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Rated Warzones, seriously?


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I'm seriously disappointed with the game the way the war zones are now. I can't ever get any one in my guild to group for ranked war zones, and most are under geared any ways. Anyone in chat looking for someone to fill a spot wants fully geared war hero players. So how are we supposed to get the next tier without spending months at it? In my opinion forcing people to group for pvp is really sad.


I played Star wars Galaxies for years. I never "had" to group for anything. Totally not well thought out. I thought there would be a commendation to ranked commendations transfer, and was totally shocked to not see that.


You would also think that the group finder would have been set up for war zones too.

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You can...30 Warzone comms can be traded @ the pvp vendor near the pvp daily terminal for 10 ranked WZ comms. This is exactly what all the people that already have war hero gear did and yes it took along time. Or you can do the daily weekly for comms and lastly get a pug group to get ranked comms.


You should definitly put some effort in and get the gear now while its still preseason.

Edited by TheLordMaster
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I'm seriously disappointed with the game the way the war zones are now. I can't ever get any one in my guild to group for ranked war zones, and most are under geared any ways. Anyone in chat looking for someone to fill a spot wants fully geared war hero players. So how are we supposed to get the next tier without spending months at it? In my opinion forcing people to group for pvp is really sad.


I played Star wars Galaxies for years. I never "had" to group for anything. Totally not well thought out. I thought there would be a commendation to ranked commendations transfer, and was totally shocked to not see that.


You would also think that the group finder would have been set up for war zones too.


How do u think all the currently full WH geared people got geared before ranked WZ? pvp ... a lot

This isn't a ranked WZ que'ing is broke. It is post about how you are too lazy to get the gear u need for it.

Edited by Ifrit
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I'm seriously disappointed with the game the way the war zones are now. I can't ever get any one in my guild to group for ranked war zones, and most are under geared any ways. Anyone in chat looking for someone to fill a spot wants fully geared war hero players. So how are we supposed to get the next tier without spending months at it? In my opinion forcing people to group for pvp is really sad.


I played Star wars Galaxies for years. I never "had" to group for anything. Totally not well thought out. I thought there would be a commendation to ranked commendations transfer, and was totally shocked to not see that.


You would also think that the group finder would have been set up for war zones too.


Just to get this out of the way: I think my head is going to explode if I hear another reference to how SWG did such and such better than any other MMO ever.


Anyways, you can transfer your normal comms to ranked at a rate of 30:10, and yes, it will take forever and a day to get that shiny WH set. I'm currently 4/7 WH since I couldn't do PvP on my last server without smashing a keyboard in frustration over pugging against premades all day and night. I've done a few ranked games in groups I've found in the fleet, but honestly it's quicker to just grind the regulars. By the time you find the group, get everyone on voice, and inevitably replace the dude whose dog puked on his kid, you could have knocked off 3 regular games.


I'm not sure what server you're on, but on The Bastion I've only been turned down once for not being geared enough and that was after I played a match with one of the group members.

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Rated WZ's are a pain, most of the pvp guilds I know on my server has basically stopped queuing RWZ's or just moved onto other games (like swgemu, GW2 beta and TSW) and there's only a select number of groups repeatedly doing RWZ while the rest are just queing solo or group of 4 in regular WZ. Getting 8 people is nearly impossible now, and I'm on Pot5.
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I didn't say swg was better. But I could have :D


Sorry I didn't see the conversion on the vender. I do now thanks.


Still que up for rwz is a bit retarded.

Rated warzones are afaik intended to be for those who have competitive gear, who want to play others in a competitive way, and not for casual gearing purposes. The only issue with the rated warzones as I see it is the lack of cross server matching...

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Here is the real problem with WZ that is not fixed yet, if not unfixable:

1 - Lightweight / Lowgeared lvl 50s often playing against Heavyweight / Highgeared lvl 50s. Sometime it works in your favor, other times not. As a Rep, I transfered from the Wall of Light server where the Imps wern't so tough, to the Harbringer server where they are very tough. And that is both Rated and Pub. There are good and bad players on both sides, me being average at best. While we get less Comms from losing alot and gearing up slower, the Imps win more and gear faster.


2 - Random PUB teams have no gaurentee of class makeup. Easy example: One match our team had ZERO healers and the Imps had FIVE healers. You can guess what happened.


The only way to change that is for there to be a auto matchmaker that would limit each class per match. It would open a whole can of worms that alot of players would hate. World of Tanks does it mostly succesfuly. I know those who play Imps like it just the way it is.

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Rated WZ's are a pain, most of the pvp guilds I know on my server has basically stopped queuing RWZ's or just moved onto other games (like swgemu, GW2 beta and TSW) and there's only a select number of groups repeatedly doing RWZ while the rest are just queing solo or group of 4 in regular WZ. Getting 8 people is nearly impossible now, and I'm on Pot5.


Lol are you serious? Whenever me and my group decides to queue for RWZ, we always get to fight a different team...


PO5 as well.

Edited by Altsein
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So how are we supposed to get the next tier without spending months at it?


Spend months at it.


All you instant gratification kids need to get a clue. MMOs are ez-mode these days, none of you have any idea what a real grind is.

Edited by TheronFett
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The first thing you did is talked about how your guild didn't group and when they did they where Undergeared. Then you talked about how groups in General chat wanted people in close to full(If not Full) War Hero. This is the part where a red flag pops up and says maybe these people don't want Undergeared people?


Rated Warzones groups are mostly full BM if not full WH geared out and on top of that most of them PVP'd all the time meaning they have experience which is why people look for more WH geared players in hope they have common sense to play the game together smartly. You complain about not being able to do it but if you did get a group into a Ranked match odds are you would get wrecked by full WH geared players that have played with each other in PVP a lot of times.


As to obtaining the gear like others have said, do the same grind others did and before you complain about that its now 10 times easier to get the gear then before. They removed the valor reqs. and changed the dailies to give more comms and if you get a good group going to pull of a bunch of wins you can earn 800 wz comms in about an hour so in about 4-5 hrs if you are winning on a regular basis you got a piece of WH gear.


And before anyone comments the math its debatable on the exact numbers due to medals earned and how fast the games are finished. It is merely a rough estimate

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Spend months at it.


All you instant gratification kids need to get a clue. MMOs are ez-mode these days, none of you have any idea what a real grind is.


I know I wish there was more to grind for. Then there wouldn't be any 'end game sucks' and 'im bored' threads. There should always be a carrot to chase

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Yeah, the Ilum exploit got a lot of players their gear faster.


You mean the exploit that was only giving valor? You mean the one that was active back where there was ONLY battlemaster gear


lol dont pretend like you know what's going on. it doesn't make you look good.

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I don't think there are as many groups running on most servers, but one thing you can do, is at least try and get your faction organized. I put up this thread a week ago, and while we just got out first games in today, was totally worth the effort. Plenty of peeps who just want to "run", and not worry about win/loss, but if you can offer up some voice comms and some direction groups can happen. Spread the word via General Chat in the Fleet, you'd be amazed how many peeps will send you a tell for rateds.
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You mean the exploit that was only giving valor? You mean the one that was active back where there was ONLY battlemaster gear


lol dont pretend like you know what's going on. it doesn't make you look good.


You seem to forget, there was plenty (if not a lot) of players who were not Valor ranked high enough to equip said gear, thus the peeps who farmed it. I know several big guilds who did this to achieve it.

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I don't think there are as many groups running on most servers, but one thing you can do, is at least try and get your faction organized. I put up this thread a week ago, and while we just got out first games in today, was totally worth the effort. Plenty of peeps who just want to "run", and not worry about win/loss, but if you can offer up some voice comms and some direction groups can happen. Spread the word via General Chat in the Fleet, you'd be amazed how many peeps will send you a tell for rateds.


Please do this, the main problem right now is people not queuing. If everyone queues then it won't be that one under geared group vs that one geared group. You will have a variety of opponents.

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IMO they did it backwards. they should have allowed solo queues first so anyone can gear up and find teams and practice etc in preseason, then in the "real" season they would only allow 8 man teams... then by that time they can reward some rwz comms for regulars so new players can catch up. Also...no premades in regulars :p
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Ranked WZs, War Hero gear, and PvP balance in general are gigantic failures on Bioware's part. I seriously hope they never attempt to make an MMO ever again. WH gear takes ranked comms, ranked comms are found in ranked WZs, but you need WH gear to get into a ranked WZ. Fail logic is fail. That essentially forces us all to grind it out, which takes forever. First you have to get BM. Then you have to more than 3x BM worth of comms to get 1 piece of WH AND have the BM part to trade for it. By the time you can do ranked WZs, you no longer need ranked comms. I'm sorry, what's the incentive to ranked then? You have to be a Smash Jugg, a Pyro PT, or a healer to get into a good ranked team anyways. Some snipers make it in too. Everyone else, back to the normal zone with you.
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Ranked WZs, War Hero gear, and PvP balance in general are gigantic failures on Bioware's part. I seriously hope they never attempt to make an MMO ever again. WH gear takes ranked comms, ranked comms are found in ranked WZs, but you need WH gear to get into a ranked WZ. Fail logic is fail. That essentially forces us all to grind it out, which takes forever. First you have to get BM. Then you have to more than 3x BM worth of comms to get 1 piece of WH AND have the BM part to trade for it. By the time you can do ranked WZs, you no longer need ranked comms. I'm sorry, what's the incentive to ranked then? You have to be a Smash Jugg, a Pyro PT, or a healer to get into a good ranked team anyways. Some snipers make it in too. Everyone else, back to the normal zone with you.


lol. little boy dont know how to get fun from pvp.

its MMO. u play vs another people. And you complaining about spending time to get gear.

You cmplaining about pvp balance instead of gathering good setup and finding good players for your team.

you are gigantic failure on god's part.

really, play ordinary wz with 4 guys premade and u will get bm in 2 days.

then wh in a month. Else you will get expirience in communication, may be work out some strategy.


guys like u think that if they will have wh = they will have chance.

if you are clicking slowpoke i will kill you in my recruit set.

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