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The obvious solution to the name problem


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The name problem I define as the restriction on most MMO servers that each character name be unique. Essentially, this boils down to databases and their fundamental requirement for one unique field (that is, one particular characteristic that is unique for every database entry). Character name is the obvious first choice for this unique field, because names are easy to remember. However, this causes other bothersome issues with the player base, beginning with frustration when their desired name (and the first half-dozen alternates) are all taken. The problem grows as the server population does. And when you add in server merges, you get players up in arms at the prospect of losing the name they've played under for months.


The obvious solution is to choose another unique field. For instance, what about a six- or seven-digit number? Most servers will not see 10 million players, so this number can easily be unique. Also, every player in real life has to deal with ten-digit numbers on a regular basis (phone numbers). Format the number correctly (in three- to four-digit blocks) and present it as a "Galactic ID number" or "Universal call code." Implement a context-sensitive search function on mail and social windows, where the entry of a character name or partial number will result in one or more database entries, complete with character name, class, level, ID number, and perhaps other information, all in one line. EVE Online has such a function, so it is certainly doable. Also, perhaps a tooltip that displays caller ID over a character's name in chat. If a player wants to name his character John or Luke, he'll just have to make sure to tell people his call code.

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or they could make the legacy the unique field, seeing as its already treated that way. I see no reason to limit first names in this case, so long as you make legacy available on character creation for servers and then either lock xp access to it or something similar until level X
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I hate to break the news to you, but I expect the unique identifier *is* a number. Name (string) comparisons can be messy and long. Number comparisons are fast. There's no reason NOT to use a number.


Additionally, when somebody deletes their character, the "name" indicator on stuff they have crafted becomes "worn off". If the identifier was just a name, that would presumably be the identifier used on the crafted stuff, and thus still be there even though the character has been deleted. I would only expect the "worn off" functionality if it was a number identifer, that then goes into the database to look up the corresponding name. If there is no corresponding name anymore THEN it does the worn off message.


And, of course, you're missing the obvious reason why names are unique. Communication. How does "/whisper Bob" work if there are 25 Bobs? or "/invite fred" if there are 30 Fred's? or "/ignore SirSpamAlot"


Names need to be unique because that's how we, as players, identify other players. (and no, legacy name wouldn't be a good idea. Many people, while under the same legacy, prefer to keep their different characters friends/guilds/etc. separate. Not to mention that you don't GET a legacy until ~32 levels in)

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I hate to break the news to you, but I expect the unique identifier *is* a number. Name (string) comparisons can be messy and long. Number comparisons are fast. There's no reason NOT to use a number.


Additionally, when somebody deletes their character, the "name" indicator on stuff they have crafted becomes "worn off". If the identifier was just a name, that would presumably be the identifier used on the crafted stuff, and thus still be there even though the character has been deleted. I would only expect the "worn off" functionality if it was a number identifer, that then goes into the database to look up the corresponding name. If there is no corresponding name anymore THEN it does the worn off message.


And, of course, you're missing the obvious reason why names are unique. Communication. How does "/whisper Bob" work if there are 25 Bobs? or "/invite fred" if there are 30 Fred's? or "/ignore SirSpamAlot"


Names need to be unique because that's how we, as players, identify other players. (and no, legacy name wouldn't be a good idea. Many people, while under the same legacy, prefer to keep their different characters friends/guilds/etc. separate. Not to mention that you don't GET a legacy until ~32 levels in)

How dare you use logical, well thought out answers as a response!!! :D
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Legacy needs to be chosen at character creation. Don't let the points start accruing until the end of chapter 1 as currently, but if they make Legacy unique, and first names not, then it has to be done that way.


First names need to be unique within the same legacy, but not unique on the server.

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most people fail to realize that the invite system works on that single name. otherwise we would have to type


/invite john doe


which means we would ahve to rememeber everyones legacy name, and display it all the time. not that big a deal since most peopel right clcik to invite anyway. but if u think about it, if somsoen takes a legacy name, then you are still screwed if you want to use it.

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The obvious solution is


I think that only a really very microscopically small number of people posting on this forum have the ability to infer practicable solutions that can actually be implemented in the current game client.




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But Legacy cannot be a unique field, since each Legacy can have up to 8 characters associated with it. Also, you cannot have a unique field that is a combination of two non-unique fields.


Actually, you can. Otherwise things like "The Alphabet" wouldn't work to create unique identifiers.


Imagine this scenario: every character has a first name and a surname field. First names need not be unique. Surnames need not be unique. The COMBINATION of a first name plus surname must be unique.


The server could be chock full of people named Luke something-or-other.

The server could be chock full of people named something-or-other Skywalker.

There could only be ONE Luke Skywalker.


However, as Scorpienne just pointed out, the time to make changes to naming conventions for the game is long gone and I wouldn't expect any "solution" to ever be implemented. The current system is sufficient for people who don't care about names, and I'm guessing the number of people who will unsub solely based on naming issues is relatively small.

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But Legacy cannot be a unique field, since each Legacy can have up to 8 characters associated with it. Also, you cannot have a unique field that is a combination of two non-unique fields.


But only one character can be online at at time.


Although I could see this causing problems with in-game mail, unless they followed what STO did and made all of your in-game mail accounts the same regardless of what character you are on.

Edited by Tomb-Stone
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Or, given that Legacy names are already unique, just use those. I always thought that would be an elegant solution.


They, like first names, are only unique on a server, not across servers. So you have the same problem when the "skywalker" legacy from Rogue Moon comes to Red Eclipse and there is already a "Skywalker " legacy on that server.

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Legacy should be your primary identifier and also be account wide. This is one of those things that is so obvious, it is completely baffling as to why BW hasn't done it already. In fact, it's something they should have implemented it pre-launch (and I suggested it several times) in order to avoid a lot of the current problems.


Legacy should have always been an alternate account-based handle similar to that of EVE of the Cryptic games.


Names and Surnames can then be whatever you want them to be and would be completely independent of any forced game mechanic. This is especially silly given the fact that the family tree thing is really just cosmetic. So if I want my Smug to be outside that family with his own surname, I should be able to.


And changing this would not eliminate the need for a tree. I could still have one (or several) if I so choose.


Special characters are just not the answer. I want to message a friend who has one in his name, I have to either find his name in the chat and right-click or open the social menu and right click because I can't simply type "/whisper Bob." Typing "Böb" is an even bigger pain especially during long conversations or when you have more than one going on at the same time.


Doing it his way would have other advantages also. Since the whole thing is tide together, BW could add a feature to the forums so people could display their stats for epeen cred.


This could be extended by making various achievements, dcrons, codex, and pvp rank account wide. You could then display whatever you wanted to and show off.

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The only obvious solution is to either take an new name or move to a new server / new game. Bioware at this point is not going to redesign character naming so that you can keep your name. The game was written this way and I'm sure they have more important work to do. If you want a game where every body is named this same, look else where. Personally if I see a Joe running by on the Fleet, then I don't want to have to ask Joe is that really you?

Not to mention the whispering, inviting, etc horror characters with the same name would cause.

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The legacy uniqueness isn't a good solution as for some of us being obliged to have the same legacy for all our characters is an issue.


The less we use it the more we are happy.


So: NO to legacy.

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They, like first names, are only unique on a server, not across servers. So you have the same problem when the "skywalker" legacy from Rogue Moon comes to Red Eclipse and there is already a "Skywalker " legacy on that server.


Except the impact is much less drastic, as it is only a single name, and usually something that is more unique (not to mention less integral to an individual character's identity). I had to change 8/9 names - everything but my legacy. I would gladly change my legacy name to get the rest of them back.

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The only obvious solution is to either take an new name or move to a new server / new game. Bioware at this point is not going to redesign character naming so that you can keep your name.

Nonsense. Several games have already done just that. Others are currently in the process of implanting it. It's not as big of an undertaking as you think it is and falls well within the expected limits of any normally numbered update.


As far ask keeping your Joes separate, it's no different from how you do it in real life. You would be Joe@Jerok; I would be Joe@Alpha.


The legacy uniqueness isn't a good solution as for some of us being obliged to have the same legacy for all our characters is an issue.


The less we use it the more we are happy.


So: NO to legacy.

Which is why I suggested making the Legacy a handle that is simply an account binder and completely separate from any game mechanic.


That is instead of a "Legacy" have a "clan" that is its own mechanic. Using the previous example, my clan would be Smith. And I could use that for all my characters. OR I could set up multiple clans within my Legacy.


In fact, you could even go beyond that. Say there's already Joe Smith@Alpha and you make a Bob Smith@Deewe.


Then you you get a prompt that asks "There is already a Smith clan. Would you like to join?" You can just check no because, let's face it, there are plenty of Smiths running around that are completely unrelated.


If you select yes, then you get an option to send me send me a tell or leave and email if I'm not on to see if I'm interested in working something out.


Aside from adding endless immersion and RP possibles, it's a great way for making new friends and playmates.

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And, of course, you're missing the obvious reason why names are unique. Communication. How does "/whisper Bob" work if there are 25 Bobs? or "/invite fred" if there are 30 Fred's? or "/ignore SirSpamAlot"


Names need to be unique because that's how we, as players, identify other players.


I know this is how every MMO does things, but it is not necessary that it be so. In the real world, if I want to talk to Bob, I have to know his phone number or email address - I can't just tell my phone to "call Bob." Actually, I can, but only because I have Bob's number programmed into the phone under the name Bob. You say, how does /whisper work without unique names? I say, right click on the name in the chat window / social panel and select whisper. It's just a different way of doing things.


And yes, it would be very difficult at this late stage for SWTOR to change the way their database works. It would be a lot easier for the next MMO to consider that just because everyone has always done things this way, that they do not have to be done that way. Imagine an MMO where characters actually have decent names instead of the crap names you see everywhere that ruin immersion.

Edited by LeeSims
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I know this is how every MMO does things, but it is not necessary that it be so. In the real world, if I want to talk to Bob, I have to know his phone number or email address - I can't just tell my phone to "call Bob." Actually, I can, but only because I have Bob's number programmed into the phone under the name Bob. You say, how does /whisper work without unique names? I say, right click on the name in the chat window / social panel and select whisper. It's just a different way of doing things.


And yes, it would be very difficult at this late stage for SWTOR to change the way their database works. It would be a lot easier for the next MMO to consider that just because everyone has always done things this way, that they do not have to be done that way. Imagine an MMO where characters actually have decent names instead of the crap names you see everywhere that ruin immersion.

Too complex.

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