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Poll: For or Against roots respecting resolve bar


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This is not a complaint thread.

I understand that resolve in this game can be very touchy subject. I'm curious though if a consensus can be reached. I wonder if players would agree or disagree that roots should respect the resolve bar. By "respect" I am saying that if your resolve is filled (whitebar) you cannot be rooted until your bar is empty. In my opinion this would help to alleviate a lot of the frustration that players feel over the current situation. I think it might actually make for better gameplay as well.


so to get this started I say yes roots should respect a full resolve bar.


UPDATE: 10 pages in count is 24 for and 30 against

Edited by Catharian
updating count of for or against
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It would break certain specs like Madness Sorc/Assassins


They only have 1 root and if they get the other guy to full resolve it's kinda their fault it stops working. Save the stun and instant force lift until they are needed.


For allowing them not to effect fully resolved people, But not for roots increasing resolve.


This. Or maybe downgrade them to a snare instead if people have too many complaints.

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Definitely in favor of this. The explanation that they can be cleansed is complete BS. First, cleansing them isn't even the issue. If I'm crossing a fire pit with a full resolve bar, I expect resolve to work and get across. Even assuming someone is nearby and thinks to cleanse the root, pausing for even a second could prove fatal. Second, not that many classes have cleanses, and for those that do, they need to spec into them to remove roots, for the most part. And then, their cleanse is on a 5s CD so GG if they used it removing a stun.
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Poll is pointless. Devs already have stated that it is working as intended for roots to be seperate from resolve. Changing it would screw up several specs and make huttball even more of a joke. The best thing BW could do in this case would be to stick to their guns and not give in to the crying on the forums.
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Poll is pointless. Devs already have stated that it is working as intended for roots to be seperate from resolve. Changing it would screw up several specs and make huttball even more of a joke. The best thing BW could do in this case would be to stick to their guns and not give in to the crying on the forums.



this times 100000

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Roots/slows don't make you lose control of your character, so... Against.


We get it, you don't want to lose your leap root but hey if my sin can't force pull people with full resolve bar why should your guardian be able to root me? I mean Force Pull doesn't make you lose control of your character either right?

Edited by Isislol
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Not going to happen. Even if you get 90% of the player base to sign it; because numbers don't make you right..Yeah yeah marketing whatever, but atm you are still playing the game... if they break it you won't; the change would make an insurmountable amount of harm more than it would do good.


You might dislike the pvp meta game rules (players who can play the game properly do not dislike it), but it took years to develop and balance it... and changing the way slow/roots work in relation with resolve will break the game.


Even if hypothetically they change it, next day you will be on the forum crying for the change to be reverted. So why go through the whole process?

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I'm not sure-- While I think it would ultimately benefit my main (sentinel) as losing the root on leap is a fair trade for the increase on my uptime by not being rooted by ranged classes trying to kite, it could end up a bit unfair to Sorc's who have several builds based heavily around getting that overload root and snipers who would be much easier to charge into with their capacity to root taken away.
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No it doesn't. The gap is already closed after the leap. And Force Leap is always usable no matter how much resolve the target has.


Moving target is moving. By the time you actually get there, it is no longer in melee range.

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Unfortunately, Bioware statement on the matter is a bit biased.


Resolve is made to avoid the chain activation of a skill which takes control of the player.


Austin Peckenpagh (Senior Designer): Resolve is meant to put a lid on effects that take control away from you, the player. It's meant to limit the effectiveness of chain stuns, sleeps, and knockbacks.

However, it concerns stun (taking control), mezz (well, see below), sleep (ok) and KB (see below). Even if not listed by the dev, Pull is affected as well.


  • Stun : we all agree that stun clearly takes control of the player. Nothing apart activating the anti CC is possible, and the target is being hit during this time. We agree, this should affect resolve.
  • Mezz : there I diverge, but Mezz doesn't take control of the player, not more than a root is taking control of a melee player.
  • Sleep : see Stun
  • KB : I really have some troubles understanding where KB takes control of a player, it also decreases the kiting ability of certain class (when I'm chasing a sage with full resolve, he sures as well would love to KB me just to kite me ...)


Root TAKES control of the player, no doubt about that, or you've never been charged by a carnage marauder while crossing the fire pit in huttball. We simply can't move, someone took control of us.


Of course, it only affects real melee classes : jug/guardian, mara/sent, Ops/scoundrel and to a certain extend sin/shadow as other classes (including Vanguard and PT) can definitely still kill you while rooted. It's not a major problem in many situations, however it is one in Huttball, and it's one with the roots are chained.


Yes it does require coordination to chain root a player, but it's what Ranked WZ are about : coordination.

I would be against root or snare to affect resolve bar, or even to be affected by a full resolve bar. However, I would definitely be for a new debuff (stacking possibly) which would make the player immune to root for some time.


One root apply : one stack of "Root countermesure". Second or third root applied = unstoppable buff, making you immune to root for 10 seconds for instance.


However as many said, it's quite dangerous as it would probably hurt some classes like sniper or gunslinger.

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