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    Crest Hill, Illinois
  1. Combat Medic 1. How do you think your Commando spec is perceived by other classes? We are looked down upon generally. I often see tanks cancel out of a group queue(which leads me to feel as if they are avoiding a commando healer), this is also supported by remarks I see from players on occasion after zoning into a flashpoint. Unwanted, and last to be picked due to a bad generalized view. 2. How do you perceive your own spec? At times I struggle, mostly with AoE damage. Our resource management seems like a gimick, we are forced to use different abilities in a weave just to maintain resources, even if those abilties have no real need in a situation(Such as I need to use my fast low heal now, just so I can have a cheaper large heal in a moment, even though they need that large heal now). If players die because I had to skip using a proper heal, just to keep my resources from dipping, its bad design, and could use revision.
  2. Just throwing my log onto the fire. When I wanted a mouse upgrade some time ago, (wanted, not needed) I went ahead and bought the Swtor Razer gaming mouse, not because I wanted a mouse with some weird appearence, I bought it for the Exclusive Black-Green crystal. If I wanted the mouse just itself, I would of gotten the Razer Naga, better overall design with interchangable grips(swtor mouse lacks this, yet costs more). So I pretty much went out of my way to get this exclusive item, and now Bioware has decided to take a dump on everyone who did as I had for this exclusive item. It really goes to show how loyal they are to customers, even the free 30 days recently(which was limited to loyal customers was expanded to fit almost the entire community). On the note of the vendor crystal being a slightly different shade of green, I don't care. It is still Black-Green, if they made a slightly different shade of Black-Yellow, and added that accessible to anyone in game, that wouldn't stand either. To Bioware, you really are on thin ice with a lot of your customers right now, you should really think hard about what you do next. This is something I'm giving serious thought of just leaving the game over, I don't appreciate this sort of buisness practice, at the cost of your customers.
  3. Part of this misconception is with how troopers are designed, commando advanced class included. I've honestly filled any role as my lvl 50 commando for heroic missions. Can't pull that off in flashpoints, but for a heroic mission, I've Dps-tanked, and healed, though i prefer to stick to straight up dpsing if we can find a tank. Unfortunatly thats not always possible.
  4. I've been looking on completing the full set for this armor as well. I do know based off of the database items not having any level requirements that all the peices are more than likely mission rewards from heroics. That being said, their level ranges (mods in the gear, not required level) vary greatly, so probably come from different planets. I'm searching for the Helmet, and Greaves personally to finish my set. The Helmet has level 46 modifications, so likely comes from a level 45ish area. The Greaves have level 48 modifications so likely come from a level 47ish area. That all being said I'm gonna be going back through Belsavis to see if I can track down the helmet, and see if Corellia has the greaves. If anyone finds out more, please post here.
  5. Hmm lets see, World of warcraft, Rift. Well that was easy... you're not automatically flagged if some random flagged player wanders into your aoe. The AoE is actually designed Not to do any damage to pvp flagged players, unless you yourself also are flagged. In short if you were not flagged in those games you could AoE a flagged player all day for funsies and not do any harm. It really should be the same way here. Although I doubt there is a quick fix to this as it seems the flagging system uses the same targetting setup as non hostile enemies. Which is silly when you think about it. If a player is flagged, they probably have hostile intentions.
  6. I disagree, speaking from a standpoint using wow as an example as you did. Add ons are not obligatory, do people use them? Yes. Do they in some cases make certain aspects of the game less stressful/easier to certain players? Yes, thats what they are for. Add ons are not meant to influence the game, or grant an unfair advantage over anyone else(those that do are usually quickly shot down). The primary purpose of add ons is for customization, to make the game better suit your personal playstyle, customizing controls, gathering and displaying information in forms that is more understanding/visibly appealing to you. I help coordinate raids in wow even still, 2 nights a week. The only addons I use are a UI customization addon for my bars, a dps meter to monitor My damage during boss fights, and omen threat meter, since as a warrior there, I have high initial burst and sustained dps, so do tend to pull off the tanks, and I used to tank, and still do when our offtank is MIA. All the wow nonsense aside, I would like to see add ons, primarily for the purpose of building a better UI, as I can barely tolerate the in game one now. And ofcourse I want my 2 simple meters to gather information. I could do without a dps meter if we had a in game combat log that I could gather a parse from, but we do not. However a threat meter, for me, is still something I don't like to be without. Especially with such a high influx of new MMOers who haven't yet learned the concept of, Let the tank get aggro before you go crazy.
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