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Quitting War Zone matches is AWESOME


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So I used to be against quitting, but now I started doing it and it is awesome.

I have not lost a match in a week.



All you do is quit when you go down 1-0 in huttball, when the opposition gets 2 caps first in CW or NC and if after 1.5 minutes in VS you do not cap a door or if the opponents cap a door.

You will generally finish dailys on three characters in the time it takes to normally finish on one. (If it is taking a long time to finish a match, ie you are only up 1-0 after 5 minutes, it may be advisable to quit here too)

Pro Quitter Trick - Inspect your team at spawn and if they are not geared up to the T, just quit and let them start out shorthanded, lol, they should have geared up.



I know what you are thinking, it's not fair to your teammates. LOL It's their fault, not mine, that we are losing. They are bad and don't call "Inc" or they are all medal farming, why else would we lose? OR it's Bioware's fault, if I lose it's because I am playing against premades. It is 100% not MY fault, ever, I am really good.

What about the poor guy who fills in for you?

Too bad on him, it's Biowares fault, not mine.

Some of your ex-teammates (after you quit the "bads" team,) will send you whispers, just call them "kids" and then add them to your ignore list.


The future of PvP

If everyone follows this method PVP will be awesome and instead of competing and winning and losing we will all finish our dailys faster.


BioWare Is OK with this

Why do you think they give you a [Leave Warzone] button??????

If there was an emergency you would ignore the game and if something came up in real life, you would just close the game.

You are supposed to quit

Edited by richardya
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Just in case you're serious:


1. Queue

2. wait

3. queue pop - click it

4. load into warzone

5. Play 1.5 minutes, realize you are losing

6. Quit, receiving no rewards for time invested

7. Load back into fleet (or wherever)

8. Back to 1


How many times will you allow this to repeat itself before you decide to stay in a warzone?

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How many times will you allow this to repeat itself before you decide to stay in a warzone?


As long as it takes to find a game that isn't full of kill farmers and headless chickens. I can be out and in another game inside of a minute. Or stay for 10-15 to play a losing game with losers.


I'll pass on the latter.

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I've quit WZs a handful of times (not including the times I've gotten stuck in spawn). I will never make a habit of it and will usually stick it out even if my team is exceptionally poor. However, if the team is full of really bad, toxic players, I've simply left because I don't see the purpose in putting in the effort to get no gratification.


I play WZs because they're supposed to be fun, not because of the rewards (I don't need the commendations anymore). I've played some 0-0 huttball matches that were more fun than 6-0 facestomps. It seems the OP is only interested in playing against weaker opposition, whereas I'm interested in growing as a player and constantly trying to expand my limits, which can only be done if the other team is good and my teammates are objective-minded team players.


With that said, I really hope I don't see players like the OP on my team who are just glory hunting. Again, I understand quitting a WZ if no one on the team is paying attention to objectives and is full of simple-minded, foul-mouthed prepubescent brats, but to quit while you're actually winning is deplorable behavior and as someone already posted, you will gain a negative reputation in WZs for doing so.

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Quite common I would say.


-WarHero player joining mini.


"Oh, HP is low here", the full group was in full BM.


X left your game.


Yes, there are players out there who really count on their gear to win anything. Gear discrepancy issue I'm afraid.


Don't cap commendations before 50, let players who actively PvP before 50 to get the gear they deserve, problem solved.

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Im fully geared and have need of nothing save for some sport to hunt and kill.

If i wanted competitive team PvP I would have gotten one of the crappy madden games or some other BS sports crap but craptastic WZs so far I can deal.

Ranked war zones are a huge ego-fest of kiddies and haxxors,you can keep it.

When I started SWTOR Ilum was popn,Save for the lagg it was acceptable.

Going to planets and ganking is a very short lived thrill.

Gimme epic Empire V Republic battles in OPEN WORLD that have value and meaning please like realm rank and relics do,since you bought out that game to you should know what in speaking.


Since I to have started this regime it takes less that 1 hour to complete daily's 2 hrs tops for weekly.

Why help those who will not help themselves?

It is not hard to spot the fail in 30 seconds or less in a WZ.

I start off attempting to assist but very quickly one discovers how "in it" the rest of the team is.

Don't like quitters? Life is filled with many things none of us like.

As far as reputation I can care less if no one groups me from the commoner pool.

Give me open world and I will stop with the WZs dropping.

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The op is joking and you all got trolled SUPER HARD. Good thread dude. lol.


I think some people need their sarcasm meters checked.


Im not trying to insult anyone and im not sure sometimes what im allowed to say...

Edited by Smuglebunny
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you finally just learned this? lol


I don't even bother inspecting gear I just do a quick HP check...if you have 3 or more under 15K just leave save yourself some time/aggro


True that my fellow quitter, heck, ill give them a shot but if the team doesn't cap quit I am out of there.

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So I used to be against quitting, but now I started doing it and it is awesome.

I have not lost a match in a week.



All you do is quit when you go down 1-0 in huttball, when the opposition gets 2 caps first in CW or NC and if after 1.5 minutes in VS you do not cap a door or if the opponents cap a door.

You will generally finish dailys on three characters in the time it takes to normally finish on one. (If it is taking a long time to finish a match, ie you are only up 1-0 after 5 minutes, it may be advisable to quit here too)

Pro Quitter Trick - Inspect your team at spawn and they are not geared up to the T just quit and let them start out shorthanded, lol, they should have geared up.



I know what you are thinking, it's not fair to your teammates. LOL It's their fault, not mine that we are losing, they are bad and don't call "Inc" or they are medal farming, why else would we lose? OR it's Biowares fault because if I lose it's because I am playing against premades.

What about the poor guy who fills in for you?

Too bad on him, it's Biowares fault, not mine.

Some of your ex-teammates (after you quit the "bads" team, will send you whispers, just call them "kids" and then ignore them.


The future of PvP

If everyone follows this method PVP will be awesome and instead of competing and winning and losing we will all finish our dailys faster.


BioWare Is OK with this

Why do you think they give you a [Leave Warzone] button??????

If there was an emergency you would ignore the game and if something came up in real life, you would just close the game.

You are supposed to quit


That's the spirit! When the going gets tough, quit...

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you finally just learned this? lol


I don't even bother inspecting gear I just do a quick HP check...if you have 3 or more under 15K just leave save yourself some time/aggro


It's a bummer that it has come to this but the gap between a new 50 and a Vet is huge. The 2-4 players with less than 15k hp is a sure loss. Why suffer through it and let the other team farm you for medals?

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It's a bummer that it has come to this but the gap between a new 50 and a Vet is huge. The 2-4 players with less than 15k hp is a sure loss. Why suffer through it and let the other team farm you for medals?


Please tell me how you inspect the OTHER team's hp's prior to the start of the match to determine that they are all >15k hp. Cause if they have the same 2-4 people with <15k hp, then its still an even match.

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