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Pt op


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We really need more threads like this. There is nowhere near enough unconstructive complaining going on throughout the forums. And seriously... don't hold back from making generalized statements or completely just making up numbers to back your arguments. And most importantly... make sure to use one vague example of only ONE WZ of the hundreds that you have played. Distract people with 'X" class is god enough to they won't even consider the other factors of the WZ in any way.


Don't be shy about taking one sentence out of someone else's argument and twisting it in a way to support yours. Who cares if you know that's not what they meant. If you make a word or 2 bold you can totally use that to prove your point!


And if at any point you get backed into a corner... just call the other person "bad" and tell them they need to L2P. Think of it as the Undying Rage for forum debates. ;)

Edited by UGLYMRJ
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It's still pretty amazing that any nerf pt thread no matter how badly written or uninformed the OP is at the moment. They still baloon to over 10 pages in like an hour


LOL... it's the same 10-15 people commenting on every single one of these threads too I think. It cracks me up. I'm pretty sure they comment on one and then look for the next PT thread and comment on that one... rinse, lather, repeat. :rolleyes:

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LOL... it's the same 10-15 people commenting on every single one of these threads too I think. It cracks me up. I'm pretty sure they comment on one and then look for the next PT thread and comment on that one... rinse, lather, repeat. :rolleyes:


I do comment on a few as I don't lose the hope that some people are reasonable and can be spoken with on a normal base.


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i have to admit that as a new pyro (been pve tanking until a week ago) - after getting 4/5 BM eliminator, i feel like the AC/tree is just slightly OP.


if you play smart, you can pretty easily rip apart a healer hiding in the back (why do all healers hide in the back? don't they know that that's as much as putting a marker on their own head? - i also help them out by actually putting a marker on their head) before anyone even catches onto it.


Pyro lacks the survival to really go toe to toe in the midst of things though. i find myself dying pretty fast if i get into a 4+ skrim. it seems like everyone hates the pyro, and focuses me first. :mad:

Edited by oredith
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I do comment on a few as I don't lose the hope that some people are reasonable and can be spoken with on a normal base.



These threads are hardly informative or accurate... and I'm not saying that the PT is NOT a more powerful DPS class. I have one... it's easy mode DPS. But what I'm saying is the arguments are useless.

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If you are solely arguing on numbers here:




That was posted several pages before. There is carthy again and oh wonder he is not on first spot. Where is your logic now than? Only two deaths in that screen as well... This is just to show you that if you try to base an argument around screenshots of damage outputs you don't have an argument. Look at the "facts" of that screenie and.... keep quiet?


*edit* You will notice that that wz is even more healing heavy...


You're apples to oranges man

The ss I was speaking of is the original. Explain why no one else in that game was not close at all to his dps. We know for a fact he was in the middle the whole fight or he couldnt possibly even consider putting up that number

In your ss do we know the same?

If anything the 2nd ss only tells us that the warriors under the same cimcumstances couldn't do near 1million

Now start posting ss of maraders, snipers, merc, shadows, ops etc ever getting near that number regadless of circumstance. When all the dps classes can output the same damage and is proven you wont see these posts

I have seen 6 SS now of PT over 1million. I saw one of a sorc and thats it. It they happened or could happen they would be posted.

Regadless of circumstance team composition or anything they have not only the greatest potential to put out the most damage, but do it on a consistant basis and put out ridiculous numbers on occassion

This isnt about 1 random ss, it is overall.

Anyone who sets foot in any WZ knows this fact rated or unrated


I personally have no issues with them I play a sniper, but that doesn't mean I don't think they have a major issue

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Guys. If they are OP BW will take care of it. Shadows / assassin tanks were a bit over the top and they got nerfed. Good shadows can still face roll marauders / sentinels and good PTs it's about a 50/50.


But what will we talk about on the forums then? :D

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This will be the 1st and only time i will respond to this thread.


But i feel so sorry for the people saying PT's are overpowered that i will give a free lesson in how to counter it. PAY ATTENTION!


1. You are all aware that there is a program called TS? or Vent? or Mumble? ok ok, download it and buy a headphone with mic.

2. Like in any other game you got this thing called 'markings'. My rated team usually puts the 'gun' and 'flame' on the snipers/pyro's of other team.

3. Assign a leader for your matches.. someone who calls out targets.. Most of you are not aware of this but it rlly helps (LOL)

4. You designate a puller of your own group to pull in the 'dangerous, awesomely overpowered' Pyro in your group.

5. when you pulled the monster in your group you have an average of 2 to 3 global cooldowns (times the number of players next to you...) in his stun period to take him down.

6. The incredible overpowered monster is DEAD. No vanish, nothing to safe his ***...:eek:


So what is the clue of this story or a nice summary? LEARN TO PLAY, LEARN TO COMMUNICATE, LEARN TO USE TACTICS.


The rated warzones between the topguilds show time over time that ALL classes are just fine (except concealment operatives who could use a buff). PUG warzones where everybody just zergs eachother are NOT the way to measure classes as where they are on the swtorfoodchain!.


So what you're saying is that it takes half of your team coordinating and burning down that pyro to negate them. Sure, that's not a sign that they are overpowered what so ever.

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Funny how all Pyros in this thread are so mad. :D


Play some other classes. You might get a clue.


P.S A nerf would be sad, since now I just faceroll people with my new FOTM class. ;)

Edited by Rogoo
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You're apples to oranges man

The ss I was speaking of is the original. Explain why no one else in that game was not close at all to his dps. We know for a fact he was in the middle the whole fight or he couldnt possibly even consider putting up that number

In your ss do we know the same?

If anything the 2nd ss only tells us that the warriors under the same cimcumstances couldn't do near 1million

Now start posting ss of maraders, snipers, merc, shadows, ops etc ever getting near that number regadless of circumstance. When all the dps classes can output the same damage and is proven you wont see these posts

I have seen 6 SS now of PT over 1million. I saw one of a sorc and thats it. It they happened or could happen they would be posted.

Regadless of circumstance team composition or anything they have not only the greatest potential to put out the most damage, but do it on a consistant basis and put out ridiculous numbers on occassion

This isnt about 1 random ss, it is overall.

Anyone who sets foot in any WZ knows this fact rated or unrated


I personally have no issues with them I play a sniper, but that doesn't mean I don't think they have a major issue


That screenshot is from the same player (haven'Ät checked if its even the same premade). So hardly apples to oranges. Just one game to another. Whatever I doubt your post makes sense to even yourself. You speak about circumstances, great so in one he did the perfect game and in the other a below average one so the truth lies in the middle.

Also facts are facts, not something you say they are. If drmasterr for example states that they grill every pt team whose facts are it than. Ah well. You base your "facts" around that one screenie and decline the other screenies posted later so your facts are worthless.

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That screenshot is from the same player (haven'Ät checked if its even the same premade). So hardly apples to oranges. Just one game to another. Whatever I doubt your post makes sense to even yourself. You speak about circumstances, great so in one he did the perfect game and in the other a below average one so the truth lies in the middle.

Also facts are facts, not something you say they are. If drmasterr for example states that they grill every pt team whose facts are it than. Ah well. You base your "facts" around that one screenie and decline the other screenies posted later so your facts are worthless.



We know that he had to have been in the middle the whole time in the 1st ss, we agree on that right?

The 2nd one do we know the same? no His buddy Jug couldve been guarding the other turrent 1/2 the game and they switched, but we do not he was in the middle the whole time in the 1st one

And no I'm not basing on 1 ss I specifically said I have 6 ss posted so far on this board. That and what I see almost every game I play (no I dont see 1million in fact personally the max I have ever witness was 920 something) but I do see pt overdamaging every single class consistantly.

If there is a class that most of the times outperforms all other classes in that category (ie pure dps) then there is an issue with their damage output

Like I said once we start seeing these SS showing all other pure dps classes putting out values that a PT can then there is no longer an issue or debate, but those examples do not seem to exist until they do there is still an issue

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If you don't think that power techs need an adjustment to their sustained damage, you are either trolling or oblivious.

If you don't think maras need an adjustment to their survivability... again you are either trolling or oblivious.


There is ALWAYS gonna be fotm classes. That's not the question. The question is how fast a company can react and implement changes that curve player interest away from fotm and offer the fail classes things to grab player interest. This is one of the many things that promote re-rolling new classes and keeps the game fresh.


FOTM: op Nerfed Month into FOTM status (End of December - Beginning of feb RIP)

FOTM: Tracer Spam Nerfed 2 Months into FOTM status (End of Feb-Patch1.2 in May RIP)


good track record so far... but one sorta sees how it's developing


FOTM: Power Tech/Maras Going strong 2 months in with no indication of changes to day.


So we're probably looking at 3 months or so.... if it keeps getting longer and longer to me it indicates they are getting tired of messing with pvp mechanics and are just gonna start focusing on pve gameplay. To each their own, but I don't like playing against the same classes over and over, which is what will happen if they leave things as is. People will either get tired of getting owned and just roll fotm or healer. Hopefully they just have things a little more balanced by the time they actually start offering some valid rewards for ranks instead of just purty colored uniforms...

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