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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Gamer from Hell


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. the player base demanded one since most were from wow clones and never developed the social skills needed to find a group. it is so sad. .

You think joining a large guild means you have social skills or because I am not in a large guild and don’t WANT to be in a large guild I don’t have social skills?


I don’t have the time, nor do I want to spend the time to what it takes to be a good guild member so I don’t try. I have a very sporadic play schedule and often when I play I have to have multiple AFKs as I do things around the house, etc. That is a play style that is no conducive to being a good and effective guild member.


There are two types in guilds in MMOs. The first type and most common are a group of people who solo a lot and do a few pugs with a common chat channel. This guild is pretty much useless and really isn’t any different than soloing. The second type and what most peopel think they belong to are organized raiding guilds that require more play time and dedication then I am willing to give.


I don’t want to be in either type of guild. Therefore I have to use the LFG tool to experience the group content. And that hopefully demonstrates a lot more social maturity then your condescending post does.


the other mmos had a community where we made friends, talked to each other and got groups in channel. that way if the person you didn't like was looking for more you just didn't respond to him. it was easy to tell who these people were by how long it took them to get others.

Ahh.., the “it was so magical once in that other game” message board lament.


What game was that? Because EQ at every level has thousands of jerks, gankers and ninja. Dark Age of Camolot was ruined by BOTTERS, gankers, ninjas and jerks at all levels. WoW was infested with gankers, ninjas and jerks at all levels. Being a jerk ganker and a ninja is required for EVE online. All of the above got even worse at the higher levels.


And wailing away in general chat for groups sucks.


thank god this game doesnt work that way.

But as this thread and my post demonstrates, this game does work that way. They all do.

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A player was on the Imperial Fleet, asking for a Black Talon run in general chat.


I joined, along with 2 other people.


He asked if we spacebar thru convos. Myself and another player said no, we enjoy the convos. Him and the other player said "that's cool".


So, while we're playing, the guy who asked about spacebar-ing, since two of us wanted to "slow down the group with convos", decided he was going to walk his toon thru the entire mission, making us all wait for him to catch up for convos or boss fights. He wanted to make a point about how people slow down groups with convos, so he decided to slow up the entire group.


Since I was the group leader, I waited, patiently.........


......until we reached the bridge of the Black Talon for the last time for mission hand-in, then booted his stupid butt from the group before we started the last convo.




you inspire me sir.

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Well, I was "forced" to move there too and I am solo as well..and like you, I could occasionally group for FP or any heroics but that does not mean, I am MMO-er :)

I suppose most of the complainers above think everyone here is for gear and loots and more kills... and running like nuts, skipping any conversation/task/environment.


but some of us are there just for the S(W)TOR(Y) :)


Honey, you play a MMO; you are a MMO-er :)


The story part of swtor is great, and I love it. Unless I've seen a fp many many times I'm quite content to watch the conversations, especially with other classes I haven't played since I get to hear new lines as they respond. That said, there is an expectation that you can play the game beyond interactive-story level. In a group, either you know what you're doing or you make that clear and are willing to learn. A simple "first time here, tips/warnings appreciated" saves everyone a lot of stress and headaches.


Most of the players described above are the rare bad egg who not only is a poor player, but is rude and obnoxious as well. Not knowing what gear you should be wearing can be fixed by listening when people politely offer suggestions or asking if you don't know. And if I've misunderstood what you were trying to say, please correct me.

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in groups, people don't usually like it when you 'need' for everything anyway. Just don't do it !! - from the story the OP explained, its really one of many. I was in one group for an heroic recently, where the guys I was in a group with, didn't understand how to operate as a team, and would not CC anything. Of course the healer died in seconds..


Experiences like that put me off wanting to group at all with anyone to be honest, its not just a matter of playing at a certain level, its understanding how to play the mission. If people don't know, or haven't done it before, really need to say before hand, so they can be walked through 'how to' do the mission.


I am not worried if some one is lesser geared, or has lesser experience, just that so the group know, so they can be helped on their first runs.




See this so many times ! - really NOT funny. Try Black Hole dailies.. yes you know who you are ;)


Personally, I hate teaching people how to play. Because it seems like I always have to do it, every single time I queue. Dunno about you guys, but everything I learned about playing an MMO I either Googled, pulled "monkey see, monkey do", or just asked. If you don't know how to do something, research it or ask.


To quote someone else, "A newbie is someone new to the game. A noob is someone who refuses to learn how to play."

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You think joining a large guild means you have social skills or because I am not in a large guild and don’t WANT to be in a large guild I don’t have social skills?


I don’t have the time, nor do I want to spend the time to what it takes to be a good guild member so I don’t try. I have a very sporadic play schedule and often when I play I have to have multiple AFKs as I do things around the house, etc. That is a play style that is no conducive to being a good and effective guild member.


There are two types in guilds in MMOs. The first type and most common are a group of people who solo a lot and do a few pugs with a common chat channel. This guild is pretty much useless and really isn’t any different than soloing. The second type and what most people think they belong to are organized raiding guilds that require more play time and dedication then I am willing to give.


I don’t want to be in either type of guild. Therefore I have to use the LFG tool to experience the group content. And that hopefully demonstrates a lot more social maturity then your condescending post does.



Ahh.., the “it was so magical once in that other game” message board lament.


What game was that? Because EQ at every level has thousands of jerks, gankers and ninja. Dark Age of Camolot was ruined by BOTTERS, gankers, ninjas and jerks at all levels. WoW was infested with gankers, ninjas and jerks at all levels. Being a jerk ganker and a ninja is required for EVE online. All of the above got even worse at the higher levels.


And wailing away in general chat for groups sucks.



But as this thread and my post demonstrates, this game does work that way. They all do.


lets see where i should begin


i said nor inferred nothing about being in a large guild. i simply stated that having a lfd HANDED to you in a game doesnt allow you to develop ANY social skills to find or make a group. a guild does not provide you with this magical ability which you are implying either.


there are several types of guilds. they are like people they all have different purposes and serve their membership different ways. perhaps with the attitude you have not many will have you.


eq1 wasn't a pvp game so not sure how you ever got ganked unless you rolled on one of its 3 pvp servers. didn't play the other ones except vanilla wow on a pve server. no ganking there unless you were stupid enough to get baited. wow was the worst game ever i have played with rift coming in second for loot whores and general lack of etiquette. being in a good guild would teach you this but you don't like to join one because there are only two types and both types you don't like. rotflmao


the communities i was talking about where from eq1, eq2 and runes of magic. none have a lfd. although eq2 does now. all are pve games. no ganking unless you got onto a pvp server. if you ever reached end game in any of these you would understand what i am talking about. it is difficult to be part of or understand a community when you only try out a game for a few days.


this game has no cross server lfd as what i was stating by not working this way. your reading comprehension needs improvement as it was the stated in the previous sentence or two.


it is rather obvious you are butt hurt by my post which most of it is being taken out on context. i would apologize if i was wrong but what i stated is true which is why you are so hurt. your responses are filled with too many fallacies which i tried to correct. have a nice day.

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Honey, you play a MMO; you are a MMO-er :)


The story part of swtor is great, and I love it. Unless I've seen a fp many many times...



and that's the point..I do not play the same stuff again.. so i always see it only once.. sorry perhaps it is too bad, but that's what you get in RPG or FPS...


I really do not see the point of repeating the same thing... actually wonder why people would do that..of course, if you know the content too well, you do not want to see it for 100 times..but why actually DO it for 99 previous times?

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Had another "PvP God" in a Warzone earlier today. He kept dying even though we were holding our turrets, so he said it was all our fault because he wasn't sticking with the rest of the group. He was taking on two or three enemies at a time, and expecting us to come help him. So he lights everyone up before emoRAGE/quitting the Warzone. Fun times. lol Edited by Captain_Zone
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For me, the gamer from hell is the RP/PvE types who come into PvP WZ's without the proper gear. And now, when Recruit is given out for free and the excuses of "it's too expensive" are gone.


Free? Really? When did that happen? Regardless, I am so sick of the fashion fascists who unilaterally decide that simply because you don't have the same clothing they do, then you're not entitled to play in their warzone. Some people have jobs, family, and play this game for a bit of relaxation or distraction. They have neither the time nor the inclination to grind for days and weeks simply so they don't offend some self-appointed dress code monitor. What my toon is wearing is no one else's business, and if I die, so be it. This isn't a career, no one's life is hanging in the balance, it's a game. Players from hell? In my opinion it's the people who think they're part of some gamer aristocracy. Everyone pays the same subscription, and no one is entitled to tell anyone else how to play.

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Free? Really? When did that happen? Regardless, I am so sick of the fashion fascists who unilaterally decide that simply because you don't have the same clothing they do, then you're not entitled to play in their warzone. Some people have jobs, family, and play this game for a bit of relaxation or distraction. They have neither the time nor the inclination to grind for days and weeks simply so they don't offend some self-appointed dress code monitor. What my toon is wearing is no one else's business, and if I die, so be it. This isn't a career, no one's life is hanging in the balance, it's a game. Players from hell? In my opinion it's the people who think they're part of some gamer aristocracy. Everyone pays the same subscription, and no one is entitled to tell anyone else how to play.


This, right here. This is a Gamer From Hell. No matter how much your criticism makes sense, it flies right over their heads because you said something they didn't like and that makes you a bad person. Note the full paragraph of pointless righteous fury and hostility. Do you see how they only care about what they want and now how they're playing can affect those around them? Why should they care? You're from the Internet as far as they're concerned. You're not a human being that deserves basic respect and courtesy, you're one of those troll things they hear so much about. They'll play however they want and if their fun time hinders your fun time, good because you're bad people and they're not.

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My experience was when i was using the group finder and went illum with a tank, healer and the 2 melee dps (me being one of them). This was my first time there so i ask is it ok for me to watch the cutscenes. The tank says YouTube it. Why would i YouTube it if it's right here? Anyway they takeoff avoiding aggro so i quickly follow so not to be left behind. The other dps wasnt familiar with the fp so he aggros and dies while we were fighting the first boss. The tank throws a fit cuz he wiped when he engaged without the whole party. the second attempt was a successes with 4 ppl. The tank then kicks the other dps for causing him to die the first time. We get to the next boss and wiped 2 more times and he rages. Then he kicks me and the new dps until he got his "ideal party setup".


That was the first run with an ***hole.

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Free? Really? When did that happen? Regardless, I am so sick of the fashion fascists who unilaterally decide that simply because you don't have the same clothing they do, then you're not entitled to play in their warzone. Some people have jobs, family, and play this game for a bit of relaxation or distraction. They have neither the time nor the inclination to grind for days and weeks simply so they don't offend some self-appointed dress code monitor. What my toon is wearing is no one else's business, and if I die, so be it. This isn't a career, no one's life is hanging in the balance, it's a game. Players from hell? In my opinion it's the people who think they're part of some gamer aristocracy. Everyone pays the same subscription, and no one is entitled to tell anyone else how to play.


I understand where you're coming from. To be fair, some people missed that, but yes, BioWare gave free Recruit gear---check the PvP quest terminal, I believe. I caved in and got Recruit, but it does make sense to skip Recruit just take the credits and get BM gear right away if you can afford it. If not, you might as well get it, then just switch gear when you're back into PvE.


The thing with the game mechanics is it's not just a matter of a "dress code" for aesthetic reasons---PvP gear is specifically designed for you to be a more effective player and, well, die less. If it were only about looks it wouldn't matter, but if you drag your team down, people do get annoyed.


That said, most of the people who don't bother with PvP gear are in more casual (as opposed to ranked) WZs, are they not? I think some people don't handle PvE-geared players in WZs maturely. If you really care that much about how well geared your teammates are, then remember that you won't get people to listen by whining and complaining at them or telling them how much they suck, no matter how right you are (or think you are). Sometimes things need to be explained to more casual gamers, and in an MMO that should be handled maturely.


Anyway, yeah, I think the "gamer from hell" is the really immature player in general, or of course people who constantly criticize others during WZs. The time you spend typing is time you could be using to actually do something to give your team a fighting chance and show them where they should be, rather than whining and eventually bailing on your team. If you can't manage that, then you have no business trying to lecture others.

Edited by BradTheImpaler
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As a "noob" to MMO's I hope that I have never been the Gamer from Hell but I know that my tanking skills need improvement. That being said, even tho I was still learning to tank I wanted to try some HM's. So I'm grouped with a sentinel, a sage and a gunslinger (me a shadow tank) we are running the HM where you have to LOS the boss away from the turrets down the hall ways to an open area where there are no mobs. I had done it twice before and each time we beat it with explanataion of why we needed to LOS the boss away. So I figured I could LOS him and bring him to the spot we had just cleared which was NOT in the hall ways in full view of the turrets. Well the DPS decides to follow me (despite me saying I'm bringing him back here) and the rest of the group follows the DPS.

I didn't realize he was behind me until I ran back and met him in the open area where the rest of them were standing now being fired upon by the turrets and the adds this guy spawns. Needless to say, we all wiped right then and there.


We decided to try again and this time they said you need to LOS him so he can't see you. Well duh!!!! He saw you too cause you were right there in the open. Well we try again and the same thing happens. They all follow me to where the boss is and this time come into the room. Well I get blamed for not only not holding aggro but not being able to LOS. Well the first person who dies is the DPS and then shortly afterwards me and the rest at which point I was booted lol.


To me Gamers from Hell are those who do not listen and are not open to suggestion. Not saying I was a great tank because tanking is a pain for me sometimes, but with the right people I've cleared HM's that I couldn't clear with people who are utterly impatient.


Of course theres the guy who breaks everyone's CC's which I've had happen to me multiple times. Nothing like stealthing up to a bunch of Elites to CC and waiting for the group to get in place to have someone break CC on the guy who most likely will be the hardest to beat.

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My worst run-in with the group finder to-date was more lolsom than hellish. I loaded into Mandalorian Raiders on my healing Operative and found myself with a 23 Sorcerer, a 25 Powertech and a 26 Sniper. I was high-man at 27.


I knew something was wrong when the "tank" folded like a wet hankie in the first pull, and I use the term "pull" literally because his preferred tanking method was to grapple an elite and pull the whole spawn into the squishies. We wised up and kept our distance from him after that. I checked his gear, which looked ok at first glance, but at the second I realised he was entirely DPS speced. Our "tank" (makes that wiggly finger gesture) had the lowest hp on the team: fewer hitpoints than the Sorcerer, who was two levels lower.


The rest was a hilarious and awe-inspiring display of everything that anyone can do wrong on a team. Running ahead? Check. Breaking CCs? Check. Ignoring ambushes and abandoning the DPSers mid-fight to tackle the next spawn? Check, check and check. Seriously, he was the most dangerous boss on the whole map.


Me (post-ambush): /w Sniper "don't worry, ill save you from the tank."

Sniper: /w "LOL".

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I went in to a WZ the other night that was already in progress. The first thing said in ops chat is this guy calling everyone "tards". He whined back and forth a bit. He was in one of those PvP guilds that think they are hot stuff on an RP-PVE server.


The guy was whining but we won. Who knows why people do that.


I know the one mate - really offensive - its also offensive to hear people laughing with him - thats just encouraging him - his name is Harleigh and I feel very sorry for newbies - hes on my ignore list now but I did whisper him my thoughts - so you can imagine the response hence my ignore

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There was one. He was deliberately breaking CC all the time, and then apologizing. Then saying "CC this and that", and then using AOE. Apologozing again. Rolled need for something not for his class, apologized. For all these "sorry guys, won't happen again" we felt bad initiating vote kick. Thankfully, he said in the middle of the FP that he was either drunk, or smoked, apologized and left.

Apologies accepted, ffs... *force choke

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There was one. He was deliberately breaking CC all the time, and then apologizing. Then saying "CC this and that", and then using AOE. Apologozing again. Rolled need for something not for his class, apologized. For all these "sorry guys, won't happen again" we felt bad initiating vote kick. Thankfully, he said in the middle of the FP that he was either drunk, or smoked, apologized and left.

Apologies accepted, ffs... *force choke


He was PvEing drunk???? OMG! PvP is the only part of the game that should be done while drunk. I thought everyone knew that. :eek:


(as long as you are of legal age)

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Free? Really? When did that happen? Regardless, I am so sick of the fashion fascists who unilaterally decide that simply because you don't have the same clothing they do, then you're not entitled to play in their warzone. Some people have jobs, family, and play this game for a bit of relaxation or distraction. They have neither the time nor the inclination to grind for days and weeks simply so they don't offend some self-appointed dress code monitor. What my toon is wearing is no one else's business, and if I die, so be it. This isn't a career, no one's life is hanging in the balance, it's a game. Players from hell? In my opinion it's the people who think they're part of some gamer aristocracy. Everyone pays the same subscription, and no one is entitled to tell anyone else how to play.


Of course, none of this would be a problem if the gear you could grind for in PvP was the same gear you could grind for in PvE.


But then, hardcore PvPers wouldn't feel like special snowflakes anymore, and complain that their gear should be better / specific to PvP, as they have to "work harder" for it.


Working hard. In a game.


*laughs hysterically*

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- The Zerger Tank who thinks that everyone else needs to keep up with him. Seriously, if you can't wait for the Healer to recharge after a big fight, then you deserve to get pwned by the next group you run into. And if you blame the Healer, you also need to join the "PvP God" in a nice padded room. The game does not revolve around you.

^ this :)

As a healer i have only 1 person on my list and it is a tank that ran ahead all through the FP then when we get to the final boss we wipe thats ok well then we wipe again and i said that i had to go repair my gear and then it was all my fault that we wiped and now i was holding them up. So he votes to boot me and says to the other 2 people in the group boot him and we will use one of our companions to heal the boss, thank goodness for /ignore

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A player was on the Imperial Fleet, asking for a Black Talon run in general chat.


I joined, along with 2 other people.


He asked if we spacebar thru convos. Myself and another player said no, we enjoy the convos. Him and the other player said "that's cool".


So, while we're playing, the guy who asked about spacebar-ing, since two of us wanted to "slow down the group with convos", decided he was going to walk his toon thru the entire mission, making us all wait for him to catch up for convos or boss fights. He wanted to make a point about how people slow down groups with convos, so he decided to slow up the entire group.


Since I was the group leader, I waited, patiently.........


......until we reached the bridge of the Black Talon for the last time for mission hand-in, then booted his stupid butt from the group before we started the last convo.




Simply brilliant.

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Over half way through a HMFP, our DPS had to leave for work, so group finder found some girl to sub in for us. Well, I died and asked to be revived. Our new DPS replied, "everyone who dies has to run back" . And her logic behind that? "Asking for revive is rude".


I have no clue whats-so-ever why she thought that. Maybe SWTOR was the first MMO she ever played. Then again, I have no clue how she even made it to level fifty with that logic.

Edited by Radzkie
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Over half way through a HMFP, our DPS had to leave for work, so group finder found some girl to sub in for us. Well, I died and asked to be revived. Our new DPS replied, "everyone who dies has to run back" . And her logic behind that? "Asking for revive is rude".


I have no clue whats-so-ever why she thought that. Maybe SWTOR was the first MMO she ever played. Then again, I have no clue how she even made it to level fifty with that logic.


I'm pretty sure she solo'ed all the way to lvl 50 by following the storyline. And thus, she had no real idea about how to play in a party without AI companions. A perfect example of a Gamer from Hell, indeed.


Honestly, the only bad experiences I've suffered began with the group finder tool. I've just used about 5 times and every single time, I ended in a "PUGroup from Hell".


Here's a tip for all of you, my friends: every single time you get invited into a group and you give a nice greeting like "Good night" or "Hi, how are you doing?" and you get just silence...get out of that pug IMMEDIATELY!!!!..or else be prepared to have quite a miserable time.

Edited by zorroazul
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