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You Need To Reward Open World PvP - ASAP!


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Not only that but its also hard to find any enemy players, planets are way too big for the amount of people the instances can hold


what a carebear ****


It's not that the planets are big: it's that the republic questing areas are on one end of the planet, and the imperial questing areas on another.


I'm not sure what their intention was when they decided to pull such a stupid idea, but it's showing it's effect: I'm level 45 and I've only seen 2 republics out in the open world while questing.



Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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i was SHOCKED when i killed someone in the world and didnt get anything in reward what so ever! what the f***, i'm speachless :eek::(


same here , i killed one was and and i was like : OMG I KILLED MY FIRST REPUBLIC....

Oh wait , i didnt get anything for it ? not even valor ? ok that sucked

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Yes, because rewarding the Imp zerg makes perfect sense. Why farm quest mobs when you can just farm Republic lowbies to get better PvP gear to farm even faster? Or, if you are thinking of a Wintergrasp-like zone, well I don't know where to start. Open-world PvP is a numbers game, and Imps have about a zillion more.


Bring out the AAO. Put in some objectives. Maybe even explore a bit of DAOC's relics system. Its the same damn people in the same damn company. We know we'll get it, just hurry up and announce it BioWare. Warhammer's oRvR was epic, though it got stale towards the end. But when it happened people were definitely riled up and raring for more.


Toss out some news bits. We'll wait.

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If there will be reward for killing then there must be also loss from dying , otherwise everyone will fight with each other, and it will be like a big PVP fest and become just another WARZONE on the big planet . At the end all will have milion credits and will be 50 lvl in no time and what will you do after that ? you wont need credits or exp anymore, whats then ?


There must be no reward for PVP, BUT there must be REASON to make sense in PVP. Best example is some world boss which respawns 3 ties a day , or some castles or some spots where are many resources etc just something to fight FOR.

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I didn't know there was no rewards for open world pvp :( I bought this game cause that looked fun as well, I came from AION too played for 2 years. So OWPVP (with rewards) is like a priority for me now Edited by Kwonjah
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finally a thread not full of support for sharding...


Im on the ajunta pall RP-PvP Server and nobody seems to mind the fact that shards are cutting us off from each other and the enemy.


I have rarely found a sith player. and when I do kill one, I learn that I dont get any valor, credit for a kill, NOTHING ?


Seriously this is a huuuuge flaw. so essentially the open world pvp we were promised is completely pointless

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Before leaving for a little holiday trip I was at level 33 on a full PvP server, I have in my time playing, came across 3 opposing faction...and received nothing for killing them. I really had hoped that by joining a PvP server there would be points where World PvP was almost required, and I just imagined these big epic battles.


Haven't seen it yet.

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Let's recap:


No xp for open world kills.

No credits for open world kills.

No commendations for open world kills.

No valor xp for open world kills.

No unlockable titles for open world kills.

No listed amount of kills or assists for open world kills or any other form of recognition.



This exactly. There is no point whatsoever to do any open world PvP. Basically, since you get nothing for PvP, PvPers are just... griefers?


We should get commendations, titles, valor, credits, for our open world kills. I get that PvP is supposed to be its own reward... it's fun to test your skill against someone else's... but hey, might as well just duel a guildie then.


I fully support open world PvP rewards and I'm actually quite surprised and shocked that there is none at this point.

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Really? no rewards not even XP for world PVP? That HAS to be an oversight...


When I reach 50 and if this is still not fixed I guess I won't keep the subscription then. 3 warzones is not enough. I am on a pvp server...what is the point if there is not incentive to actually...you know...pvp in open world

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Why must there be rewards for world pvp? isn't the fight itself the reward?

No. i used to open world pvp for fun.. then i started getting loots... and valors, and noms, and it was over... i am spoiled... MOAR OPEN WORLD PEE VEE PEE rewards !!!! I want to keel republic scum and get stuffs for doing it! ( on a serious note: Open pvp rewards actually premote open world pvp, not ganking te be an *****)

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I couldn't agree more....Open PvP is where it's at and this game has none!


remember during development when Bioware stated that there would be open world pvp ? guess we should have asked them what their definiton of "open" meant.


remember when Bioware stated that sharding would only be on starter worlds ?


so now to get any kind of pvp action Im forced into those ridiculous battlegrounds

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remember during development when Bioware stated that there would be open world pvp ? guess we should have asked them what their definiton of "open" meant.


remember when Bioware stated that sharding would only be on starter worlds ?


so now to get any kind of pvp action Im forced into those ridiculous battlegrounds


Good god, QQ more please. The game has been out for FOUR FLIPPING DAYS. When there's more higher-level people, there will be more world PvP! It's not everyone else's fault you powerleveled to 50 and now have nothing to do.

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Good god, QQ more please. The game has been out for FOUR FLIPPING DAYS. When there's more higher-level people, there will be more world PvP! It's not everyone else's fault you powerleveled to 50 and now have nothing to do.


Could you be more mad? Seriously.


Seriously, if you get back to leveling you'll hit 50 sometime this month and then you can join the rest of us.

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Good god, QQ more please. The game has been out for FOUR FLIPPING DAYS. When there's more higher-level people, there will be more world PvP! It's not everyone else's fault you powerleveled to 50 and now have nothing to do.


The fact is, people love Open World pvp - and want to experience it waaaaaay before they hit 50.


People don't join PvP servers to have it be a PvE server up until 50 - and THEN be permaflagged. They want the danger while leveling up, they want the experience while leveling up, they want things happening - WHILE they're leveling up!


If you point to 50 and essentially say 'there it is' - they've already failed. Many will quit before then, as PvP gives them a goal, encouragement to get to 50. You also can't point to one endgame planet (Illum) and say 'there it is' - because if so, they've already failed too.


The fact is is that this design team totally disregarded how big of a draw PvP is when they designed their planets and their content systems and now it's showing BIG TIME.

Edited by Darth_Eclipses
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