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Dividers in Voidstar .... huge "not fun" factor.


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I just recently came back, and now we have all these dividers in these WZs .... the dividers in Voidstar? Just not fun.


I don't know who was complaining and asking for these dividers, but Voidstar used to be my absolute favorite WZ when I left .... now, it just blows ... that divider takes all the defense strat out of the WZ and makes it a crap-shoot that you dropped down on the right side .... cuz if you drop down to the wrong side, they have the bomb set before you can get around.


Stupid change.

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Simply they did it to give the attackers a better chance to get a door down. It was lame that with just another person in your vent you could stop an attacking team from capping. Now its better in terms that I have not played a VS since the change that the attackers have failed to plant the first bomb.




Still worst warzone ever.

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Voidstar went from being my favorite warzone pre 1.2 to being my most hated warzone post 1.3, they keep changing voidstar multiple times and voidstar was fun when it was at full duration on both attack and defend, and then post 1.2 they changed it to ending to the attacker that gets past the defender's first attacked position and tiebreaker was completely random and now tiebreaker goes to the team that gets the furthest the fastest and the divider is dumb, it basically gives defenders little chance because if you zerg left and then enough people get killed and respawn, zerg right and there's only 1 person there and the defenders has to run all the way up around the fence and by then you've planted the door. Edited by Sookster
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Voidstar went from being my favorite warzone pre 1.2 to being my most hated warzone post 1.3, they keep changing voidstar multiple times and voidstar was fun when it was at full duration on both attack and defend, and then post 1.2 they changed it to ending to the attacker that gets past the defender's first attacked position and tiebreaker was completely random and now tiebreaker goes to the team that gets the furthest the fastest and the divider is dumb, it basically gives defenders little chance because if you zerg left and then enough people get killed and respawn, zerg right and there's only 1 person there and the defenders has to run all the way up around the fence and by then you've planted the door.


1) Changing the duration was good, there's absolutely no point in continuing to play an extra 5 minutes if the loss is guaranteed by the other team getting to the core in 10 minutes. Sounds like you just liked seeing inflated numbers on the scoreboard.


2) You're actually saying a random winner is better? :confused:


3) You can counter the opposite side getting zerged after respawns. Once people start dying, the defenders need to reposition. You don't need all the defender respawns coming to help attack the remaining 2 or 3 attacks on the left. This is user error, not a flaw in the warzone.

Edited by LeggoMyMuoio
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I too think the duration is tons better. I like the fact the game ends early.

Even though I am a sniper I hate this wz most of all but only when I start as a defender. It has been my experience it takes a little time for players to buckle down and defend then it does to surge forward and attack

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Voidstar went from being my favorite warzone pre 1.2 to being my most hated warzone post 1.3, they keep changing voidstar multiple times and voidstar was fun when it was at full duration on both attack and defend, and then post 1.2 they changed it to ending to the attacker that gets past the defender's first attacked position and tiebreaker was completely random and now tiebreaker goes to the team that gets the furthest the fastest and the divider is dumb, it basically gives defenders little chance because if you zerg left and then enough people get killed and respawn, zerg right and there's only 1 person there and the defenders has to run all the way up around the fence and by then you've planted the door.


So you enjoyed wasting time having to play a game even though your team already had 100% win (got farther than enemy team), and enjoyed having RNG decide who won on a tie (instead of who got farther the fastest)? Wow.

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I actually wish they've dividers on the second door too. Now you actually have to check the map on which side to jump down and jumping down on the wrong side has a cost.


I don't get why people call this AoEStar though. The only time you get pummeled by AE is when the door is bombed with people trying to defuse it (which is dumb anyway unless you've a coordianted blind/awe). There's plenty of room to spread out and fight even as a melee. It's nowhere as bad as Novare Coast back when you can do the invisible cap which forces every person to fight in the bunker room to make sure you can hit the guy capping the node that you otherwise you can't see. Now that was a crazy AE fest.

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The fence makes the warzone a lot more dynamic on the first set of doors. It is just like how the bridge room has two bridges instead of one. Attacking/defending the gap in the fence adds a whole new dimension to the warzone.


Two thumbs up to the change! Pre-1.3 VS was getting stale as most times no one ever got through the first door and the winner was determined by coin flip.

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The warzone was obviously set up to make the doors sequentially harder to cap as you go in. Before that wasn't happening since it was so easy to sit in the middle of the first room and swing back and forth in two seconds. That made the first door as hard as the other doors to defend.

Now, the first door is easier than the second, and the second is easier than the third.

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The fence was a much needed, and welcome change. Do you realize how often this WZ ended in a tie with neither team getting a door down? It was ridiculous. Even now it still happens WAY to frequently.


In all honesty, they need to extend the fence further back, or reduce the time to plant a bomb by 25%. How lame is it that as soon as the spawn gate opens, the defending team only has to drop down and run 3 steps? Idiotic.

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The warzone was obviously set up to make the doors sequentially harder to cap as you go in. Before that wasn't happening since it was so easy to sit in the middle of the first room and swing back and forth in two seconds. That made the first door as hard as the other doors to defend.

Now, the first door is easier than the second, and the second is easier than the third.


I always thought the third door was the hardest one to defend. I'm sure it's not intended that way but I've very rarely held the enemy team off at the last door. Usually they either don't get past the second door at all or they go all the way.

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The problem with the dividers is, it just guarantees a win based on team make-up and a random shot at which side you drop down on.


If you had only one healer, it was a workout for him/her, but they could respond to the side being attacked and try to have an effect ... now, if the healer drops down to the wrong side ... there is no way they can get to the other side fast enough to have any effect ...


And since you cannot see what's going on from the spawn room, you drop down to the side where 1 person is (on the mini-map) and THEN you realize its because no one is attacking that side .... so the next time you drop down to the side where every one is, and you find out they've killed everyone and the other team is now all over the guy that was standing alone.


It took the WZ from being the best in the game, to being the worst. And that's always what happens you take something that have been tested and tested and test ... and change it. You think its a minor change and it totally destroys the dynamics that made it such a fun item/place in the game.


Its the same crap we see all over the MMO field .... design it specifically to work THIS WAY .... test it for over a year, release it ....then change it so that its not what was designed, its not what attracted people to it, its just ... BROKEN.


BioWare and EA want this to be a Free To Play anyway ... its likely intentional.

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The problem with the dividers is, it just guarantees a win based on team make-up and a random shot at which side you drop down on.


If you had only one healer, it was a workout for him/her, but they could respond to the side being attacked and try to have an effect ... now, if the healer drops down to the wrong side ... there is no way they can get to the other side fast enough to have any effect ...


And since you cannot see what's going on from the spawn room, you drop down to the side where 1 person is (on the mini-map) and THEN you realize its because no one is attacking that side .... so the next time you drop down to the side where every one is, and you find out they've killed everyone and the other team is now all over the guy that was standing alone.


It took the WZ from being the best in the game, to being the worst. And that's always what happens you take something that have been tested and tested and test ... and change it. You think its a minor change and it totally destroys the dynamics that made it such a fun item/place in the game.


Its the same crap we see all over the MMO field .... design it specifically to work THIS WAY .... test it for over a year, release it ....then change it so that its not what was designed, its not what attracted people to it, its just ... BROKEN.


BioWare and EA want this to be a Free To Play anyway ... its likely intentional.


Notice that you're in the minority on this issue, at least in this thread. Doesn't that make you think that maybe, just maybe you're wrong? If the change was as awful as you say, wouldn't more people be on your side?


Think about it.

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No fence equals coin flip in every single rated Voidstar. Image how that will go down with the hardcore PvPers.


You do know you can split your team, you can actually move from one side to the other, you can choose which side to jump down after. It's really silly to call it a coin flip.

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