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Sentinel Invisibility Without a Cooldown?


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Sometimes when you use Force Camo, and you get hit and the same time with a knockback, or something of s similar trigger, you are 'kinda' invisible.


You are just a walking pair of lightsabers with no body. You can still be targeted and hit as normal though.

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Not saying it is this for sure but there has been many a time on my sentinel where some trigger (knockdowns seem the most frequent) will cause my character to go completely invisible save for his weapons, so when they are sheathed I am for all intents and purposes undetectable. Not a pvp only thing either, it has happened while out solo questing be it open world or instanced/phased content as well.


Seems to happen far less often then it used to, but still pops up every so often, and I admit I milked the occasional voidstar bomb plant from it.

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