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Hi everyone,


We’re looking for some specific feedback about each Advanced Class and spec. Your feedback here, along with other feedback we’ve been gathering and our internal metrics, may guide future class balance changes. Similar threads will be found in every Advanced Class forum.


Here are the two questions that we’d like to ask (please only post about specific specs that you actively play, and don’t forget to tell us which one you’re talking about!):


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


1. Gunnery Spec - worthless in pvp and pve - pure lack of dps

2. Same

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?


I only play a combat medic:

PVE - Due to resource management issues, the last choice to bring to an Operation, especially HM.

PVP - Again, due to resource management issues, the last choice to bring to a pre-made or ranked WZ. Also useless against most 1v1 (post 1.2) and requires assistance from another team mate just to survive.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I really feel underpowered in PVE/PVP due to resources being so unforgiving (compared to other healers). The fact that I get interrupted/stunned so much in WZs is the only way I can have enough resources to heal, and by then my team mates are mostly dead since their healer was shut down. Reactive shield should protect against stuns too and not just interrupts.

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Commando healing spec, PVP


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Others seem to love my survivability, but are dissappointed with the amount of heals i can provide.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I love that i'm a tank. I can selfheal and stay alive through practically anything. The amount of healing I can give is a lot lower than scoundrels, or sages, but that's balanced by my survivability. I suggest increasing the heal of kolto bomb a bit to allow for more AOE healing. Or possibly lowering Medical probe and advanced medical probe a smidge. .2-.5 seconds.

Edited by BobTheG
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Playing a gunnery PvP:

1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

  • People think, for a reason, we are the most easy class to kill


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

  • Not mobile enough considering we have to build damage and can't avoid melee closing on us.
  • Seldom win a 1vs1 fight with same gear
  • What I enjoy the most: KD, slowing, rooting others, and AoE prevent caping. That's the most helpful thing we have.


Finally AoE DPS can bring big DPS numbers but in most PvP encouters it does not really help. Because while you damage many you don't really help killing others. You leave them half dead but they are still alive while you and your friends are dead. PvP needs focused fire.

Edited by Deewe
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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?


I have played both Commando DPS Specs in high end competitive solo, group and rated play and hope my feedback will be useful when it comes to end game PvP. :)


As Gunnery: Easy to shut down stationary turret and a quick kill. A joke when it comes to PvP but stellar to decent when it comes to PvE.


As Assault: Slightly less easy to shut down but still a quick kill and a crippled version of a Vanguard/Powertech speced into the Assault/Pyrotech tree. Not a significant threat, like the sting of a bee, it's annoying and uncomfortable but not often lethal.




2. How do you perceive your own spec?


As Gunnery: Preposterously, awkwardly and insufferably vulnerable to any kind of harass due to reliance on Grav Round and remaining stationary. Overly vulnerable to melee, interrupts and incredibly easy to shut down and lock down completely. This spec is supposed to be the bread and butter when it comes to this Advanced Class's DPS options but even when left completely alone, Gunnery's damage manages to be decent but nothing spectacular and quickly runs into Ammo problems.


As Assault: If played masterfully it is extremely difficult for an opponent to deal with but I feel the Commando skills/talent tree lack the cohesion and synergy the Vanguard Assault tree has, leaving the Commando's damage and rated/competitive potential far lower than that of an equally geared and skilled Assault Vanguard. The Commando's need to plant and cast less powerful 30m damaging attacks than that of the Vanguard's instant cast 4m-10m to proc Ionic Accelerator breaks the tree synergy the Vanguard has and leaves it in a somewhat dark and lonely shadow. I feel our Advanced class is completely overshadowed by the Vanguard Assault Spec. Why take a broken liability like a DPS Commando when you can take a fully versatile and able DPS Vanguard?


In closing, as a DPS Commando I feel I offer very little when it comes to Rated/Competitive and/or Huttball play as I do not have a speed boost, leap, pull, non-RNG based and readily usable snare or anything in which could help the objective of scoring a goal in huttball or saving an ally; in a DPS Spec the healing is not quick or significant enough to tilt the outcome of an evenly matched confrontation of 2 or more. Even in full Augmented War Hero the spec struggles to keep up with more versatile and PvP friendly specs/classes in lesser gear. Although I can knock opponents off the ledges in huttball and prevent a cap if the opponent is careless and ignores the fact that I am standing there, it requires that I first travel and root/turret myself to that point as well as my opponent being careless enough to allow for me come within range to complete the push (Concussion Charge, Talented StockStrike). Not nearly as readily useable, useful or versatile as other key abilities in huttball and/or rated play. :(

Edited by LeonHawkeye
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1. How do others view my AC.


Good Guys: Useless. Other dps classes bring both more dps and more utility than I do.

Bad Guys: Easy Kill. In PVP everybody knows that a Gunnery Commando is one of, if not the single easiest class to lock down and defeat.


2. How do I view my AC.


Frustrating. I have put a lot of time and effort into this class/AC. With my guilds complete and utter failure to organize a group for ranked warzones, I am now left looking for PUG Ranked groups, and generally get turned down based on the fact that I am Gunnery and bring nothing to a team that isn't done better with a different class. PVE is the same way. The fact that I *can* heal and/or cleanse is a moot point. If I take any time away from DPS, I don't do enough dmg and we have issues hitting enrage timers.


EDIT: These are the reasons I cancelled my subscription 3 weeks ago, and why I don't see me re-subscribing anytime in the near future. I've provided feedback like this before (both politely and in true nerdrage fashion) and it always fell upon deaf ears. I hope for the satisfaction of those who will still be paying for this game that this time, the feedback is heard.

Edited by Nytak
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Currently playing as a commando medic, in PvE:


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

I think other classes perceive us as the weakest and least desirable of the healing classes.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

For single target healing, I am a beast. Ammo management is a bit tricky, but that makes the spec FUN. I have enough instant or otherwise quick cast heals to be highly mobile and reactive. But when the AoE damage comes, I start to panic, knowing that if kolto bomb doesn't crit on at least 2, it probably wasn't worth throwing out.

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I switch between all specs. I do only PVP.


1. I don't have worthwhile specific feedback from others since I came back to the game.


2. DPS : I see 2 fundamental problems with commando DPS (whatever the spec)

- We bring only DPS ; no utility, limited CC (knockback is usefull but thats it), no debuff. Off-heal is impraticable because of the ammo cost.

- We are too easily shut down. Melee, PT, gunslinger etc... can still figth back when they are attacked, because they have protection mechanism, or have instant attacks etc... Why PT are god and merc pyro (the best spec for merc dps PVP) are bad? Because instant ion pulse allow to DPS while kitting or while being beaten by ennemi (and allow more reliant kitting tool by applying snare with 100% chance).


Above all, I don't have fun anymore with the merc as DPS. The gameplay is not rich enough to allow a high skillcap, because of turret style with no tools. Kitting is better as pyro, but no instant means we don't do lots of DPS while kitting.


HEAL : One heal should not struggle and die (and bring 0 team contribution) VS one competent DPS alone. Thats it. The problem here is that we are too strong when guarded, and too weak when not guarded. Its more a general metagame balance issue. Anyway I fell stronger on my scoundrel alt, with which I feel I have more healing troughput and more tools (I won't comment on sage comparaison as I don't have one).


To sum up, we were a bit OP before 1.2, especially as a full healer or hybrid heal/gunnery (with 40% 50% DR). Now it feels lackluster, poor and not fun. I play my scoundrel waiting for a fix.

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I primarily play Gunnery in PVE, however I have been doing a lot of PVP recently and switching back and forth between Assault and Gunnery in PVP based on how high the respec cost is getting and how much PVE I plan on doing soon (i.e. I won't respec to Assault if I'm going to raid that night).


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

While on the forums I feel Gunnery Commando is perceived as sort of a mixed bag, in game on the Corellian Run server I know that Gunnery commando is perceived as very good DPS in operations, both in my guild and in some of the best end game PVE guilds on the server.


In PVP, I feel that commando is considered not good at all at PVP, and any team with a commando would be much better served with any other DPS or Healer.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


In PVE, as gunnery, I felt like I was putting in a lot of effort to get to a level that other classes could achieve much less effort, but after the changes that have come from the 1.3 line of patches I feel like I am contributing quite a lot to damage. Absolutely love the spec now in PVE and would gladly take an all commando DPS team into any HM raid. Definitely feel like all that effort is paying off now. I would never take Assault to PVE as I feel it has too many ammo issues to get really good sustained DPS.


In PVP, my personal feeling for gunnery is that it just takes too much time to set up our burst, and the burst you get for that setup isn't anything special. Assault has much better burst on demand and on the move, but once you get off a second High Impact Bolt, or just try to get that second HiB with Full Auto, then it becomes just as stationary as Gunnery. In both cases I feel like I am way too easy to shutdown, and while my guild is willing to bring me to PVP, I feel like dead weight in any match against competent players.

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I have played a Medic Commando since I started the character, so I can only speak to it.


1) Others see us as acceptable healers if well geared and attentive during fights. We all but require being Guarded because Trauma Probe draws instant aggro from all non-taunted mobs in a fight.


2) I feel that in PVE with a tank or tanking companion I am all but unkillable so long as we don't over-aggro. In PVP we are a joke. The giant green beam of death makes us target #1 and we have minimal skills to aid survivability besides healing ourselves. Healing in FP and Raid fights that require moving is next to impossible(SOA's drops for example)

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I play all three trees: Gunnery and Assault in PvE, Medic and Assault in PvP. Assault is not welcome in rated WZ. My comments apply to all 4:


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Easy to interrupt. Easy to LoS. Gimped in PvP - every spec is 3rd option or worse for WZ ops.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Immobile. No interrupts. Poorly designed CC. PVE only class.

Edited by foxmob
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Played all specs extensively. Was happy in the past. Focus on *was*.


1) Strong single target healer. Overall mediocre dps, in pvp at least. Least combined utility and survivability of all ACs except perhaps in pure healing spec.


2) Gunnery PVE dps is good though perhaps a little "mindless". I stopped pvping (both with gunnery and assault specs) at rank 76 after 1.2 due to being unable to make myself important against *competent* players.

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Medic - a decent healer that can keep up with incoming damage on a few targets, other healers like to be around a medic for buffs.

Gunnery - grav round spam. it's not necessarily a bad thing or even true, but other classes see gunners as nothing but grav round turrets


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

medic - love it, fun spec, powerful heals when I need em with just an ounce of ammo management. I liked it more when ammo costs were lower, but I can live with it. I feel like I could use more heals, like another aoe heal to include in my aoe rotation and maybe a meaningful cooldown to get mad heals on the whole op group


gunner- I try to love this spec. I love everything about it except the damage is pathetic. Maybe my rotation is off but it seems like it should be simple enough. No matter how well I gear my commando, I cannot do more damage than my vanguard. Vanguard is decently geared in mostly Rakata with some columi surge mods. Commando is decked out in mad rakata and black hole/campaign gear with way higher stats than vanguard. Cmdo pulls 1300 dps if I'm lucky, VG easily pulls 1700-1800 dps up to 2k if I'm lucky. I played commando because I wanted to nuke the crap out of enemies with my giant gun, but the nuking has been nerfed too hard in my opinion.

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1. OTHERS' PERCEPTIONS: Gunnery Commandos dish out a fair amount of damage, but in PvE, the big thing everyone expects of them is to keep Grav Round stacked 5x at all times. And with the short lifespan of the debuff, it still dominates their lives, even with the nerf to it in 1.2.


2. MY PERCEPTION: In PvP, Gunners are statues due to the long windups on almost all their attacks. This makes them easy targets for melee types and classes with Force Pulls and harpoons and interrupts. In PvE, my first thought the first time I fired off a Mortar Volley was, "Egad, this is a nerf waiting to happen." The AoE-radius nerf seems to make it a bit less of an "I-Win" button in PvE, so I'm cool with that. But overall, I'd say the Gunner DESPERATELY needs less rooted-in-place action and more run-and-gun action.



1. OTHERS' PERCEPTIONS: I think Combat Medics have a bit of an overly-negative impression among PvE'ers.


2. MY PERCEPTION: I haven't tried a heal spec yet on my Sage to compare them directly to my CM-spec Commando, but I think my guy does just fine as the primary healer in a group. He excels at maintaining the health bars of my groups, and can recover nicely from large bursts of danage if he's ramped up 30 weapon charges. And this is on a guy who's still pretty early in the "end-game" gear grind -- he only has a couple of Columi armor pieces, the rest being Tionese, but with Rakata earpiece, implants, and offhand item. My only gripe is that in PvP, like Gunnery-spec Commandos, he tends to be too stationary when trying to cast heals. "Alacrity" gear is this game's single biggest joke.

Edited by Spectus
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Assault Specialist Commando


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

So hard find party to rwz..Vanguard >>>>>>Commando. We have only one control - cry grenade, CC useles, because DoT spec. We for Sentinel/Marauder, Vanguard/Powertech just a cannon fodder:mad:


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

So hard fight with Sentinel/Marauder, Vanguard/Powertech. We dont have any save/escape ability.Adrenaline rush need to UP, because now its a useless. Plasma grenade need make to instant default. Proc Hight impact bolt need to up, ppl use only full auto(3 sec),because charged bolts useless 1 vs 1..Proc Hight impact bolt need from INSTANT skills, not cast skills(like vanguards).


Now Commando Assault Specialist have normaly dps, but not good like with Vanguards, we dont have any mass control abilities, we dont have interrupts ability, we dont have save abilities, we dont have nothing:mad: Vanguards/Powertech now so powerfull, like marauders/sentinels, its a cheat classes, and all rwz/wz i see enemy premade - Vanguards/Powertech, marauders/sentinels..All Commando who play in DD spec, now combat medics, 80% ppl. Commando gunnery useless, only for PVE, Assault Specialist 50%/50%....Vanguards much better than......

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1: Useless deadweight. Subpar healer, DPS that brings zero utility. Why bring a commando when any other DPS class can do the same or greater damage and bring tons of utility interrupts, CC ect?


2: I pretty much concur. I'm a free kill in PvP, I feel like instead of wearing heavy armor I'm wearing heavy tissue paper in PvE. I don't have an interrupt, and let me tell you that is painful while leveling up. Assault is pointless, its better as a vanguard. Gunnery is grav round, everything else revolves around it. Why not just make it a one shot application of buff/debuff and let a rotation form out of the other shots? Nah that'd make sense. Healing is obnoxious, AoE heals are weak, single target is subpar and again bring zero utility.

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1. Easy kill due to long cast times and weak defensive capabilities.

2.Full auto or charged bolts/grav round needs a tweak that would make those uninterruptible. Commando needs a slow or root. Pretty much every other ranged class is better to mobility/escape mechanisms/immunity to gap closers. Damage feels ok.

Edited by SajPl
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Combat Medic


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

We are looked down upon generally. I often see tanks cancel out of a group queue(which leads me to feel as if they are avoiding a commando healer), this is also supported by remarks I see from players on occasion after zoning into a flashpoint. Unwanted, and last to be picked due to a bad generalized view.



2. How do you perceive your own spec?

At times I struggle, mostly with AoE damage. Our resource management seems like a gimick, we are forced to use different abilities in a weave just to maintain resources, even if those abilties have no real need in a situation(Such as I need to use my fast low heal now, just so I can have a cheaper large heal in a moment, even though they need that large heal now). If players die because I had to skip using a proper heal, just to keep my resources from dipping, its bad design, and could use revision.

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I played both assault and gunnery commando specs (using assault at the momment), my commando is only lvl 30 at the moment but some stuff are clearly visible to me even at the 50s pvp.

Now answering the questions:


1- People see commandos as easy kills with little survivability and moderate dps, gunnery as a easy kill meatbag and assault somewhat of acceptable but still easily replaceble with better options (like the vanguard assault :( ).


2- I think commando at the momment really isn't a really good AC compared to the others, it needs some fixes, now it lacks good damage instant abilities (HIB doesn't count because it needs a proc and I didn't got to try demo round yet), explosive round damage is a bad joke for it's ammo cost (but if you reduce it to 2 ammo it will be spammable, so I would rather just raise it's damage a bit so it have some uses besides interrupting the cap of a node), both dps specs can put some really good damage if left alone, the secret is positioning, using the 30m range (something most commandos are unable to, and end up fighting at a 5-15 m range), but against a moderate or good player that's almost impossible, the gunnery tree for example has almost no way of escaping the enemy at melee range (concussive charge can be easily countered and is always expected by experienced players), principaly against the ones that have a faster movement speed (like sentinels and shadows).

Gunnery now isn't really viable at pvp, it's damage is fine but the lack of escape abilities and good defensive ones it's incredibly easy to kill and nulify it's capabilities, assault right now is kinda fine, it only need some tweaks to be on par with vanguards damage, like a better way to keep the plasma cell procs without losing too much mobility, so I suggest:


* Make charged bolts a instant ability with a 10 - 15 seconds cooldown (or more), so it doesn't make the assault commando lose it's mobility, and give it a use to the gunnery commando (because there's no reason to use charged bolts when grav round does more damage, triggers more buffs and have the same cast time).

* Raise explosive round damage a bit so it does a decent damage compared to it's cost (with charged bolt instant I don't know if that's really necessary, but it would give the ability some use, people generally never use it, I personally use it as a finisher when hammer shot isn't enough)

* Give gunnery commandos a root (similar to the guslingers leg shot) or a good ability to use as a escape.

* Leave grav round (grav round is suposed to be a cast, just as a gunnery commando is suposed to be a turret) and full alto as they are, they're fine :) .

* Give a ability to gunnery commandos to be immune to interrupts for a short time (like lowering the combat medics "Combat Shield" talent to a lower tier so it can be used by gunnery commandos)


Thanks for the attention (if you read my entire post) and sorry for the bad english (I'm from Brazil), and again, if charged bolts be a instant ability, it won't stop the gunnery commandos from being a turret, it will just give them other suitable option for attack besides grav round and keep the damage going without being completely nulified at melee range (still being nullified like it should, but not completely). Thanks for the wonderfull game Bioware :) and keep up the good work.

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1. I think others view a CM as a sub par healer.

2. In PVE, I am SPENT after some boss fights. I have done litterally everything I can to keep everyone alive. I usually have to concentrate on one person and let everyone else fend for themselves pretty much. I toss out Kolto bombs when I can, but need total focus on the tank. I can't heal in large groups well. I need to rely on others to cover me. I HATE the fact I need to have help with healing! And, I shouldn't have to pull evey trick possible on every boss fight, the hardest boss in the zone but all of them..


I haven't PvP'ed in a long time. I love to pvp, but getting facestomped is not fun. Equally not fun is healing as much as I possibly can to be the lowest healer in the WZ if I am the only Commando/Merc. I can do 150k while other healers are 300k. Awesome.




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Hi. I play a gunnery commando on a pve server. I already finished EC HM with my guild and my pvp valor rank is 73.


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

In PVE operations most of my teammates like having one or two well played commandos, because they are good distant dps, and can support heal/rez when needed. But I know some persons who think that the commando is useless since the gunslinger can deal more damage while also having some interesting tools like group shield or bonuses due to the curtain.

In PVP most players think commandos are useless, especially in ranked WZ.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

I love it, and it's still my favorite specialty in pve and in pvp (but in pvp it was very very hard to learn the gameplay). But I am regretting the lack of mobility of the class. I think we need at least one new special ability, for example you could imagine we have an exosquelet that make us move quicker for a limited time, or a new defensive cooldown, because I really would like to do ranked WZs, and I can't do it today since it handicaps my team.

I should also mention that my powers are not what I expected from the class. Since we have a very heavy weapon, I would have expected much more damage power than a gunslinger with its two little guns, and I would really have loved being able to shoot little colored laser beams like the ones in the SW films


– if you have more feedback than fits the above guidelines, please feel free to post a discussion thread.

I think you might want to read those two topics. Not that I fully support them, but I still think these are interesting Ideas worth considering:

How to fix Commandos.

Remove laser beam of death from Hammer Shot!

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Comments based upon spec for Combat Medic


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?


A generally helpful teammate for PvE, providing decent heals (though not the best), a flexible mezz, and offsetting some of the lackluster heals with some damage capabilities, especially AOE.


For PvP, we are perceived (rightfully) as easily neutralized from play. All you have to do is keep us on the move because our ability to heal on the move is very poor, and we have few options to keep enemies off of us.


2. How do you perceive your own spec?


For PvE, it is a relatively well balanced spec and fun to play. Our rotations need to be carefully managed in order to be most effective, but that is how a class should be.


For PvP, we have some serious shortcomings. When spec'd for combat medic, you simply cannot do your primary job because our primary heals cannot be used while moving. Kolto bomb is very ineffective (chances of hitting a target in fast paced PvP are very low), and Bacta Infusion is on a 21s cooldown with only average healing on a single target. We have very limited ability to escape with relatively long cooldowns on knockback and cryo grenade. At the very least, if pyros can spam us with flame burst to keep us slowed and taking DoT every GCD, it seems like we should be able to spec Field Aid to be accessible every cooldown in return. That would at least help slightly with mobility.


Thank you for taking the time to get our feedback.

Edited by JasonNH
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Since I do play all three Specs, I'll give my feedback on each.


1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

Combat Medic: "Subpar Healer, I would rather have a Sage instead."


Gunnery: "Just LoS, they aren't a problem. Why won't they stop spamming Grav Round?"


Assault: "Wait, they can do more than spam Grav Round? Quick, take him down before he gets healed."


2. How do you perceive your own spec?

Combat Medic: Can heal in any situation, with somewhat low DPS to assist in Ops Fights such as the EV Council. Healing in EC becomes especially challenging with the tight Ammo Consumption. I have not PvP'ed as CM, so I will not speak on that aspect.


Gunnery: With everything tied to Grav Round...this spec becomes hard to maintain any DPS when you have to move a lot. Nice Utility, but being a Stationary Turret makes you a sitting duck in PvP. Great for fights such as Huttball and preventing people from placing bombs, but the slightest move out of sight or range makes Gun completely useless.


Assault: Great Burst, nice sustained, but Ammo Consumption is awful. Defenses low compared to the VG Equivelant, but I guess that is expected. For any situation that requires you to do a lot of moving around, this spec is optimal, as it allows you to stay in motion with the flow of a fight, and not plant roots and hang on until the fight is over. I find this hugely useful in Ops Fights such as Toth / Zorn where you can potentially have a bit of downtime during the Spike phases.

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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I play all 3 specs depending on circumstance -- Healing or Gunnery for PVE, and Assault for PVP -- the fact that the gear sets for all 3 roles are pretty similar helps significantly.


Healing PVE:

1 - a decent healer for Flashpoints, and a good single-target healer, but weak on AE healing.

2 - fair. I had not healed prior to 1.3, but the current tools seem fine for Tier 1 flashpoints and hard mode on EV and KP.


Healing PVP:

1 - The only healer type that marks themselves for kills, with a huge green beam. Nuff said.

2 - Harder to kill but I got focussed constantly, far more so than as a DPS, so having to use hammer shot on enemies to keep ammo up rather than healing directly as our "mirror" mercenary class can do is a pain -- not much fun.


Gunnery PVE:

1 - perceived as 1-button wonder -- but decent damage.

2 - fair. Mobility is a problem but not an insurmountable one. Lack of interrupts hurts desireability severely for flashpoints where the bosses have nasty effects that must be interrrupted -- Ironfist, Darth Severin, Malgus, XR-7 droid in Lost Island, to name just a few.


Gunnery PVP:

1 - A glass cannon, and a free kill for most classes. Easy to shut down with LoS/interrupts.

2 - Good damage if the enemy can't get to you. Dead, in 1-vs-1 against most classes, lack of interrupts being a big factor.


Assault PVP:

1 - annoying and possibly dangerous, but still pretty easy to kill 1-vs-1.

2 - a lot more mobile and hence better survivability, and quicker burstier damage than Gunnery, although it's almost never possible to maintain a "rotation". Lack of interrupts hurts here too. I've only started using this recently but it certainly seems more fun than Gunnery in PVP.


Assault PVE:

1 - no idea

2 - horribly complex rotation to try and maintain decent dps. Adequate for most HM FPs with my current gear (mix of Columi/Rakata/BH with War Hero cannon) but hard to play.

Edited by Ancaglon
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1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes?

2. How do you perceive your own spec?


I've played both Gunnery and Assault, only Assault now.


1. (Others) Commando's are the least desirable class (PvP and PvE), easy to shut down, lower DPS and the easiest of all the classes to kill. Any competent player can completely nullify a good Commando. Their lack of utility (interrupts and susceptibility to interrupts) makes them a liability in raids when you NEED interrupts. A Vanguard is always the better choice.


2. (Me) I LOVE Commando...but I hate how poorly we're designed. All of the above is true. We're great against unskilled players, but worthless against anyone who is decent. Induction times are far too long and there are far too many skills that have them (grenades, full auto, charged bolts, Grav Round, heals, mez) and my skills as Gunnery were far to easy to interrupt, even in PvE.


Our big 'utility skills' (heals) need to be made instant, because they're useless as induction skills. Make Kolto bomb the default heal and the probe heals tree skills. Give us an interrupt. Give us interrupt protection or lower all induction timers - or - make tech override a 15sec cooldown. This is a fast paced game and Commando's lack all ability to keep up.

Edited by TUXs
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