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Get rid of stuns in PvP


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Tweak the Resolve System, yes, but removing stuns all together is just madness (and not the good kind either)


This is my own .02 as well.


I'd tweak resolve down somewhat - make it a bit (not a lot, though) easier to become immune. Like a 20% tweak downward on the cap.

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yes you can


no, you can't.

mathematically, it doesn't work out. You can get hit by 2, but not 3.


Islander is correct. Without allowing resolve to tick down over a drawn out fight, 2 is all you can put on someone before you cap them, and if they know what the hell they are doing (and it wasn't previously on CD), that is when they will use their CC breaker. Watch closely what's going on. You may be resolve capped, and then someone roots you, and then when you cast, they interrupt you, and to some people that may feel like a stun, but its not. You have to be more aware, there are always ways around roots and interrupts.

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Islander is correct. Without allowing resolve to tick down over a drawn out fight, 2 is all you can put on someone before you cap them, and if they know what the hell they are doing (and it wasn't previously on CD), that is when they will use their CC breaker. Watch closely what's going on. You may be resolve capped, and then someone roots you, and then when you cast, they interrupt you, and to some people that may feel like a stun, but its not. You have to be more aware, there are always ways around roots and interrupts.


Technically speaking, you could be hit with 3 stuns if they were 2 second stuns/blinds, but those aren't available on demand and would therefore require bad luck on your part (or good luck, if you consider that you are only being CCd for 6 seconds instead of the normal 8+)

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The people in this thread who thinks the resolve system is broken are probably the same people writing in Cheat / Hack threads that they encounter people that are not CCable and they are CC immune.


Coming from playing vs PMR in wow arena, I find this game much easier in terms of handling CC. I've been chain CCed for 20 secs in wow in the past. In swtor, at max you are looking at 6-7 seconds and that is being generous.


If you think the resolve system, is broken, read the sticky in this forum about it. It's simply a matter of using your trinket at the right time. 95% of the time you should never use your trinket if you don't have a white resolve bar. When you do this properly, there is just no way you would say the resolve system is broken. I personally think it is pretty good.


Now i do agree there is 1 warzone where CC stick out more and that is Huttball. If you are the ball carrier, you might be immobilized even with a full resolve bar. The message is quite clear here, pass the *********** ball. If they used all their CC on you, what are they going to use vs someone else? It's things like that people mean when they say L2P.

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Technically speaking, you could be hit with 3 stuns if they were 2 second stuns/blinds, but those aren't available on demand and would therefore require bad luck on your part (or good luck, if you consider that you are only being CCd for 6 seconds instead of the normal 8+)


Ok, true. Now, as you said, there is no one class that can do that. It would take the coordination of 2 people with a 2 sec stun (the equivalent of a normal 4 sec stun), followed by another 2 sec stun if your lucky (only stunned for 6 like you said, although technically if your breaker is up, you'll only be stunned for ~4-5 because you'll break it the second they cap you) or if not so lucky, a 4 sec stun, or the possible 8 sec stun, but those will be break on damage. The complaint was about "flopping like a fish while being pounded" so that pretty much rules out the mez's as the OPs issue, he is dealing with hard stuns.

To the OP and supporters of the OP: I hate to be one of those people that just spout L2P at a post like this, but it seems to me as though you need a better understanding of resolve, hard stuns, mez's, roots and interrrupts.

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I wouldn't say get rid of stuns. Lessen them considerably. Stuns are no fun. Resolve doesn't work well enough and I am literally tired of spending over 50% of some matches unable to move.


I'm a turret healer, and I don't spend close to 50% of my time stunned - or CC'd in any way.

Here's a resepctful idea.


Don't stand in the same spot for 45 seconds.

Also, although you cant truly be LOS safe, you can position yourself so at least it's half difficult to notice/target you.

Edited by islander
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Tweak the Resolve System, yes, but removing stuns all together is just madness (and not the good kind either)


This would be an ideal compromise. I, too, get furious at chain stuns and at watching myself go from 70ish on my Mara to 0 while not being able to hit back. But....stuns are necessary. Folks have already said why they apply in an objective based situation.


What I'd like to see is some more control over them, a functional resolve bar, and maybe more damage-breaks or even shorter CD stun breaks. That might help with the willy-nilly stun parties some WZ's become.


But they're absolutely necessary, these stuns.

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I'm a turret healer, and I don't spend close to 50% of my time stunned - or CC'd in any way.

Here's a resepctful idea.


Don't stand in the same spot for 45 seconds.

Also, although you cant truly be LOS safe, you can position yourself so at least it's half difficult to notice/target you.


I'm not a healer. I'm melee DPS. Very hard to be LOS safe or unnoticed.


Attack a Sorcerer? Yes I can kill them... However... I will often get knock back and rooted... That is CC. For me that is as bad as any Stun or Mez. I get stunned, rooted, slowed, and mezzed a lot. I didn't say 50% of my time either, I said 50% of my time in some matches.

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For me, the stuns are not the issue. Its the pulls, knockbacks, slows, and roots that dont affect resolve. On my Jugg, I've went a solid 30 seconds where my movement was impaired in some way.


I'd like to see resolve affect the whole spectrum of CC and not just 'hard' stuns. A root is more affective than a stun against some classes, and most are smart enough to spam that and not use stuns.


Rateds are won and lost by CC, and the good teams are insanely good at it. So much that they all have cybertech grenades, and call out when to use them. Thats 16 more CC stuns than the average match and spreading them out (which they do) resolve really isn't an issue.

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I'm not a healer. I'm melee DPS. Very hard to be LOS safe or unnoticed.


Attack a Sorcerer? Yes I can kill them... However... I will often get knock back and rooted... That is CC. For me that is as bad as any Stun or Mez. I get stunned, rooted, slowed, and mezzed a lot. I didn't say 50% of my time either, I said 50% of my time in some matches.


My fault, I'm replying a bit on the thread QQing about healing sorcs/sages in PvP thread above this one.

Everyone gets slowed/rooted though. that's just standard stuff.


You should be cc'd a lot though, you guys wreck shop :)

Edited by islander
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For me, the stuns are not the issue. Its the pulls, knockbacks, slows, and roots that dont affect resolve. On my Jugg, I've went a solid 30 seconds where my movement was impaired in some way.


I'd like to see resolve affect the whole spectrum of CC and not just 'hard' stuns. A root is more affective than a stun against some classes, and most are smart enough to spam that and not use stuns.


Rateds are won and lost by CC, and the good teams are insanely good at it. So much that they all have cybertech grenades, and call out when to use them. Thats 16 more CC stuns than the average match and spreading them out (which they do) resolve really isn't an issue.


Those effects are off of Resolve specifically to hinder your ability to maintain melee range uptime. If we allow resolve to build from those effects then melee damage will need to be nerfed by 50-60% or your gap closers will need to be removed in order to compensate.

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For me, the stuns are not the issue. Its the pulls, knockbacks, slows, and roots that dont affect resolve. On my Jugg, I've went a solid 30 seconds where my movement was impaired in some way.


I'd like to see resolve affect the whole spectrum of CC and not just 'hard' stuns. A root is more affective than a stun against some classes, and most are smart enough to spam that and not use stuns.


Rateds are won and lost by CC, and the good teams are insanely good at it. So much that they all have cybertech grenades, and call out when to use them. Thats 16 more CC stuns than the average match and spreading them out (which they do) resolve really isn't an issue.


30 secs mouvement impared.. no you didn't. In that 30 secs window you can do:


Charge 2 times

Intervene 2 times

Obliterate 2 times (don't forget about the speed boost after you use obliterate)

Trinket 1 time


We also have the best slow in the game = Force crush. I barely use chilling scream anymore because force crush is so strong. And yet it doesn't affect resolve!


So how is it that you are 30 secs impaired with all the tools mentioned above + force crushing your enemy to 60% slow, 50% slow, 40% slow, 30% slow... and you cannot attack your target?


It's impossible says my bullsh bot

Edited by TheSolidPat
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Couldnt agree more with you. However, most of the sandbox "PvPr's" already quit the game so you won't find many ppl left that are not the stun zergfest mentality. It will never change which is one of the reasons why Aug 28 I will be gpne as well. I don't really think SWTOR is a PvP game anyhow. It's more of a PvE game that threw in PvP as an afterthought to try and attract more ppl. Pretty epic fail imo.


Irony? Lol

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For me, the stuns are not the issue. Its the pulls, knockbacks, slows, and roots that dont affect resolve. On my Jugg, I've went a solid 30 seconds where my movement was impaired in some way.


I'd like to see resolve affect the whole spectrum of CC and not just 'hard' stuns. A root is more affective than a stun against some classes, and most are smart enough to spam that and not use stuns.


Rateds are won and lost by CC, and the good teams are insanely good at it. So much that they all have cybertech grenades, and call out when to use them. Thats 16 more CC stuns than the average match and spreading them out (which they do) resolve really isn't an issue.


This game is not a dps race, learn to interrupt and when to use your cc. I don't spend much of my time stunned in matches, I spend alot of time being chain focused and the often the only tools available to keep me alive is cc. My class is all about cc and tricks (sage) lets just screw up resolve or remive stuns and make it do the game suits certain burst classes even more? No, let's not.


For the record knockback does effect resolve.

Edited by PloGreen
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Just like the title says. Remove stuns. Sick of staring at my screen seeing my character flopping like a fish because hes been hit by 3 or more stuns in a row and all he can do is wait to die. You take out stuns and suddenly its your dps vs my dps and lets see who wins. Not saying my dps is the best ever but i would like a chance to find out if i could win instead of being squashed like a bug with no chance to fight back.


I'd rather just get rid of you in PvP, tbh.


If you want a DPS race, PvE is -----> That way.

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