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You're on ignore, that's why nobody responds to you...


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You know, every time I see somebody in PvP get nasty with their own team mates, the first thing I do is place your ignorant butt on ignore. From that point on, I never see a word you say...ever. I have been doing this since the server transfer, and finally it caught up to some of the players who I have on ignore.


Now, when we are on Alderaan and they are at Snow side, and they have incoming and they say, "Need help Snow Side!!!" they might as well be talking to a wall, because I can't see them talk. So here is my point...I am NOT going to change my methods. I do not sign up to WZ's so that I can discover the next greatest butthead. You and people like you will call our team mates names because people aren't pulling it together. This is PUG PvP, you can not expect to have good teams with PUGS. They happen, but more often than not, they will be bad. This is PUGS. If you don't like it, don't queue solo. Because now, all that whining you do in PvP matches go unheard, your cries for help go unheard and your nerd rage that comes when you can't understand why nobody came to your aid will go unheard.


I have a low tolerance for people like you. I do not hesitate to place you on ignore. You say, "Oh noez! I got putz on ignorez!" Yes sir, that's right...your sorry butt got placed right on ignore, and now you just had a fit when nobody came to your rescue. Congratulations.


Now I know, this thread will most likely bring out all the raging nerds who are 9 years old and up who will nerd rage at this post and attempt to pull the "I have the high ground" card...don't waste your time. I will not be looking at this post again once it has been posted. I just want all the nerd ragers who rage in Ops channel at their team mates to know what all that nerd rage did for them....diddly squat.

Edited by Wraiven
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you have to go to the extreme to hit my ignore, and it sounds like he got yelled at for not helping in a warzone, then put them all on ignore, and felt the need to release his frustrations on the forums... sorry but the guy needs to have a thicker skin. its an mmo, people rage, the more people you ignore, the more likely you are to be a detriment to your team.
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Name call all you like but he has a point.


That people should not bother calling for help because they said something negative once? Communication is a 2 way street. If you refuse to communicate by not listening to everyone on the team, even the a holes, you put your whole team at a disadvantage. You would help out the team more by not playing or by quitting teams where you see people that you don't like.

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That people should not bother calling for help because they said something negative once? Communication is a 2 way street. If you refuse to communicate by not listening to everyone on the team, even the a holes, you put your whole team at a disadvantage. You would help out the team more by not playing or by quitting teams where you see people that you don't like.


Being Negative once is fine, we all get upset but what he's saying is getting 'nasty with their own team mates'. He means those people that Single out someone, abuse them and are out right rude towards them, those people go on ignore.


Im the same way. No one should put up with these people in a PUG.

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Hahahaha that's what I do too but it really doesn't happen that often. I will NEVER forget:


I hop into vent one day and folks are saying, "yeah he's a douche, just put him on /ignore"...

So I catch the douche's name, we'll call him "Player X"

Later on that day I'm on Ilum in a group of like 5 people

"Player X" joins the group and says something lame like "just so you all know, I am Player X!"

My response:


Ah "Player X" I've heard of you! All my mates have you on /ignore lol


"Player X' has left the group.


Hahahahaha just desserts.

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Most of the time I try to help them out and tell them nicely what to do and how to do it. When they are last ones guarding a door/node and they run off chasing a guy trying to get a kill and that door/node gets taken and we loose because of I can't help but tell them how much of a ******* they are...maybe it will teach them? :rak_03:
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Being Negative once is fine, we all get upset but what he's saying is getting 'nasty with their own team mates'. He means those people that Single out someone, abuse them and are out right rude towards them, those people go on ignore.


Im the same way. No one should put up with these people in a PUG.


I do that all the time, if someone sucks they should be told so. Then instead of thinking they are at the bottom of every stat because other classes are overpowered they will realize its their own fault and get better.

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That's awesome. Not only do you get to ignore idiots you get to add to the odds of your team losing all in one stroke! What a master plan! Out of curiosity has the other team voted you MVP for their side yet?


Ignoring idiots is one thing. Contributing to your team losing is another, and you are managing to do both at the same time. Do you honestly expect a high maturity level in a MMO? chalk idiots up to being idiots, but don't screw over players that are being respectful because you have to ignore half the server.


BTW can i get your toons name so I can vote kick you from warzones? I don't need someone on my team that can't assist with objectives.

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Something else to remember is that you will never be grouped with people on your ignore list in the future. So if you have a ton of people on your ignore list, you've just made your queues that much longer.
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Pretty much same here. But let the thread die its needed death, or link it to those threads who complained that premades were ruining PVP. This is why you have to premade, to avoid this guy.


Totally agree. It creates a self-perpetuating problem, abusers abuse, get ignored, then abuse more because people don't respond. It also hurts your team, its fine in LFG where you don't get grouped with those people, but not in WZ. The best solution I've seen (other than just ignoring (not /ignore) them) is to friend them or remember their name and just drop group whenever they are there.

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