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What's your Favorite Planet and why?


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I'm just curious of which planets you guys consider as your all time favorite and why?

personally i LOVE Tatooine, i love the vast openness of it and the shear scale, i don't know why but it feels so large compared to some of the other planets. I grew up on star wars and and remember Tatoonine from the original movies and from the later ones, Bio really did a good job on Tatooine.

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that's a tough question. I like all the planets for various reasons at various times. After just getting a toon to 50, I don't want to even look at correllia :) but its a pretty cool planet. Reasons such as this.


But If I were to pick one overall it would probably be Dromund Kaas. It has a very mysterious, semi-dark feel to it, but not in a bad way. The capital is fantastic looking, and the jungle with the wild animals (big ones!) has a foreboding sense to it (makes it feel adventurous).


Add to that the creepy old sith temple and it has all the flavors of a traditional RPG setting. very fun IMO...wish it lasted longer.

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I can't decide between taris because it feels genuinely bleak and dangerous or coruscant because on tops beautifull with the dingy under belly. I like all the planets though except voss.


Yeah Voss sucks....and the second part of belsavis....It doesn't even feel like I'm on the same planet!

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I love Alderaan. For three reasons: 1.) The music is wonderful 2.) It seems to be the only planet in the game that has varrying environments (snow and grasslands) 3. I genuinely enjoy the questlines of the warring houses.


I also like Voss because I like the planet (it's pretty) and I find the people interesting.


I don't like Corelia or Taris, purely because they're both a pain to get around in. Corelia with it's roads, and Taris with it's...Taris-ness. I'm going to have to do Taris again now that I can get a speeder at 10 though. I like the storyline on Taris, so maybe I'll find it more enjoyable.

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Tython. I love being a Jedi, and the starting quests there for counselor and knight are amazing. I remember exploring the first time I logged in and found the huge, ancient Jedi statue, and I've been in love ever since,


After that, probably Voss, just because I love the people :D

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