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Collectors Edition pain and bitterness


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How is anyone fooled? you know what you are getting when you buy it? it's not like they spring the price on you after you purchase and if you can't see why it costs 150 vs what a WoW CE costs then your perception skills are not the best.


If you think it's worth $150 then I would question your perception skills. I'm not saying anyone is fooled just that now we seem to accept $150 is the norm for a CE, to many people that's an obscene amount of money particularly for a game.

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It's funny seeing as to how on one end players are threatening to leave this game if BioWare would decide to open up microtransactions, even if just for appearal and fluff.


Yet others are expecting them to add a lot of items to a system which was obtained by throwing down some real life cash, and is no longer obtainable for those who lucked out on the CE or didn't even play yet back then? :p


In other words, due to the mindsetting many people are expressing BioWare is placed in a bit of a conflicting position on as to what they can add to this shop, essentially obtained in a limited quantity RMT fashion, without pissing the rest of their community off. Considering as to how easily people are ticked off, there's probably very little they can add.

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If you think it's worth $150 then I would question your perception skills. I'm not saying anyone is fooled just that now we seem to accept $150 is the norm for a CE, to many people that's an obscene amount of money particularly for a game.


If you don't think the TOR CE is worth the $150 why did you buy two of them? When you look at the total of everything that comes with the purchase and don't think it's worth it i'm just speechless to be honest.


The game - $50

Statue - $50 (and that's low balling, the cheapest thing on gentle giant is $80)

Authenticator - $5


Just those 3 things there account for 2/3's of the price or possibly more, and you still have all the other stuff.


Unique book


and all the digital items


This has been one of the best CE's I've seen in a while. The only one that I think is a better value was the Witcher 2 CE. That thing came with a bunch of stuff and was cheaper.


When you say "now WE seem to accept $150 as the norm" who is the WE? because you definitely don't speak for me. Yes other companies are trying to hop on the $100 plus CE price but I don't find what they offer as something I would pay that money for. prime example was the D3 CE. The crap they were giving away was not of value to me so i saw no need to pay for it so i bought the regular version.


this just goes back to value being subjective to the individual. what you find valuable is not the same that i find valuable. to each his own. we'll have to agree to disagree

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Umm no. WE didnt read the same description. I guess you didnt read my posts did you? Not going to waste my time finding the original post where what I read was linked to, and which was clearly different than the article 3 months later that he linked.

From what you linked:

Unique in-game vendor with a dynamic assortment of items available only to purchasers of the Collector's Edition.


You got what you paid for. Apparently, you thought you were going to get a LOT. 'dynamic assortment' doesn't exactly have a value tied to it, and is a very relative term.

Edited by monkgryphon
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And here's my source, dated Oct 21, 2011:





I listed the digital Deluxe items first, which is why on that sentence I put "You also got:" I know DDE didn't get the Mouse Droid, the Collector’s Edition Store or the Security Key Store


To be fair, his link was posted the day it went live, whereas your link was posted about 3 months later.


So I could see the confusion.

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I just want to post and say how disappointed and truely ripped off I feel for having spent $150 to buy the collectors edition. The main reason that I did it was for the exclusive collectors edition vendor which was supposed to have some sweet loot only available to those who have the CE. That vendor is horrible.. IT he like 5 things on it and not one of them is any good.


Really I mean the statue is cool I guess but what did we really get? It was a real waste of money and Im bitter about that. Just wanted to vent


Right on brother .... that vendor was the biggest disappointment and left me feeling completely ripped off


Edited by LogunOne
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To be fair, his link was posted the day it went live, whereas your link was posted about 3 months later.


So I could see the confusion.


I can't. This was what his link said:

Unique in-game vendor with a dynamic assortment of items available only to purchasers of the Collector's Edition.


No details. If a customer reads into it without doing further research, even if it takes time, then they have no one to blame but themselves if it doesn't meet their expectations. Whether he pre-ordered the day it went live, or waited like I did so more information came out, it's on him to do the legwork. I did. And once more details are out, then he could make the decision to accept it, or cancel the pre-order if his sole reason for buying the CE was that vendor.

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Guys come on lets be honest bioware didn't force you guys to buy there deluxe or collectors edition you guys knew what you were getting yes it kinda of disappointing on the vip store but hey you guys shouldn't be complaining especially the collectors edition people that got a statue with it.Also bioware said they are working on the vip stuff earlier but guys they got bigger issues to fix first like trying to fix the dead servers problems and etc other issues.
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I said buttons not pennies, but nice attempt at the quote.


I'm sorry, i'm used to buttons meaning pennies. care to explain what else it can mean (especially in regards to you quite obviously saying 'it costs them nothing at all' which is not true)

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Totally serious, especially as they are practically half the price of the ToR one. Even though I bought 2 of the ToR CE's (one for a friend), I consider them extremely overpriced for what you get. I can't believe we have been fooled into thinking $150 for a CE is the new norm.


a while back someone estimated the value of the statue and that alone would be ~60. so ... heh. (estimated, not fact value; I can see how that would be lower today - but nobody could know that back in December, definitely not a year ago)



it's a lot of money, yes, but that doesn't mean it's overpriced.

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When people start to realize the value of Gentle Giant products, they will realize they got a ton for nothing. The statue alone pretty much covers the price of the entire Collectors Edition.
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When people start to realize the value of Gentle Giant products, they will realize they got a ton for nothing. The statue alone pretty much covers the price of the entire Collectors Edition.


yeah that's what I personally feel like aswell. I can proudly say I mostly bought it so Malgus could protect my stereo - and to make a friend angry who loves Star Wars but hates computer games:D

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agree 100%. never again am i going to buy a collectors edition of a game.


and i bought it at a time where i trusted the makers, who said they would add more rewards for CE holders, but since the game hasnt really met their expectations theyve got bigger problems to try and fix..


Can get it for a fraction of the price now. wasted preorder.

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a while back someone estimated the value of the statue and that alone would be ~60. so ... heh. (estimated, not fact value; I can see how that would be lower today - but nobody could know that back in December, definitely not a year ago)



it's a lot of money, yes, but that doesn't mean it's overpriced.


The thing with the statue is, can you buy them without buying a ce ?. as such could they infact go up in price in the years to come if you actually look after them, the statue is as much an investment as putting that £60 in the bank, its probably safer putting that money in the statue too at this moment in time.

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I just think BW finally figured out that people would get pissed if they cannot get future in-game items because they didn't shell out the money for the CE.


It's one thing to get a special item at the launch of a game or expansion for purchasing the CE. It's another thing for only certin people to get in-game items months after the game has launched when everyone is now paying the same monthly fee for future game development.

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I just think BW finally figured out that people would get pissed if they cannot get future in-game items because they didn't shell out the money for the CE.


It's one thing to get a special item at the launch of a game or expansion for purchasing the CE. It's another thing for only certin people to get in-game items months after the game has launched when everyone is now paying the same monthly fee for future game development.


I doubt we will see much more and if we do stuff from the ce vendor will ultimatly filter down to something like the security key vendor minus the things like the stap and mouse droid etc when an expantion comes out and new ce stuff will be added to it with a new collectors edition.

Edited by Shingara
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I purchased the CE for exactly what it said, and it has not lived up to expectation. Bioware promised regular updates and cool looking things, I dont care about stats or uber better than end game items, but i do expect a lot of unique looks and items for me to use.


This has not been delivered, and with the amount of new look Armours that have been introduced, the items on the CE are woeful at best.


Personally i think any end game LOOK, including PVP sets should be available to CE holders. Thats what i paid extra for, a unique look not a better character. And it does not deliver this at all.


1 set of Armour and 1 companion look a month would be sufficient to keep myself happy, that means there should be 7 of each by now. Even if it was just variations of color on existing items i would be happy.


I appreciate that the developers have better things to do than worry about this vendor atm, but seriously, how hard is it to say " ok lets put the Trooper War hero set on there in yellow, no stats, and make it available for pve"....done ???

Edited by Nippon
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I purchased the CE for exactly what it said, and it has not lived up to expectation. Bioware promised regular updates and cool looking things, I dont care about stats or uber better than end game items, but i do expect a lot of unique looks and items for me to use.


This has not been delivered, and with the amount of new look Armours that have been introduced, the items on the CE are woeful at best.


Personally i think any end game LOOK, including PVP sets should be available to CE holders. Thats what i paid extra for, a unique look not a better character. And it does not deliver this at all.


1 set of Armour and 1 companion look a month would be sufficient to keep myself happy, that means there should be 7 of each by now. Even if it was just variations of color on existing items i would be happy.


I appreciate that the developers have better things to do than worry about this vendor atm, but seriously, how hard is it to say " ok lets put the Trooper War hero set on there in yellow, no stats, and make it available for pve"....done ???


So you expect to receive, through the Collector's Edition, many times more what the rest of the playerbase is receiving? And you do not find this expectation illogical?

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Yeah... I share you bitterness, I didn't buy the CE but I bought the DDE and I regret it, everything on it is pretty much worthless and some of the things were falsely advertised, for example:


Training Droid (Virtual Pet)

A small but advanced training droid to hover at your side for combat assistance.


It's not a pet, it doesnt hover at your side and it doesnt provide combat assisstance.


The flare gun is just an annoyance, you need to take an item slot in your inventory in order use this emote. The holodancer is neat but it only lasts around 10 seconds. The only thing I find of value is the STAP which is a free speeder for any of your chars and it actually looks nicer than any other lvl 1 speeder, too bad you have no use for it at 50.


Oh en the holocam is just a joke, I was expecting it to create a frame or something, naw, it's just a print screen.

Edited by ChazDoit
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The thing with the statue is, can you buy them without buying a ce ?. as such could they infact go up in price in the years to come if you actually look after them, the statue is as much an investment as putting that £60 in the bank, its probably safer putting that money in the statue too at this moment in time.


No you can not buy it outside of the CE unless you go secondary market such as EBay. (EBay is not the best place to see the true value of it either as people tend to under price just to start to get bids. They also tend nmot to know true values at all.) Yes they will go up in value like all Gentle Giant pieces. They were all limited in the amount that were made. They also are very much an investment like you said.

Edited by Rehneu
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I agree with the OP. This was the first CE I've ever gotten. I was a huge Bioware fan and am still a huge SW fan. Looking back I will never buy a CE again. I was looking forward to uniquie character looks and really the CE store does not deliver. The offerings there are slim and well tired by now. I wish it was updated with some new stuff atleast once a month. That was seriously why I got the CE. Everything else is just sitting in a box in the closet. I am left with a bad taste in my mouth after looking back at what I paid and what I actually use. Here's to hoping for an update on some of the CE store gear options.
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I'm sorry, i'm used to buttons meaning pennies. care to explain what else it can mean (especially in regards to you quite obviously saying 'it costs them nothing at all' which is not true)


I never said it costs them nothing either, but making a plastic mould isn't exactly expensive. Go learn to quote properly and stop putting your bewildered inferences into peoples mouths.

Edited by DiabloDoom
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Yeah. Back to the 2 Class System. Normal User get Brown Jedi Robe, an Sith a Black one. Only Ce User get Pink Robes. ^^


My english is no good for a german people... i know. Shame on me.

Edited by Terohan
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I think the thread was started in the wrong manner, while i don't agree with the tone of the original poster to this thread i understand in part to what he's trying to say.


It was told to us that the Collectors Edition Store would be regularly Updated with new things on it, not for anything that would be overpowered or unbalanced but simple vanity things like appearance things, different colour crystals pets, companion skins etc.


The only thing that has been added to that store since launch is a TaunTaun Pet which looks very similiar to the 1.2 Legacy TaunTaun that everyone got, it's almost as if they thought ok let's give the collectors edition guys a slightly different looking pet to the one everyone else is having.


This leads me to believe they don't care about that store now and i doubt we will see any updates to it in the future.


I'm happy with my Collectors Edition purchase but it pains me i pre-ordered it and paid £130 for it and still today in the UK at least you can still buy the Collectors Edition box for as little as £60-70, doesn't feel very collectable if basicly everyone can still buy the thing 6-7 months after the game has launched.


I would say the majority of people who paid for the Collectors Edition are still paying SWTOR, are loyal customers and still have faith in the game and Bioware, so why they don't give the Collectors Edition some love is a great shame, since we are probably the core of this game.


We want you to continue improving the game , making it better and providing new content, but don't forget about us Bioware, cheers :)

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