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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vehicles on Fleet need to end.


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Translation: In places where people gather you have to be able to display your bragging reward, or it's not reward at all. Fleet is main place people gather, speeders are used as rewards, they can't be blocked from fleet.


Edit: On second thought, I'm not sure if I can say what I really want without it coming off as rude. Since that's not my intention, I have edited this response to:


The fact remains that while some feel this odd need to feel important, when that need to feel important interferes with others' need to play the game with as little interference from others as possible, then I cannot help but think the needs of the many (those just wanting to enjoy the game) outweighs the need of others to feel important.


Besides, not everyone seeks out special items in order to have something to brag about. I have a character who dresses in black and grey (surprise) and I sought out the black speeder to complete his image. I have never felt a need to brag about it. The entire point was so my character would look cool and the only person my character's coolness is important to is me. I don't feel a need to impress anyone other than myself.



(Disclaimer: This response is not intended to be rude, mocking, or otherwise negative toward any community member. The purpose is discussion offer my opinion in response to someone else's opinion. Thank you.)

Edited by InnerPieces
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IMO vehicles on the fleet just don't seem right. You can't ride them in a space port, why then on the fleet. If ppl can ride vehicles around on the fleet station then when I go on the fleet I want to spawn there in a super man suit and fly around. Get my drift?
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Actually, these days you can ride them in every spaceport (thankfully). Sorry, but that was a change that came with 1.2.




Immersion breaker but thats just me I guess. I really don't have a problem with ppl riding them in a space port or the fleet. I just think it makes the game a little unrealistic. But thats just me.

Edited by Malefik
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Speeders on the fleet and spaceports is a necessity. I have a few of the large speeders myself although "most" of the time if there is a crowd or at the GTN, I dismount. You are ALWAYS gonna have the idiots that try to annoy people on purpose just like you will always have trolls in chat. It's unfortunately part of all MMO's
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Immersion breaker but thats just me I guess. I really don't have a problem with ppl riding them in a space port or the fleet. I just think it makes the game a little unrealistic. But thats just me.


...I can't hear you over the sound of me throwing a laser sword at an alien with the POWER OF MY MIND.

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It would really annoy me if they removed the speeders in the fleet even if it looks totally weird having them around.


One of the reason that's why they should have made the social hubs in cities, and put mail and GTN accessible from our datapads and well items delivered to our houses (space ships)


What they can do is create a blank zone around mail boxes dismounting you if you are too close to a mailbox.

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I have to agree. It wasn't so bad when people only had the small speeders. But I think dissabling all speeders on the fleet is the best option. It's not like it would even have a massive impact on travel times, maybe a few seconds.


Or at least just dissable them on the main deck of the fleet, where it's most crowded.

Edited by NasherUK
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Immersion breaker but thats just me I guess. I really don't have a problem with ppl riding them in a space port or the fleet. I just think it makes the game a little unrealistic. But thats just me.

You're not alone. Vehicles in fleet and starports are inmersion breakers for me too. I'm still wondering why there's not a speed buff for people that want or need go fast to everywhere instead.

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I am so happy for you....really. But this is not about you now is it? You were not there, now where you?


I have always been able to click on them myself...until now. Just because you have always found a way, does not mean you will always be able to find a way. This time, there was no way to do so. This is why I am *just now* writing a post about it. It was not a problem previously...it is now.


Wow... the snark is strong with this one. While your reply to Omega just barely avoids the definition of attacking another player, perhaps you should calm down a little? I lament alongside you at players who pay money each month just to screw around with other people, but as Omega said, there is ALWAYS a way around them. (This isnt EVE after all.) The worst thing you can do, especially in an MMOs forums, is acknowledge getting annoyed.


Wraiven, you cant let them know, you cant feed it. I know how angry they can make you, but the only way you can return the favor is to not acknowledge them.

Edited by chronotrigger
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While I disagree with the general premise that speeders shouldn't be allowed on fleet, it would be nice if people got kicked off of them when they clicked on a vendor or a mailbox so as not to block the whole thing from LoS.


Yea. But then the jerks would just park to get in the way and not activate the vendor, kiosk, etc. No... the best solution in mind is to have unmount areas like they do when you go in caves or tunnels and such. After a very short period of time you get unmounted. These areas would be near the vendors and GTN for example. I don't see why this would be hard to implement really.

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I know how angry they can make you, but the only way you can return the favor is to not acknowledge them.


so much this. report the idiot and move the camera. the angrier you get around them, the happier they are. it sucks to have to work around such people, but that's life.

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Even in the situation such as you demonstrated in your screenshot, a player can still interact with the mailbox/terminal they appear to be blocking. If you spent as much time moving your mouse around as you did crafting pointless threads on the forums, you would have recognized that.



Why should clicking on a mailbox or terminal require the same amount of time as it does to write a post? Really? That is your response? No matter what people do to annoy others, there will always be enablers such as yourself who will find an underhanded way to tell those people that what they are doing is ok.


Where is the line drawn here? How far do we allow people to to be rude in game before we take a stand? Apparently, playing hide and go seek with the terminals is fun for you. It is not fun for me. Especially when I know that the reason I must play hide and go seek with the terminal, is become some jerk decides that it is funny to be the cause of this little game.


I do not do things in game to cause others grief. I do not do things that tick people off to a point that they come on these boards and create posts such as mine. Instead of jumping down the griefers throats, you jump down the people's throats who have an issue with it and call them "QQers" or "whiners" or some crap like that.


Your sly remarks are directed at the wrong group here.

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I too would like to see vehicle use restricted from the fleet. There are just too many "big boat" vehicles zooming around.


1. Seems stupid to be able to drive your vehicles on the fleet in the first place. Especially when they didn't even let you use them in spaceports until very recently.


2. It causes additional lag.


3. Rude players block terminals. Sure I can go to another mailbox... but why should I have to? Also, there is only ONE pvp quest terminal so when they camp on top of that, it becomes really frustrating.

Edited by Musezy
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Wow... the snark is strong with this one. While your reply to Omega just barely avoids the definition of attacking another player, perhaps you should calm down a little? I lament alongside you at players who pay money each month just to screw around with other people, but as Omega said, there is ALWAYS a way around them. (This isnt EVE after all.) The worst thing you can do, especially in an MMOs forums, is acknowledge getting annoyed.


Wraiven, you cant let them know, you cant feed it. I know how angry they can make you, but the only way you can return the favor is to not acknowledge them.


Look, guy. You are only seeing a small portion of what that was all about. He made several posts before that one that were removed by a moderator. I was not the one being snark until a few names were slung at me.

Edited by Wraiven
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Look, guy. You are only seeing a small portion of what that was all about. He made several posts before that one that were removed by a moderator. I was not the one being snark until a few names were slung at me.


look, pal, his pont is still valid. making these posts does nothing but encourage them. getting angry gets them off. use the supplied method of dealing with greifers, the report button, and get on with your life.


i do not want to lose the ability to use my speeder because you are annoyed.

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I'm definitely in favor of them being removed from the fleet. I never, ever use mine there, and it doesn't take me that long to get to any part of the fleet from any dock. Whose game is so fast-paced that they can't take 60 seconds to travel on the fleet? From an immersion sense, having vehicles indoors anywhere is just so... wrong.
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But... it's an RPG. Doesn't driving a vehicle inside a space station seem the slightest bit out of place? It'd be like seeing wampas out in the desert of Tatooine or to suddenly find yourself cornered by a Krayt Dragon on Manaan; immersion-breaking and lore-breaking.
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But... it's an RPG. Doesn't driving a vehicle inside a space station seem the slightest bit out of place? It'd be like seeing wampas out in the desert of Tatooine or to suddenly find yourself cornered by a Krayt Dragon on Manaan; immersion-breaking and lore-breaking.


you mean the same RPG that has a light sided decision being to convince someone to turn their space station's guns on their allies and unload, killing thousands of people, while the dark sided option is just to murder another person in the same boring way you've been doing it for the last five hundred times?


or the RPG which curiously enough forces an alien, non sith player to side against the imperial faction that wants to open up the galaxy to more interspecies work than the xenophobic empire and is thus the better call in the long term?


please, anyone arguing for the story of this game needs to stop. most of the "choice" systems are pathetic, and the character customization beyond appearance is non existent because there is no long-term meaningful impact of your choices.

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I didn't actually say anything about the story, in my previous post. If you really believe what you said about this being a poor RPG, wouldn't improving immersion by restricting vehicles to places where they would actually be improve the quality of the game, from that standpoint?


I don't think "it's bad, but let's make it worse for coolness" is really a very good way to think about the progress in this game.

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Far too often some slick player thinks it's funny to park his vehicle in the view path of a terminal. Since players won't be considerate of other players, I say prohibit vehicle travel on fleet all together. Since players want to act like children and purposely irritate other players, then the means to irritate must be removed. Here is a screen shot of the type thing that happens every single day. This is just one small example of how people deliberately annoy others on fleet.


These players were asked to move or turn off their vehicles because it obstructs people's ability to interact with the terminal. The response given was, "That's the point, rofl"


If they want to act like kids, then I say remove the ability all together on fleet. This has got to be the number one issue on fleet with all servers. This behavior needs to end.


QFT. Get rid of the large speeders in fleet. Nuff said.

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