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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Vehicles on Fleet need to end.


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I didn't actually say anything about the story, in my previous post. If you really believe what you said about this being a poor RPG, wouldn't improving immersion by restricting vehicles to places where they would actually be improve the quality of the game, from that standpoint?


I don't think "it's bad, but let's make it worse for coolness" is really a very good way to think about the progress in this game.


the problem with SWTOR's story isn't something that can be fixed with a cosmetic shift to the atmosphere of one area, its a mixture of mostly poor writing, an utter lack of any sensible character development as anything that could help you see your character becoming better is invariably relegated to "credit sink" status (legacy perks, gear, abilities), and a complete lack of any long term impact of your choices.


I say complete lack because those little emails don't count, and they don't count because bioware didn't count them when they transferred characters. without those little messages I go from little connection to my storyline to no connection to my storyline, and that sums up why the overall story/rpg side of SWTOR is a failure.

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...I can't hear you over the sound of me throwing a laser sword at an alien with the POWER OF MY MIND.


Any one knows you throw your light saber (no laser swords in SW) with your arm!!! You make it come back with the power of your mind. jeezzz -1 force point for you LOL.... :p I do know what you mean though. I should have said unrealistic in the SW setting.

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[...] the best solution in mind is to have unmount areas like they do when you go in caves or tunnels and such. After a very short period of time you get unmounted. These areas would be near the vendors and GTN for example. I don't see why this would be hard to implement really.

This. Although I never use a speeder on fleet (because it breaks my immersion ^^ ) I can accept that others want to get as fast as possible everywhere. But why not make most of the fleet a "speeder highway" where speeders are allowed but e.g. the areas around the GTN booths or at shops auto-dismount-areas?


Best solution in my opinion.


Just my 2 Credits, Niko

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With the way the fleets are constructed the better way to go would be allow vehicles in the main thoroughfares but force dismount when you go into the compartments like the where the class trainers, vendors and the GTN is. As others have said I don't want to lose the ability to get where I want to go on fleet quickly because of a few *****holes.
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I don't see an issue. I can click the terminals through the vehicles just fine, why can't you?


We can, but this:


But... it's an RPG. Doesn't driving a vehicle inside a space station seem the slightest bit out of place? It'd be like seeing wampas out in the desert of Tatooine or to suddenly find yourself cornered by a Krayt Dragon on Manaan; immersion-breaking and lore-breaking.
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I say no. I don't want to lose my ability to get around quicker because of a small number of idiots. I say instead they should have something such as WoW's Baby Spice that we can buy from a vendor and throw on the character to shrink them to a smaller size for 30 seconds or so.


I'd pay real money for a "WoW Spice" that sent WoW players back to WoW. Ick, I typed that name 3 times, now I need a shower.

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look, pal, his pont is still valid. making these posts does nothing but encourage them. getting angry gets them off. use the supplied method of dealing with greifers, the report button, and get on with your life.

i do not want to lose the ability to use my speeder because you are annoyed.


Look buddy, I ... don't actually have anything to say to you, I just wanted to keep the pattern going.


No, speeders should not be removed from the fleet just because the TC is annoyed at a few idiots. A no speeder zone around intractable objects would be nice, a redesign of the fleet with the speeder in mind would be better (but less likely), ignoring griefers so they'll get bored and leave would be best. This is not a big deal.

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I wish we didn't need vehicles on fleets but the terrible design has lead to this. The fleet doesn't even feel like its in space, personaly I would like the hub redesigned so people dont need vehicles (and thus they can be disabled) currently its just too much open space and does not feel like a fleet more a floating Mall.
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First of all, I have zero issue with people using vehicles on the fleet. With that said, a simple solution would be to disallow the mounts and simply give everyone a 100% speed boost while on the space stations. Call it, grav boost or some other nonsense. That way mounts are gone, and people can still get from A to B quickly.
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I'd pay real money for a "WoW Spice" that sent WoW players back to WoW. Ick, I typed that name 3 times, now I need a shower.


The idea that if a player somehow ruined your experience it must be a "WoW player" or a player that came from WoW is no more ignorant then saying my house got broken into they must have been black.

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First of all, I have zero issue with people using vehicles on the fleet. With that said, a simple solution would be to disallow the mounts and simply give everyone a 100% speed boost while on the space stations. Call it, grav boost or some other nonsense. That way mounts are gone, and people can still get from A to B quickly.


^this :)

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First of all, I have zero issue with people using vehicles on the fleet. With that said, a simple solution would be to disallow the mounts and simply give everyone a 100% speed boost while on the space stations. Call it, grav boost or some other nonsense. That way mounts are gone, and people can still get from A to B quickly.


Love everything about this post.

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The idea that if a player somehow ruined your experience it must be a "WoW player" or a player that came from WoW is no more ignorant then saying my house got broken into they must have been black.


Except that the comment was sarcasm in reference to something called "Baby Spice" that is A) incredibly stupid, B) in WoW, and C) suggested by a WoW player as a remedy to people being discourteous.


Other than that, yes it is exactly the same as making a racist generalization. *boggle*

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Many WoW Players used the large social hubs (Stormwind, Orgrimmar) to show off their hard earned gorgeous mounts.

There has been many-a-time that I’ve seen mounts in these areas and thought, “I’ve got to have that mount and will do anything to get it.” This gave me yet another reason to log-in and play.


Hopefully, someday Bio-Ware will have such flawless mounts that I would be willing to spend countless hours trying to get.


I vote to keep mounts on the fleet in anticipation of that day.

Edited by GameManX
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Why Bioware would allow speeders in fleet instead of adding a speed buff of like 110% to movement, I don't know. Some people in fleet can be inconsiderate and just down right immature. Also, having speeders in fleet has to effect fps some how I would think? Edited by SwordofSodan
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Why Bioware would allow speeders in fleet instead of adding a speed buff of like 110% to movement, I don't know. Some people in fleet can be inconsiderate and just down right immature. Also, having speeders in fleet has to effect fps some how I would think?


Because they got the idiotic notion that people like to hang out in fleet and show off their rides.......as much as I love this game I will never ever understand the mind of the development team.

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getting tired of seeing threads like these pop up because players are too stupid to move camera angle and click the bottom of terminal/mailbox etc. you cannot block anything on fleet using vehicles because they all hover and leave a gap underneath the only way you can block stuff is if a group of people stand over everysingle portion of it. Stop being dumb click the gap!


Running a large speeder up the curved wall of the mailbox near the GTN on fleet will effectively block it from being clicked on.


I'm getting tired of seeing posts like this who feel it's okay to inconvenience everyone just because you can spend an additional 30 seconds wasting your time looking for the one spot visible to click on. Stop being dumb and excusing poor behavior just because you think there is a work-around.

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The idea that if a player somehow ruined your experience it must be a "WoW player" or a player that came from WoW is no more ignorant then saying my house got broken into they must have been black.


This. I would actually go as far as saying that the SWTOR community/playerbase is less mature/desirable than WoW's. That's something I never expected going into this game.

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Except that the comment was sarcasm in reference to something called "Baby Spice" that is A) incredibly stupid, B) in WoW, and C) suggested by a WoW player as a remedy to people being discourteous.


Other than that, yes it is exactly the same as making a racist generalization. *boggle*


I was not trying to play the race card, just that there is an awful lot of prejudice when it comes to everyone that plays WoW. Race is the most common reason someone pre-judges another.

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A side note to the poster who said that the fleet doesn't look very fleet-like, and looks more like the mall. The main area of the fleet is a space station, where lots of vendors have been set up, so it's kind of supposed to be like a mall; the fleet-like areas of the fleet are the ships you travel to.


Unless you don't have sprint on, it does not take very much time to get anywhere on the fleet; like... seconds, to get anywhere, if you know where you're going. Again, what play-style demands being able to move at hyperspeed at all times, everywhere? What play-style makes you too good to dismount, when accessing a mailbox or the GTN?


There's no reason to use a speeder on the fleet.

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