extended the life of your game, ea and activision these big corps have taken the stand that player made content cuts into there profit margin, why pay for dlc, when you can get free player made content, well you would pay for it if it was quality, valve has shown that player made content can live alongside dlc, look at skyrim....DAYZ.....now mythic bioware ea, has taken a barbaric stand against addons, it is clear that this has hurt the game, I have several friends that note the best thing about wow is the fact of addons, they make the game easier, WoW even steals ideas and incorporates them into the actual game, which is fair, except the right thing to do would be to hire these individuals and give them credit. My friend and I just started playing again, he has cancelled his sub, he has a peffectly fine system, runs everything else great, skyrim bf3, ect, ....bout destroyed his comp, and if you look several others are having this problem, what is the official response to him, use the repair tool , if you are not a tool yourself you already know they use this standard response to nearly everyone problem, this in and of itself is a insult, I don't blame the csr's what have they got to work with, these are people who make what 9 10 dollars a hour, ....but suffice to say, his game was crashing lik ecrazy since the last two patchs, just be in game, card over heating, all kinds of problems, once again, not the card, runs fine on all kinds of other games, it is this game, I also started to have issues, sadly after my game time is up, school will be starting again, and I will not nearly be as bored as I am, trolls will be trolls, but I am sure everyone likes to vent every once in a while, star wars, how long has it been since we had a good star wars game, how long has it been since we had a working good game, long time, hope 1313 doesnt suck....this game is going to need a lot more than hk, and if it goes free to play, which if you listen to them sing the praises of free to play it is going free to play, rest assured they are working up everything to make that happen, it may take 6 months, it may take a year, it may take a year and a half, they can not just flip a switch, they have already made the decision I am sure, and are working hard to make the transition, that will not save this game, it will merely keep it on life support....GW2 is really close, that will be even more people leaving, let us talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room, MoP, I am not interested in pandas but a great many will leave for that game as well, then we are into next year, next year has a lot of stuff headed our way, this game is dead....and ea, bioware, mythich, all three, and the guys at the top are to blame, not you, not me, not the developers, but the brass, .......The Force will live on, it may be several years, but there will be another Star Wars game, let us pray that it isn't with EA, Lucas Arts needs to sever ties with that company.....



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MMO forums have always, and will always, be filled with people QQing about everything. Honestly, do yourself a favor, and don't bother reading all the crap. It'll end up convincing you the game is a sinking ship.


Also, most of the doom comes from articles that people stretch to mean what they want them to mean. Someone working on the game mentions F2P is a possible option at some point is read as the game is going F2P very soon. New content being released, "in the next year or so", is read as meaning a year from now--instead of the proper meaning of within a year.


And they read "early summer" as sometime in May even though summer starts on the 4th week in June.

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the guy who said it is fail, is just a troll pay no attention to trolls, that is the worst thing you can do to them, there just like bully's, if you can ignore them you should, and it will just anger them, and they will loose there fuel, as for this game, sad state that it is in, the ea louse said it correctly, I played warhammer online, and I have collector's edition of this game, it was said for instance they would be adding more to the collector's edition vendors, they haven't added anything at all....but let's go back to warhammer online, or even further, daoc had awesome pvp, hundreds of people, I have memories from that , which WoW can never match, but, warhammer online, had some awesome pvp, in the opening months, then as if they didn't care they began sabotage against the game, they changed the game so that certain addons would not work, this has been done elsewhere, but many of the things they did, made no sense at all, and when lich king came out, as if that wasn't enough they just made bad decision after bad decision, look at the game now, this was run by mythic, 3 servers last I checked, maybe less now....all you have to do is go in game and see that they are loosing people left and right, I blame greatly EA, just look at what EA, and Activision have done to there subsidiaries, before EA took control of bioware and mythic, things ran a lot smoother, but it is quite clear that with DICE, bioware, mythic, they now run the show, and the show is about bringing in profits , and nothing else, look at VALVE, they are lik e the hippy in the room, of course they want and need to make money, but there philosophy is drasticly different, they obviously feel that if you treat your customer with respect, and care, they will come back, so even though yes they want to make money, and they need too, they believe correctly so that you will have more customers, and more loyal customers in the long run, if you treat them fairly and rightly. Also in the long run you make more money. Call of duty, has been turned into a yearly franchise, and few would argue that is with the same game, just new content, they do this so they do not have to spend more money to develope a new game engine, and so they can get a new one out every year. Now ea wants a piece of that pie, so they have DICE, making a new battlefield every other year, and medal of honor will take the place of black ops, so that one year you have battlefield, and the next medal of honor, anyone who has played online on pc will note that with all of these games cheating is rampant. if you bought the premium package you are paying over 100 dollars for battlefield, and the same for call of duty, if you look back, you will see that you used to pay one price, lower of course for all the same amount of content not to mention, you have player made content which extended the life of your game, ea and activision these big corps have taken the stand that player made content cuts into there profit margin, why pay for dlc, when you can get free player made content, well you would pay for it if it was quality, valve has shown that player made content can live alongside dlc, look at skyrim....DAYZ.....now mythic bioware ea, has taken a barbaric stand against addons, it is clear that this has hurt the game, I have several friends that note the best thing about wow is the fact of addons, they make the game easier, WoW even steals ideas and incorporates them into the actual game, which is fair, except the right thing to do would be to hire these individuals and give them credit. My friend and I just started playing again, he has cancelled his sub, he has a peffectly fine system, runs everything else great, skyrim bf3, ect, ....bout destroyed his comp, and if you look several others are having this problem, what is the official response to him, use the repair tool , if you are not a tool yourself you already know they use this standard response to nearly everyone problem, this in and of itself is a insult, I don't blame the csr's what have they got to work with, these are people who make what 9 10 dollars a hour, ....but suffice to say, his game was crashing lik ecrazy since the last two patchs, just be in game, card over heating, all kinds of problems, once again, not the card, runs fine on all kinds of other games, it is this game, I also started to have issues, sadly after my game time is up, school will be starting again, and I will not nearly be as bored as I am, trolls will be trolls, but I am sure everyone likes to vent every once in a while, star wars, how long has it been since we had a good star wars game, how long has it been since we had a working good game, long time, hope 1313 doesnt suck....this game is going to need a lot more than hk, and if it goes free to play, which if you listen to them sing the praises of free to play it is going free to play, rest assured they are working up everything to make that happen, it may take 6 months, it may take a year, it may take a year and a half, they can not just flip a switch, they have already made the decision I am sure, and are working hard to make the transition, that will not save this game, it will merely keep it on life support....GW2 is really close, that will be even more people leaving, let us talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room, MoP, I am not interested in pandas but a great many will leave for that game as well, then we are into next year, next year has a lot of stuff headed our way, this game is dead....and ea, bioware, mythich, all three, and the guys at the top are to blame, not you, not me, not the developers, but the brass, .......The Force will live on, it may be several years, but there will be another Star Wars game, let us pray that it isn't with EA, Lucas Arts needs to sever ties with that company.....




Got a version with actual sentances and maybe a paragraph break or 10?

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Because who cares.. Just go play and enjoy yourself.




Don't get frustrated man, dont let these boards brings you down. Official message boards are typically the worst place to get information on the games you play. It has always been a mistery to me why offical boards tend to be sesspools, but they are. MMO official message boards have always predicted doom and gloom about the MMO they are stood up for. Don't let it bother you, just go play and enjoy yourself.


In Feburary of 2005 I started to see the first "Death of WoW" posts on Blizzard's official boards. (two months after the game went retail). I saw the death of EQ posts in 2001, and the game has had over 15 expansions since.




I love playing SWTOR, it is a blast and everytime EA/BIOWARE does a patch it only gets better. I AM THE FANBOY!!!

Your post is a fail because you aren't asking anything worth answering. Now if you asked about what is the best method for breaking room X of instance Y then you may have gotten a link to a good strategy site or discussion. You asked a vague question about IT developers getting fired. I have worked in IT for just about 20 years and developers get fired, released, ****cann and of replaced every single day, It doesn't mean the end of the software the company sells, it is just the standard trials, tribulations and undelation of software developement.



"Everytime EA//BW does a patch it only get better"


Really? You remember patch 1.2 Empty Promises? This patch has been so destructive to SWTOR we are still feeling the effects of it. The game took a sharp decline immediately after this patch. It was a result of poor planning and knee jerk reactions by lead developers that eventually got them fired. Patch 1.2 is responsible for the first wave of layoffs, which was about 2000 heads. BW had committed to maintaining a full staff to make certain new content would come fast. After patch 1.2, half a million subscribers cancelled. Lead Customer guy took the fall for his lack of communication around the failed patch promises. Shortly after this, Zoeller was terminated errr wait he left to take a job in south east asia (LOL, fat white guys don't like that humidity, and I find it hard to believe he CHOSE this part of the world over Texas, 6 months and he's back in Nebraska or whatever). Patch 1.2 unbalanced the classes and ruined a great pvp game. So, you can defend the game all you want but the truth is even the Lead devs are gone and that's not normal. But, I say good riddance to those that fell. If they aren't getting results and people are fleeing, than kudos to someone at EA for making a change in leadership.


Undo 1.2 and your subs will return and then some. Sometimes to move forward, you have to go back. You trashed a good thing with your over-tinkering.

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the guy who said it is fail, is just a troll pay no attention to trolls, that is the worst thing you can do to them, there just like bully's, if you can ignore them you should, and it will just anger them, and they will loose there fuel, as for this game, sad state that it is in, the ea louse said it correctly, I played warhammer online, and I have collector's edition of this game, it was said for instance they would be adding more to the collector's edition vendors, they haven't added anything at all....but let's go back to warhammer online, or even further, daoc had awesome pvp, hundreds of people, I have memories from that , which WoW can never match, but, warhammer online, had some awesome pvp, in the opening months, then as if they didn't care they began sabotage against the game, they changed the game so that certain addons would not work, this has been done elsewhere, but many of the things they did, made no sense at all, and when lich king came out, as if that wasn't enough they just made bad decision after bad decision, look at the game now, this was run by mythic, 3 servers last I checked, maybe less now....all you have to do is go in game and see that they are loosing people left and right, I blame greatly EA, just look at what EA, and Activision have done to there subsidiaries, before EA took control of bioware and mythic, things ran a lot smoother, but it is quite clear that with DICE, bioware, mythic, they now run the show, and the show is about bringing in profits , and nothing else, look at VALVE, they are lik e the hippy in the room, of course they want and need to make money, but there philosophy is drasticly different, they obviously feel that if you treat your customer with respect, and care, they will come back, so even though yes they want to make money, and they need too, they believe correctly so that you will have more customers, and more loyal customers in the long run, if you treat them fairly and rightly. Also in the long run you make more money. Call of duty, has been turned into a yearly franchise, and few would argue that is with the same game, just new content, they do this so they do not have to spend more money to develope a new game engine, and so they can get a new one out every year. Now ea wants a piece of that pie, so they have DICE, making a new battlefield every other year, and medal of honor will take the place of black ops, so that one year you have battlefield, and the next medal of honor, anyone who has played online on pc will note that with all of these games cheating is rampant. if you bought the premium package you are paying over 100 dollars for battlefield, and the same for call of duty, if you look back, you will see that you used to pay one price, lower of course for all the same amount of content not to mention, you have player made content which extended the life of your game, ea and activision these big corps have taken the stand that player made content cuts into there profit margin, why pay for dlc, when you can get free player made content, well you would pay for it if it was quality, valve has shown that player made content can live alongside dlc, look at skyrim....DAYZ.....now mythic bioware ea, has taken a barbaric stand against addons, it is clear that this has hurt the game, I have several friends that note the best thing about wow is the fact of addons, they make the game easier, WoW even steals ideas and incorporates them into the actual game, which is fair, except the right thing to do would be to hire these individuals and give them credit. My friend and I just started playing again, he has cancelled his sub, he has a peffectly fine system, runs everything else great, skyrim bf3, ect, ....bout destroyed his comp, and if you look several others are having this problem, what is the official response to him, use the repair tool , if you are not a tool yourself you already know they use this standard response to nearly everyone problem, this in and of itself is a insult, I don't blame the csr's what have they got to work with, these are people who make what 9 10 dollars a hour, ....but suffice to say, his game was crashing lik ecrazy since the last two patchs, just be in game, card over heating, all kinds of problems, once again, not the card, runs fine on all kinds of other games, it is this game, I also started to have issues, sadly after my game time is up, school will be starting again, and I will not nearly be as bored as I am, trolls will be trolls, but I am sure everyone likes to vent every once in a while, star wars, how long has it been since we had a good star wars game, how long has it been since we had a working good game, long time, hope 1313 doesnt suck....this game is going to need a lot more than hk, and if it goes free to play, which if you listen to them sing the praises of free to play it is going free to play, rest assured they are working up everything to make that happen, it may take 6 months, it may take a year, it may take a year and a half, they can not just flip a switch, they have already made the decision I am sure, and are working hard to make the transition, that will not save this game, it will merely keep it on life support....GW2 is really close, that will be even more people leaving, let us talk about the 800 lb gorilla in the room, MoP, I am not interested in pandas but a great many will leave for that game as well, then we are into next year, next year has a lot of stuff headed our way, this game is dead....and ea, bioware, mythich, all three, and the guys at the top are to blame, not you, not me, not the developers, but the brass, .......The Force will live on, it may be several years, but there will be another Star Wars game, let us pray that it isn't with EA, Lucas Arts needs to sever ties with that company.....




Omg, wall of text crit over 9000!! :p

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"Everytime EA//BW does a patch it only get better"


Really? You remember patch 1.2 Empty Promises?


Something not being ready isn't an empty promise. It's a delay. A delay that netted a bunch of us a free month. So the PVPer had a wait a little longer. Big deal. These things happen in life.

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Cool. Interesting article. I wonder when Daniel was interviewed? The publish date is 7/18, but as we know that doesn't mean he was interviewed recently. I do hope that the interview is very recent and some of the content certainly seems to indicate that it is.


Nevertheless, I'm looking forward to what is coming but I do worry that recent events will slow down delivery.

Edited by Rafaman
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Thanks for the link. It is somewhat interesting, but I didn't see much of anything new being said.


I did note this being said, in regards to events like the Rakghoul event;


“That’s what events are going to continue to do. I’ve got a full time events team and they’re gonna do little things, they’re gonna do big things, they’re not going to be in a pattern that you can predict, and the idea is to eventually make it to the time where [people are always checking in] just to see what happened today.”


While I like surprises, people aren't going to always check in for these surprises unless they actually happen more than twice a year.

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Again, I'm not going to say this is part of "The Plan" but developers typically do downsize after the release of a game.


With non-MMOs this can be brutal even with highly successful games. With MMOs ... you simply don't need the same number of people to maintain and update a product as you do to develop it, even if you are planning some serious expansions.


It was a pipedream that the entire team would still be around in a year.


- Arcada


P.S. The thread is a fail because the expectations you outlined in it are seriously unrealistic. I'm actually getting a very good dollar for value with $15/month and so are you. The tone that we need a new patch and content just weeks after the last significant patch is ... well ... somewhat childish although I'm trying to phrase this in a non-insulting way.

I completely agree with you as another person stated it takes less people to generate new content and do maintain the servers than it does to create the game. Also those people are needed on other projects for BioWare or EA or they could have left of their own accord. I also feel that I am getting my moneys worth with the game. Besides there is so much content in the game now that I havent even touched yet not to mention the new stuff that was just added with the last patch.

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People spend $15 a month on a subscription, and think they are part of the Board of Directors or something.


Yeah, but the difference is... the real board of directors take the money we put in out, and the players probably know a hell of a lot more about MMOs that some suit who only wants his fat bonus!

You people are either crazy or daft. YOU are paying THEM, yet YOU think YOU have no voice... Directly? No, but money talks, so when the voices fail to be heard, then we talk with them on their level, the cash stops rolling in & they then take notice once the well is running dry! (I.M.O. and only imo! Not that it counts). :o

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Assuming the article is legit (99% sure it is but there have been bogus interviews on this game), F2P seems to be a "no", at least for the forseeable future. Good find.




"On the free-to-play front, Erickson refused to talk about the possibility of a larger free-to-play initiative..."


does not mean no to F2P, in fact, it just adds for more speculation IMO being that he refused to disuss it.

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"On the free-to-play front, Erickson refused to talk about the possibility of a larger free-to-play initiative..."


does not mean no to F2P, in fact, it just adds for more speculation IMO being that he refused to disuss it.


Reading comprehension is key:



“What we discovered is that people who play the game really like the game. We have the highest conversion rate with our free weekends, way beyond our predictions,” Erickson explained. “Our friend trials, same thing. We didn’t get as broad of a Star Wars group [at launch] because the message was MMO, and people have a negative connotation around getting into an MMO. So what we’re saying now is we’re going to find any way we can to get the game in front of people. Because when people play The Old Republic, they like The Old Republic. If we can get people to get in there, play it, hang out… we’re really confident we’re going to get a bunch of new players from that.”



It’s (F2P is) not something that BioWare has to think about yet, however. Subscribers are still coming back for more, and fans are still getting excited about new, officially released content.




He is opposed to the idea and is not entertaining it.

Edited by WaywardOne
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Reading comprehension is key:


“What we discovered is that people who play the game really like the game. We have the highest conversion rate with our free weekends, way beyond our predictions,” Erickson explained. “Our friend trials, same thing. We didn’t get as broad of a Star Wars group [at launch] because the message was MMO, and people have a negative connotation around getting into an MMO. So what we’re saying now is we’re going to find any way we can to get the game in front of people. Because when people play The Old Republic, they like The Old Republic. If we can get people to get in there, play it, hang out… we’re really confident we’re going to get a bunch of new players from that.”


He is opposed to the idea and is not entertaining it.


The problem is, Erickson has zero say in whether the game goes free to play or not. He can imply he's against it all he wants, but at the end of the day, the suits in EA above his pay grade will make the call, not him.

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