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Poll: For or Against roots respecting resolve bar


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Root TAKES control of the player, no doubt about that, or you've never been charged by a carnage marauder while crossing the fire pit in huttball. We simply can't move, someone took control of us.


You do realize you can still pass the ball right? Why are you trying to cross the Fire Pit by yourself without using the buddy system??


The only classes that "rooting" has any serious effect on is Juggernaut/Guardian and Marader/Sentinel. Every other class can still fight (to an extent) while immobilized. The only thing you can't do is move. Heck, I can "root" a Bounty Hunter and watch him fly up into the air and use Death From Above!


The only class that should EVER have a problem with people immobilizing them is the Warrior and Knight classes. But you know what? If you're allowed to get in my face without me stopping you, you are going to melt my face off.

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How hard it is to pass the ball across the fire pit? How hard is to save a defensive CD for when you have to cross the fire pit if the opportunity of a pass doesn't exist? How hard it is to understand that you don't get to score alone against several players defending, while your team members are playing in another movie then you?

BW stated crystal clear that roots and snares are an integrated part of the melee vs ranged waltz. How hard it is to understand that removing a step would ruin the entire dance?

This topic have been debated to death. You have an official clear position from BW and you still continue to waste electricity on the matter. Not very Earth friendly from your part :D.

Edited by LenrocNewDawn
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For allowing them not to effect fully resolved people, But not for roots increasing resolve.



I'd like to add that I'm ok with snares, and in my opinion when someone is hit with a root when they have full resolve, it should turn into a snare. However I don't mind that much however it is done, as long as you cannot be fully rooted when resolve is full.

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You do realize you can still pass the ball right? Why are you trying to cross the Fire Pit by yourself without using the buddy system??


The only classes that "rooting" has any serious effect on is Juggernaut/Guardian and Marader/Sentinel. Every other class can still fight (to an extent) while immobilized. The only thing you can't do is move. Heck, I can "root" a Bounty Hunter and watch him fly up into the air and use Death From Above!


The only class that should EVER have a problem with people immobilizing them is the Warrior and Knight classes. But you know what? If you're allowed to get in my face without me stopping you, you are going to melt my face off.

True, because say Assassins and operatives have 35m range on all abilities, and rooting someone to LOS is too tricky to be a factor.

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Roots must ignore resolve bar!

Im playing as unslinger and as full guardian tank, so i can see its from the both sides.

this root thing is totally balanced.

U just need to use brain, but its painfull for most of people, so they want to go forward and carry the ball.

Huttball is not capture the flag.

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Definitely in favor of this. The explanation that they can be cleansed is complete BS. First, cleansing them isn't even the issue. If I'm crossing a fire pit with a full resolve bar, I expect resolve to work and get across. Even assuming someone is nearby and thinks to cleanse the root, pausing for even a second could prove fatal. Second, not that many classes have cleanses, and for those that do, they need to spec into them to remove roots, for the most part. And then, their cleanse is on a 5s CD so GG if they used it removing a stun.


Sometimes rooting someone in the fire is the only thing that will kill the ball carrier when it's a good tank with good heals. Resolve is fine as is. I would not have roots be effected by it. You can still pass the ball if you're rooted anyway.

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Please close this threat before ppl actually start believing that roots should respect the resolve bar.


All of you people saying that roots should respect resolve are completely biased in your opinion and probably play melee classes. Roots do not make you lose complete control of your character, you can still fight, cast, shoot, melee while rooted you just cant move. Losing complete control would be a hard stun, knock back, or a Force Pull/Grapple.


Do not even know why this thread exists other than to troll to be honest. Bioware already said that Resolve and Roots are working as intended. All of the mess ups Bioware has made to this game, Root ignoring resolve is NOT one of them.


100% Against This Idea Btw.

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You do realize you can still pass the ball right? Why are you trying to cross the Fire Pit by yourself without using the buddy system??


How is that different from a KB or a pull ? you can still pass can't you ? you can still attack can't you ? If you're pull into a fire pit you can still get away can't you ?


How can I get away from a fire pit if I'm rooted in it ?


Fact is : root TAKES control of you, period. it prevents you the most basic action which is to move.

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Root is like a snare only 3x worse. It prevents a character from performing many actions and makes a big difference in pvp battles between melee and ranged class (or melee and ball carriers). It should affect resolve more than a snare and it should be ignored if your resolve is full. Some of the arguments in this thread are mind-boggling. It doesn't matter what class you play or what you got on your SATs, it is basic common sense.
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The system is well balanced. Does not need modifications. Resolve gets filled fast enough anyway the way it is now ... if we add roots to filling the resolve bar or even roots ignoring a full resolve bar then what? People will spend most of the time being immune to everything will they not?


If you are not in a competitive and organized guild that does PvP, you will ofc ignore everything I just said, this I know for sure. People who play in random groups do not understand that this game is about team work and objectives anyway. This is the harsh reality, like it or not, it's the naked truth.


A coordinated team will NEVER CC / root unless they are instructed / they know exactly when to use it. Therefore, you will NEVER see the so called "X minute stun locks" on someone. This does not happen, EVER (first of all because it is impossible). It is a stupid myth created by players who cannot accept defeat and being outplayed. They move onto these forums afterwards and keep creating threads such as this one. This is what is wrong atm: the community that needs to get better, not the game (at least in this aspect of the game, in other areas, other discussions).


From the paragraph above, you can also draw the following conclusion: CC breaker timer does NOT need to be lowered. In coordinated teams, usage of CC's and roots is not a spam fest, therefore there will plenty of time for the CC breaker to get back up. Furthermore, the use of the CC breaker is highly tactical, you need to know when to have it up. Simply having the so called white resovle bar and use it then is not enough. Sometimes you need to wait even more. Depends on the map and tactics used. Not going into anymore details, each guild has their own tactics and that is enough to say.


TL;DR: Stop asking for this part of the PvP system to change, resolve is fine the way it is.

Edited by Shibata
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Root is like a snare only 3x worse. It prevents a character from performing many actions and makes a big difference in pvp battles between melee and ranged class (or melee and ball carriers). It should affect resolve more than a snare and it should be ignored if your resolve is full. Some of the arguments in this thread are mind-boggling. It doesn't matter what class you play or what you got on your SATs, it is basic common sense.


Common sense made humans believe for thousands of years that the earth is flat. Then came science and said, nope it's round (which doesn't contradict common sense BTW), but people had to burn before those entranced in their views started to accept the truth. Common sense and empirical evidence have their limitations, don't base all your opinions on those alone. When the game developers say "OK we really thought about this and this is how it's supposed to work." why should we listen to your empirical arguments? And it's not just blindly believing them, some of us actually have the common sense to understand their arguments.

All that remains to be said is "Adapt and overcome" and don't let your frustration cloud your judgement as I know how painfully it is to die 2 meters away from the scoring line ;).

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Roots and Snares must remain "as is" (i.e. non-Resolve effects).


If you want to make Roots and Snares Resolve effects, the only fair trade off would be a 50% reduction in all Melee DPS while in PvP (as the insanely high Melee uptime would make all Melee classes insanely OP).

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While sometimes it can get unbelievably frustrated from roots and snares when facing a really good team I understand that it is needed.


Having said that I think some abilities should not work with a full resolve bar, first thing comes to mind is the friendly pull from a sorc/sage and a leap to a player with full resolve but I know this will never change but a guy can dream.


I hate to say but this is working as intended.

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I would say that if you have a full resolve bar, then roots should only slow you down, not stop you completely. It would have to be play-tested but somewhere around 30% - 50% movement speed. At least you can possibly get through a fire trap. That kind of slowness will not stop kiters from being successful still.
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Roots ignoring resolve is the only thing giving ranged classes a fighting chance against melee.


Sorry but a gunslinger shooting me back 100 yards while I stand there rooted taking every shot up the ARSE and can do nothing but watch my health drop in chunks is NOT a fighting chance...it's an "IWIN" because I have NO CHANCE.

Edited by Macabrae
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Sorry but a gunslinger shooting me back 100 yards while I stand there rooted taking every shot up the ARSE and can do nothing but watch my health drop in chunks is NOT a fighting chance...it's an "IWIN" because I have NO CHANCE.


You didn't get it Bro.


As melee kills range when they are in melee range, 100% of the time (I mean you should know the sniper/gunslinger has no defensive cooldown, no kb, no stun, and no defense screen). When you're melee, a gunslinger dies in one vicious slash, it's known.


So if the range wants to keep a chance against the melee, the range HAS TO KILL him 100% of the time unless he got surprised by the said melee.


Range sees melee = melee should die.


That's actually how most range thinks :)


And no way a range should start to kite a bit.


By experience what I see the most when I have successfully reached my target on an hybrid shadow.


- Mercenary, BT, Sorcerer : hit and kite, I'll have to use my force slow because they will kite me, 100% of the time. Fair enough, that's the deal.

- Sniper : stays in cover and fight with me in melee range. Don't give a single **** being in melee range, will hardly get out of his cover to flee.


There is no ability to kite with gunslinger/sniper, only ability to kill from distance. They technically never move :)

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