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Most BA character.


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The Imperial Agent. Specifically, my Imperial Agent. He talked down a Dark Council member, second in power to Darth Jadus, and sent him fleeing with his tail between his legs. And he killed/defeated Malgus.


He did not defeat Malgus single-handedly. Malgus is not dead either sooooo....

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The Trooper has the most bada** moments, I think, and the Bounty Hunter is a very close second. The downside for the BH is that she gets more solo stuff but never feels like she's leading another team of bada**es doing bada** things on their bada** adventures, unlike the Trooper.


Though frankly, all the PCs get their share of awesome, as do quite a few Companions like Qyzen Fess, Tanno Vik, Bowdaar and Xalek. Frankly I think it's almost pointless to try find the most bada** character, because there's plenty of bada** to go around.

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My tank Guardian. Classic Jedi robes, classic blue lightsaber, classic beard, beastly stats. Pretty sure he could take Malgus one on one in Normal mode. Hated that emo freak since the very first trailer. Edited by Helig
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Sounds more Mid-Atlantic, or Trans-Atlantic, tbh.


Well if you have noticed she changes her accent when undercover. She is switching between English and American accent based on the situation. Or perhaps that was just the feeling I got. :)

Edited by Path-x
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Tied between Xalek and Blizz. Xalek is a kaleesh, which just makes him even MORE awesome (also has a double-bladed lightsaber) and Blizz is just shooting the crap of the bad guys. Plus, he's a jawa bounty hunter. What a boss


My second would be the bounty hunter



He kills the Supreme Chancellor in the mission "Number One With A Bullet". Not to mention winning the great hunt, becoming a Mandalorian, and having the coolest companion ever (Blizz)


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My DS Vigliance Guardian. I just finished the story on her last night and man, I feel sorry for any Sith that comes across her.


Probably one of my favorite lines when you face Fulminiss: (paraphrasing here)


Fulminiss: I'm surprised to see you here Jedi.


JK: Surprised? Maybe when I start slicing you into a bunch of pieces then maybe you'll have a more appropriate reaction.


That line just sealed it in my book. :cool:

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Sith Warrior:



Taking out 2 Jedi Knights and 3 troopers with 1 saber throw in a cutscene on Corellia



Bounty Hunter:


Getting ambushed by an elite squad of troopers and a Jedi Knight on Quesh, then flipping the Jedi over your shoulder, standing on her chest, then shooting her in the head before anyone can react. Brilliant.


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